Ship rubber bands back to ground/connector

Matthew S (AViegarien) shared this bug 6 years ago
Need More Information

I built a fairly simple mining atmospheric small ship, Once I got it operational I attached it to my station via connector to charge the batteries. When I disconnected the ship and attempted to fly away the small ship rubber banded back to the connector. I attempted everything I could think of, the only thing that freed me from that spot was to grind down all the connectors, but now the ship is stuck to the planet surface, just like with the connector it would just rebound back to the same spot.

This is occurring on the Keen US #8 server, Here's a small video of what's going on.

Update: I did finally get it to move by reconnecting after the connectors were gone

Update 2: I replaced the connector and as I was flying it just decided to do it again to the nearest voxel (damaging some of it, but all the important bits are ok).

Replies (128)


Hello Matthew,

thank you for your feedback. Our team will take a look at it.


Maybe this could be Interesting too! -->Video<--


I've noticed this issue 3 or 4 times since the update was released. I've seen other players struggling with it as well. It's pretty frustrating.


What I seem to have noticed is that this happens when you turn off the thrusters while connected. On my personal DS I had the same problem again, when I restarted the server it was back to normal. Ever since then I don't turn the thrusters off when docking, I just turn dampners off, the bug hasn't happened to that ship yet using this parking method.


Hello, I have not been able to reproduce this. Has this happened to you after the hotfix landed on live servers?

Can you reproduce it now? Do you have any mods installed and if yes, does it happen to you without them?

Thank you for your cooperation :)


tento bug je tam stale ,hrame na dedikovan servery , predtym sme hraly na kamaratovi ktory hostoval a lode sa strasne bugovli a glitchovali stretli sme sa s bugom ze pri odpojeni zo spojky sa nezapli trustery


I did just have it happen. A small grid atmo mining ship. Connected to a static grid via a connector then turned off the thrusters to conserve power. When I returned to the ship powered on the thrusters unlocked the connector. It's a bit different than the video, it is stuck to the top of the static grid instead of the connector itself. But no matter how hard I try the ship snaps back to the same place on the grid.

As I was writing this it went back to normal on it's own. I have no idea what's going on :P


Same problem here - 2 different cases on the same dedicated server

1st was just as the OP described. mining ship on the planet would not disconnect from its connector until I ground off BOTH connectors. Its been fine ever since.

2nd was in space (yesterday July 25). but This time I was returning from mining and the connectors would not turn yellow. When I exit my ship to take a closer look, the ship 'jumps' forward and there is 2 blocks of space between the connectors. When I re-enter the ship, it 'jumps' back to show the connectors face to face. Grinding off and rebuilding both connectors did not help.

I tried building merge blocks on my ship and on my station, but I had the same "Jump forward 2 blocks" problem. Eventually I used a 2nd ship to gently push my mining ship into the merge block and it merged with my station.


I had rubber banding on a ship I built as well, it kept being dragged back and I could not fly. After grinding off the landing gear all was fine, but after welding new gear and landing, it later happened again.

I have removed the vanilla landing gear and am now using rectractable landing gear mod without rubber banding issue.



We still weren't able to reproduce the issue. Any additional information would be very much appreciated. Does anyone has a world where it keeps happen and would be willing to share it?

Thank you for all replies so far, we will keep looking at the issue.


I can reproduce this on the Keen NA #1 server (alien planet). If someone from Keen wants to hop in with me, I can show the issue.

I'm available on Discord in the Keen server.


im still playing on the same server and the problem hasnt happened in the past 2 weeks of play. It sounds like something else fixed it.


Other workarounds include cutting/repasting the grid if you're an admin, or having another player take control of the grid. It's a desync issue because you can fly off the connector to the end of your rope, and lock your landing gear and the ship will jump back to the connector locked to platform.


got this issue on de6 after removing my atmos thrusters and built ions, when trying to fly after it just drags the ship towards connector even when connectors, landing gears was off, after large ions ws mounted i was able to fly away at the speed of 3m/s but not able to stop the ship. just drifted with everything on. just deleted ship and rebuilt a new one


I had this 2 days ago on Keen NA1 server.

I was on the server for 2 weeks, finally built a miner and used a connecter, as soon as I locked it for the first time, it completely broke and never worked again properly.


I had this bug regularly forever ago... first time I've seen it crop up in a long time though. I was on a DS the night before last and after building the small grid (a welder ship) by hand and connecting it to a connector to transfer components, I was unable to pull away from the connector even though I made it out of the suction range, after that... the grid was completely tethered to its spot until the server restarted. Since it's the first time I've seen this bug in a long time I have no reliable way to reproduce it.


i am having this problem on a server to an it seem to do it when i build a reactor or connect to a connector


To reproduce it, build a ship from a BP projection that has batteries on recharge. Upon completion. Do not grind it free. Get into the cockpit and set up some groups and drag some in the hot bar. Now get out and grind the ship free. Insta stuck.

To prevent it, grind the connection as soon as building complete without getting in the cockpit or touching any control panels. Although this bug isn't exactly with connector the behaviours is exactly the same as the video.

To get the ship stuck to the connector after construction, have the connector of the BP line up with station connector, upon grinding, you will be stuck.

I have had this happened at least 4 times, twice the admin took my ship and flew it outside streaming range and fixed it. The other times I waited for server restarts.


Hello All, KSH

this the same issue as following threads:

I've had this issue a few times as well.

Some troubleshooting of my own:

- I tried griding and rewelding the connectors, this didnt work. I powered down the ship and started back up, this didnt work either. I did notice even though the ship was powered down, the blue glow was still coming out of the exhausts of the ion thrusters. I figured the ion thrusters were bugged. The ship also had Hydrogen thrusters, so after putting in some ice, i was able to move the ship with the hydrogen engines regardless of the ion thrusters being turned on or off. After grinding off all ion thrusters and welding new ones, the ship was moving again with ion thrusters.

As I wrote above, the ion thrusters were glowing despite everything being powered down, so my guess is that there is a desync between client/server regarding the status of the ion thrusters. The client thinks the ship can move with the ion thrusters, the server corrects your location since on the server side, the thrusters arent doing anything. The server syncs your client with how you are on the server, causing the rubber banding. (just like it does with high ping).

- Can other players also add hydrogen thrusters to their ship should they run into this issue and confirm my findings above?

- @ Keen: is it possible that this rubber banding of the ship is a result of more than one bug? Since it syncs the client back with what the server has calculated. And if so, do you have a fix for this or a dev tool that can identify what exactly is causing the client / server mismatch in information?



This is usually because (in my experience on the NA servers) the SERVER does not recognize what the client is doing. Try cycling your engines, and messing with MAIN cockpit settings. This usually resolves the issue. I noticed this when I asked a faction member if my engines appeared on and indeed they were not, even though on my screen they were.


We tried to help a player on AU3 that was experiencing this. He asked for help on chat.

-The bugged ship was a small ship. We were on the earth-like planet.

-It had enough power and enough atmo thrusters on all sides

-we tried everything ie. Cycling ship's power, turning the bugged connector on and off AND grinding the connector and rebuilding it. The small ship was still attracted to the connector on his base (we tried turning that on/off/grinding that down as well).

-I even used the miner we brought to his base to lift his little small ship off the ground via landing gear over 100 meters and I could still feel the pull of the connector on his little ship. I tried flying up, down side to side.

