All Bugs

Sound Glitch When Loading Game

Submitted Orreven Comments: 1 Reply 4 years ago by Mark E.
2 votes

[playtest] torch bug with shovel

Investigating Copycat80 Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Keen S.
1 vote

Barbarians always land first hit

Submitted Anclet Comments: 5 Reply 2 years ago by Ryan M.
7 votes

Current bugs in [MP and SP]

Submitted Todd (. Comments: 4 Reply 5 years ago by Todd (.
7 votes

Inner Corner Roof Bug

Submitted Anthony F. 5 years ago No Comments
4 votes

Deconstruct problem

Submitted Erik S. Comments: 8 Reply 10 months ago by domingo
18 votes

Sloped Railings - Left Hand placement

Submitted Paul M. 5 years ago No Comments
2 votes

Bug With Inner Corner Roof?

In Progress Erin S. Comments: 4 Reply 5 years ago by Mike
7 votes

Block grid/snap issue

Submitted Edriel 5 years ago No Comments
2 votes

Game Crash corrupt save

Submitted Jonathan R. Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Keen S.
1 vote

Multiplayer treasure map pieces

Submitted Troy S. Comments: 5 Reply 4 years ago by József S.
8 votes

Game texture not loading - all black except sky

Submitted Benjamin S. 5 years ago No Comments
5 votes

[playtest] Fast Travel takes only 1 food no matter what

Need More Information David H. Comments: 4 Reply 5 years ago by David H.
1 vote
1 vote

Game crashes when loading world

Submitted Caleb B. Comments: 3 Reply 5 years ago by -DX-Paladin
7 votes

[] you do not have required resources

Submitted Jeff S. Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Shaun L.
3 votes

Unable to paste grids together

Outdated Mauricio Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Keen S.
1 vote

leaving ME not working properly

Submitted Pisces Comments: 4 Reply 5 years ago by Xelthia
7 votes

Bugs I Encounter in 0.7

Submitted Thales Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Thales
4 votes
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