Ghost issue : Falling through planets/blocks

Upside Down shared this bug 5 years ago
Need More Information

I found a bug that happen sometime on my server.

When the server reaches around 18Go - 20Go of RAM usage the "Ghost Issue" (sexy name) starts.

Players will fall through ground of planets and ships.

So the only thing I found is this RAM usage, always almost the same when it happens.

Hope I helped you devs.

Replies (132)


This is a very annoying bug, requires a restart of the server.


Need help for solve this problem ..


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department




I think now that there is a RAM leak when players are mining on the server, and when it reaches 18 go, ghost issue happen


Same issue, but lower RAM usage: "Ghosting" starts at around 12GB usage out of 32GB available mem.


Do you run torch on your server? We (Upside Down) do, so it'd be nice if we could identify it as a torch issue.

We have 64GB of server RAM, so that's probably why we get it on slightly higher usage.


Nope it's a vanilla issue. We don't use torch (by now..)


On UD server it was before the transfer to Torch. After Torch the bug is still there


Very annoying bug, server has to be restarted so that it works normally but when you have 28 people only the RAM usage goes through the roof...


Extremely irritating bug! I lost a lot of stuff because of restarts and then me having to respawn because of me dying or timing out. #FixGhosting


I have the same bug


I encountered this issue more than once (after restarts) on DS being the only player connected and doing a lot of work with the Voxel hands. Lots of removing of rock. Creative mode server. The world I'm using is one that was created well before the Asteroid clusters update several months ago. I run only 4 mods on the server: Air leak, detailed blocks, bunk beds, and data center. I'm admin on my server


When this happens I fall through the planet. If I fly over and get into a vehicle that's parked (cockpit), the vehicle and I inside fall through the planet.


I fall through too but on solo, i can still walk, but my character gets covered up by "the ground"


I'm pretty sure it has to do with many people or ships mining at the same time, had this bug on solo server with a lot of miners going and on multiplayer server because many people are mining. The bug does not occur as soon as everyone stops mining. (only a server restart fixes this!)


it happens to me everytime i start a game in creative mode

i fall through the planets ground and ''noclip'' through every object and terrain


nice pfp m8 ;)


It is happening in single play as well... game restart does not fix it. "New game" works until you start mining then breaks.


I have had this several times recently.. I Play solo . I am playing a game i was playing before the big update. I've never had this issue before the update, but now. It happens quite regularly now. I have been considering copying my constructs to a fresh game. or just flat start a fresh game, I tried deleting my elector cable. a 3.5 km of heavy blocks, and other large constructs, but i still have the problem afterwards.


Watching W4sted's latest video, same issue once they start mining voxels- characters phase through grids and voxels- fixed with a reload but happens again fairly quickly if they drill or mine any more voxels.



I put in about 100 hours of single player and decided, "hey, I think I'll try MP" and over the course of the last two days I have experienced this at least three times. I'm currently huddled in the cockpit of my rover (which is thankfully connected to my base) waiting for the server to restart. Playing a non-playable game is unsurprisingly not fun.


The game is literally broken after every major update, that's why I liked it more when we got weekly updates, so everything would get fixed sooner, also more content.


I put in all weekend to setup my base and now my base, all ore, all ships, everything is gone. Server Restart didnt fix it. I will stop playing. Please pull back the game to early access.

I was waiting for this game coming out of early access and now i see its not stable. It should go back into tests until its really stable and those major bugs are fixed. For me as a noob player this is more then major. Its a waste of time, sorry to say that honestly.


had the same issue!


Same Here, Ruins game please fix.


Having the same issue as soon as i get into space. Was playing a moon survival with some friends, and all of the sudden started clipping through blocks and planets after we went into space. making a new save in space did the same instantly. Only way i found to Temporarily fix it was to re install the game, but as soon as i went into space again, it happened again. This makes the whole "Space" aspect of "Space" engineers not playable. I hope this gets fixed soon.



After last update it seems Keen found from where this issue comes. However they fix it in a weird way.

What is the issue here ? When Havok (the physic part of the game) ran out of memory - very quickly since it's a x32 software - the noclipping aka Ghost Issue happens.

How they "fixed" it ? When it ran out of memory, the game knows, it will basically crash the server before restarting it. Ok that works it fixes the ghost issue. But is there not a better way ?

Let's hope Keen finds a way




I was thinking along the line of

Mesh vs Sculpt vs Prim ;) but that would mean a Full Game Layover Wow. Not going to happen. Hope they make the Next Grid differnt. No change is going to happen anytime soon is what i'm saying. and i dont think the game masters can even fix this issue. Its just the old way the game is. untill they make a new game updated, ill be sure to come back


I played a lot of hours and the problem is somehow fixed, the moment i start falling into the planet there is a fix that pulls me out and brings me back over the surface. This kind of fixes the major problem, so iam not loosing everything anymore. So the main issue of having collision problem is still there.

While mining manually some of the rocks also just fall through the surface and they wont get pulled back, no big deal.

Right now i enjoy playing Space Engineer. There are other things but nothing major or serious enough to make the game unplayable. So keep up the good work !

Sometimes the server are getting mad, so i cannot walk on light armor anymore or even get killed by walking through doors. But then the server restarts and its looking better after that. I also have running a dedicated server and 3-4 times a day i get a bluescreen crash and the system needs a full restart. But this might be a local problem with win7. My Server has 32 Gb Ram, and the dedicated server is not using it ? I need more information about servers, i think. I probably will upgrade to win10 first.

As i have read the software is upgrading itself to 64 bit version and should be able to use the full memory to not getting into memory issues anymore, is that right ?


Now lets say you fall to your death then you can somehow get over it, But then here comes a Roll back restart on the server, Now this happens every 30-1 hour and the roll backs removes all your work! would you still play? Join CA #1 Ca #2 then come back here and change your post ;)

I use Windows 10 Pro

Processor: Intel(R) Core i7-4790 CPU @3.60GHz 3.60 GHz

64-bit Operating system, x64-based processor

Graphics Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics


I don't think it's related to server RAM usage--at least for me, this is just how planets are at all times, including the tutorial missions. All trees appear to be floating, I fall through the ground, and occasionally hit an invisible wall when flying around near where the surface should be. I haven't noticed any time yet where planets actually work at all.


For me this bug looks like its fixed, i have not experient problems anymore which causes my base or my cars crash into planets.

And I had that only on multiplayer servers, specially on Keen Servers.

Now i have other problems, my client crashes, when joining a keen server. Its only this game i am playing, other servers are working well. I already wrote a ticket to support.


the Block Bug is Fixed the falling into the Earth bug is not


This bug I believe is the one that has caused many rovers to become lost forever to the planet's ground, and whatever's not on a connector/landing gear. Can we get a confirmation that this was fixed by a developer if that's the case with the most recent comments?


Hello, Engineers!

We would like to thank everyone for your cooperation.

Main issue here should be resolved. If there are any other issues please make a new report.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


this issue is very much not fixed I am still having this issue today on my server


i know right, WHAT THE FUCK KEEN


Currently had this problem for 24Hrs Plus on Embrace The Lag server. Help?


After a short playing time the char starts to jump in flight (jetpag) and on the ground (run) (want to run up a ramp or go through a door = "endless loop" or describe a curve / semicircle in the air, although you steer straight out, as well as sudden and uncontrollable catapults in all possible directions. This bug has already killed me repeatedly. Restarting the server only fixes the bug for a short time, even my husband has it now more often, even in the ship, so when we sit in the cockpit and fly in space. The bug has occurred since the last update.

Additionally we are also affected by ghosting, Chars and ships lose any kind of collision, if you fall into a block you are trapped in it and can't get out.

Translated with


I just started playing again after taking a year off.. and i have this issue right now.. so not fixed...

I was running the lan and friends sever from the SE menu it started so i then switched it over to a torch server and its still there.. i reboot the server its gone for about 10 minuets...

Ram not maxing out, like said above i start to bounce and so does my son... cant get trough doors or up steps glitch into walls.. but never the ground



what do you mean solved THIS IS NOT SOLVED


This issue is NOT solved, Players on my server are experiencing this as I write this message.

Keen, step up your game!


This is happening to me currently, so it seems like the issue is, in-fact, not solved.