-When I went about 10 meters from the ground and unlocked the landing gear, the bugged ship was pulled toward the station connector.

-We ended up shooting it with gatlings for we determined it was cursed. (owner agreed and shot at it too)

-My friend gave him the miner we brought as a gift.


try shutting off the base connector instead of the rubber banding ship's. That's fixed it for me before.


Hi guys,

Still no luck in finding reliable steps to reproduce this issue. Any additional information would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I have had this bug, and in my experience it seems that:

If you press P by default to unlock, say, a connector, while your landing gears can lock onto something, the landing gears will lock on, yet not display that they are connected, and the ship will fly out a bit when force is applied, but will rubberband back to the connector once force is no longer applied.

It seems that this bug has a small chance of occuring, but considering how may times players dock or undock ships, it is happening very often overall.


After latest multiplayer update I never got stuck again with landing gear or connectors..


I have this bug then try to dig on asteroid. Ship stick to it. But not in all servers.


Should be fixed in version 188. Please let us know.


Hello, Unfortunately this is happening to me now on the official Keen multiplayer server so I do not believe it is solved.

I'm waiting out the 15 minute log off timer to see if it has an affect at all -

I'll post results once I log back in.


We too could not get our large grid disconnected from the connector, but turning it off did the trick, so we added an on/off button to the hotbar.


Definitely still happens in latest update, I uploaded a video so you could see etc.

Version 1.188.024 Space Engineers

(My record video key appears to be the admin menu key bind so just ignore the red text!)

This is on Keen AU 2 etc.


Try switching it off, the ring will turn red.


Had this happen again on my local DS. Small ship with a connector docked to my base (on Mars)

Turning off the connectors had no effect. Grinding off the connector on my base had no effect. I had to grind off BOTH connectors in order to free my ship.

This happened after a server restart. before the restart my ship was docked to the connector charging its batteries. I built the ship from a BP during my previous session. ex:

1) start server

2) build small ship projector

3) load BP into projector and weld it completely

4) dock ship to connector to charge batteries

5) "use" the ship a little - fly around, shoot stuff, haul cargo, etc.

6) dock ship to connector.

7) log out of server, restart server.

8) log back in. try to undock ship - Fail


Not solved, just had this issue happen again.


Hello, we fixed many cases of this bug and simillar bugs in the Minor 188.1. If you think that any rubber-banding bug like this is happening to you or anyone anyway, then please create a new ticket with relevant information (steps to reproduce, version of your game, save file, log or blueprint, pictures, videos) and transfer your votes there. I am asking you to do this because this ticket is bloated already with comments and adding addtitional cases onto it complicates our work and creates tickets that live endlessly.

I hope you understand and thank you for your cooperation. :)



I do have a good stable repro on a private server. It's online now if you want to have a look at it, or I can send you the world. Let me know where to send the files.

I've recorded the bug happening here:

At the start, the connecter is locked (green). Then I press 6 to unlock. Connectors become light blue. I go up & the is quickly pulled away. I try to go back up. Connector is back to yellow at that point, but even with all the thrust, I cannot escade. If I really try heard & start wiggling (at therisk of breaking stuff around), I am sometime able to get far enough, but then my ship become a tad uneresponsive, and float slowly at around 1m/s.

The only way to bring it back, is to use another ship, land on it & drag it back this way.


BTW, I tried the following:

- Powering up & off the ship, the station, boths.

- I've tried grinding the station connecter / ship connector / both.

- I've tried removing landing gears.


Currently experiencing the same issue on multiple ships. I did notice that after my friend disconnected for the night I could then pilot the ship that was previously stuck to the ground near the connector. Rubberbanding / connector lock issues rampant on the server for some people, not sure why. Doesn't seem to happen to my ships and I'm not sure what I am doing different from everyone else.

Definitely an on going inconvenience


In my post, which they asked be created if someone experienced this issue again, I discovered that it had to do with ownership of the parts of the connecting ship. Setting the owner to the one piloting resolved it for us.


I'm seeing this issue on a fairly regular basis on a multiplayer server. It's REALLY REALLY frustrating. :(


Happens here also. Multiplayer, DedServer.

Why is this flagged as "solved" ? It clearly is not !


Just had the same problem, multiple time in a multiplayer session. I could sometimes escape by turning the connector off while connected.


Also running into this on our dedicated server. I think the dedicated server needs some love from the devs. The single player experience is pretty good, but there are so many more bugs related to multiplayer.

1 seems to happing a lot now even after I seemed to fix it the ship went back to the ground at the end of the vid. only thing I did to make it happen I can think of is I built a little of the ship when it was docked


Have you tried changing the ownership setting on the ship? Set it to someone else then back to you.


I am also experiencing this issue. IT happened to me twice once to a ship a friend made and once to a ship I made. This issue does not appear to be solved.


I am new to the game and encountered that issue as well with my very first ship today, which is really frustrating.

This is happening on a dedicated server, set up by a friend. I was able to escape two or three times after several tries of getting in and out of the ship, turning connectors on/off and switching lock-state, but as soon as you reconnect to the base-connector after a mining run, the ship will be bug-locked again. Also attempts to burst out immediately after unlocking, then leave the ship mid-air, resulted in the ship teleporting back to the former locked position. This is still true with both connectors removed.

I can't confirm this issue as solved.


I agree with previous commenters; this issue is not solved (or there is another issue with a similar effect but different root cause).


We still have this issue too on our server as of today.


If you voted on this bug already, vote on the new listing here:


This issue is not solved, the same thing is still happening


Definitely still happening on my dedicated server. Its a super inconsistent bug, and a server restart usually fixes it.


Bug Returns


Hello, Engineers!

Thank you for your feedback. To reproduce this issue we need exact steps to reproduce in an unmodded world. Could you please provide us with a save with a video and steps to reproduce?

We will appreciate any additional information since this issue is very difficult to reproduce.

Thank you for your patience!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I just encountered this glitch myself, but it's on a lightly modded save file. I'll make a duplicate save, remove the couple mods (just a couple of added blocks, like stack-able windmills and a stronger ore detector), and see if I can't put together a video.

Seems like a lot of people are mentioning this is happening on their servers. So is mine. Does that seem to be the only situation where it happens?


Link to save folder. It does have 4 mods on it that add a block or two each. Nothing involving connectors or physics. I can try to make a clean version later if I need to, but I need to head to work in a few minutes so no time to open it up right now.

Two videos highlighting the glitch. It can occur between a ship connector and a station connector and a ship connector and other station block. Unknown if it can be between two ships or a connector and voxel, but the rubber-banding point is definitely on the ship connector. It also only seems to happen when the save is on a dedicated server. I haven't replicated it on a local save yet, but I'll try to do more testing later. It only seems to happen with a vertically oriented connector, as my ships with a horizontal connector don't seem to have a problem. I also suspect, but am unsure of, that powering on/off or setting batteries to recharge may have something to do with it. Grinding blocks off may or may not fix the problem at random.


Hello, David,

Thank you for your information and the save. We were only partly successful in reproducing the rubber-banding issue. The small ship's connector was sometimes rubber-banding to the station's connector when it was in "Ready to lock" state. However the ship eventually managed to detach from the station's connector and it wasn't necessary to grind the connector down.

Also we had not luck to reproduce the rubber-banding between ship's connector and blocks in the construction stages as we can see in your video.

Do you have any additional information that could help us?

