All Bugs

Ghost issue : Falling through planets/blocks

Need More Information Upside D. Comments: 227 Reply 2 months ago by DIO_SVK
679 votes

Server not responding - Many unable to join Servers

Need More Information Kuroshi Comments: 96 Reply 6 months ago by Jim B.
300 votes

Voxels Respawning During mining

Solved Sven R. Comments: 36 Reply 22 months ago by DIO_SVK
286 votes

Ship rubber bands back to ground/connector

Need More Information Matthew S. Comments: 210 Reply 3 years ago by Frigidman
232 votes

Custom Contracts API broken behavior

Reported Patrick H. Comments: 16 Reply 14 months ago by Patrick H.
218 votes

[1.189] Server connection/loading bugged

Solved Kirill G. Comments: 10 Reply 4 years ago by Tim H.
164 votes

MyLaserAntenna's faulty LosTest()

Solved Shane S. Comments: 29 Reply 14 months ago by Zer0limit
161 votes
155 votes
147 votes
134 votes

Block Groups disappearing when someone disconnects

Solved Jaakko M. Comments: 49 Reply 5 years ago by Euan W.
106 votes

SimDrop while using drills

Need More Information Karol P. Comments: 26 Reply 23 months ago by Tommy_UK
89 votes

[1.196] Turrets on DS not targetting automatically

Reported John W. Comments: 52 Reply 12 months ago by A A.
88 votes

Slippery Door Subparts 1.189.0

Solved Victor Z. Comments: 16 Reply 4 years ago by Taige A.
88 votes

Laser Antenna Connection issues

Reported Crazy M. Comments: 64 Reply 2 years ago by Rhemmy
72 votes

Daisy Chaining Hinges Makes First Hinge REALLY Weak.

Reported OMG-Vert Comments: 31 Reply 4 months ago by LadyHawk
68 votes
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