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Warp core or hyperdrive

Considered (Not Planned) owenplays Comments: 3 Reply 4 years ago by Seth F.
26 votes

Request to have a toggle option for flickering tool effects

Submitted Ken P. Comments: 5 Reply 2 years ago by Alex J.
26 votes
26 votes

Nickel Ingots from Stone > Nickel Ingots from Nickel Ore

Submitted Thraxus Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Kyro G.
26 votes

pointing finger animation

Submitted Ventus Comments: 3 Reply 5 years ago by the N.
26 votes

Do something to the Gravity Drive exploit.

Submitted Kephyr Comments: 45 Reply 5 years ago by PÁRKÁNY
26 votes

Documentation for modders and plugins developers

Submitted szczepix Comments: 4 Reply 16 months ago by Michael L.
26 votes

Hangar pressurization breaks when docking small ships

Reported Ras A. Comments: 23 Reply 4 months ago by Anubis 1.
26 votes

Rotor Controls - Add "Rotate CW" and "Rotate CCW"

Submitted Spaceman S. Comments: 8 Reply 15 months ago by Georg
25 votes

Suggestion: Wings

Submitted Dumbrarere Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Simpson3k
25 votes

Corners for "Warfare 1"-Passages

Submitted TekFan Comments: 3 Reply 2 years ago by Erik B.
25 votes

Module slots for O2/H2 generators

Submitted Jappards Comments: 11 Reply 3 years ago by Dylanthalus C.
25 votes

Remote Control disconnecting at docking/dedocking

Outdated Servitor Comments: 4 Reply 5 years ago by AJman14
25 votes

QOL Improvement for Grid Naming (Super Easy to implement)

Not Enough Votes GwaiLOL Comments: 2 Reply 56 days ago by GwaiLOL
25 votes

Allow Limited Block Compounding

Submitted domingo Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Nova_Canterra
25 votes
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