Archived Topics

Ship storage/parking garage

Archived Ouroborus Comments: 3 Reply 9 days ago by Harry C.
22 votes

Steam Input STILL Not Working After Two Years

Archived Jordan S. Comments: 2 Reply 4 months ago by Joey H.
5 votes

Unable to weld enemy hacked block back to functional

Archived Stardruid Comments: 7 Reply 6 months ago by Otto
10 votes

hand held jumpdrive for teleporting the player

Archived Wolf K. 8 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Datapads disappearing

Archived Timothy W. Comments: 4 Reply 10 months ago by Yung P.
4 votes
1 vote

AI Blocks range setter for modders

Archived bodyboarder2528 13 months ago No Comments
2 votes

Spectator view camera sensitivity

Archived Magnus S. Comments: 3 Reply 15 months ago by Tredstone
3 votes

Solar Turbines

Archived Gryffin 18 months ago No Comments
1 vote

This game needs more violence

Archived Stefano T. Comments: 13 Reply 20 months ago by Blacky W.
20 votes

A humble request

Archived Chris S. 21 months ago No Comments
1 vote

A humble request

Archived Chris S. 21 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Bug contracts/trade UI broken on 32:9

Archived cpypcy Comments: 1 Reply 23 months ago by Jzuken C.
2 votes

Losing to much reputation for the gain

Archived Puruska37 Comments: 4 Reply 23 months ago by Usernamenotshown
9 votes

Hauling Contracts - generated by Acquisition Contracts

Archived Quarnozian 23 months ago No Comments
2 votes

[Public Test] Hydrogen engine don't fill until reload

Archived Tony Comments: 11 Reply 2 years ago by Tony
22 votes

mod io

Archived Andrew D. 2 years ago No Comments
1 vote
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