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This game needs more violence

Stefano Tomasini shared this feedback 6 years ago

What is the thing that makes survival games interesting? violence, this is the essence of what distinguishes interesting/good survival games from boring ones, how the game designed the violent/warfare essence of it.

rimworld: the raids are what make it interesting and good, no matter how well prepared you are, in this game the violent difficulty always escalates and never plateaus, no matter how good your equipment is. After raids, independently of being in early/mid/late game, you always get a rough hit. Tends to be tragic, as no matter how good your colonists' equipment is, they are still capable of dying in combat. This is what makes the game interesting and addictive, no matter how much you advance, it never gets easy/plateaus, you are always in a constant state of danger for which you have to prepare against.

Minecraft: it's boring because of the lack of violence/it's simplicity. basically spam left click on the almost harmless mobs with a sword and that's it. minecraft survival gets boring quickly when you have high-tier gear. it's just go anywhere with your maxed equipment and spam left click on the now totally harmless mobs. minecraft's violent difficulty plateaus when you get iron armor. After reaching this point, the game becomes boring and you are in a peaceful state in which there are no dangers/threats to defend against. nothing interesting

Factorio: it's good because you are always progressing against an alien threat which proportionally gets bigger. plateaus a bit but not much. it's still a great survival/engineering game.

Space Engineers: hmmm... why is it boring? the only violence in this game is when a ship with turrets ocasionally flies by your base, but they are harmless if you simply spam turrets throughout your base and instantly shoot them out of the sky. Invading pirate bases? easy, just send in a ship filled with 80 turrets. violent difficulty of the game: over as soon as you get your first turret-stack ship. Also, after you reach a surplus of oxygen and uranium in your storage there's really nothing to worry about in survival, these will probably never deplete as now the mechanisms you have to extract them are x8000 more powerful than when you started, so you will extract the resources infinitely faster than you deplete them. so when you reach mid-game there are basically no dangers and nothing to worry about, no violent/non-violent threats or anything

the game needs more dynamically-adapting violence, basically. Maybe the warfare section needs a big overhaul with more features and warfare mechanisms (radio, disrupting signals, parabolical artillery, idk, but definitely needs more depth) and also, turret-stacks need to be nerfed adequately. Make them worse against small-sized threats which are IRL hard to hit, meanwhile the aimbot the turrets in SE have against small things is insane. Warfare definitely needs more depth and a big overhaul

Best Answer

I always play with a friend as a team and we think the same. We have been playing Factorio, Project Zomboid, 7 Days to die and Space Engineers for years. And the game becomes boring when you are well equipped and there is nothing to wear you. I will comment my experiences with these other games so that you can get ideas of our best dear Space Engineers ;)

Factorio: Playing with mods that add complexity the game manages to keep you engaged because you are always halfway there. I mean, you can have a good weapon after spending a reasonable 7/10 but having a 9/10 is ^ 3 more expensive and therefore if your goal is to be Top in everything you need a huge amount of time and work to not to gain a little more (exponential time + resources = linear gain) Adding exotic resources and requiring a great variety of them would be interesting for Top technologies since they would encourage commerce or exploration and not only massive mining, without compromising the players We can spend less time and play with very efficient small ships.

Project Zomboid: In this game you can go from abundance to misery in seconds. Have everything in your vehicle and go comfortably to trust you break your leg and do not use anything you had or suddenly a group of zombies that did not see you cornered. With the mod of the Space Engineers Exploration Enhancement Mod, you have this feeling. When you think that this OP, you try to do something against a freighter and you end up crying to escape from the police and the military.

7 Days to Die: Similar to the previous one, in this one plays a very important role the theme of the horde, where for a few hours your strength and team was committed and when you thought you could with everything you see how wrong you were. They have also added the theme of the buildings to explore that they are full of traps. As in the Space EEM mod (once we turned on a space station and had the sequence of self-destruction paused 5 seconds after exploding, LOL almost did not count)

In the Space we play with the EEM, because we like to meet others. The pirates that appear out of nowhere and keep you entertained, the constructions to explore ... That gives you entertainment. But the subject of technologies is missing, it is completely horizontal, if you have all the resources you can build everything. There is no research, but there are no scarce resources.

