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Ships burn up when entering atmosphere

Not Enough Votes Mad G. Comments: 4 Reply 9 days ago by Maverick m.
59 votes

More drones and facilities on planets.

Not Enough Votes Darren H. Comments: 3 Reply 3 years ago by NOT M.
54 votes

Please add airtightness between voxel and grid

Not Enough Votes Benjamin C. Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Sphizaan
54 votes

Industrial ideas

Not Enough Votes Vision Comments: 7 Reply 9 months ago by Josh A.
51 votes

Tram/rail system

Not Enough Votes lucas Comments: 2 Reply 2 years ago by the b.
50 votes

A Connector Door?

Not Enough Votes Shane K. Comments: 3 Reply 2 months ago by jackiegenova
48 votes

System Map

Not Enough Votes Sam A. Comments: 7 Reply 9 months ago by GarretBeer
48 votes

Food bar and farming

Not Enough Votes Slayerinabox Comments: 3 Reply 3 years ago by shadowtim3
42 votes

NPC Guards and Followers

Not Enough Votes retro e. Comments: 4 Reply 3 years ago by Jacob O.
41 votes

Nanite factory for Xbox

Not Enough Votes Louis B. Comments: 1 Reply 4 years ago by Keen S.
40 votes

Blurry textures on series x

Reported PostMortalForm Comments: 23 Reply 17 days ago by chery
39 votes
39 votes

NPC's on earth + mars?

Not Enough Votes Samantha Comments: 1 Reply 4 years ago by Keen S.
37 votes

Suggestion: Lost Colony DLC

Not Enough Votes Darren W. Comments: 1 Reply 4 years ago by Keen S.
37 votes

AI Activity In World and PCU limit

Not Enough Votes Erick S. Comments: 3 Reply 4 years ago by Keen S.
36 votes

Allow for the possibility to orbit

Not Enough Votes Matt Comments: 4 Reply 20 months ago by Diche B.
36 votes

elevator blocks and forcefield generators

Not Enough Votes retro e. Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Keen S.
35 votes

Xbox joystick HOTAS support

Not Enough Votes LSUTigersFan1 Comments: 2 Reply 46 days ago by abernathy
32 votes

Pick Up/Push/Pull free objects

Not Enough Votes NOT M. Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Keen S.
30 votes
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