This issue is definitely NOT fixed. Constantly having to restart my game in both single player or multiplayer to temporarily resolve it. I also have observed that the issue is related to RAM usage. I have a 32GB system and once the RAM usage reaches 16GB ghosting and collision issues begin. The collision forces from the blocks also gets stored and released all at once at random. This results in an amusing albeit annoying instance of launching my engineer at 100+m/s into the air or nearest ceiling.

Please fix this issue, having to restart our games or servers every 5-10 minutes is detrimental to playing the game. It's pretty game breaking.


Not True its a Game Grid issue! its the game its not ANYONES issue other then GAME!

I use Windows 10 Pro

Processor: Intel(R) Core i7-4790 CPU @3.60GHz 3.60 GHz

64-bit Operating system, x64-based processor

Graphics Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics


On Upside Down we have not had this issue lately, despite RAM usage going above the threshold of around 18-20GB of usage that used to cause this.

If however, you are experiencing this issue, make sure your world is vanilla and try again. Also try to see check your RAM usage and if this is connected to the bug for you or if it is just random.

This bug was fixed, but if it is back it may require another look. Would probably be best to make a new report on it if that's the case, Keen don't tend to look back at old reports or reports marked with "need more information".


i use Windows 10 Pro

Processor: Intel(R) Core i7-4790 CPU @3.60GHz 3.60 GHz

64-bit Operating system, x64-based processor

Graphics Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics


I have installed 64 Gb of Ram on my my server and on my client, so memory leackages dont hit me so hard, but to be honest, i have stopped playing the game, because it was not running stable enough and i am so tired of loosing progress.

Also i lost my player base just because of all those instabilities and bugs. And i am tired reporting them.

I would give the game another chance if i hear from people that its now rocksolid stable and also mods like solaris run fine.

So i imho i think this game is still in developement.


I agree with the game still being in development.


I personally still encounter the problem. Only I would like to understand if it comes from a mod that I use or from the game. I have tried to remove all the mods from the world but I notice that the problem arises again. Am I not an expert but if I deactivate the mods, even their alleged malicious effects are removed?


I too stopped playing this game due to this Grid issue falling into the Earth. and Roll backs on servers lossing over 30 mins of Building items. and posted bug many times on this site and Steams site. Just sick of it Game ender Bug if you ask me!


I personally still encounter the problem. Only I would like to understand if it comes from a mod that I use or from the game. I have tried to remove all the mods from the world but I notice that the problem arises again. Am I not an expert but if I deactivate the mods, even their alleged malicious effects are removed?

The video is a light version of the bug, often stepping right through the blocks either with the character alone or with whole ships


its not the mod! I dont use MODS! and i keep falling into the Earth! walking around the Earth for 5-10 mins on server CA #1 CA #2 gets you under ground! Falling to your Death! I'm new to this game.

I use Windows 10 Pro

Processor: Intel(R) Core i7-4790 CPU @3.60GHz 3.60 GHz

64-bit Operating system, x64-based processor

Graphics Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics

This is a Game Grid issue


look into patch hotfix v187.205.


its not the mods. i had this in straight up,, no mods installed (i learned from playing minecraft) if you have an issue first see if the issues happen with out anything extra added. (Mods)


This issue is not fixed. Had some weirdness going on earlier in my singleplayer world where the hitboxes for my station seemed to be slightly offset from the models, which allowed me to poke my head through blocks. It also caused my character to get stuck on a slanted window which killed me.



Ok where do i start. This game is Amazing! I'm New to Space Engineers and this game is a hard game to learn, But also very fun and time consuming. In the meantime i would like to talk about what my issue with this game that i found and i'm sure others are having each day they play.

On server CA #1 over the past 3 weeks I found... Most my time was on CA #1 Falling into the earth many times, Dying many times, Walking around for 5 mins gets you to fall into the earth Dead! no way out if you are out of H2. Aslo game crashes and a Bug in the hydrogen generator not working right. (on/off), and loss of 3 ships 2 of which lost to lag, 1 did'nt have power so server removed it. at least i have a nice looking base by now ;)

After a series of Crashes, Having to Rebuild what i perviously built then again 20-30 minutes later and again, over 1 hour wasted time. Then server crashed and went down for a day, in that time i went to server CA #2, played two days on that server got killed, lost my ship, 2nd day, built up a nice little base, Ran out of H2 tanks due to falling into the earth made more and was walking to ice and i kept falling into the Earth lossing my H2 Bottles, then again flying with the H2 i get after death then having to walk the rest of the way to to get ice only to fall again into the earth! lol. cant get to the ice to get H2 to play your game. So I left the Server CA #2 to Go back to my CA #1 Server i have been playing on for 3 weeks now that has been down after a day. To see i was dead, restarted back at my base, with out my Platinum i got from a Store atm. but at least i still had my Space Credits, so i built all my drills, grinders, Welder, and got my Credits. In that time of 10 mins Server CA #1 Paused and Crashed. I was About to go get the Platinum again. So i came back into game again Yes again. lol while typing in Chat game paused again and crashed within 5 mins... At this point i'm done with Space Engineers and i'm here now Posting this.


You all know i cant leave this game but Please Fix the issue.


I fully understand the pain, having a pretty good game which makes really a lot of fun, but then stop playing because of stupid well known bugs which are not fixed by the developers over a year now. Its a shame, they take the money but I as a player dont see any development. I have reported this bug a long time ago and they fixed half of the bug, building some workarounds somehow but as i see from many other players the real reason is not going to be fixed . Very bad.


i found a youtube Video of this happening in year 2016 lol.


Again Same issue and game keeps Crashing everyone on the server CA #1 With a Rollback! God this game is Not playable


Was getting help on Steam site, i Joined again trying to get the info on a log file and the CA #1 server keeps Crashing with a Rollback! my god! this is the most Buggy game ever! I'm all Set FIX YOUR GAME! I QUIT!




Playing on Keen AU #2 I fell through the earth in my wheeled rover (what was I thinking?!?). No thrusters, but general chat was full of fine people, so I just sat in the cockpit of my rover and chatted while it plummeted through the earth.

At about 63km down (a bit over 10 minutes of free fall), it suddenly came to a stop, and I found myself in a cave that was full of other crashed vehicles! A number of drop pods, various unknown signal sources (no longer broadcasting) and a couple of large grid vehicles, all scattered around a cavern in the centre of the earth. I got out of my rover (which was somehow buried in the wall with only its wheels sticking out) and had a look around...

I took a bunch of photos of this strange gehenna of rovers, but they're all over the 2Mb limit I'm allowed to attach :-(

While this was an exciting and somewhat surreal adventure, I'd really rather that we simply didn't fall through the surface of the earth all the time.


Dude! Now that is some next level weirdness.

All the more reason though for Keen to add Hover engines to the game- all the fun of wheels essentially, but without the phasing into the ground issues...


They dont have to add more features, they should fix the bugs.


I don't disagree- they have had years to fix wheels. My point was though that wheels simply may not be fixable ( on multiplayer due to server desync ), so they need a work around if they want to keep the idea of rovers in the game. Also, hover engines make sense for vehicles, considering we have cryopods and jump drives for ships...


I would like to see the Bug fixed that makes me fall into the earth and fly to the center of the Earth only thing you can do is open your Helm or wait to die while you float to die 10 mins later. Thats a bug that they cant pass up fixing. I dont play this game anymore because of it. Each time i run out of ice or ore and need to go get more i find myself falling to my death. and then add in the Game Roll backs of 30 mins lol Wow. having to build all the item again only for the server to Crash again! sad very sad! I VOTE: FIX THE BUGS BEFORE THEY ADD NEW CONTENT!


I've lost countless hours, and 5 rover builds by falling through the planet (earthlike) on NA3. I've had both rovers and players (walking) fall through the planet. Please put in some simple boundary checking - my time is worth more than this.


Noticed that this occurs when game is set to Friends (for me). Host never falls thru but when another player dies his body teleports to the center of the planet (or so it seems). Object also still fall thru the ground sometimes.


No updates here from Keen in a while... I thought maybe there was a chance that they were prioritizing the more popular bugs, but IDFK what they are doing. All I do know is that there is a nasty case of backlog.


