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Key assignments /// XBOX TOOLBAR

Not Enough Votes David Comments: 14 Reply 15 hours ago by Josh B.
3 votes

LCD screens with live camera feeds.

Under Consideration Darren H. Comments: 47 Reply 3 days ago by annabela
251 votes

Add random encounters on planets.

Under Consideration Austin S. Comments: 4 Reply 4 days ago by cachelustful
115 votes

Toggle block on off

Not Enough Votes Paul T. Comments: 5 Reply 4 days ago by Bella m.
4 votes

Ships burn up when entering atmosphere

Not Enough Votes Mad G. Comments: 4 Reply 9 days ago by Maverick m.
59 votes

Immersive Universes

Not Enough Votes Just 4. 27 days ago No Comments
2 votes

QOL: Half Stair Catwalk

Not Enough Votes Icyartillery 41 days ago No Comments
3 votes

Consider adding Tank treads

Not Enough Votes [DMA]Dark L. 43 days ago No Comments
2 votes

Suggestion: Modular Encounter Spawner

Under Consideration Darren W. Comments: 25 Reply 46 days ago by Ava A.
146 votes

Xbox joystick HOTAS support

Not Enough Votes LSUTigersFan1 Comments: 2 Reply 46 days ago by abernathy
32 votes

give players maps and missions to do

Under Consideration Lewis L. Comments: 2 Reply 47 days ago by gracuz
63 votes

Server warning

Not Enough Votes daniel d. 52 days ago No Comments
1 vote
4 votes

Custom encounters with Keen employees NPCs

Not Enough Votes Wilfredo 54 days ago No Comments
2 votes

Weapon variety

Under Consideration Vision Comments: 43 Reply 55 days ago by Wilfredo
159 votes

New Progression Idea

Not Enough Votes Seth J. Comments: 3 Reply 2 months ago by Mary H.
3 votes

Console should get Unknown signals

Not Enough Votes James O. 2 months ago No Comments
3 votes

Signal corridor suggestion

Not Enough Votes William G. 2 months ago No Comments
2 votes

A Connector Door?

Not Enough Votes Shane K. Comments: 3 Reply 2 months ago by jackiegenova
48 votes

Crossplay on Host servers

Not Enough Votes RogenLothena 2 months ago No Comments
2 votes
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