Planets cause blackened textures/shadow

William D McFadden shared this bug 6 years ago

Recently i have problems with all textures being covered in a strange blackout effect,

after some testing it seems that planets cause this issue, if there are no planets in the world space the issue does not occur. specifically planets with atmospheres seem to be the problem, the earth like moon is the one exception.

If i spawn a planet in an empty world it will consistently instantly break the textures/shadows of all objects, voxels blocks and characters, turning them black

this issue only began for me within the week, and began after a crash to desktop.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled space engineers twice and the problem persists

Replies (7)


That empty world testing was with the default settings and no mods?

They probably could use your game logs, SpaceEngineers.log and VRageRender-DirectX11.log from %appdata%/SpaceEngineers.


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

We will address all reported issues during future development and we will attempt to fix your issue as soon as possible. We are currently close to a Major release, which is under heavy development and this takes up a lot of our time.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I have the same problem I have even tried to factor restart my computer to no Avail. It all started after all the planets got updated on how they Interact It hit both me and my team member Where I live in the US in he lives in The UK


A friend of mine was having this similar issue. After doing some testing I found out it's actually whatever mesh and textures they use for the atmosphere of planets. I made a custom planet that is earth-like, using all the vanilla settings, however i used the value <HasAtmosphere>false</HasAtmosphere>and she no longer gets black textures while on earth. This custom planet i made also worked for another individual in this steam thread

I would love if you could give my planet a try and see if it works for you.

Instructions; Start with lone survivor or empty world. Load in the mod. Once you load in, do Shift+F10 for the spawn menu, and spawn in the planet called 'Kara'(Named after my friend who had the issue) and see if that works for you. More information for specifics can be found in that stream thread. My username is SICC.

I hope this helps, and I hope Keen takes a look at this as well.


I have solved this problem on my pc by going out and getting a new graphics card 1050 TI. I know it's a bit pricey but I it s what has to be done. I got gforce 1050ti at best buy for about $120 + $60 to upgrade power because at this point why not. Works like a dream now with no lag runs rely smoth but same cant be said for wifi well that's another problem for another day. It's well worth the investment it will boost your pc in every aspect


While yes, upgrading your PC is always a fix for the most part, the fact that this issue is solely due to the atmospheric textures and meshes they use for some people I would like to think is an easy fix. My friend who was having the issues has been playing the game perfectly fine since we removed the atmosphere on planets. She's able to run the game fine on low/medium settings, it was purely the atmospheric settings which was causing black textures for her and other ppl who used my custom planet.


I have the same issue. As soon as I leave the station in the easy start scenario, every texture starts fading into black. On Planets without athmopshere everything seems to be ok. I played 400h on this laptop without a real GPU and any problems (ThinkPad-T470, 32GB Ram, Intel HD Graphics 620). It would be really sad if this problem stays forever.


When was the last time you played before this issue started? If it was before planets were introduced then it's that update that started this. For whatever reason it's the atmosphere textures that cause this issue for intel iGPU's. My friend who was having this issue had to get an actual GPU for her to be able to play. I tried to get people to up vote a thread but not many did so Keen never looked at it, hence my friend just going out and buying a GPU just to be able to play.


i know the problem its with the Intel HD Graphics card the game doesn't support it :(


@Donavan after the last major Update everything works fine. Planets where never a problem for me. I played on low settings and had 30fps. I also played multiplayer with friends without any serios issus.

Removing atmoshere on planets solved the problem but thats no option for Multiplayer.

@jesse sadly it worked great before :(


I just downloaded this game and it worked fine for the last 12 hours of play then inexplicably it now has this effect and no amount of graphics toggling and reinstalling are working. Why is it only Intel graphics card that is the issue?


All graphics cards have different issues (you'll find NVIDIA and AMD issues here, too), because they are made by independent companies with proprietary drivers whos only common ground is to support whatever Microsoft specified for how DirectX 11 (in this case) is supposed to work. Any inaccuracy, omission or well meant degree of freedom in that specification leads to potential glitches like this one.

As to why Intel bugs are more common and linger for longer, that may be explained by 75% of Steam users having NVIDIA hardware: and gamers - like Kyle W. in the comment above - avoiding Intel. In return - unless you are a big game developer - you'll likely test on NVIDIA hardware since that gets you 75% of the market covered, while the other vendors get you 10% (Intel) and 15% (AMD) respectively. One could say that it is comparatively more costly to support Intel hardware and opting for NVIDIA has established as "the safe bet" for gamers and developers alike.


This is the "forum for game developers to report suspected graphics driver bugs" [and just have Intel deal with the problem].

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