They could do some teleport system when the game detects that the player is inside the voxel

The game would take the distance from the core relative to the player (ex. 31 km) and then take into account the size of the planet in the files (ex. 120 km) and then subtract the size of the planet by the distance from the core (ex. 120 - 31 = 89 km) and it should put them out that distance opposite of the gravity direction. If not outside voxels, it adds an extra 500 meters to the new point (ex. 120 + 0.5 + 120.5 km from core)


Long time owner, bought the game 4 years ago??

Anyway, friend raves about game, I decide to play it, I mean it's been out for 6 years.

I fall thru the world in the 1st hour.

How? I was hitting a phantom object, I couldn't see. So I thought heck I'll see if I can drill this phantom object! Well I did, and then my client has no update that the voxels moved and I have a new floor, so I fall thru the world, mean time, the server and the clients with a good voxel mesh, see me fall thru the solid floor.

I start hosting my own server, and note... Hrm, it shows a flat plane where I KNOW I dug some ditches. So the voxel map shows flat planes sometimes where there are, rocks, and dips. So Iog out and in, and sure enough there is the REAL terrain.

So my 2 cents. 1 have all collisions server side (Rubber banding sometimes) or 2, find why you voxels are not syncing properly to clients.


Please someone help my ship is stuck in one place and it wont move please help :

Keen CZ#2


I am running into this bug all the time on KEEN CZ #2

I found some interesting behaviour on the "texture drop area" - I found one special area (there was several of them) where I consistently falled through the texture (earthlike planet) so i tried to find the boundaries. I was falling with wheeled vehicle, also on feet, but also when flying.

I tried to mine on the boundary and i found, that on the boundary, where i didn't fall through texture, i was able to mine fine (right click or left click mining both fine). But after the boundary, i was not able to mine, but i was able to fly through texture without problems. I also found that boundary was like infinite plane (maybe some overflow?) - it was straight plane where behind this "invisible boundary plane" i was not able to mine. After restart, i was able to mine there, but also texture fallthrough was not occuring on that site.

Hope this may help.


This bug has always been here and Keen refuses to look into it (or isn't capable of fixing it due to lack of experience/talent?)


Ahh, yes, I had the same issue a few days ago while testing the new beta, although after a while my character was sent back to the original position, it was quite annoying.

I blame the high ping I have, I play with my brother that lives on the other side of the ocean.


This bug came back after the last update.


I've experienced this bug yesterday, the first time in months of playing


We had a rover race on Keen AU #1 to see if this had been fixed in 1.194. None of the rovers fell through the surface of the world, which is a definite improvement, but individual engineers still did.

One thing that did seem different is that when engineers fell through the surface of the world, we could no longer just jetpack up through the surface, but were instead trapped underneath the ground. Luckily the nearby base had inventory access buried in the ground, so you could jetpack to underneath the base and drop off your stuff before respawning...


We also experiencing this bug with new update. Alongside with server lagspikes when a player connects to the server or when autosave does it's job.



I just experienced this issue as well. Still no word from any DEVS?

Why do they direct us to here and then not respond? Makes no sense. It's been almost 2 years since the last response.

Do they care about anyone that plays this game? Or do they only care about DLC?


Started playing on a new server and people are reporting this constantly. I've had it happen a few times myself. Very not fixed.


Falling through the planet constantly single player. I have an overkill system when it comes to the specs needed for this game. WTF Also a different bug. AMD only apparently constant freezing... Come on guys I've been playing since 2013 fix this DAMN game. attached is me playing frostbite.. I fell through and luckily landed on an underground thing but seriously its upsetting.


I'm Sorry for leaving a rude comment. i was very Frustrated. Please Know that long time fans are having issues, and that leaves a sour taste in our mouths.


6 Years here....


Having the same issue on dedicated server with triton World spawn. This happens to every player atleast once per day. Very frustrating. Please fix this asap.


***Note this is also happening with vehicles both flight and non flight. The ground just starts absorbing them like quicksand. Clearly something is seriously jacked up with the voxels and it needs to be resolved post haste. I get that they are busy working on the beta for console but i see alot of people come into my stream as of late asking about SE and with the lack of resolution on this issue I'm ready to start pointing people away from this. Keen is fixing other little issues but has done nothing with this game breaker.


This happens on Keen Servers as well. Played there for a vew days but stopped it now because of falling through voxels and grids all the time, very anoying. At the current state consider this game as broken / unenjoyable.

This should never happen to a released game! Fix this as soon as possible AND keep it fixed!


I've been having the same or similar issue. It has only happened to me on Voxels iirc, and usually if I've been playing for a while/doing a lot in game (possible evidence of high ram usage?). It also only seems to happen to me if I'm moving backwards. If I restart the game completely, the problem goes away for a while. Jetpack still works and I just jetpack up to the "surface" and use the drill to bore back through to topside.


i am also having the same issue. and the mobile grids i make seem to be able to move but don't show that they did you you cant tell where you are going. i have also had multiple roves fall through the planet and cant retrieve them. Keen please resolve this. i dont know if it is happeneing on other servers that is and not your but your server 6 is the worst as of now.


My Engineer often falls through planets and stations on their surfaces since the last update


Same falling through terrain bug here on my dedicated server. Seems much worse since frostbite.

Does not seem to be RAM related on my server as my server RAM usage is constant and never uses all available RAM (I have 32 GB ram and server RAM usage is fairly constant at about 12 GB for 5 player survival world).


The same on my private DS. I play since few weeks, so do not know if this bug occured before.


And also of note, logging out then back in again or restarting the server doesn't appear to provide much in the way of temporary protection from this bug on my dedicated server- it can happen again soon after relog/restart.

I read that when this happened in the past that increasing voxel quality in graphics settings would help. But I can still fall through the terrain even with voxel quality set to extreme. I've fiddled with many of the graphics options and server options and I haven't found anything so far that prevents it.


My friend who helps me with a dedicated server, told me that they had solved it by putting code that added a second layer (literally), that prevented anything from going through the voxel. And guess what. The creator of this solution no longer works with them. It is a pity. A project with great potential, which can fail only due to poor management.


I was having this issue with the new planet when it was a fresh world/server, locally hosted. I am only using about 12.5 GB of system RAM


I quit space engineers months ago due to this issue I check in from time to time to see if they're ever going to fix it I guess not since its on going for over a year I'll continue to check in to this topic until this problem is fixed but if it's not fixed I will not return to this game


I was just considering purchasing the 3 DLC's as they're on sale, but after reading your comment I don't believe I will. I have waited for years for Keen to fix what I think are "core issues" in the game and they haven't. I enjoy the game, but some of these bugs, like this one are a show stopper for me.

I'm a dev myself, and I've made a decision now that I'm not going to support any more "we're releasing the game before it's finished" games. I spend way too much time submitting detailed bug reports, suggestions, editing wiki sites, and on and on with no compensation. I enjoy playing some of these games, but enough is finally enough.


Good decision NOT to spend any more money into this game. The developers of this game should be punished because of not beeing able to fix this problem now after many years.

And all players should just quit this game.

This could be a wonderful game, but better quit and forget. Its not worth it.


Server KEEN UK 5

happend to my mobile base today... ( only been working 4 hours on it) .... was driving it around very carefull , and suddenly fell trough the ground... losing P- Grav... then going trough the center of the planet , losing speed to 0 and then falling back.... basicly orbiting the inside of the planet. when i respawn on it, i Instandly die or end up on the surface , an easy fix could be that all objects that hit the center of the planet get respawned at a safe gps spot. with 0 speed ofc.


I have the same problem sometimes. Then I see the inside of the planet, falling and falling, and when I try to port myself via admin functions (in my private offline solo game) back to the nearby (e.g. to my vehicle), the character falls back into the ground.

Only if I teleport to a completely different place and walk " by myself" to the original place, then it works. But even then there seems to be some kind of "hole" in the ground and you have to be careful not to enrage the Lord Clang.

But what is possible with the jetpack switched on I was able to drill myself from the ground to the surface, a hole in the voxel terrain was not created!


I had similar happen to me... just walking along, grinding a rouge spider in the face, when I fell through the world.Habit had me hitting the jetpack and I headed back up, only to bounce off the underside of the terrain. Rather than risk further issues, I pulled out my drill and tunneled a fresh hole in my backyard.


