All Bugs

[] Sound of crafting cuts out after first item

In Progress Jeff S. Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Keen S.
5 votes

Catch Block Error

Investigating ProzackPh7 5 years ago No Comments
2 votes
3 votes

Blue Prints Not working in Survival

Submitted Doodle B. Comments: 5 Reply 5 years ago by ibisgrunk
6 votes

problem with targeting what i plan to biuld

Submitted Bartosz K. 5 years ago No Comments
1 vote

[] Toolheads do not wear out

Solved shad Comments: 3 Reply 5 years ago by Todd (.
2 votes

[0.7.1] Tree cutting issues

Need More Information József S. Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by József S.
3 votes

Installing game

Submitted Doodle B. Comments: 4 Reply 5 years ago by Keen S.
1 vote

build gone, claim still active

Solved John P. Comments: 4 Reply 5 years ago by John P.
3 votes

bug drawbridge breaking after being lowered

Submitted Patrick H. 5 years ago No Comments
1 vote

[DS] Spawned in other player's area

Submitted Thales 5 years ago No Comments
3 votes

ME 7.XX Plants Disappear right in front of your eyes

Need More Information James H. Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Le- T.
1 vote

Peaked thatched roof overhang issue

Submitted Anclet 5 years ago No Comments
1 vote

Campfire light goes out after the first item is crafted

Submitted Anclet 5 years ago No Comments
1 vote

[ME] Broken catch block dupe bug

Investigating Todd (. 5 years ago No Comments
5 votes

Multiple Bugs (part 6)

Submitted József S. Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Jeff S.
3 votes
1 vote

[0.7.1] Barbarians on world load

Need More Information József S. Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by József S.
1 vote

[0.7.1] Vanilla blueprints unloadable in modded worlds

Investigating Copycat80 Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Copycat80
1 vote
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