[1.196] Turrets on DS not targetting automatically

John Willig shared this bug 4 years ago

I am running a Dedicated Server for friends with a number of mods installed. I use the provided Dedicated Server Manager(i.e not Torch). None of the turrets(small, large, gatling, missile, station) seem to be targeting or firing automatically. They don't even animate on their own with idle turret movement enabled. I don't have any turret mods, or added weapons, they are vanilla. Combat usually doesn't go on too much on this server, so this could have been broken for a while, but I haven't tested rolling back DS versions. Turrets do function if controlled manually using the "Control" option, it is only automatic targeting, firing, and animation that doesn't. Settings all appear to be correct and they do have ammo.

I have tried stripping out all mods and the problem persists. I have created a brand new empty server with no mods, and the problem persists. I copied the Server world to the local save, and started it up there with the same mods installed and everything seems to work ok. This leads me to believe there is a problem with the DS itself.

I have seen enemy ships firing turrets, but I think they are actually script controlled via mods for modular encounters spawner/RivalAI and don't actually work normally. I have used admin mode to visit some of these up close and I see the same things as mine in that idle animations aren't working, so I still suspect these are script controlled to fire.

I am happy to capture any logs or anything needed to help debug and solve, but it seems pretty straightforward to recreate. I'm more surprised I can't find anyone else having these issues. I would think it would be seen more with other DS. When I get some time i'll try rolling back versions to see if I can make it work that way.


Replies (35)


Ok, my rollback testing went quicker than expected. I rolled the server and client back to 1.195.024. I could not use my current save since it had already been upgraded to the new version, but I found an old backup of the world from 08/05/2020 that was at 1.195.024. I booted it up and logged in and straight away i could see turrets on my base moving around and behaving normally. pasted in a blueprint i made a few days ago in the 1.196 branch and it too was behaving properly. I shutdown the server, moved the client and DS back to the current branch and as soon as I loaded in, gun turrets were dead again. I think this definitely points to something in the DS 1.196 branch that is broken. I can't tell if it was something at the initial launch of 1.196 or one of the updates along the way to the current 1.196.016 since I cannot downgrade minor versions within steam.

Again, if I can help gather some data or provide other debug steps, I can.



I am having the very same problem right now, i am running a dedicated server and i am finding the same problems you are.

On my dedicated server the only turrets that lock on to targets and fire are the interior turrets the Gatling turrets and missile turrets don't lock on or shoot at the enemy however if i take a copy of my world and put it on my local PC and load it up everything works and all the turrets fire at the enemy automatically.

The only work around i found is to set the toggle to "shoot on/off" on the Gatling turrets and missile turrets and activate them when i am in weapons range and they will shoot at the enemy but this can be a pain to doing this when they just should fire automatically.

it definitely seems to be an issue on the dedicated server side i am surprised they have not found this problem, i am the same i am running the provided Dedicated Server Manager... not Torch i am really hoping for a fix soon.

If anyone else is have this issue to post here or if your not sure those running Dedicated Servers should check to see if they have the same problem.


Just wanted to add some more information, from i can see weapons on static grids are not affected they seem to function fine as i had a friend of mine set up a Gatling turret on a static grid and once i came into range it did shoot at me but the Gatling turrets and missile turrets on his ship did not shoot at me.

So it seems that all Gatling turrets and missile turrets on mobile grids do not function properly and don't shoot and lock on automatically in MP when running a world on a Dedicated Server but as mentioned before it does work when you load the world up on a local PC and play SP.


Hello, Engineers!

Thank you for your reports. Could you please confirm that this issue also occurs without any mods? If yes, can you please provide us a save of your server where you are experiencing this issue?

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I am having the very same problem right now, i am on a friend server and that i can tell it is some thing to do with idle moment if it is on or not because every time i find it off the turret has stop working


I'm experiencing this issue as well. I found that if I click "Control" and then exit out, the turrets start attacking targets but they still don't do idle movement.

When can we get a fix?


Could QA please inform me where to upload this world for you so you can reproduce the issue? The "Attach file" feature here is limited to 2MB max size. My world ZIP file is a little under 6MB. Please advise.



  • You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Kind regards,

Laura Perry, QA Department


I do not use Google Drive and as I mentioned already, the final ZIP is too large to be attached here. I'm happy to host the file via other means if you're OK with it, but I still very much prefer attaching it here if possible.