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


This issue tends to happen for me after we have been playing and working on our base for a while in one session. Starting up the game fresh almost never produces it immediately.


I've been playing around with that bug for a bit, it's happening somewhat regularly on my own dedicated server now that there's a lot of stuff that's been built.

Here's what i've noticed, in hope something will be usefull in there.

First, if i'm alone connected in a single area, with selective physics update enabled, it doesn't seem to happen.

If i go to admin mode, cycle through all the active grids on the server to check what's going on and do maintenance, then it'll likely trigger it in the next short while. It never happened until the server had a fair amount of activity and plenty of grids built all over the place.

Once it started happening, i've noticed that no matter the distance, no matter how fast the grid is moving, it'll resync precisely to the same position/orientation it was in before unlocking and moving away.

Restarting the dedicated server alone doesn't fix the issue, it comes back as soon as the client reconnects to the host.

Leaving the game, and getting the 'unloading world' message, does clear the error, and connectors will work just fine again after rejoining.

The bug also only happens on a single client, not for everyone on the server at once.

Also, the dedicated server is a local machine running nothing else on my (wired) LAN, and 2 of us playing are in the same house, so it's not a network issue.


I think the best I can do is say that I've confirmed that it only seems to happen with the downward facing connector. I redesigned the ship to have the connector facing back rather than down and the glitch stopped entirely.


I also encountered the bug with a connector facing back. Solved it with locking the connectors again and then unlock them. However I were not able to reproduce that bug. It just seems to appear randomly from time to time... :/


Currently happening to me on an unofficial vanilla server. Setup is a base on a planet with a utility ship connected to it. Some thrusters broke so I replaced them via projector blueprint. Then I noticed that the new thrusters don't produce any thrust, so I reconnected and that fixed it, but then I noticed connector rubber-banding for the first time after a day or so playing. Reconnecting again fixed it, but the next time used the connector it got stuck again and reconnecting to the server now doesn't help any more.

Next I tried was pushing P while rubberbanding and lost connection to the server.


I have exactly the same issue described in the original post with a very similar base/ship design. I'm on a private multiplayer server with no mods in experimental mode (scripts enabled). Have tried removing and resetting ownership of both the ship and the station, grinding and rebuilding both connectors, and all manner of disabling blocks, toggling the lock state, etc. The only fix is a server restart which is extremely inconvenient for my friends playing with me. This bug seems to occur once every couple of play sessions and is extremely frustrating (doubly so since it requires a server restart to fix).


Hello Everybody,

Got same issue here. On modded server. Connected small grid ship to base connector (large grid). Turned off the thrusters (atmospheric). Then removed two big atmospheric thrusters and built two new ones. After disconnected, ship slipped to the ground and got stuck (landing gears autolocked). After unlocking gears and moving few meters away, ship teleported back to spot, where it was. Grinding both connectors had no effect. Waiting now for server restart.


Same issue here. I'm not sure how to reproduce it as it seems pretty random. It's rare though but extremely annoying. Save / Exit /Reload work but not practical and not possible when playing MP.

Stopping both connectors and even grinding them do not resolve the situation.


Still happening. Anyone got a fix for it?


Me and my friends are currently stuck with this. Have lost 4 ships to it. This bug has been repeatingly reported over about 1 year now and it still is in game. Do the Devs even care anymore since "full release"?


I quit the game and had to stop recommending it because of issues like this. Doesnt seem like there's any concern over bug fixing anymore 🤷‍♂


who knows. Not hearing about the pressurization bug any more either that still is ingame since early 2019.

Rather releasing a new DLC every few weeks to keep people busy :)

Keep pushing this post here so KSH knows about the issue. You have my vote


still happens in 1.194.048


Still happening no multiple dedi servers, no mods, multiple players and several internet connections, un-play-able.


Having the same issue. Ship currently rubberbanding on connector. Admin restarted server, ship worked fine, connected back to the connector with newly spawned blueprinted ship. Did some changes while connected. Was able to lift off, mined some ore, flying back to base my ship completely bugged mid air, all power was lost and ship was nearly destroyed. Note: upon take off it wasn't the battery. I was 17 day energy span.


Having the same issue. On my client the ship is moving up after I detach from the connector, however others on the server don't see the ship move. The session is pretty laggy. It almost feels like the command to detach isn't being replicated on the server, or is being dropped (I've noticed a few other key presses being dropped). That would explain why the server is correcting the position back to the connector, because it thinks the ship is still attached...?


Now I've just lost another ship to the lag launching it into the ground. The game is basically unplayable in multiplayer.


I, and many others, feel your pain but unfortunately the doctor is not in.


After a long time we started playing SE again. We also get the rubber banding effect and have somewhat found the issue. Like Chandler Tanner mentioned above it seems to be the "main cockpit" setting that might cause this issue. Turning main cockpit off for all connected ships usually fixes the issue.

Some additional notes: As my friend and I play on our own dedicated server we could analyse the issue from two perspectives as we're talking over TS. When the rubber banding happens the ship only appears to move on your client. On the server (and all other clients) the ship isn't moving at all. So for sure there are some client / server sync issues to begin with.

Yesterday we had a really strange issue. After unlocking the connector of a ship that was docked to our space base (station on an asteroid, unsupported stations enabled) the ship was rubber banding. After several docking / undocking (just with the "P" key) and toggling inertia dampers on / off the ship suddenly drifted away at 1.5 m/s without the dampers. When I enabled the dampers the drift went down to 0.5 m/s but it was still drifting away. Accelerating in any direction just got the ship to about 2.5m/s but not beyond. Nothing could stop it drifting away. After a 15 minute logout from the server I rejoined just to find out the ship has stopped moving but drifted about 2.5km away. The rubber banding was still there, just somewhere in empty space.

Now comes the fun part: Flying back to the base (as astronaut without the ship) and disabling the main cockpit setting of another docked ship fixed the issue for the ship that was drifted away 2.5km and rubber banding. That ship with the main cockpit setting was the only ship with that setting. It had two cockpits. We had about 6 ships docked via connectors at the time the rubber banding started. So it seems like the "main cockpit lock" does not get properly cleared on the server when the ship is undocked so the local cockpit can't control it.

Apart from all those issues I also love this game and playing it from the early stages of early access. However as a game dev and programmer myself I just can't understand how certain bugs that existed years ago are still there. There are so many sync issues. Like when any player enters a cockpit somehere the GUI / HUD of all players are affected. Specifically if you're currently grinding or welding the components listing disappears. Only switching the tool fixes that issue. Events that should only affect one player seem to leak out to all players. That looks like a major design flaw in the network syncing. There are many other smaller issues. Most are just a little annoying and often have simple workarounds. Nevertheless those really should be fixed otherwise while the game looks AAA if behaves more like a one week prototype ^^.

All that aside I just want to say that SE is a really amazing game in all it's facets.


I too am having this problem. You've explained it so well, there is nothing more to say. For us, checking or unchecking main cockpit doesn't seem to fix it. Happened twice yesterday.

Please let me play the game Lord Clang!


When we get rubber banding in flight, we switch pilots and that seems to solve the issue. Will have to try that on the ground.


Having the same issue regually here and can provide a save if you still need more data.