I've seen this happen. I was mining on the moon under ground and my ship blinked into the ground and was half submerged in rock. I think this was on 1.194.083.


Yep, similar problem.

After recent patch (#?) when logging into game character falls and can walk through built blocks; once character jets away and back a ways, problem is gone.


I have a similar issue, but not exact.

Single player world, occasionally when I land my ship, the cockpit falls through the ground. After this, ANY player input will destroy any part of the ship underground immediately with exception to the flight seat, it seems like.


Hello, Engineers!

First of all, we are sorry that you are still experiencing this issue. Thank you for all your information so far.

I have some questions regarding this issue:

  1. Would anyone of you be willing to share a video? The more videos the better.
  2. When experiencing this issue, is it connected also with high memory usage? It doesn't seem to be a rule according to your comments.
  3. Would you say that this issue is connected with modifying voxels heavily? Ship mining, manual mining, using voxel hand.
  4. Could you please share a save of your world (DS / SP / Lobby) where you are experiencing this issue? Only vanilla worlds, no mods.

Any additional information will be greatly appreciated. The more information, the better!

Thank you for your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hi there. I think I could definitely connect mine to high memory usage, and provided I remember, I will submit a video. My issue did not involve modification of the terrain.


Its is unlikely to be a problem of the client, because I have 64 Gb of Ram. But if Server runs out of memory you probably have to look there, not to the clients. Just my two cents.

I really would like to play the game, but i will wait until this bug is fixed.


I cannot because my game still has the fucking freeze every 5 min issue


Yeah, I def had this issue on self hosted MP with like 16+ GB of free memory, so it isn't *always* memory related.

My best guess is that this issue is caused my multiple problems that might be mutually exclusive? Like, it might be memory related on dedicated servers or in other scenarios, but can also be an issue if you have plenty of memory.

Multiple independent contributing factors. I've had a few grids fall "into" planets recently after a crash.

I'll try to pull some clips if I encounter any of these bugs the next time I stream on twitch


One of the guys on Keen's AU#2 server had it happen yesterday - hopefully you already have access to the data for these servers?


He got in touch with one of the admnins, Silvrav (sp?), who hauled his ship out of the planet. You may be able to get more details from Silvrav - the ship in question belonged to Jackattack.


Ok; correction to the above - Jackattack says he didn't fall through the planet, but was teleported straight to the centre of the Earth on a server restart. Rather it was GunnyBogan's rover that fell through earlier this week (3rd or 4th of May).


No terrain modification in my case - after I fell few times in the same spot, I just decided to build some armor blocks around that area to mitigate the problem. I will try to destroy them and make a video.


Here is a clip from my stream last night, there are several times this happened during last nights game.


Hi, Space Engineers gave me some meaning and a little hope to my life and I've spent at least 500 hours indulging myself in building, tweaking, testing. Thank you Keen devs!

I really love the conveyor system, how grids are powered, interconnected blocks, block ownership, physics playground, etc. I love this game, so I want to help Keen with bugs. I might have tasted a bit of game development too, so I might also be aware of the difficulties Keen might be having with bugs like these.

Here I've shared (on Dropbox) a recorded video of the terrain problem I'm having along with the system info of the computer which the dedicated server is running on, and my saves, same world but one with mods and another one without:


Not sure if this is a separate problem? Should I start a new thread?

I have a similar problem, SIMILAR but not quite. Similar in that my character fell through the ground, but only limited to terrain, did not fall through ships.

Tried with the official dedicated server, also tried with Torch, same problem persists.

Ships fell into blocks though, but never terrain. My ships sometimes sink into blocks when they are locked to connectors and their positions got "offset" while locked. However, when they are unlocked from connectors they suddenly got sprung into the sensible position and all is fine, I guess.

My main issue that is, at this very moment, making the game completely unplayable (at least, in the current save), is that on my dedicated server, terrain that got modified does not load, or only very partially remembers that it got modified.

Hovering above the ground, it does not appear modified at all, but if I move through it, it appears as though the whole planet is transparent in that area, around the affected part of the terrain, moving around also gets jittery and weird (screenshakes and nausea-inducing for me).

Grids in the affected part also have part of the (already drilled out previously) ground protrude into the blocks.

I play on low settings to avoid overheating my laptop. Granted, I am unable to run my dedicated server on a high-end system either, but I'm only playing with one other friend (who runs the game on high if not max settings) most of the time so it's usually just the two of us and both of us are experiencing the same problem with the terrain. He built his base underground so it's affecting him the most as he can't see the terrain around his base.



Thank you all for your additional information and videos so far! Also thank you @LostMyGrounds for your saves. We will check it.


Regarding the issue "Ships falling through blocks but not planet", this is a different problem. Please create a new ticket with an attached video and save. Thank you!

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hi Kateřina Červená. Thanks for responding. I haven't seen my ships falling through blocks recently, so I'm not able to record it, but as soon as I encounter it again I'll create a new ticket.

However I've recorded and uploaded another video on the terrain problem, but from a 3rd person view. I've uploaded into the same folder on Dropbox, but here's a link to it: 18-12-41.mp4?dl=0

Hope it helps somewhat.

Also some threads on reddit /r/spaceengineers on the same/similar problem if you need more info: (my thread)


Hello, LostMyGrounds!

I was able to reproduce the issue in the world you provided. Thank you very much! Also thank you for the additional threads, we are still investigating it.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


You have been ripping people off for 6 years enough is enough


This just happened to me. I'm probably an hour into Easy Earth drop pod on Keen server NA#11. Restart happened about 30 minutes ago. I walked away from the computer and the screen saver activated and the Windows logon screen appeared (due to inactivity) only locking the account while the game presumably continued to play in the background. After another ten or fifteen minutes the SE background music shutoff - more power down features of my computer. So a few minutes later I came back to the game resuming exactly where I was with the server continuing on as it should and it didn't kick me off during that time. I was waiting for another drop pod and I saw one that had dropped so I flew to it without dampeners. I hit the ground pretty hard and went through it after the second bounce. With my jet pack still on I went back up hoping to pop back through but I died when my head impacted the surface, and saw my pack fall toward the center of the Earth.

Incidentally, the pod I was looking for was beneath the surface of the Earth also by about 1.5km.


On official keen server, NA2. On several occasions in the past few days, respawn pod will fall through the earth like planet (haven't tested other planets yet).

Spawned on moon with rover respawn pod, flew to earth like planet. While driving it on the earth like planet surface, the rover and I simply fell through the voxel surface. The server was mostly full (may have had something to do with it).

Spawned on earth like planet with earth respawn pod, quickly converted to a flyer and found a suitable location. Landed and locked the respawn pod to the ground. While chatting, I watched the respawn pod make the landing gear noise and simply fall through the voxel surface (again the server was mostly full, perhaps that had something to do with it).

I spend a lot of time on official servers and most players are staying away from the earth like planet as of late, other players are warning players on the earth like planet about grids falling through the planet. Many players in chat on a regular basis will chat about their ships/rovers/respawn pods falling through the earth like planet, it happens frequently.


I have reported this bug long time ago and i thought its now somehow fixed.

Today it happened again. I was moving my base to a better place with a car and while i was driving around i fall into surface again and lost everything.

Dear Developers: You are making fancy stuff and DLCs and performance optimizations, but something serious like this bug you are not able to fix. And this is going on for years now.

This is really disgusting. I am really angry with that. Focus !

I dont want apologizes. Dont tell me that you are sorry. You have all informations about this fucking bug. Do something !


They will not fix this bug - they don't have the capability due to the engine and lack of resource.


Well everything needs some love if you cant go the direct way. It is possible to build better workarounds.

eg. if you build a sensor so if everyhting which has been fallen into planet will be moved into a safezone or something. It can be coded into the planet build. I can live with workarounds. But just falling into planet and then loose everything i built, thats a nogo !


Totally agree, even a temporary workaround would be better than nothing.

I really don't think they don't have the capabilities to fix such an issue, I mean, where's the developer that made the planets, the voxel damage system and all the incredible features of this game?