I'm afraid as you mentioned, there is a small limit on size for attachments here which is why we ask for Google Drive. I apologise for that

Kind Regards

Laura Perry, QA Department


You might be able to upload the world to the steam workshop and provide a link back in here. I've seen others do that. Sorry, I know I posted the original issue, but I ended up moving to a new home and have not had a chance to follow back up here on this. I will try to get back to this and confirm this is still behaving as I reported with the 198 builds.


Also having same issue, running a server to play with my brother have several mods, turrets aren't moving even though idle movement enabled.

Turrets aren't targeting pirate drones.


I have the same issue after last steam update. Gatlings on ship wont go into idle Mode and auto target on our dedicated server.


Iv tried to download our dedicated server and run it locally, and guns are working just fine, so its serious odd what should prevent the guns to go into idle mode on the dedicated server.


Hello! Is is possible that you are able to supply a copy of your save as mentioned above? It would help me to try to reproduce the bug.

Kind Regards

Laura Perry, QA Department


After patch on december 18 the turrets on gatling stopped working. A Ship on Mars its where im testing right now. Doesnt work on the dedicated server, but works as a local copy.



Thank you very much for this. I notice that this version has mods. Are you experiencing the same issue without mods at all?

Kind Regards

Laura Perry, QA Department


Its doesnt make a difference without the mods. Its true there is 7 mods on.

And with and without mods mods it works locally, but as soon as its on a dedicated server turrets stops idle mode.


Hello Tony!

Thank you so much for this and your save. I have now managed to reproduce this issue and it has now been reported. Thank you to everyone else's information too, it has been a great help.

Kind Regards

Laura Perry, QA Department



Not sure if this bug is still open internally, but the 1.201 update fixed some of the problems but made other parts worse. Before the update turrets would refuse to shoot randomly and could sometimes be fixed by using the shoot once command. What I'm seeing now is slightly different. It's a bit hard to quantify, but I'm speculating that turrets will work against one target and then refuse to target anything else, as if the target can't be overwritten. This persists across server restarts too. I've also seen the "target out of range" message randomly while being in a space suit watching others fight, maybe the bug is failing to assign commands to the correct player? Regardless, this is crippling when it happens, so getting this fixed would be great!


Laura: Just to be clear, what issues did you reproduce? The idle movement not working and (more importantly) the turrets not firing are both reported here. You can get the turrets to fire again if you toggle shoot off and on again with an enemy target already in range. But this is a short term workaround.


Both, and no toggle shoot on and off with an enemy in range didnt help. The turrets are just static only way to move them or have them shoot its manuel.

Just tried to set up a battery, small cargo with a turret on top. Same issue. If i down load the world and run it local in single mode, its works fine. Turrets will go into idle mode, and will track hostile even with the 7 mods on.

Its been working just fine, until december 18th after server update from steam.



Both have been reported by myself and a colleague. Thank you for the further information.

Kind Regards

Laura Perry, QA Department


Hi Skinny1984, from Sirius Space Engineers Server here, yeah same issue, the steam threads suggest the turret idle movement has been stopped in the recent update to optimise server environments or something.

The problem is that the turrets struggle to target or track anything in their arc if it's not moving so combat is a pain at the moment. Also the idle movement looks cool AF when it's working the calm menace of your ships turrets rotating awaiting the enemy, it's reassuring. 😎

Please fix this soon Keen, also I'm just explaining not complaining, I love this game! Keep up the great work ❤



Please fix, it is destroying our fun at the game


Totally game breaking. Should be fixed ASAP.


Well my brother just quit playing "until turret bug is fixed".

please fix ASAP renting server costs money and it is unplayable at the moment!


In the meantime, I've installed the WeaponCore mod along with the vanilla weapons replacement for it. This makes everything work until they get us a proper fix.


Does it work ? Coz if it does ima do the same


Of course it works. Why would I suggest a non-working solution as a workaround?


I guess the right question would've been, how well does that work?

Also tried adding those to my DS, damage seems low and turrets are trying to shoot wolves through the hill but I guess it's better than no damage at all :))

Thanks for the suggestion!