I am running a game localy on my machine and my friend is joining over steam. fairly often when he atempts to undock a ship from the base and fly away he keeps bing pulled abck to the connector, On my end he doesent move away from the connector and the ship doesent move. (as well as connecors this also occurs with langing gear). Have tried toggling various options on cockpits, disabling/removing connectors and none allow the ship to move, The only workaround I have found is If i get into a ship I can move the ship away from the connector and he can then fly the ship away, this is fairly reliable. Restarting the server also sometimes allows ships to start working.

I have also encounted the issue however less regually, When I encounter the issue I dont get any rubber banding the ship just doesen't respond to commands mousemovements/wasd commands.


This is one of the topics that I am still writing about, precisely to know how to be developing the NETCODE of this game.

Perhaps the only way for keen to reproduce this problem, is to simulate a bad connection, which loses packets between client and server. It is from there, to know what to do to make the code more tolerant of connection failures.


This seems to happen even when connecting to a server on the same network via LAN. It happens even with a perfect connection.


Yeah, this was happening when I was playing ON the server. Net code shouldn't have even left the machine.


This does not have anything to do with internet connection.


This appears to be happening to me with another player on a network via LAN as well. Heavily modified files. Downward facing connector. Once we land the ship and get out, we (The avatars) and the ship rubberband back to the connector


@Boromir that doesn't really matter. Clientside and serverside are two seperate worlds. The issue is a synchronisation issue between the two. So the client "thinks" the ship has been unconnected while it's actually still connected on the server. That means trying to accelerate while connected means the server won't move the ship at all. However the client, which performs prediction locally, will start moving the ship locally to get faster feedback. Though the server will correct the position based on "his" simulation in regular intervals. The client will "correct" the position of the predicted ship(s) "smoothly" over time to avoid sudden jumps.

So the client thinks he can fly away while the server just keeps the ship fixed in place. After all it's an authoritative server setup, so what the server sees / decides is what actually happens, not what you might see on the client.

So they just failed to communicate the connected state change between server and client(s) in certain cases. This is most the time related to the main cockpit setting ot any connected ship. So just avoid having "main cockpit" set at all.


If it occurs even in a physically perfect connection, it only further reinforces the blame for the net code.


I get this issue exclusively on Multiplayer, when using the hotbar, "P" or terminal to disconnect. Using scripts to disconnect works perfectly fine. Its like the client thinks its disconnected, but the server has other ideas.


Same issue on a dedicated server, playing on LAN. Ship rubber bands back to base after a few minutes of flying away. I notice it when I toggle the Dampeners, *poof* back to base.


It's been happening a lot more lately mmm the server I play on, mainly because we are all docking on connectors to a starion at the same time. Seems that's when it's been happening the most. We are all in the same faction.


As a temporary solution, have you tried decreasing the "Strength" on the Connectors to see if this helps?


Tried decreasing strength, toggled off, removed connector, and the ship won't budge when it happens. All other aspects verified: weight is OK, stockpiling is off for hydro thrusters, each landing gear is unlocked. Restart server, and magically the ship can lift off again.


This is common problem.

Solution: Unlock the connector and then turn off the connector. Then you can fly away and turn the connector back on after a few 100m. Problem usually goes away when the server restarts.


does help sometimes. Sometimes not.


Has never worked for my group, restart is the only solution that has worked for us.


I had the same issue last night on our dedicated server with two different ships.

- Ship jumped back to the connector the moment you enabled dampeners. Noone else sees the ship moving though.

- powering/depowering connector on ship did not fix it

- We 'fixed' it when someone else got in my ship's cockpit and then moved around a bit. Both cases this resolved the issue without restarting the server.


Go into the cockpit, leave it immediately then reenter it and unlock the connector. This has worked for me, it may take a couple of tries sometimes. Im superstitious and never press "P", it seems to make things worse. Instead I have the connectors and landing gears on switch lock in the hotbar


unfortunately that has not worked, pretty much all the mentioned solutions/workarounds don't work or consistently work, what does work is a server restart which is not a fix.

This includes server with cscripts or experimental mode on and off, ive tested this on multiple VMs and physical machines hosted for me and within my lan or directrly from my own machine and whats consistent there are the issues, its quite frustrating.

Maybe its time for someone more Keen to jump in and assist?


A workaround I found in my last session when my ship wouldnt move was to undock then fly away from the ship (about 3k or so seemed to do it) then it was flyable on my return. I assume this caused the ship to be unloaded and then reloaded by the game. might work for other people as well.


This works! Much better than restarting the server, thanks.

It should still be fixed, it's been existing for a very long time.


It seems like a problem that the grid is barely loading. But this is not the same problem reported in the topic. For this problem there is already a "! Fixship" command, which from a torch plug-in of the same name. Basically reloads the grid you are looking at when executing this command in the chat.


I'm having this issue and I'm not even connected to anything - I'm literally sitting on bare ground and can't take off. Only fix is to restart my (unmodded) server.

How is this not fixed after two years?


Were there landing gear? Was it like in the video (

I have reported this ancient bug ( Now it has the status "solved". Does this bug still exist?


Money, that's why.


I have been having this issue since i got the game and i still am... it's the biggest problem i have with the game at the moment.

When i try to disconnect from the connector port my ship gets stuck and rubber bands back to its poison on the port and i can not get the ship to disconnect, In other cases i have disconnected from the port or at least i thought i did only to fine i wasted 20 minutes of my time travailing to a destination then exit the cockpit and within a split second fined my self back in my base as if i had never left and i fined myself now always disconnecting from the port and then jumping out of the ship just to check i have disconnected from the port something i should not have to do you would think, i am now always adding buttons so i can toggle the connector block off on the static grid in case i need to turn the power off to disconnect it, it's becoming a pain to keep doing this.

From what i can tell i think it is the static grid causing the issue for me, in a test i did i turned the connector port off on my ship but i found i was still stuck on the connector port but when i turned the static grid connector port off i was able to get off the connector port, i am going to do more testing with that.

i have a video of the issue, Video here


Thanks for raising that issue to the dev's.

I'm also having this issue with my dedicated server & client version 1.196.016


I also am having this issue. Even had it happen to my player where i couldnt run and if i jet packed it would yank me back to where i was like on a rubber band. It isnt a snap back it pulls you and when you get closer to where you started the pull slows down.


I have this issue when playing on my friends PC literally every single time I undock a ship. Sometimes even when not docked and I just unlock the landing gears.

Sometimes it behaves like the connector is pulling my ship towards it, no matter the range of my ship. Sometimes I can fly around, but after a certain amount of time I am spontaneously reset back to the position I was in when I undocked.

From the perspective of my friend the ship never undocks and therefore stays in place the whole time, even when I am flying around.

I found two ways to circumvent this: either I relog every single time I want to undock a ship, or my friend has to undock the ship for me, after which I can normaly fly around until I dock it up again.

On once occasion I couldn't even move my character anymore, not sure if that is related though.


I found if i put a toggle on the hotbar to turn off the connector after i disconnect, the issue stops happening.


I tried that any many other things, but nothing but relogging or the host player undocking helps.

My assumption is that the server erroneously assumes that other players but the one building the station is not allowed to undock. Therefore when I undock the game desyncs, on the client I am able to fly around, but on the server I am still docked.

We also had the situation once that the player was no longer able to dock, because on the client he was docked, but on the server he was not.

This exclusively happens when we dock at the host player's station, not anywhere else so far.


Still happening constantly - 2020/11/11 - Version 1.196.018 - Game is becoming unplayable.