I totally undestand that after 7 (or more?) years developing a game, managing code can be hard, I worked for little over a year on an unfinished game and I'm already having problems looking at the code after a few months without working on it, but if I'd work full time on that I'd sure be able to figure out how to solve a problem.


This problem has persisted since the release of planets and Keen insists that this bug doesn't exist.

I'm sure the fix or workaround is easy, but we'll never get one as long as they got such lazy and self entitled devs.


Hello, everyone!

Thank you for reporting these issues to us.

We have already reproduced some of the cases that are causing this issue (thank you LostMyGround again) and they are waiting to be fixed. Also several bugs that caused this issue have already been fixed. However there are still some other cases in the game that cannot be easily reproduced. Some of them are random and therefore more difficult to find and fix.

We still welcome all possible information (including your saved worlds, videos etc.) that could help us fix this issue.

Thanks again and we appreciate your patience.

Keen Software House: QA Department


I want my money back. You sold me a lemon.


Stop selling a broken product.


Stop thanking us for reporting. Stop thanking us for patience. Because there is no patience anymore. And i am not sending any more reports to you. I am not even playing the game anymore for long time. There are many other games on the market with developers who are willing to fix bugs, who are willing to develop content and selling a game that works.

For many years now this bug exists and you are still asking for more reports. Do your reports by yourself. I am not helping you anymore with your bugfixes. its way too late. I am just still on your mailing list and i want you to delete me out of this because i am tired of reading that this bug is still not fixed.


Look for slow connections and laggy servers. It is more likely that it happens when server load is heavy. IMHO sometimes it just cannot keep up and once something is below ground it starts reaction very strong which result in explosions and/or falling into the planet.


I have purchased 2 Dedicated Servers from different hosts. There are only 2 active players. This has happened on both servers after considerable mining to build an underground base. On each server (different providers - Streamline and Nitrado) the rendering would start to correct itself shortly after restart/joining the game until finally not working. This is a gamebreaker and very unfortunate.


<For what it's worth; the following changes have fixed my issue, not sure how other aspects of gameplay will be affected but the underground bases are rendering correctly atm. Hope this helps others.







This happened to me twice on servers and once in solo survival. So, how do I go about a refund on Steam? lol hating this buggy game.


With big mass of ship (> 80 000 000 kg) on planetes (especially with high gravity like 5.0 G), could happen voxel sink.


Still happens even after Wasteland update (thanks for making wheels not pop at least!). It seems to happen when the server I play on stutters briefly (cpu? network?). It stays pretty high sim (usually 1.0), but still has microstutters and occasional network issues (no more than any other server I have ever played on). It could potentially be network related. The rover stays above the voxels for most of the stutters, but every now and then, the rover either falls through the voxel boundary or it dips into the voxels just enough so that it clangs into scrap. Perhaps the client and server mismatch? Perhaps the memory for the voxels gets mismanaged? Really makes for some sad play moments. Thanks for looking into this, and for an otherwise really great game.


They never fixed it. They placed some workarounds so you dont directly fall into the planet, but a few days ago i experienced it again.

I dont hate them for not fixing it, i am just disappointed.

I opened several tickets with issues, only answer is i have to send data. But no fix, no help nothing. And this bugs are now years old. I have given up the hope that Keen will fix it. They just make new deco and very little content to cash in money.

Latest update crashed the backups of our modded server. We made a wipe because we couldnt fix the problems. So what are they doing that even backups cannot safe you from loosing all your stuff again and again ?


I determined this to be mostly a voxel issue - rendering of all objects, especially mod content that adds additional ships, etc., Once I started being extremely vigilant with keeping the server clean of all trash, i.e.- wreckage, meteors, excess blocks, I was able to enjoy the game. Large mine shafts and underground bases are a no no; they made the gameplay horrific. Once I used admin command to restore the voxels and clean trash, things were cool again. Shame there isn't more information out there about specific server settings/admin controls. Most I found didn't offer the level of understanding that was useful and I ended up spending literally hundreds of hours to figure things out. Hope this helps, best of luck!


It is happening to me on official servers.


So when will this be fixed? This single bug alone makes the game borderline unplayable. And it seems like it has been going for quite some time, and happened for a lot of players. It kinda makes you wonder if the devs have abandoned trying to fix this game...


Its a well know bug by Keen. They always ask for examples and worlds to analyse to get data. But for me it only looks like they want to keep the customer busy, and so to reduce the number of fails.

After so many years now complaining about this serious bug and more or less helpless workarounds which reduces this serious bug a bit i must say that the development is not willing to fix or not be able to fix it.

Its totally hopeless and you better go and play a different game then space engineer.

Few days ago i lost everything again while my grid was falling into the planet. Sorry Folks, this will never be fixed. Its a well known bug now for many years. It probably needs more then just writing bug reports to get it done.


It is a bug yes, but it's mostly on the client side (not host). The falling through the floor happens as the file-size increases on the map. In most cases this happens on peer-to-peer games within Space engineers, but happens very little on Dedicated Server, so ultimately it depends on the hosts hardware setup and network if running the server on the same rig as the game. When you have a lot of things to draw and there is a lot of production going on (assuming peer-to-peer) this will happen very often, and it's mostly throttled/choke-point data. I used to hit 174ping on the peer-to-peer, but since a buddy and I started playing on dedicated, the falling/bouncing through the map was only brief (2-3sec) before the game loaded fully opposed to falling/bouncing 3-4 min on peer-to-peer.


I have a i9-9900 with 64Gb of high end memory and a descent internet connection with 100Mbs down und 40 Mbs up.

I had this bug since i played SE the first day, and that was when it was still on early access.

So this is a bug Keen never fixed. They probably tried to fix it with workarounds but still the bug is there and players are losing all their content when there is no admin around to rescue it.

I dont really care where the bug happens, host or client. It happens with Keen Software only. No mods or plugins envolved.

Its not problem of shitty hardware of bad internet connection, nothing a user or admin can fix with better hardware, better servers or better clients. Its a damn old bug in space engineer software.

And i have totally lost trust in Keen Software Developers that after so many years this bug is reported (more then 5 or even 7 years now) that somebody will really fix that.


It's absurd, 6 years on a game breaking bug and you still can't play it. I just want my money back


I understand but also keep in mind this game is old, real old. And just like electronic arts on most of their games, once they get all the awards and the fame for a game, patching practically stops. Sure they keep releasing dlcs, but that's just more money in their pocket, I'm still waiting for them to link the apis of the DLC to the programming block in the game, and those DLCs came out a long time ago. The pandemic it's definitely partially responsible for hindering the jobs of a lot of people, but for people that spend most of their time on the computer I don't see why it would hurt to still be productive while sitting on a computer at home working remotely.

Quite frankly, I play this game a lot mostly single player and with a buddy on dedicated server but I can tell you right now after seeing all the feedback posts, they only address things that spark their attention, even if a game needs something that so many people have addressed a multitude of times, they really don't seem to care what the f*** people think anymore. I feel like I'm wasting my time coming to these forums when I see posts as old as 7 years old that have not been addressed. And for all we know this thread is just going to be buried under all the decade old posts with the others. Nonetheless we do what we can and we have our modding community that seem to be working a lot harder than most of the devs. I guarantee you will see a new DLC once every month or so that doesn't address have to concerns that are on this forum


This game is not old at all.

You are making the mistake of going from EA date - actual RELEASE date was end of February, 2019. This is the date which needs to be looked upon.

No-one is calling cyberpunk old are they, and that's been in development for a very long time.

Also, your advice is poor. New drivers are sometimes needed - if you ever read the changelogs you'd realise this. They not only fix issues, they can often improve performance, so advice not to install unless your having problems is way off.


October 23, 2013 was the release of Space engineers, that just as old. Geez, imagine take what I say literally, is was an example. Imagine being butt-hurt in a forum and offended by what others say... Could you actually be any more mentally deficient? Go outside get some sunlight cupcake, reality is calling.

Assumptions that I don't read changelogs are your only method of ammunition to win a battle whilst clearly lacking evidence of who I am, nice job retard. Change logs vs Years of complaints to unaddressed issues, the continuity is clearly an issue here of what major issues to address.


Not sure there's a need for insults?