We have the exact same problem on our dedicated server. Only running modular encounters. Turrets simply won't target pirates. Tearing them down and rebuilding them sometimes works, turning the entire grid off and on again worked once then never again.

Another similar topic about turrets not shooting is 20 months old now but at least this one is "Reported - Awaiting fix" whatever that is supposed to assure. Come on, Keen, trying to get new friends into this game and you guys are beefing it hard by sleeping on these obvious bugs for 2 years.


Just a day after warfare 2 drops and I've got turrets not shooting. I'm losing all my assets and drones are ripping thru me and my turrets aren't working! I'm about to drop se forever!


I'm having the same issue, turrets not tracking and firing, that's okay though because pirate bases and drones aren't spawning either 😆🤷‍♂

All these fancy guns, and actually nothing to shoot! ❤😂

I love this game so much 💗 join my sever anyone who fancies a fun 'currently' very relaxing experience ☺


I haven't been reporting on this in quite a while since I haven't had as much time for SE play, but I also used the workaround proposed by voidpointer almost a year ago and it does work great as a workaround. In some ways I actually like it better than the vanilla functions, so I haven't gone back. I have yet to test if this is still the case with warfare 2. I know there were a lot of Mod API changes in warfare 2 as well, so it may take time for weapon core to take advantage of those (I know the author participated in the panel to provide feedback for mod API changes as well.) I just wanted to offer this up as a workaround to use Weapon Core + vanilla weapon replacement sub-mod did work really well and may still help now.

This shouldn't excuse the vanilla functions not working at all. This should still be fixed. If there is any further information Keen needs from us, please let us know so we can provide worlds/logs to help resolve this issue. I need to go back and re-verify I still have this issue myself without weapon core.


Thanks for your input, I've had loads of folks on my server asking for weapons core. I have been saying for ages "don't worry guys, once keen has warfare two out, all will be well, and we won't need it". Sadly I have been wrong. I'm going to give keen a week or two to get it fixed, if not I may have to look at the alternative as my server is a ghost town thanks to the bugs sadly.

I have found that if in an engagement I press 'shoot once' on my weapon control group they mysteriously come to life. Sadly this has to happen for each engagement, I'm just concerned there will be a drone attack when I or my players are offline and their builds will be damaged or destroyed through no fault of their own. I hope keen fix this fast, I love space engineers so much ☺ 🤞❤


I really hope this gets fixed, basically makes the new update unplayable in combat.


This needs to be higher up there. The new patch is basically useless on dedicated servers at the moment


On our dedicated server Cargo and drones turrets will not engage players. However, encounter (i.e. SPRT mayday) and player turrets seem to engage (although haven't thoroughly tested player turrets yet). Is this the same issue? or should I create a new bug report?


We’ve got the same issue on an Xbox dedicated server. Only 3 of us play, but this was a bummer when we wanted to test Warfare 2 this week. Hope it gets patched soon.


Still happening after last patch. We've restored to installing weapon core so that at least the turrets work...


"...Shared this bug 17 MONTHS AGO ... AWAITING FIX..."

Like seriously?


I'm running a rented Dedicated Server and the game is unplayable with this bug. Please Keenswh, fix the bug. Can´t be real that we are waiting 18 months for you to fix it.


Just tested this on dedicated server with mods for ai ships, my gat turret didn't fire nore did the ai. Turned shoot on and it fired non stop, turned shoot off and it worked like it's supposed to. Internal turrets seamed to work


Also have this bug on a dedicated server. Hostile npc turrets will not fire upon players.


Also having this problem on a dedicated server. With and without mods. This makes any survival gameplay with NPCs or warring factions a poor experience. Will be using mods to work around, but wish it was fixed. The vanilla game is terrible with the new weapons not working on servers. I love the game, but this makes me sad.


Same Problem here. New player on a dedicated server. Put many days in building my first large grid ship. Gone to space and got destroyed without hitting back. 19 month and still no fix???


it seems like Keenswh dont give a fuck about their Product and their customers


Just wanted to add my voice to this issue. Same same same. Please fix. I will add that I don’t think I’ve seen this happen for me in space, only on a planet or moon.


Is this the same bug?


I quit playing the game because of this. Came on here looking to see if it was fixed yet. And now i find this post that is even older than when i first notice the problem :( I why do i buy DLC when they only break the game :(


Turrets on DS not targetting automatically

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