Add MMaster's Automatic LCDs 2 Script as a usable script for xbox

Benjamin Joyce shared this feedback 4 years ago
Not Enough Votes

I think adding MMaster's Automatic LCDs 2 script would enhance space engineers on xbox hugely.

Being able to show the contents of our cargo containers / whether blocks are powered / charge times etc.. on an LCD screen would be such an enhancement. Especially with the ability to configure it so that we can set a quota and see at a glance how much we have stored on board a ship or station.

It's such a great script on the PC version and to bring that to Xbox would be a really good addition.

Replies (4)


We will consider this feature. Keep voting.

Thank you for your feedback!


I hate having check battery status when my birds are charging. Capable displays would be awesome.


I know this mod has an extensive feature list. Even if we can just get a few of the basic features from the script implemented it would be great.


I agree that adding MMaster's Automatic LCDs 2 script to Space Engineers on Xbox would be a significant enhancement. The ability to display various types of information on LCD screens would greatly improve the game's user interface and data management capabilities. The ability to monitor cargo container contents, block power status, and charge times would be particularly beneficial, allowing players to make informed decisions and optimize their gameplay.

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