Unplayable is definitely the right word. We stopped playing multiplayer yesterday until this is patched because everyone but the host is unable to undock or use any ship.

@Keen: pls fix asap!


Dude, this has been happening since the game was born. Keen has done nothing to address this, despite the evidence here in this thread and others like it. Keen has not even acknowledged the bug at all. I, like you, left because of this bug and many others just piling on top of each other, compounding, until....unplayable.

Very unfortunate because I love space engineers, I want to love space engineers. I sort of do?

All 6 of us stopped playing because of "bugs". But this one, especially killed the vibe.



feel you mate. Same to us here. I'll close this account as well for this forum has become a "well, it works for us, so we close your bug report" - place.


This bug has been in the game for a while, but with the latest optimizations it has become so frequent that coop with Steam friends is basically dead, because only the host can undock ships. It has evolved from an occasional problem to a game-breaking bug.


In my opinion this issue is still happening on multiplayer and very often. It hapened before, it still occuring now, is sad to still having this issue after many updates.

Very easy to reproduce when there is a bit of rubber-banding.

When the issue occurs, the girds can be easily fixed by this command: !fixship

Stops the grid, cuts and pastes is back.

From this mod:

If it is difficult to fix it for good, can I at least ask for a vanilla support of a command similar to !fixship ?


A simple quick fix would be to include that command into Space Engineers. Then you have the time to search for a real solution to fix it and we can all still play in peace.


we are running vanilla and are still getting this. can confirm this is vanilla bug


Bug occurring constantly between me and 2 friends. Vanilla survival server. Running off my machine while playing. VERY VERY annoying, every time they want to fly away, I have to hop into their cockpits and disconnect their ship and fly it vertical so they can take off.

Otherwise they just rubberband back to being stuck on the connector even after being several hundred meters away.


still an issue, no surprise there. Please fix Keen


I am unsubscribing from this and other topics so that I no longer pollute my mailbox.

Good luck to those who still have the energy for it.


Same here. I stopped playing years ago. But I was hoping this issue would at some point be resolved. I guess network code is too difficult for KeenSWH right now.


Since this thread gets bumped all the time. Are you sure you read my comment above? We haven't played SE in quite a while. However we have analysed the issue quite in detail and have found that the issue is always related to the Main Cockpit setting. This setting is most likely the main cause of all those issues. Note that you must not have a single cockpit that has the Main Cockpit checkbox checked.

The issue is when you dock a ship to a station where somewhere else is a ship docked that has a main cockpit, at this time all grids are part of the same ship. The main cockpit setting prevents any other cockpit to take control of the ship. So this setting essentially "infects" all ships docked and when you undock your ship, your own cockpit is still essentially flagged as "not active".

Note that this is just an observational analysis. We did not look at any code. When we turned off the main cockpit setting on all cockpits of all ships we didn't have any issues. Keep in mind when you currently have such issues, turn off the setting on all ships and restart the server to be on the safe side.


We never set any cockpit to Main Cockpit and still have the issue every single time.


You must think someone reads this thread! Haha.

Safe travels.


Yeah... I like how Keen says they cannot reproduce the bug. Steps to reproduce the bug: play with a friend in multiplayer for more than 5 minutes.

At this point I am hoping they are not willing to fix the bug, because if they are not able to, that would be a confession of failure.


I have experienced this same bug for a long time, and it's started happening much more frequently for me on dedicated server since 1.197. this happens frequently when I am undocking small grid AND large grid ships from Station grids. Keen support, what other kinds of information do you need from us?


It's still going on for me too. Local LAN DS, so it's not a lag issue.


I can confirm this still happens on dedicated server 1.197.073, last experienced bug on 12/25/2020


Can confirm this bug still occurs. Experienced on Keen official NA servers as well.

The only 2 ways I know to work around this bug currently:

1. Have another player undock the ship and move it for you.

2. Get in your ship, unlock the connector. and log off the server while still in the cockpit/control seat. Log back in and you should come online in the ship but be able to move away. Seems like you need to both stay in the seat and leave the ship unlocked. Relogging outside of the grid doesn't work for me.


Still had this bug yesterday when playing with a friend on his local game instance. We both had the issue on the same station, and I even got stuck on trading stations literally every time I docked on one.

Several things I noticed about this bug:

- It does not seem to appear instantly. We did not have issues in the first few days of playing. It seems it requires a certain amount of ships being docked somewhere. Also restarting the server always temporarily fixes the issue for a few minutes.

- Switching off thrusters and then undocking so that the ship goes into free-fall often solved the individual perma-lock issue until the next docking, but only withing earth gravity.

- When I got stuck on Trading stations I learned that if I leave the cockpit and unlock the connector manually while not being in the ship properly undocked a previously stuck ship.

- The other player was always able to undock the ship properly no matter who got stuck. So this bug is player related.

- Switching off thrusters always re-synced ships, which usually 'teleported' me back to the docking port. It did not however always solve the perma-dock issue.

It is obvious that the issue's main cause is that the undock-command is somehow not accepted by the server, at which point server and client go out of sync until a re-sync event occurs. As we had otherwise zero lag nor any connection issues, I assume that this is caused by the client wrongly assumes that the cockpit is part of a different grid, and the server then ignores that undock command for a grid that the player cannot actually control.


I also was able to connect to the remote block of my ship to get it to undock properly, but not while I was in any cockpit of either the ship or the station it was docked to. It only worked if I stood near my ship and remote-connected with the player antenna.


Confirming heavy issues. It was gone for a few weeks now, but since the last update (1.197.075) it is nearly on every of my ships and repeads continuesly.


I think its all a waste of time boys. They will just keep responding with "Mods" and "Can't Reproduce" when no one even tries to reproduce apparently because its such a rampant bug.


Most of my friends stopped playing Space Engineers and therefore stopped paying for DLCs because of this bug. It is simply impossible to play with a larger group on local servers, as after a while no one can undock ships anymore.


Comments are over two years old. The devs have never read this comment. You really think things will change? My friends and I have stopped playing this game as well. I dont know why I am still Subscribed to this thread... Stupid hopeful i guess.DLC....argh.


The problem are not the devs, the problem are the Product Owners or Game director, whoever decide that the priority are dumb cosmetic DLCs instead of this major issue causing players to stop playing the game no matter the fancy of the incoming DLCs.


Hello All,

I see that this thread is getting quite a few more comments as of late. I would really appreciate a world where we can replicate the issue reliably. If one can be provided and I can replicate it, I can get it reported straight away.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


It is impossible to send you a world that reproduces this bug as reloading the world will solve the bug for a while. There is no consistency in it happening other than it happens more frequently the longer you play. It seems to require the grid being changed (aka players building stuff) and 2+ people docking/undocking ships.

So what you have to do to reproduce this severe bug is to get a few devs to run the game in debug mode and just play the game for a while until it occurs. Once it happens the affected player can reproduce it with a 100% reliability until the ship is interacted with by another player, or the game is restarted.

I am not saying this is easy to fix, quiet the opposite, but you are loosing customers because of this every single day.


Happy to provide a copy of my world to testing, how is it best to send it to you, and is there any other information that it would be usefull for me to provide with it.


I would recommend taking a copy of the world from any Keen Public server before its next wipe, and running it in its own instance for a couple of days and have people hop in and out.

