Station - connected ships fall of the connectors if batteries set to recharge

Casegard shared this bug 6 years ago

Hey mates,

Make a station with lets say 2 connectors lock 2 ships to the connectors and switch of the power source (batteries/ reactor) of both ships.

Both ships will now be powered by the station through the connectors.

Save / Reload and see that only one ship stays on the connector the other one will fall off (because it is unpowered )

Not sure how you have intended this - should both ships fall off? - this would need a dedicated power source on the ships. Also then it would be good if the ship would not connect in the first place - so you know what you are dealing with

or should both ships stay on the connector? - this would mean you have a little bug there with energy distribution (looks like a timing thing)

I hope this helps a bit ..

A little suggestion for this submit form .. would it be possible to have a submit template? Like in the forum with the subtopics?

Replies (10)


I have this same problem, however it goes further. All ship connectors become disconnected on game load (with or without the ship being powered)


Same problem here. Hope this gets fixed soon


ty tera up voted too and ty now i know the SE main web page



I experienced the same problem in my own playthrough of Splitsie's Survival Maybe. It didn't mater if batteries were on recharge or not all connectors became disconnected after a reload.

I was trying to find a solution and tested a connector mod that did not work but when I went back into the mod setup screen it was all messed up. All the workshop mods on the left were gone and the mods used by the save on the right were all red no names just numbers. I thought I had just corrupted the save but I tried loading it and it worked. The strange thing was is that my character seemed to be reset to its defaults and all connectors are now working in this save.

It has since happened in a different save and I cannot rectify it.


I did a little experiment last night by changing the AppVersion tag in Sandbox.sbc of a save that is having this problem to <AppVersion>1186500</AppVersion> so I could load it up in version 186. All connectors worked as expected after loading but still were broken in 187 even after saving in 186.


Connectors in general seem borked. Disconnect on load (SP or MP) and occasional random disconnects during gameplay.



Thank you for reporting this issue. It will be forwarded to our dev team for investigation.

We will change the status of this topic and inform you about its progress here as soon as we have new information. Based on the amount of bugs we receive, it can take some time to review all reported issues.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department



I wasn't able to reproduce the issue. I believe it is possible it was fixed along with another, similar bug.

I tried to lock two ships to a station, turned power off on both ships, reloaded the game and both ships were still locked.

Does it still happen to you?


Did you put all the batteries of the ship on recharging? I haven't played in awhile. Will check now.

Edit. It is still happening to me


Could you please upload the world? Does it happen even without mods? Unless it can be reproduced on a clean, un-modded server, it is usually caused by a certain mod or by combination of mods which we have no control over and it is better to contact author of the mod.


It seems to be the grid is somehow bugged. When I made a new smaller grid next to the old one the bug did not occur.

Link to the bugged grid:

In a new fresh world with this grid the bug still happens.


I was able to reproduce the issue with attached blueprint. I reported it into the system and someone will look at it.

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


So this bug has been awoken again.

Also: I can't see the ship-batteries from the main grid once attached.


its not been happening on my private DS or a loaded save game, anyone else here still having this issue?


Should be fixed in v188.1.

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