
Paul Thompson
4 years ago
Last Activity:
14 months ago
Last Visit:
17 days ago
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Event block settings wipe after paste

Solved Paul T. Comments: 8 Reply 9 months ago by Keen S.

Possible flight bug

Archived Paul T. Comments: 7 Reply 15 months ago by QA K.

Beta Crash to dash

Archived Paul T. Comments: 3 Reply 16 months ago by QA K.

Possible bugs for Grid AI beta. Xbox series X.

Archived Paul T. Comments: 7 Reply 16 months ago by Ondrej B.

remote turret group

Archived Paul T. Comments: 5 Reply 2 years ago by Laura K.

OOM Xbox series x

Archived Paul T. Comments: 5 Reply 15 months ago by QA K.

Ball Joints

Submitted Paul T. 3 years ago No Comments

Velocity settings for pistons rotors and hinges.

Not Enough Votes Paul T. Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Jonathan L.

Please add a randomizer block. Many good things can be done

Not Enough Votes Paul T. Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Keen S.

unstable small grid hinges

Archived Paul T. Comments: 7 Reply 3 years ago by Keen S.

Small grig hinge becomes unstable, see end of vid

Archived Paul T. Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Kateřina Č.

Paste rotate issue

Archived Paul T. Comments: 1 Reply 4 years ago by QA K.

Rotors will not move

Archived Paul T. Comments: 2 Reply 4 years ago by Paul T.

Blueprints creating without a name

Archived Paul T. Comments: 4 Reply 4 years ago by Keen S.

Toggle block on off

Not Enough Votes Paul T. Comments: 5 Reply 4 days ago by Bella m.