It would be good resources very valuable to give bonuses, for example by putting the material X you can make a superlight version of the steel plate. With this you could make a ship of standard size with improved mobility without going into the infinite problem of bigger heavy ship, more engines that are heavier and you never get something efficient and moderately large without a thousand mods. Improved components that allow you to improve the basic characteristics of everything you build with them. Silicon of high purity improves the precision of weapons, sensors and radio systems ... As in MMOs where is the super rare equipment, because in this case super rare materials that make you want to explore.

Another interesting thing is hostile sites. For example, areas where there is interference that does not alter the interface data and you do not know at what speed you are moving. Give you false radio contacts. Fall of random meteorites.

Keen Software try to play the FTL or Stellaris !!! Surely you get ideas for meetings.

A lot of encouragement and thanks for this game that has given me so many hours!

Replies (10)


I agree with you ,what makes this game boring after doing all the essential building and complete your base, is the lack of warefare/PVE/NPCs , economy like trading with AI trading posts and lack of goals for exploration other planets/moons (maybe to explore other planets for special crystals/ores thats useful to unlock new techs or tiered blocks). also the lack of life on planets (not just enemies) planets are completly empty,just few trees around with buggy wolves running all the directions. i would like to see a hug warefare update with small touch of economy.


true true. i agree with you too, planets feel very empty and turn boring quite quickly. also thank you for commenting in my post since otherwise it would be buried among all the other new feedback


yes we need a couple more weapon blocks, a longer range one for sure, SE's ship size capabilities are growing, the 800m default turrets are too short range


I totaly agree, I still think that the current combat system is just a placeholder... It's way too simple, the only good strategy now is spamming turrets which is not good nor fun. I think that they should at least implement something like "rock, paper, scissors" until they come up with a "Major Overhaul of Combat" or something like that. You know, large ships beat static grids, static grids beat small ships, small ships beat large ships (Of course it's just an example). As you said, small targets are harder to hit, but in SE turrets have no problem decimating even the more heavy fighters. If we could get weapon systems unique to each grid that would be a godsend. I also would like to see more deadly rovers, artillery would be perfect, just make the recoil so ridiculous so you can't shoot it from air and we are good.




I agree that there needs to be an aspect of the game that is more combat-oriented, but titling your post "This game needs more violence" literally made me roll my eyes. It kind of repels the reader if you understand what I'm saying, and I'm fairly certain that any developers looking at this feedback page would glaze over a post titled in such a way. In order to get the attention of the devs with a game function that I, among many others, would be interested in, I would consider putting more thought into the title :) Cheers!


I always play with a friend as a team and we think the same. We have been playing Factorio, Project Zomboid, 7 Days to die and Space Engineers for years. And the game becomes boring when you are well equipped and there is nothing to wear you. I will comment my experiences with these other games so that you can get ideas of our best dear Space Engineers ;)

Factorio: Playing with mods that add complexity the game manages to keep you engaged because you are always halfway there. I mean, you can have a good weapon after spending a reasonable 7/10 but having a 9/10 is ^ 3 more expensive and therefore if your goal is to be Top in everything you need a huge amount of time and work to not to gain a little more (exponential time + resources = linear gain) Adding exotic resources and requiring a great variety of them would be interesting for Top technologies since they would encourage commerce or exploration and not only massive mining, without compromising the players We can spend less time and play with very efficient small ships.

Project Zomboid: In this game you can go from abundance to misery in seconds. Have everything in your vehicle and go comfortably to trust you break your leg and do not use anything you had or suddenly a group of zombies that did not see you cornered. With the mod of the Space Engineers Exploration Enhancement Mod, you have this feeling. When you think that this OP, you try to do something against a freighter and you end up crying to escape from the police and the military.