I'm simply pointing out your wrong. Both in SE being 'very old' (going by an early access release date is daft), and being a type that should chuck your PC out the window if you install new drivers.

If that upsets you (or to use your term, butt hurt), maybe you should be the one going outside? And stop giving bad advice because sometimes it gets called out. You are right about Keen not caring though.


Let me quote your assumptions really quick, and that will sum up why I am insulting you:

"Also, your advice is poor. New drivers are sometimes needed - if you ever read the changelogs you'd realise this. They not only fix issues, they can often improve performance, so advice not to install unless your having problems is way off."

Poor advice

If the advice benefits another user let it, you assume that the advice was directed to you, are you saying you're speaking for others, is that what makes it poor advice? Or are you just making assumptions?

New drivers are sometimes needed

Taking things I've said from another thread (not relevant to this post) and then slipstreaming it into this one just shows me you're a typical account doxer to use their history against them in order to leverage yourself in a battle you've already lost. Typical Reddit user behavior right there.

If you ever read the changelogs you'd realize this

Boy you must know me better than I do? I assume you lead yourself to believe that you're the only human in this world who can read when you make statements like this? I bet you have a whole biography on who I am, don't you Mr Interwebz? I can already tell what kind of person you are based on your assumptions about me and you're no different than a Reddit user. Lurkers call people like you garbage, and they're pretty spot on with that stereotype.

A word of advice, don't use a person history against them. Keep it relevant and strict to the to thread you're currently in. Now you know why I insulted you.


This above shows how you need to get more sun.

Sorry to say I'm not here for you, I looked at the same thread, and it stuck because it was such stupid, elitist dumb advice (you *do* know I'm on about change logs for graphics drivers, right?). And you know it is, because it was a statement saying something which was wrong. Speaking of wrong, I don't go on reddit and don't even have an account ;)

I haven't looked at your history, I don't care to. But poor show on trying to justify the insults of 'retard', and 'mentally deficient' when I simply said you're wrong. Enough though, this isn't the place to discuss such things.


Shew Garbage, you've lost the battle, go away I'm not reading your nonsense paragraphs, you're dismissed.


The game is 7+ years old- the final release date is completely meaningless when every single player could buy the game back in 2013; calling it 'early access' was never, ever, anything more than a technicality. More importantly though they updated the game to 'final release' without addressing the majority of the bugs and issues before doing so; what's the difference between early access and final release if all they update is the title?...


Keen, for the love of all that ever was, a freak'n unsubscribe from all button!

Perhaps a way to not always be subscribed by default?

Either way, arguments like this are not helping the system. I am forced to have these automatic notifications to be automatically forwarded to the dust bin.


Pyrald Lystent I am sorry, I just felled the need to defend myself against someone who displayed a reddit type behavior. I apologize if this thread turned into a shit show, I to shun the idea of receiving notifications regarding nonsensical bullshit, but sometime people just need to be called out on bad habits, otherwise their behavior continues. If I could have my comments deleted that would be awesome. It's hard to help people or maker suggestions when some turd has to call you out on stupid shit.

Again, I apologize for the continuity of behaviors collected within this thread, perhaps it would be in the best interest to have this thread removed. @Keen Software House


Thank you for all of the feedback on this issue.

We are still investigating this report (and related reports). While we have had some results in solving specific instances of this issue we have not resolved all cases. Currently, we are looking into methods of reliably reproducing this issue.

We are currently looking for:

  • Steps of Reproduction: The specific steps we can take to produce this issue in-game.
  • Video of this issue actually taking place.
  • World saves where this issue can be produced.
  • As with all submissions, we may wish to contact you directly and request more information.

Information can be provided here or sent directly to

Thank you!


I experienced this bug many times when sim speed fall under 0.90.

CPU Thread 180%

CPU 120%

I had many cars in hangar and have rotating platform in center made by

Big Stator of advanced rotor --- Small advanced rotor head --- many blocks to form O.

I toggle creative mode, in admin menu and with F10 copy blueprint to clipboard.

When box with car shows and i touched the platform with still not spawned car the rotating platform start to spinn in wrong axis clipping tru base blocks and then fly away like it was in space.

I "Player" died in 8 seconds somethig crash to me at high speed.

I think is related to over working the havock with complex muti subrid builds.

Also may be related to wheel bending with "Handbrake_ON" (toggle Hadbrake and leave car untouched for whole day)


I also fell through a planet when I was on one of Keen's official servers (CA#1) when the sim speed was around 0.45. I hope that Keen Software House makes performance improvements to dedicated servers.


This happened to me when I was on one of Keen's official servers (CA#1). It seems like the sim speed is causing the problem. logging back into the server does not fix the problem. Restarting the game also does not fix the problem. There is most likely nothing wrong on the client side. There is most likely a problem on the server side.


It seems to fix itself after leaving the game for 30 minutes or 1 hour.


Do you know if that was due to a server reset? I currently have a rover bobbing up and down at the center of earth on NA #6. I tried what you said but it's still there. Still keeping my fingers crossed.


i have just had this happen to me on a multiplayer modded world, i just got my ship flying in atmosphere, when i tried to land it, the front sank into the ground, then the whole front half of my ship was ripped apart! WHY IS THIS BUG STILL IN THE GAME? It has been 5 years, and it still hasn't been dealt with!


I fell through earthlike planet while driving a large grid rover. I was driving through some tall grass when it happened. I was playing on Server Keen NA #6. I fell through to the center until I turned on my drills, then sploded all over the place. Pretty neat but lost a rover.


It is happening to me every second day


This is the main reason why we stopped our server, this bug makes it unplayable in multiplayer right now. Every day, someone was falling through the planet with wheeled vehicles. Sometimes just small rovers, sometimes huges cars that needed days to build.

We are all so annoyed by that bug, we are not going to start any new server until this is solved for sure


last time i have lost rower was flat sand , speed 15-20, no modes vanila eu official,

acctually it has nothing to do with the rower

frst time it hapen to me was when i frst land modul survival on earth pressed F and starting falling through planet , after that heapen 2 time while walking once i manage to use jetpack to come back second time the terain get closed could not get back.

it is heapened randomly as if the game engine was refreshing the mesh coliders of the terrain for a few second .colliders just wanished and come back


And if you try to fly out of it you get killed when you hit the surface from below.


When you assamble rover for 5 hours that is fun


It happened 3 times before I gave up. I can't tell if they are the worst game designers ever or the best crooks ever. 6 years selling something they know is broken.


Broken pile of trash stop robbing people


6 years to fix this game breaking bug. I got robbed, I want My money back these crooks put an un playable game on the market. I can't believe how broken this pile of trash is cyberpunk 2077 runs better. If anyone wants a similar game that actually works, play no mans sky. GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK KEEN.


It would be well within EU laws to expect a properly working game or any other software or be entilted for a price reduction or a full refund.

  • First ever EU rules to protect consumers faced with faulty digital content or services

  • If a problem cannot be fixed: price reduced or contract ended and consumer refunded

  • Digital content includes social media, music, movies, apps, games and computer programmes


You right i got fooled too by videos of great rowers on YouTube


You guys are robbing people.


Hello, Engineers!

We have managed to find a situation where surface sinking can occur, but we need to verify that this is indeed the case. The fix is part of the next Major update. A release date has not yet been set, but we will keep you posted.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


HI. What ealse is in the next update?

Since you started the topic its only reasonable to ask. :D


On KEEN EU #2 Server I have this issue twice in 2 days with a rover driving around.

No fun playing this way.

Please fix the issue.


Was Warfare 2 the major update? If so it didnt age well since my main hangar seems to be the core of planet earth. Every time i rejoin my Server there is something new missing on the surface. I would take some screenshots but sadly the server ran out of memory yesterday before we even managed to leave the planet, which is kinda hard when everything sinks in the ground and you have to dig more and more ressources to build more only to get massive ram usage for all the holes created.


Of the times it has happened to me, I have a wheeled vehicle and I am driving on earth. It looks as though the game has some small lag and the ground loads in after a part of the wheel has gone into the earth, then the whole vehicle just goes through. I was lucky one time and I had thrusters on my ship, this allowed me to at least hover under the earth's surface. But no amount of digging by me or my friends miner could save my big block wheeled ship.

