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A Useful Datapad Integration with Store and Contract Blocks

AdaRynin shared this feedback 5 years ago

Situation: Acquisition contracts don't time out, so I accept several Acquisition contracts at neighbouring locations -- and I get confused. I have to take notes (on paper!! LOL) of how much of what I have to deliver where.


I am really missing an in-game way to track my pending tasks.

  • I cannot open a datapad to take notes while browsing contracts.
  • I cannot copy&paste the accepted task list either.
  • The orange markers on the faction stations are good, but it only solves half the problem. The markers need to be unique and not just "deliver items here". Deliver WHAT here?

Idea 1: Status tab

In our inventory GUI, let us view a tab with our pending jobs with some identifiers. Then the orange markers could include hints like "Deliver items here (1,7,24)", and we could at least look up in the status tab what list item 24 was.

But perhaps you don't want a boring auto-updating Task Status tab. Then, why not make this a feature of the new datapad?

Idea 2: Useful datapads

Pending tasks:

  1. I open the Accepted list in the Contracts block.
  2. The UI lets me select datapads from my inventory.
  3. If I did that, I can click a "Copy open tasks" button to store my current accepted contracts as text on the datapads.
    "Stardate 20190726, pending contracts between Playername and ABCD faction at x,y:
    Deliver 17 blas.
    Deliver 42 foos.
    Search cargo near x/z within 20 mins.

Completed tasks:

  1. I open the Contracts block.
  2. The UI lets me select datapads from my inventory.
  3. If I did that, I can click a "Copy completed tasks" button to store my logbook of recently completed and failed contracts as text on the datapads.
    "Completed contracts between Playername and ABCD faction at x,y:
    Stardate 20190727, delivered 17 blas, received 100sc and +2 reputation.
    Stardate 20190727, delivered 42 foos, gained 200sc and +2 reputation.
    Stardate 20190727, failed search near x/y, -2 reputation.

Store Shopping lists:

  1. I open a Store block.
  2. I select a datapad from my inventory.
  3. If I did that, I can click "Copy Buyables". The datapad stores generated text like
    "At stardate 20190726, the ABCD faction Store at x,y buys:
    bla ore @ 123sc,
    bla ingot @ 456 sc, ...
  4. Or I click "Copy Sellables". The datapad stores generated text like
    "At stardate 20190726, the ABCD faction Store at x,y sells:
    foo ore @ 123sc,
    foo ingot @ 456 sc, ...

The datapad text will not auto-update. I have to return to a Contracts or Store block to get an update. I can overwrite the old datapad or use an empty one each time.

If the list is too long, it needs to continue on a second datapad -- or you need to increase the capacity to match the content.

Added benefit:

Having a mechanism to store a list of (open and finished or failed) jobs would be useful not only for economy, but even for scenarios.

Replies (2)



There is Accepted Contracts UI when you press ";". Also you can rebind that key.


Sorry I didn't have time to try that while the playtest was live. What does that shortcut do, does it show me the list of Accepted Contracts UI anywhere, outside a Contract block? That would solve the problem also.

During the playtest, several people asked for such a shortcut, and everyone on the pubtest server said that there is no way to see this info outside a Contract Block. (But likely none of the people present was from Keen.)


Yes exactly. It shows you a list of active contracts, with details like what the contract is for, icon of the faction that issued the contract, rewards/penalties, and time remaining.


The post by Farhadseo looks like AI generated SEO spam. It even has the word SEO in the name...

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