I have only been able to test this with faction members. here are the situations I confirmed:

1. ship owned by me, station owned by me

2. ship owned by faction member, station owned by me

3. ship owned by me, station owned by faction member

4. ship owned by faction member, station owned by faction member

sometimes this issue occurs right away a few minutes after a player logs on, sometimes things appear OK for a little while before it starts happening.


Hello Tyler!

  • You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Please supply reliable steps to help us reproduce the issue too which would be a huge help :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hi Laura

The world was too large to attach here so have placed on google drive at and have also uploaded to steam at incase the google link doesent work

I have coppied the original description I posted above below, My hosuemate recalls that the issue occured a lot with the ship called the pillar (a mining ship on the planet base) but that it might just be because that one was docker more often. It has happened the vast majority of ships at various points however.

"I am running a game localy on my machine and my friend is joining over steam. fairly often when he atempts to undock a ship from the base and fly away he keeps bing pulled abck to the connector, On my end he doesent move away from the connector and the ship doesent move. (as well as connecors this also occurs with landing gear). Have tried toggling various options on cockpits, disabling/removing connectors and none allow the ship to move, The only workaround I have found is If i get into a ship I can move the ship away from the connector and he can then fly the ship away, this is fairly reliable. Restarting the server also sometimes allows ships to start working.

I have also encounted the issue however less regually, When I encounter the issue I dont get any rubber banding the ship just doesen't respond to commands mousemovements/wasd commands."

Hopefully this is of some use, let me know if you want any other info.


Hello Tyler!

Thank you so much for the save. I have tested this, this morning quite a lot and tested it further this afternoon via a server to see if I could reproduce the issue either way. So far, I have not been able to. the closest I have come is getting the connector to rubber band locked rather than unlocked which is a little strange but certainly not the original issue of having the connectors unlocked and rubber banding. I will try your save again and see if I can get anything to rubberband as mentioned in the original thread and certainly welcome anyone else to supply their saves in the hope I can reproduce it.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


You cannot reproduce that issue on your own, it only happens in multiplayer.


If you look back in these threads, there are videos, texts, instructions on how to duplicate.

Thanks for your hard work.


Hello Tyler!

So far, the problem has been partially replicated, unfortunately. I'm hoping that with newer comments, there may be people who have worlds that can replicate the issue much more reliably. If I can have a copy of these and it happens for me, I can get this reported. There haven't been any new files added recently which is why I hope a few more can be added for me to look into :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Just some additional input, I have a server hosted on nitrado and we have 4 players. One player has the rubber banding issue that when he disconnects from connector he can fly around and mine but noone sees him then if he gets out of his ship or changes something on his ship *poof* hes back at the connector. I have never had that issue but I had 2 different ships I built that while building (landing gear showed locked) the ship would tip over. Heres the thing, the ship wasnt actually tipped, if I got in the cockpit and unlocked the landing gear the ship would jump to the upright position and then tip over, if I unlocked and quickly relocked the landing gear the ship would remain upright. If I got out of the cockpit and right back in it was fine, if I was out of the cockpit for a while (stayed in close proximity) then got back in it would show tipping again and cycling the gear would fix it again. When the ship showed tipped over I was unable to walk through the "empty" space where the ship was standing. This really sucks because we never experienced these issues a year ago when we played and now we have a whole group that wants to buy the game to play together and now everyone is hesitant to buy and those of us that have the game are debating whether they should as this would be extremely off putting to new players who are trying to learn the game and have these issues.


Menos just said it perfectly.


Would it be possible to have some way to create a memory dump or something else at this point when this happens, or anything else?

It's a bug that happens over time with a lot of activity. I don't think anyone will ever be able to give simple steps to reproduce it, aside from "Play on Keen CA #2 for a few hours with many ships" or such.

I`ve had it happen on every single MP server i've played on so far, and it's getting excessively frustrating.



Thank you for not giving up. That's commendable. But can you just play on Tyler's server? You need to see it first even if you can't capture any backend. Seeing is believing. You won't believe the frustration until it happens to you.


I have this issue as well. Sometimes fully restarting Space Engineers resolves this issue. Restarting the server (and as a side effect closing everyone's connection to the server) can temporarily reset the issue and allow for normal functionality.

It is important to note that players under the effect of this bug may view their ship leaving the connector and being pulled back towards it (or teleported back to it if you switch the connector lock in flight), however to other players watching the ship will never leave the connector.

It seems that under this effect other players will not be able to see any movement at all including the firing of thrusters.

I suspect that occasionally certain data is not being transmitted from the client to the server and exiting and re-entering vehicles does not fix this. Player position and most interactions seem to still be received by server and shown to other players observing without issue when no longer in an effected ship.


I guess you haven't real all comments here, right? Back then when we played SE we pinned down the issue to the Main cockpit setting. You should avoid setting any cockpit as main cockpit. If you build blueprints this can be quite difficult as many blueprints have this setting on.

That said the Main cockpit setting certainly isn't the only issue. SE generally has many sync issues. Though the main cockpit state makes the most sense here. Because the client thinks he can control the ship while the server actually does not allow any interactions. Se is known for many other sync bugs like that. Just read my other posts ^^


You're one to talk. Multiple people have told you DIRECTLY that the Main Cockpit setting is neither the definite cause, nor a reliable solution.

This problem has existed for years. Nobody has been able to find a consistent cause or solution otherwise I'm sure KSH support servers would have been bombarded with World files containing examples that reproduce the problem reliably. Now that I'm thinking about it. Where is your world file which easily reproduces the problem reliably by playing with the MC setting, hmm? Yeah. Thought so.

No, the only consistency is that it has something to do with the connector and a stressed DS multiplayer server. Even then I'll be amazed of someone doesn't say "actually it happens to us playing direct connect too".

Things that seem common with the problem grids but I have long given up and forgotten whether this is still accurate or not:

  • Server sim is bouncing between 1.0 and 0.5 at regular intervals.
  • Small grid connected to stationary grid,
  • Small grid also has landing gear
  • Small grid has a fighter cockpit.

Known solutions that don't work every time necessarily:

  • Toggling Main Cockpit
  • Relogging back onto the server
  • Using the shut down command to kill all power to both grids
  • Turning off the station's connector via terminal (not the small grid's that doesn't work)
  • Changing ownership value of either of the 2 stuck connectors to a combination that doesn't allow the connection.

Known Solutions that fix the issue every time (for me back then anyways):

  • Admin cutting/pasting the small grid back in,
  • Having another player on the server jump into the cockpit and disconnect for you.
  • Restarting the server


I wanted to answer @Markus, but @Burstar said it better than me. there are many other possible causes other than Main cockpit.

@Burstar I would add in a solution that worked for our server (from someone's suggestion in the thread): Exit from the ship and move away in your suit for 2.5-3km and come back to the ship. Ship would be able to lift off then.


@Markus I was asked to post here by Laura. I am not using the main cockpit feature and I had not used any blueprints at the time these issues started.

Yes, I see this issue has happened in the past either under similar causes or not.

I did make a guess with some education towards where the communication breakdown (desync) could be based on available evidence, but I could be wrong.


Actually the situation is quiet puzzling from a technical perspective: the game obviously goes out of sync where the client thinks it is undocked, while the server insists it is not. That's why you rubber-band back to the connector in the first place: the server corrects your position at some point.