7 Days to Die: Similar to the previous one, in this one plays a very important role the theme of the horde, where for a few hours your strength and team was committed and when you thought you could with everything you see how wrong you were. They have also added the theme of the buildings to explore that they are full of traps. As in the Space EEM mod (once we turned on a space station and had the sequence of self-destruction paused 5 seconds after exploding, LOL almost did not count)

In the Space we play with the EEM, because we like to meet others. The pirates that appear out of nowhere and keep you entertained, the constructions to explore ... That gives you entertainment. But the subject of technologies is missing, it is completely horizontal, if you have all the resources you can build everything. There is no research, but there are no scarce resources.

It would be good resources very valuable to give bonuses, for example by putting the material X you can make a superlight version of the steel plate. With this you could make a ship of standard size with improved mobility without going into the infinite problem of bigger heavy ship, more engines that are heavier and you never get something efficient and moderately large without a thousand mods. Improved components that allow you to improve the basic characteristics of everything you build with them. Silicon of high purity improves the precision of weapons, sensors and radio systems ... As in MMOs where is the super rare equipment, because in this case super rare materials that make you want to explore.

Another interesting thing is hostile sites. For example, areas where there is interference that does not alter the interface data and you do not know at what speed you are moving. Give you false radio contacts. Fall of random meteorites.

Keen Software try to play the FTL or Stellaris !!! Surely you get ideas for meetings.

A lot of encouragement and thanks for this game that has given me so many hours!


I would like to see multiblock turret building similar to From the Depths where the number and types of blocks used to build the turret determines it's characteristics such as damage amount/type, reload speed and accuracy. Just my two cents.


What is the thing that makes survival games interesting? violence, this is the essence of what distinguishes interesting/good survival games from boring ones, how the game designed the violent/warfare essence of it.

I strongly disagree with the way this is put forward. I do agree that the game desperately need obstacles that players would engineer a way through or around them. Yes, violence is one possibility among many many many others. And yes the game probably need many different PVE and survival mechanisms, meaning violence could be one of those.

But saying that a survival game is only as good as its violence, oh gosh no. Subnautica is a great example (although not strictly a pure survival game). Remove the violence bits from The Long Dark, it's still a great survival game, and still orders of magnitude more brutal than a lot of “violent games”. And so on.

Edit: another thing I disagree with. Before adding MOAR violence to the game, I think Space Engineers needs smarter violence (and overall, smarter obstacles and challenges). Bigger yes why not, but first better.

Edit2: I think Factorio is a great example, but maybe analyze it more in depth? The gameplay has very little to do with enemies. Factorio isn't a war or a combat game. It's a logistic porn game. The biters and various enemies are just here to break the basic gameplay loop from time to time, and more importantly are here to give you something external and not under your control to push against, and be pushed by. Factorio doesn't simply have "moar" violence than Space Engineers, it has a well thought good game design, a lot of iterations on the execution, and purpose.

But I do wholeheartedly agree that if Space Engineers would truly and smartly replicate Factorio's feeling of play, it would be 75% there as for its current emptiness, boredom issue. It's a great game to emulate or take inspiration from, if done in a smart way.


Hi, Everyone!

Thank you very much for you feedback.

We really appreciate all of the suggestions, ideas, and bug reports we receive from our amazing community, as we truly believe that this feedback combined with our own design philosophies help us to create better games for everyone.

While we can’t always implement all of the ideas we receive, we’d like to let you know that your feedback and passion for Space Engineers hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Unfortunately, we are not going to implement this feature because of the complex nature of this suggested feature.

Perhaps we will re-visit this feature in the future project.

Kind regards,

The Space Engineers Team


: (


it seems more as an autoreply to dodge it...


so, nothing copy and paste response from keen on not update encounters, oh wait, didn't they say they would? :( ok, uninstalling.

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