MP Server Bug: No interaction with objects (both admin/client)

Ladyhawke shared this bug 6 years ago


I am not sure if this is only related to our server (non-dedicated MP Session by my husband). It is a new created 0.71 world with only a few mods (Water, balloons, steam engines, remote rope control, the bombard cannon and Sconces and Lights.)

I have placed some fences and foundations, he placed a Rope drum at his place, and there is no interaction with it possible anymore. We cant destroy it nor deconstruct it, but it will still stopping us from moving through it. We tried restarting the host game a couple of times, deleting everything in the appdata folder besides 'saves', tried also ctrl+x with the admin controls, no result.

We never had this issue in 0.64, so I guess it is either a bug of the 0.71 version of the vanilla game, or a mod intended issue. I wasnt able to find anything similiar besides some old posts from March 2017, where this was told to be adressed in the following big update. I guess it was and this is new.

Any help would be very appreciated. I am not sure if the old logfile would be helpful, because of us restarting a lot after this bug occurred.

Thank you!

Replies (3)


Sorry for the delay, I*ve managed to upload the world to a dropbox account (last save no 5 and a save earlier where I began to set a few more of the bugged fences/foundations). Hopefully this will help aswell.


I was able to remove the 5 I placed. the trick is to either left click it to pick it up, or right click it and drag it. It doesn't matter how far just as long as you changes its state. I removed the objects they were on and they fell, couldn't pick them up via "F". Iron or Steel Axe will work fine to get rid of it. It took about 6 - 8 wacks for the iron axe to break the end off, then 6-8 on each of the 2 remaining parts. Screenshots are in order on how I broke it down. You will know it is going to break when you see the diagonal lines form around the cursor (dot).


Thank you, Todd, I will try this out tomorrow and leave a feedback, whether this worked or not. But I did try already to break it and the fences/foundations with a hammer despite the fact I couldnt see any reaction. So it seems to be a bug then of 0.71? Then hopefully this will be solved soon among the others...

Kind regards,



You are welcome. Definitely a bug with 0.7.1, it was never an issue in 0.6.x. When you do try to break the drum though, make sure you at least dragged it with a rope or picked it up and placed it back down before attempting to break it. I loaded up a debugger and watched the state of the object change values after doing so.

Feel free to msg me the server and I could connect to show you first hand how to do so. I had a bunch of them all over the place before it drove me crazy lol. On the building bug, there is known issues with claims. Not being able to build (grid turns red) and so forth on multiple computers/servers both modded and non-modded. Hopefully they will address this pretty quick. My guys don't even want to play and are begging me to take it back to 0.6. I figured out a fix for red outlines grids when trying to place another foundation on a bugged claim. Make a new row of blocks like a 1x3 (on one placement, holding down left mouse and looking left or right), hammer one complete then the bug magically disappears.


Hi Todd,

thanks for the explanations, Unfortunately it didnt work for us though - neither the rope drum nor the foundations/fences are impressed by trying to drag them, nor does the hammer react besides a weapon animation. We are also not getting anything from it like "drag" or "pick up", it seems like all this objects are not existing any longer, besides the "cant walk over/through it" fact.We finally broke the wall the rope drum was attached to, but we couldnt destroy it afterwards - it was only damaging the floor underneath it.

The claim is affecting only half of the foundations Ive placed, on both sides (in and outside the claim area) are foundations and fences with no interaction possible. I tried to make a new row of foundations besides them, only to find that this ones are also no longer "touchable" in any way as soon as I placed them. I wonder if this is a deja vue of the old bug back in march 2017 some people had.

Its very, very kind of you to offer a visit on our server, but I fear it would only waste your time, to be honest. My husband doesnt want to play anymore aswell until a lot of the upcoming bugs are fixed. We wished we could go back to 0.6, but we dont have the mod versions to do so. Backup was to late, and I cant find them anywwhere in the game folders/appdata folders. So we wait patiently for updates and patches. Next time I will figure out what to backup. Was easier in the non-steam-times when you installed the games and mods yourself.

Anyway, thanks so much for your help, and happy playing for you and your guys soon again!

Kind regards,



Hi Lady,

I am very sorry that method didn't work out for you guys. I really do not mind coming over to test that for you though. It wouldn't waste my time as I try to help out in any way that I can. The game's state right now is not really playable and I am gone as well. You can check your server logs on a fresh (vanilla) server and see tons of errors get bombed from just bad code by Keen. Same thing happened with Space Engineers then soon after, they fixed it. Hopefully soon they will fix this and we'll all be back rolling like old times. I have faith in Keen as they want everyone happy as well.

Your client-side mods for Medieval Engineers all get thrown in your steam folder Example: steam\steamapps\workshop\content\333950. Same way for other games it will always go under steam\steamapps\workshop\content\ID_of_specific_game\.

Also for the downgrading mods it is possible. 1st you would need permission by all the mod authors to resubmit their old mods or kindly ask them to post their older versions. I have a backup of


which is where all the mods reside on a dedicated server. I could play with all mods all day, just client side though it will always check the mod id and grab the latest update. Only ways around that are resubmitting the older mod as a new mod (which gives you a new id) or playing offline and manually copying the older mod folders back to steamapps\workshop\content\333950 for client side. Attached is a modlist of older 0.6.x mods I had on my servers. I'll happily zip up whatever you guys need.

On a side note, those mod ids if you are unsure what they are, you can just goto after the equals put in the modid. Example is Animated-Botany. Just modify the URL with a new id, hit enter and poof.


Dear Todd,

your kind explanations helped me a lot today - finally I know where to look and backup the mods for the steam games! Already startet a batchjob with freefilesync to back them up regularly. No wonder I couldnt find any of them in the Medieval Engineers folders... Next time I will be prepared, thats for sure :)

You have indeed all of our mods version 0.6, thank you so much for this very kind offer! I talked to my husband about it, and although we appreciate it very much, we decided to not continue with 0.6, but wait for 0.71xxx to be fixed and stay in this version until the next update is free of bugs.

Maybe I should use the time to get my old brain into sql programming or another more useful language then batch (and half a lifetime back good old basic) again. I find it just quite hard to find the time for it nowadays besides RL.

I learned a lot today, thanks to you, friend.

Keen will surely fix it soon, and then we can play again.

Kind regards,


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