What's puzzling however is that the client and server then stay out of sync reliably. You can leave the cockpit, reenter it, manually undock the connectors from outside, most of the time the out-of-sync stays the way it is, until some random action causes it to re-sync properly. The fact that it is consistently out of sync at that point however means, that there is a bug in the code that reliably causes the out-of-sync state.

So something about that grid-separation code seems to be off, but since that usually works pretty fine something has to cause that misunderstanding in the first place. So something messes up the docking logic and the devs need to find that something.

For all we know the root cause could be something like switching a projector on and off 3 times, or watching an LCD upside down for more than 5 seconds. And that's why the devs need a reliable way to reproduce it, as the issue obviously is not (only) in the docking code.


I was able to produce this bug about 12 times lastnight... and seemingly the way I was reproducing it was

1. multiplayer 1 makes a small ship on a projector

2. multiplayer 2 makes a different small ship on the same projector

3. multiplayer 1 makes the same first small ship again

4. multiplayer 3 docks the first ship made to the base

5. multiplayer 2 docks the second ship which is the different ship to connector 2 of the static base (multiplayer 2 stays in the ship for the next step)

6. multiplayer 1 docks the identical ship of the first one on the 3rd connector.

7. multiplayer 2 releases the different ship and flys away.

8. multiplayer 1 in the identical ship ship attempts to dissconnect and cant dissconnect as multiplayer 2's ship#2 has taken control but is no longer part of the grid.

9. multiplayer 2 in different ship that was created on the projector in step 2 returns and docks.

10. multiplayer 1 in ship #3 can now leave the connector..

at no time does multiplayer 2 ever experience any problems they can always dock and undock just fine

only multiplayer 1 get the connector bug until multiplayer2 redocks their ship.


Good day everyone,

I was excessively affected by this bug when I set up a ship with a Remote Control Block and AutoPilot within an atmosphere as an ore transporter.

It probably won't work for every instance of this bug, but ever since I turned off the inertial dampeners instead of the thrusters, the rubber band bug has not been triggered for several days now.

I can advise everyone to test if disabling the thrusters is the real reason for the problem.

Have a nice day and have fun playing.


Good morning team,

This issue is still present as of 3/1/2021 on dedicated server 1.197.170


Yep, still a thing, was happening on a private server the other day. Disconnecting and reconnecting was the only fix for me. Happens one or twice every hour. :/


This issue appears to happen in any multi-player game, dedicated server, or locally hosted.

Issue Summary: Cannot pull away from connector. Sometimes the craft rubber bands back to an unlocked connector, Sometimes the ship just does not respond and pull away at all. It happens to the host sometimes, but the other players more often.

It is as if the ship is completely powered down and nothing responds. Directional or gyro inputs appear completely inoperable even if those blocks are on and powered. Usually, another player (often the host) getting into the ship and moving it, will 'free' it from this state. When it happens to the host, sometimes another player getting into the ship will 'free' it but not always. Sometimes remote players reconnecting will fix it. Grinding down the connector may solve rubber banding off the connector in question, but it does not solve when the ship is not responsive at all. These may be similar but unrelated symptoms, or they maybe the same basic issue. Hard to know for sure.


i have the connector problem to i seem to be able to pull away if i turn the connector of


There may be different root causes of a simililar symptom here.

Today, a friend and I had the issue repeatedly where we could not control our ships that were both docked to a stationary grid. Sometimes leaving the cockpit and getting back in would fix it, sometimes If I (host) whent into his ship, I could drive it, and then he could. We would often see message on screen "another ship has taken control" messages. So we are theorizing that it could be related to docked ships taking control of the grids and not releasing them. But there is no rubber banding for us, beause we cannot get ANY control of the grid to even attempt to fly away from a connector. I will see if there is another similar issue on another thread or create a new one.ffor our sysmptoms.


Relogging often solves this.


Sorry I cannot delete my previous comment. My issue is not the same and I need to pull it as to not confuse the issue. Sincere Aologies.


I have found that this issue appears to be a dyssynchronous problem. Both me and a friend will try to take off. The person driving sees the ship move, but the other does not. It has to do with any type of lock. It seems that the ship's parked status is not the same for everyone, so it does not allow you to take off.


Yes. Its definitely a "server didnt unlock you" issue. We see this constantly on our private DS when getting into any kind of vehicle connected via any kind of connector setup.

Most times we rubber band back. This is usually fixable by quickly jumping out of cockpit and re-entering and flying off. MOST times that fixes the rubber-band back version of this bug.

Other times the ship simply is 'stuck'. No mouse control or keys to thrust will move the ship. Even though on the client its clear you unlocked, the server is like 'nope'. Getting this condition to sync itself is much much harder.

Mashing lock/unlock over and over appears to do jack shit Cause once its out of sync, its not gonna get back in sync anytime soon.

A lot of people say to weld up a landing gear above the ship to let it drop and auto-lock on top. Then grind the gear off... we find that cumbersome, and rarely works in our case.

We are still trying to figure out ways to get the server and client to sync the connector lock states (even going into program block scripting to see if we can jostle it... no luck thus far).

This bug, is the single-most annoying bug we run into CONSTANTLY in our DS playtime. As we are always coming back to base to fuel up or unload cargo... and having to fight the bloody connectors each time is driving us mad insane.


I ran into a similar issue, possibly related? I was playing with one friend via Join Game on Steam and couldn't disconnect my ship from my friend's ship, so after grinding it down to nearly the minimum viable pilotable small grid with 6 large ion thrusters + 1 cockpit + 1 gyro + 3 batteries + less than 10 armor blocks, I finally ground off the landing gear and started to drift slowly away around 0.44m/s. Engines would fire appropriately, power was indicating sufficient for much time firing at full, but I couldn't actually move the ship. At one point I cycled things on and off and got the ship to move to maybe 4 m/s, but as soon as I'd let go of the thrusters it would rubber-band back to the point in space where I'd started firing the engines. I'm not sure how to reproduce this but maybe the description will help the lights come on for somebody who knows the relevant code and its edge cases.


@devs if you need a reliable way to reproduce this issue please review this post:


@Keen, this bug is two years old. On every connector on every server I've ever played on this has been an issue. This has caused so much ill will amongst your community of players. Why is your team ignoring this?


Because they have zero incentive to fix it? They got our money already and most people are willing to ignore this issue. I've stopped recommending the game to others until the bug is fixed since it makes it unplayable for any server I try to join.


Started running into this .. I had grand schemes of running multiple automated drones between my bases and outposts but this bug makes it nearly impossible .. I've waisted a good 4 hours yesterday thinking it's just bad ship design but then realized it must be a bug since restarting the Dedicated server solved the issue for a short while.

I would really like to see this fixed as I'm sure it will frustrate anyone new to the game .. especially when you're not aware that you're issues is caused by some buggy code.


Just wondering , does Keen ever respond to these bugs ? My confidence is rather low in them getting this fixed after seeing how long this particular bugs been open .


Ive had multiple bugs responded too and even fixed.

Why this glaring problem that has existed for years, and "they cannot reproduce it and add to the internal tracker to be fixed" is baffling ... considering how many times I see this come up on Discord from new players asking a question that this very bug covers .....

Every time my brother and I play... either of us (usually both) will experience this problem.


the main problem with this particular bug is that Keen is having a hard time replicating the conditions. they need to see it firsthand to pass it up to the devs.