Maybe try using a big block wheeled ship that is loaded up with materials and such, add a small thruster or two to help drive. And drive around for an hour or so. Might have the problem.

I have also logged back in and had the wheeled vehicle slip through the earth. As if the ground wasn't there.

Also, flying vehicles when I log into the servers will have all thruster lifting on full thrust as if my landing gear is not engaged. Then all of a sudden it's as if the land is there again. I've burnt through whole tanks of h2 from this.


Hello, Engineers!

We made some modifications in version 200 and we would like to know if these tweaks fixed the problem.

Can you please give us feedback from the latest update? Thank you!

Kind regards,

Keen Software House


All due respect, this issue has been ongoing for nearly 3 year. Some of us have moved on and don't really care to test it. Other's might be able to try, but I think it had become a dead issue at this point. Good luck to you all. You still made a great game, hands down. With 883 hours, you'll always have a place in my heart Keen.



I will try to build a wheeled base in one of the official servers and test it out. Might be awhile, atm there is a problem with my inventory not displaying the correct items or amount.


I've had this happen in the update. Falling through blocks, not the planet.


I have been rolling on Triton yesterday and lost a rover due to falling through the ground.

Happened again today. It looks like the rover's grid become not detected for ground collision. Only a server restart OR respawning the grid using cut and paste it fix the issue.

My rover is equipped with atmos thrusters, so on the 2nd occasion when I fell throught the ground, I manage to stop the fall using my thruster. Then I got back to the surface, but the ground wasn't detecting collision anymore with the rover... So I let it hover like that and restarted the server. The collision were fine again after the restart.

the 1st time it happened, I lost the rover but manage a quick ctrl-b before loosing sight of it. I gave myself admin priviledge and spawned back the rover from the blueprint menu. The ground collision were detecting the new grid fine.


I can confirm this is still happening however i did accidentally prevent it from occuring. CPU and RAM were level and below 40% on each, there were no peaks in sim speed or connection drops.

I am running a dedicated server on a windows VM within Proxmox, server had error on 12gb of ram, 12 cores running stable at peak just below 40% usage.

there were 4 used of the server at time of issue, only one person had the glitch.

he dropped through the earth consistently every 5 - 15 minutes over a period of about 4 hours (his first 4 hours playing) he tried re connecting several times.

we are on the latest version of MC, i was using torch (also up to date)

Accidental temp solution that did seem to prevent this error was to restart server, remove all floating objects. for safe mersure i increased the server core count from 12 - 14 and ram from 12gb to 14gb

After the restart he has not had the issue yet (6 hours of gametime at time of writing)


In version 1.200 on a local server with 2 people in it, the game has been occupationally sucking us through the ground as we walk around on it. I have also experienced my entire large grid rover going through the ground on the same server.

*edit* I have just recorded footage of a friend getting sucked into the ground


I think you're focusing in the wrong direction trying to tackle this problem. Falling through planets is obviously still an issue that needs to be solved, but I'd bet it is directly related to having grids phase through other grids, which is **very** easy to recreate. I can, 100% of the time, get a grid to phase through another grid. I've provided these files in the past but can do so again if requested.

I would think that the ability to recreate these issues more regularly would help in getting the dev team to solve the issue, yes?


Its still an issue, great job fixing it ''in the next mayor update keen''


I would very much like this issue hammered. Rover play isn't just irritating but can get downright impossible after some time. Host/server restart is only a brief band-aid, and doesn't even always help.


Can confirm, still an issue. I converted a drop pod into a rover as the only player in a new local only game and had said Rover slip into the terrain and fall endlessly.


I'm currently having this issue, no vehicle, under 3gb memory usage and I fall through the world when right click drilling.


[1.201.013] On DE#6, yesterday I fell through the ground when I tried to walk home Uranium ore, I purchased from a trade station. Today someone else's rover fell through the ground. It is a very frustrating, long standing issue that we can't provide a repro case for easily, because we'd have to essentially rewind a server game. Even GPS coordinates are difficult, as by the time you get past the initial shock to open chat and type "/gps" you've already fallen a few hundred meters. I have not seen it when hand drilling as OP described though.


lost 3 rovers so far on one of the official severs.

first was two weeks ago one last week and the third was 4 days ago,

also had another rover partly fall in the ground before getting stuck in between the surface and the ground.


Sun, 10 Mar 2019 20:40:01 << this was the day i started this and after so many years its still not fixed. And uncountable rover have been falling into planets since then, but the devs dont care.


They do care and they want it fixed, but they are having trouble replicating the issue.

They cant fix what they cant experience. So next time it happens post any videos, pictures, any info you think is relevant. If we flood them with info they can potentialy find the problem.


Is that really any surprise... they're alot like Bethesda in that respect.

Only difference is, at least the Fallout and Skyrim games have community patches to fix their bigger issues.


the issue, i've noticed, is that the servers when the server has heavy lag, it forgets collisions for some grids do to the high amounts of grids on official servers.


I don't know if it's a coincidence or no,t but I had a large grid rover that was doing just fine until I slapped a single large hydrogen thruster on the back. I was only going about 40 m/s when I glitched through the ground but it occurred just like 2 minutes after attaching the thruster for some boost.


I don't know if it's a coincidence or no,t but I had a large grid rover that was doing just fine until I slapped a single large hydrogen thruster on the back. I was only going about 40 m/s when I glitched through the ground but it occurred just like 2 minutes after attaching the thruster for some boost.


Today, I fell underground with my four-wheeler (Name car Obscene word with 4 letters "****"). As it happened, I was just driving on the grass and the car fell through. German official server for survival de6.

Now in the center of the earth are a pile of debris and me. Can this be fixed and the car returned to me?


I am afraid to say, the only way to avoid that is, not playing the Space Engineer. After so many years the Devs are not able to fix this problem.


This bug is mostly related to de-sync issue havok physics have. Most noticeable is on subgrids (wheel, Piston/Hinge/Rotor head)

I call it "micro shake" of subgrids

Havok physics is known to ignore items that penetrate collision model.

Games like Halflife2 / Garrysmod have many fixes/ tweaks that battle this bug.

In garrys mod you can still push items inside Displacement Geometry Brush Surface as it is thin collision layer.

Basically that is SE voxel.

For SE == IF wheel(subgrid) by de-sync sunk into voxel(planet) for some time

physics simulation "fails" for 1 second == you will fall inside planet as collision models of blocks/wheel/planet voxel is DISABLED .


KEEN why you not ask Valve Software how they fix Displacement Geometry Brush Surface as that had same "items fall inside" issue

Bug: Displacements with a power of 4 can cause crashes if colliding with physics objects (except in Gmod-16px). Additionally, they may rarely cause physics objects to pass through them at edges, this can be observed in the official de_dust2 map in CS

I bet that Havok physics in your SE engine is crashing in background and people see how whole physics simulation fails and they fall inside planet.


Every build ever built involving normally lifting cargo ends with explosion.


1. create grid on suspension rotor piston. Best of half blocks panels magnets.

2. create another grid with cargo and ore.

3. place it on top (can lock unlock with magnets)

4. try to move = sink = boom.


It's hard to replicate the problem because it happens spontaneously. I believe it's mostly with rovers and typically on servers when there's some desync. The vehicle then ends up on the other side of the voxel surface.


Daniel replicated block sinking with my workshop build precisely how it happens to me.

He reported to Keen hope it will get some attention on fixing.



I joined an empty rovers server. And when driving for 5 minutes on the surface of the modified planet, he falls into limbo.

I thought this problem had been fixed. but I see that there are still other triggers.

On my server we don't have these problems, perhaps because players are instructed to lock their ships and rovers with landing gear or magnetic.


I have experienced this issue in the past, not often on rovers but quite few times on ship remains - but have not seen it lately.

Worst Issue with rovers I've seen lately was missing wheels when parked too close to surface.

However, I have another issue, possibly caused by Torch server trying to avoid this one. If I drill down on planet under 100m, it sometimes (seemingly random) teleports me above surface.

That also makes some PAM Script miners run out of power trying to reach next step.


I have provided feedback on this issue many times. However, they have been ignoring my messages.

The phenomenon presented by this problem. Players and ships can penetrate any item. Penetrating or falling like the ships or planets that block them never existed.

