All Bugs

Blurry textures on series x

Reported PostMortalForm Comments: 23 Reply 17 days ago by chery
39 votes

Console turning off..

Solved Charles E. Comments: 41 Reply 5 months ago by Keen S.
23 votes
16 votes

Storm fog showing up in airtight spaces

Reported FredlePiano Comments: 5 Reply 7 months ago by TyraRitchie
12 votes

Piston and hinge landing gear fall through voxels

Reported NOT M. Comments: 8 Reply 2 years ago by Mike
9 votes and Windows Store and Console not working

Solved Dax Comments: 5 Reply 4 months ago by Keen S.
7 votes

Xbox Mouse/Cursor Covers Up Part of the GUI

Reported ShinyMooTank Comments: 3 Reply 18 months ago by Anthony C.
7 votes

Xbox Visual Bug

Reported Wyatt S. Comments: 7 Reply 2 months ago by t1t1fr68
6 votes

Event block settings wipe after paste

Solved Paul T. Comments: 8 Reply 9 months ago by Keen S.
6 votes
6 votes

Texture bugs

Reported Joseph A. Comments: 7 Reply 2 years ago by Keen S.
5 votes

Cant update blueprints

Solved SnipersLaww Comments: 2 Reply 4 years ago by QA K.
5 votes

Pink textures on voxel

Solved Michael w. Comments: 7 Reply 56 days ago by QA K.
5 votes

hi i have pink textures

Solved CHRIS S. Comments: 8 Reply 56 days ago by QA K.
5 votes

Xbox Series X Textures Blurry

Reported Andrew H. Comments: 2 Reply 4 months ago by Steve
4 votes

My Ship still falling through Static Grids...

Reported SiHO c. Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by SiHO c.
4 votes
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