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Blueprints creating without a name

Paul Thompson shared this bug 4 years ago

10.06.2020 Xbox one X. Beta updated. created blueprint. normally gives a random name I.E. large grid, but now just has dashes, see picture.. try to rename but nothing changes, unable to upload to mod io getting failed message, I have another version of build uploaded already the only difference is timer blocks are all programmed now so its not a piston rotor issue. just to add, after trying again, once i hit ok to rename the blueprint it disappears as if i never created it. added pics with stats PCU etc

Replies (4)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for reporting the issue. It has been successfully reproduced and forwarded to our programmer team.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineers!

This issue should be resolved in next update 194.517 which should be out today at night or tomorrow morning!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


You are a star. Keep smiling


Solved in 194.517

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