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Game crashes/lockup when joining server previously joined

Mike K shared this bug 3 years ago
Won't Fix

Got this bug where I cannot rejoin a server that I connected to previous in the same day until server itself is rebooted. I can create my own game, join other servers, etc but after I leave any server (official, unofficial, vanilla, modded, etc) and try to come back later in the day, the game crashes or locks up on server loading screen. Rebooting PC does not fix it. Restarting Steam does not fix it. Verifying game files in Steam does not fix it. Occasionally I get a "graphics driver crashed" error, which I have used 3 different driver versions with the same problem (currently on 471.96). No mods installed on my game, none subscribed from Steam Workshop. I started up a server on a different local PC (via steamcmd) and I can replicate it even connecting to a LAN server.

Checked the logs on my server and worked with an online server admin who pointed out that the communication from my client to keen server receives an error, which is why the client locks up as indicated by this line in the logs:

Keen: Server connect failure (NoConnection)

Ryzen 2600 (stock speed, 35-40C idle, 65C full load)

32GB DDR4 at stock 2933 (4GB in use before game starts)

6GB Nvidia 1660(driver 471.96)

Game files on newer SSD known to be good

Win10 Pro

Attached is my log files from this morning on the latest lockup when attempting to connect to a server I last played 10 hours ago and my client locked up.

Replies (12)


Hello, Mike!

Thank you for your report and your logs. I can see in your log that you are using several mods (Server Gates, Torch Mod, etc.). Please disable all mods and uninstall any client side plugins, then verify your game files in Steam again and retest. Please let me know if it helped you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House, QA Department


I have no mods installed. Those mods are what the server itself uses, I do not have them installed. This bug happens with all servers: official, unofficial, vanilla, modded, etc.

On 9/2/2021 8:31 AM, wrote:


Hello, Mike,

I see, thank you for your reply. It seems that one of the mods you downloaded once from a server is causing this issue: Id = 1406994352, title = 'TorchMod'. I would suggest you to back up and delete all mods from this file: \Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\244850 and also from here: \AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Mods just to be sure. Then verify your game files in Steam again and try to join to an official server at first. Please let me know if it helped you.

Thank you.

Keen Software House, QA Department


TorchMod aka TorchAPI is a server API, a top level GUI for a steamcmd server. As I said before it is happening with other servers as well, vanilla, modded, official, unofficial. As of right now I am unable to access at least 3 servers because of this problem with your software. I built for several hours yesterday on official server Keen NA #1, at least until the server crashed multiple times and I am now unable to reconnect (SpaceEngineers_20210912_082817328.log).

Attached are multiple logs of vanilla, modded, and official server that I am unable to play on until after the server reboots.


and another big piece to the puzzle. Everything is fine as long as I stay on the planet/moon. If I start/build in space is the tipping point where this game bug appears. It is after the initial refinery and assembler is built, usually at the point of building or just built the industrial refinery.


The server log from my LAN server that this is also happening on shows multiple connection attempts, regardless of method of me connecting. The first shows my IP, the second is always Once again this only happens when a base is created in space with industry DLC items.

17:29:19.3991 [INFO] Keen: OnConnectedClient SCR3WBALLL attempt

17:29:20.2568 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog.

17:29:20.2568 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 007...215 from

17:29:20.4728 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerBase: Player SCR3WBALLL joined (007...215)

17:29:20.5581 [INFO] Keen: World request received: SCR3WBALLL

17:29:20.6651 [INFO] Keen: Game ready...

17:29:56.4540 [INFO] Keen: Loaded 486 Steam Inventory item definitions

17:30:18.2390 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 007...215 from

17:30:18.2390 [WARN] MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 007...215 has already joined!

17:30:18.2696 [INFO] Keen: User left SCR3WBALLL

17:30:18.2862 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerBase: SCR3WBALLL (007...215) Disconnected.

17:30:33.2958 [INFO] Keen: Peer2Peer_ConnectionFailed [007...215], Timeout

17:30:33.3276 [INFO] Keen: User left [007...215]

17:30:33.3276 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...215] (007...215) Disconnected.