The hardest problem for them is being able to reproduce it easily, as in, with a fresh new world. Some bugs in Medieval Engineers only occur in aged worlds - a world that has been around for a long time with thousands of blocks and tons of voxel modifications. What would help them is if you could give steps to reproduce it in a relatively new world. You keep saying it happens all the time and right away, start with a new world and show it happening. I don't doubt that it does -- it happened to me. Make it easy for them to see it. They've already asked for your help on this issue in the last couple months, so show them how easy it is to make it happen and they'll definitely listen and probably fix it.


can be reproduced by logging off in a cockpit in mp when other players are using the same base... when you log back in chances are the bug appears...

we were doing some testing and it seemed it had something to do with other players taking control of the grid (getting into another connected cockpit or connecting to the grid in another ship while your offline), and your client thinking it still has control when logging in. ingame scripts like SAM or PAM are not affected (and can resolve the issue) and afaik they run server side :)

hope this helps :)


We have it consistently, without ever logging out/in in a single play period. We start up our server when we want to play... then play for about 5 hours. Then both jump in our beds and shut the server down.

So for us, just the mere act of getting into a cockpit of a ship that is connected with a connector (to ANYTHING else), we will 50/50 get this problem.


I've encountered the issue when playing alone on a Dedicated server.... maybe there's more then one issue at play here.


huh, weird... could be the size of the grid played a part then, never had it when we started out all solo, only started happening once we joined up


There are two distinct behaviors we see:

1) We get in a cockpit, disconnect, try to fly off. It rubber-bands us back. For this, we simply exit cockpit then get right back into cockpit (NOTHING ELSE), and can fly off normally.

2) We get in cockpit, disconnect, try to move, wiggle, fly, turn, roll.... anything.... and it simply does jack. The ship appears/feels like its still connected. We get out of cockpit/back in, doesnt help like the rubber banding issue. We get out, manually try to disconnect the other connector, or reconnect it, or not... doesnt help either. One thing that seems to work a lil more than not, is jump out of the cockpit ... run on foot about 50m, then run back, and hop back into cockpit... then we can fly away. Still not a solid workaround, and we are still trying to find one that works for the 'ship stuck on disconnect' dsync issue.


I've been encountering this bug regularly on my dedi in the last few days. Little did I know that I encountered a piece of ancient history.


If you're stuck on a connector, ask the friend(s) your're playing with to leave their cockpit for a moment. That will let you undock.


Really........ most times I have this issue, the other player is standing in the hangar looking at me and going 'nope, still not moving' :-D


yeah well if your ship is moving on your screen that that's a different issue. i was talking about being completely stuck.

these are two different issues but keen support wants them to be both in this thread mixed up to cause maximum possible confusion (:


Using the park brake (P) seems to clear this bug now (in the past only a server restart would fix it). As Nyuton mentioned, on DS we also found sometimes a second player needs to interact with or enable/disable park brake.


Repeat comment due to server error


Repeat comment due to server error


Was getting a server error and ended up submitting this several time. Sorry about that.

This connector rubber banding issue happens VERY frequently. A restart of the server will fix it for a short time, but it comes back quickly. A fix for this would be nice.

For those that are experiencing this issue:

Getting in and out of the ship a few times usually works.

Having someone else hop in and flay a few meters away sometimes works.

Cycling the connector lock on and off, then turning the connector block off works

If the above "work arounds" don't work, restarting the server always works for a bit.

We can demonstrate this issue at ANY time. Just ask.


Repeat comment due to server error


Repeat comment due to server error


My brother n I on our private DS have figured out what it takes to clear up the two possible ways this bug rears its ugly head:

  • Disconnect from Connector and begin flying, only to rubber-band back: Workaround: Simply hop out of your own cockpit and jump back in, and the rubber banding stops, allowing you to fly off normally. So now, whenever we disconnect, we always hop out/in out of habit so it clears this version of the bug.
  • Disconnect from Connector and the ship absolutely won't move: Workaround: This one you have to tell others in the area (anyone who happened to get in their ship from your station) to hop out/in of THEIR cockpit real quick; you then regain control of your own ship. While not ideal to ask everyone else to hop out of their cockpits so you can control your ship... it does work, and has been a consistent 'fix' when it happens.

These two behaviors, and these methods to clear it, have been consistent now for us for many weekends where every weekend this will hit us at least once.


After Heavy Industry update.... we have had huge success in just hopping into a ship, disconnecting connector, and flying off without rubber-bands OR 'no control' issues. Wondering if this is fixed.... more testing required.


I can confirm. I play every day and I can't remember the last time I had this issue. Before it used to be a daily occurrence pretty much. I think they nailed this one.


I can also confirm, no issues since 1.199, been having the issue for over a year before that update.


Still having this issue after the update. I've now destroyed two ships that have slammed back into the ground. The second one didn't even have a connector... Just a landing gear.


Hello, Engineers!

It´s already quite long time from when this issue was originally posted as well as from the last comment.

Are you still experiencing it? Or was it fixed in the meantime.

Thanks in advance for confirming me current situation.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Me and a few friends have been running a really long campaign on the same save file for almost 2 years. It used to happen a lot there but it hasn't happened since one of the updates a while ago (I think the Heavy Industry update, as Frigidman mentioned), so from where I'm standing I can say with 99% confidence it's been fixed :)


Hello, Engineers!

Let me ask one more time, please.

Is anyone still experiencing this issue is the current version of the game? There were quite a lot of players complaining about it, and only K.Hunter wrote to us that it's likely to be fixed.

I would like the confirmation from more player, if possible.

Let me know, if is still happening in the game. If not, I will most likely close this issue then.


Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Is anyone still having this problem with the most recent game version? Many gamers complained about it, but only K.Hunter replied to us to say that it might get rectified.


Yes, we still have this problem with small grid ships on a dedicated server


Sorry please delete. Browser screwed up and posted multiple times


Sorry please delete. Browser screwed up and posted multiple times


yes, I experienced this problem a few days ago and have had no success in replicating it, for better or worse.


Also still having this issue. Using a large grid ship and connecting to a connecter using the remote block and timer. Once it connects, you can disconnect, but it rubber bands back to the same place. I removed both connectors (then the ship went crazy and destroyed most of itself and the base) but once I repaired it all, it did the same again. It seems like it is picking a point in the world as if it is still connected (as you can use thrusters to pull a few meters away).

Also removed gyro, cockpit, remote block - still the same! Started another one from scratch and it worked fine for a while. Tried doing the remote docking thing and exactly the same happened. 100% repro.


This problem is positively ancient in terms of Space Engineers, and it is avoided by manually changing each connector's settings to remove their magnetic force. The bug is in the grid not releasing itself to move around when the magnetic force is removed/disabled. When this bug happens, the solution is to leave your grids alone and wait for a server restart to force a re-check of these functions.


Just remember guys 80% of the time this is actually triggered by desync.


This is seen to happen in many places, often as a result of collisions. If you land on voxels or another grid too hard, the game believes that you ship is partially imbedded and tries to pull you back. If is made worse by server / connection lag.


This is still an issue on all servers and single player.

Replicatable by unlocking and not flying away.

If you lock and unlock, you can fly away again.

So annoying


This is still an issue on all servers and single player.

Replicatable by unlocking and not flying away.

If you lock and unlock, you can fly away again.

So annoying


This is still an issue on all servers and single player.

Replicatable by unlocking and not flying away.

If you lock and unlock, you can fly away again.

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