I also made a video for this. The trigger probability exceeds 80%. Space suits can pass through ships.

2019-12-23 05:29:00


SE bug1.188.1

2018-11-20 04:27:09


2018-07-05 11:43:17



And I have confirmed that some of their staff have watched these videos.

But. These problems still exist. It has been many years.


Unfortunately this game is an old dairy cow

To squize the last milk .

This " developers " as they call them selfs

Are incompetent to fix this 7 years old problem

But they are very skilfull to fool people with new updates .

Only problem is that Steam will only accept to play this game Lea than 2 hours to get money back .it took me 3 days to build a rover .a have lost already 4 of them after every update I hoped for the best


First to support the coder.. memory bugs are hell to pinpoint. Waiting patiently.

I do howevever have an update from my side.

- i took a new server at g-portal

- create a custom 120km world (Earthlike)

- stripped the world from everything else (asteroids and weather)

- set up 3 bases

- saved it as a backup

- added vehicles and played.. resetted the backup when it got messy

- 3 days into the build i MOVE 1 base to another place (cut and paste)

Since then when i start adding vehicles for the teams to start with something breaks when i get to near max pcu.

After that i experience:

- an odd forced ROLL of the player AND admin cam on certain parts of the moved grid (it just makes a sudden corkscrew when i move over those spots)

- i can fly through any building and ground with my character

- all vehicles seem to fall through the moved grid

- the grid itself hasn't moved then

BUT when i relogin to the server the moved grid is suddenly floating 100m up in the air beeing displaced over all 3 axis for seemingly an even amount (100m).

So it seems in this case the memory bug could lie in the coordinate array or handler.


- i have not mined a single bit here

- it is all singleplayer so far as i have not invited ppl on yet

- its running at 1.0 sim speed (1.02 is the max of what i does)

Back to another restart and GL with the puzzle.



Happens on Petram on our community server.


Today for few minutes on Eu1 server. It happen to me thats my Rover on pertam fall into the earth... 16:15


I just started experiencing this myself on a dedicated server I rented for my friends and I. A month into our game and it's almost unplayable now because of this weirdness. It's sad. We don't want to start over due to this.


We started off playing on the moon. It's like the old shape of the voxels that have already been mined out or anything are there, but the visuals show a virgin landscape. No meteor strikes or anything anymore.


I just had this happen. I was driving a small grid rover on a 1.4g pertam like planet and fell through the ground and to the center of the planet.


same problem on earth like even holes right by the base that i know are there i cant see them


Please forgive me if this is a seperate bug but I'm not so sure this is limited to server only. I'm on a creative earth single player game, 4gig ram use so far and I've just dug a bit of a hole with a 9x9 drill rig and one of the walls towards the bottom isn't solid at all. I was looking around the rig to see what was left of the magnesium ore patch and fell through it. An indicator of this is that your rig starts shaking for no reason.

The hole started at 20m, above ground, and ended at -35m, underground. Not sure if instead it could 2 bugs interacting with eachother? The multiplayer desync that stops showing altered landscapes, together with some other bug I haven't seen rearing its ugly head in a very long time, the falling through stuff that's supposed to be solid?

As far as I'm aware the multiplayer desync that stops showing you altered landscapes still have the altered solid walls. Fall into an invisible hole and you hit the bottom of the hole, not the center of the planet. Unless Clang gets you first by getting all confused about whether or not there's a hole there at all and whatever you used to fall into it should be exploding.


I have the same issue as well, and there is a constant "Streaming" with circles under my screen while this issue happen, my ship sadly broke because server are letting the ship goes into the hole but client don't, and then it will shaking really hard to broke.

My game version is 1.203.5


5 years... 5 years since this has been reported. I have gladly left this game years ago because of this. Now I just come here every few months to check up on this. This is hillarious. I do not think they are in power to fix this, they just deceive you so that you keep buying some new DLCs. I think this is a bug in the underlying physics engine that they just cannot fix, because the built their game on top of some other people buggy software.

Always makes me smile to see some new people commenting here with "happened to me too".


50% true. As i typed years before....

kEEn used same type of physics engine like old Half life2 game have.

I had this issue my self when i overun engine with too many flying objects and too many dynamic objects. This very depends what CPU you have.

Some other games also have this issue as well and they fix it by limit how many dynamic objects can be on scene and also disable simulation for objects far away. In Fallout 3 if you fall under map you will be teleported back. SE have none of this and you can spam 1,000,000 cubes until simulation goes to "crawl" and if they start to collide then this can happen.

SE in concept allow you to ovverun game logic and also AI logic if you build your automation around huge amount of timer_blocks


Our group stopped playing Space Engineers because of this bug. I mean there are man annoying bugs but most of them are just annoying. But loosing your land vehicle you build for days to this bug is super frustrating! In the end, we made a lot of backups just in case another vehicle fall through the planet, and we needed to reset to older backups all the time.

I bet there are many servers who gave up because of this bug. It should be the Number 1 Bug to remove on their list, but somehow it isnt. They released a new DLC that looks fun, but our group doesnt want to play anymore because of this very old and known bug. It also feels like they dont care because they never fixed it.


So does this mean a server after a fresh wipe is much less likely to suffer from this "falling through the ground" bug than a server that's been running for years?


"Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department"

no more comments


This issue is known for 8 years , just building rover for 5 days then take it for a ride and after few hours you just sink in terrain and free fall to center the planet scrapyard . But no worries they added this issue and it will be fixed soon "this game is death ☠💀💀💀"


This occurs for two ROOT reasons, neither of which are likely to be fixed in SE's case:

1) Collision isn't error checked properly. Collision errors inevitably occur, as a result of factors both static—e.g. poorly-written code, engine inadequacies that a dev team lacks the skill to workaround, or broken level geometry—and dynamic—e.g. self-load-balancing process threads with the option of dynamically re- and de-prioritizing their various workloads in response to the fluctuating workloads of other more-important threads. Good collision in a game depends upon first understanding these potential pitfalls from the beginning, then designing a framework that *nearly* eliminates user-experience exposure to these vulnerabilities, AND—most importantly—then building and tweaking a robust and adjustable error-checking process into the end result to handle those edge cases that inevitably crop up. Space Engineers is missing that last step.

2) At a certain threshold of cumulative workload, a server's capability to do important work in real time ("sim speed") will drop; when this does, real-time-sensitive workloads immediately begin competing with each other, because not all of them can be completed in time. When collision draws the short stick, your grid falls through the world and/or merges into another nearby grid and then explodes in a fit of clang. SE's server tech is very... let's say "ad-hoc." The game as it currently is, is not well suited to multiplayer applications. The more mods, players, entities and interactions a server needs to track and organize, the worse it's going to be.

Both of these are eminently fixable problems, and Keen knows all of this already - but actually fixing them would require a significant allocation of expertise and attention. Unfortunately, a game in maintenance mode is not ever likely to receive either; right now, the most important thing to them is ensuring that every second they put into "development"—and I do use that term loosely—is immediately convertable into (quick) profit. The core game is too spaghettified to justify trying to fix it up properly to attract more players, so what we're left with is... well, what you see on the DLC page.

- and players/grids on active MP servers falling into & through voxel and each other all the time.

EDIT: I should add that it is possible to 'work around' most of SE's worst multiplayer-collision symptoms via plugin; unfortunately, I don't know of any existing examples offhand, and I no longer actively mod SE myself so I haven't checked the plugin repository in years. For those large-server operators who are struggling with this issue currently, look into PluginLoader and check if anyone has published a plugin that can detect and auto-correct voxel collision failures. I thought of doing it myself years ago but had too many other mod projects to start a new one; maybe somebody else has had a similar inclination since, and has followed up on it. GL.


They released a nice DLC now and I was thinking of playing it again after years. But seeing that this really super frustrating bug is still not fixed is making me think twice about playing again. I just build to many land vehicles that just disappeared inside the planet and I can still feel the frustration, and I dont want to repeat that experiance.

Specially when It happens and the last server backup is just right after the accident, or all other players are frustrated because we need to reset the server to a backup 1 or 2 days ago.

Please if any developers read this ever, fix this huge bug please. This is really making planets and land vehicles unplayable.

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