17:31:24.2877 [INFO] Keen: Peer2Peer_SessionRequest [007...215]

17:31:27.7244 [INFO] Keen: OnConnectedClient SCR3WBALLL attempt

17:31:28.0053 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 007...215 from

17:31:28.0350 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerBase: Player SCR3WBALLL joined (007...215)

17:31:28.1449 [INFO] Keen: World request received: SCR3WBALLL

17:32:27.6406 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 007...215 from

17:32:27.6406 [WARN] MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 007...215 has already joined!

17:32:27.6708 [INFO] Keen: User left SCR3WBALLL

17:32:27.6708 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerBase: SCR3WBALLL (007...215) Disconnected.

17:32:42.6916 [INFO] Keen: Peer2Peer_ConnectionFailed [007...215], Timeout

17:32:42.7227 [INFO] Keen: User left [007...215]

17:32:42.7227 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...215] (007...215) Disconnected.

17:32:52.4829 [INFO] Keen: Peer2Peer_SessionRequest [007...215]

17:32:56.0119 [INFO] Keen: OnConnectedClient SCR3WBALLL attempt

17:32:56.2430 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 007...215 from

17:32:56.2586 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerBase: Player SCR3WBALLL joined (007...215)

17:32:56.3671 [INFO] Keen: World request received: SCR3WBALLL

17:33:41.5971 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 007...215 from

17:33:41.5971 [WARN] MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 007...215 has already joined!

17:33:41.6279 [INFO] Keen: User left SCR3WBALLL

17:33:41.6279 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerBase: SCR3WBALLL (007...215) Disconnected.

17:33:45.5581 [INFO] Keen: Autosave

17:33:46.0783 [INFO] Keen: Saving Sandbox world configuration file F:\SEServer\torch-server\Instance\Saves\EXPANSE\.new\Sandbox_config.sbc

17:33:56.6614 [INFO] Keen: Peer2Peer_ConnectionFailed [007...215], Timeout

17:33:56.6918 [INFO] Keen: User left [007...215]

17:33:56.6918 [INFO] MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...215] (007...215) Disconnected.


Problem continues, I cannot join any server that I've previously played on including my own on my LAN.


Problem continues. Uninstalled game. Fresh clean install of game. New world created on my server. Game continues to crash. Still unable to join any server I've built on previously including Keen official servers.


2 months ago and still no response from "Support" and no fix? The game being abandoned while pushing plushies for $? I'm having issues with it CTD'ing, tried all the suggestions and no fix, yet.


3 months later, multiple small updates, problem still continuing. Where is the support to fix this problem?


I put in a ticket. They didn't respond to it for weeks. When they did, they closed it in within a FEW HOURS because I didn't respond back to it. Whatever. Pretty certain they have no idea of the fix.


No mods, official server, problems continue. Try to join and during load phase game just crashes to desktop.


Passing this along for others, hopefully it will help them, and hopefully the devs will recognize this is a game bug and will fix it.

It has taken me months to track this down, and it is definitely a game bug relating to one/both of 2 things: Vertical Sync enabled can cause it, and/or playing at 1440p resolution (not sure if higher resolutions are affected). Typically I can change resolution to 1080 and everything plays normally, although it looks ugly on a native 1440 monitor.

I have tested this over the past several weeks and it is one or a combination of both that causes this.

  • Can disable Vertical sync, set at 1440 and its fine for 1-3 days before it starts crashing again on server join.
  • Change to 1080 and its fine, but enable vertical sync and same 1-3 days it crashes again.
  • Can play at 1080 and vsync disabled for days on end with no problems, but going back to 1440 (with or without vsync) causes it to crash within 1-3 days again.
  • Sometimes it crashes without any error, other times it crashes with a "graphics driver crashed" error. I have always had latest nvidia drivers (this has continued happening across a dozen different nvidia official drivers) and stock 6GB 1660Ti with no overclocking nor modified GPU settings.
  • When it does play at 1440, the game stays at 110-120fps with rare drops below 100. At 1080 the game rarely drops below 110fps.
  • I can play any other game at 1440 with or without vsync, so this is a SE specific game bug that needs resolved.


Hello, Mike!

Is this still an issue that persists with you or, have you since resolved this with the steps mentioned?

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hello, Engineer!

Because there is no new comment from you, and we are unable to reproduce the issue on our own, I will close this thread now as outdated.

If you or any other player will experience this issue again, please make a new thread and provide all needed info there.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Outdated? Look at the amount of threads on this problem!

It's outdated when its FIXED!

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