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problems after upgrading to Radeon 7900 xtx

xXPredzioXx shared this bug 19 months ago
Won't Fix

hello i changed my gpu from rtx 2070 super to radeon 7900 xtx and did a full format of my pc but after installing all the drivers i have strange issues with the game strange shadow bugs asteroid textures going haywire and ther are times when my game freezes while loading save or when trying to exit game from game world and i checked when it freezes iot start to consume more and more RAM till it consums 31GB of my RAM befor changiong my GPU i had no issues befor, my CPU is AMD ryzen 9 5900X

and things i got to clear out

1. tested on multiple new worlds with the same setting same start no mods (Experimental mode on)

2. i tried to delet config and installed Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12.0) with i lacked

3. tried to change grafic settings with both extreme and low and random result befor instaling Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12.0)

and now i after installing Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12.0) i culd found some things that culd help :

1. the infinite loading screen with massive RAM consumption is coused by voxel seting set at extreme when set back to high or lower it works fine

2. thew strange asteroid visual bug is coused by shaders when i set shaders medium or low its fine but set it to high this happens attached 4 screen shots.

3. when i set shaders to medium or low and set voxel to extreme my game launch but consumes 31-32 GB of RAM and low fps 10-20FPS and can crash.

and let me state that with my old RTX 2070 super i had no problems expect extrem voxel being too demanding.

i hope those are log files from all my testing today for date and time matches.

Replies (4)


Hello, xXPredzioXx,

thank you for contacting us regarding your issue.

However, when I checked on my side, I did not experience any issues similar to yours when all possible options set to Extreme even at the same time.

Moreover, those logs that are (as I believe) connected to the crashes, there is nothing to see – no exception, no error, nothing that could possibly guide me towards any direction.

Can you please first of all try these general workarounds:

  • Verify your game files in Steam – right-click on Space Engineers in Steam Library → Properties → Installed Files → Verify Integrity of Game Files
  • Delete ShaderCache folder – can be found in the same location as logs and config file
  • Back up your whole Space Engineers Roaming folder and delete it
  • Restart Steam
  • Reinstall VC Redist 2017
  • Update graphic drivers – I know that you wrote that they are practically installed anew since you switched the GPU entirely, but it can not hurt to check once more
  • Reinstall the game
  • Make sure your operating system is fully updated

If you do everything from this list and the issue won't get any better on your side, can you please provide me new set of logs and if (when) the game crashes, can you please share me a log from Windows event viewer as well? You can find "how to" guide here:

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


allrady did all that befor posting expect Reinstalling VC Redist 2017 with i did and it helped but now ther is other question when i set voxel to extreme my asteroids are gone and appear only when im around 2km away from them nut when i set to high theay are back, and as for the crashes ther are no crash logs most likly becos the game simply freezes and forces my to shut it down from task menager.

and lastly you use most likly nvidia GPU and my old nvidia gpu had no such issiuse but my radeon have a problem with SE or SE du not like my radeon.

And as strange as it seems the shaders stoped being buggy after some time after posting this bug report i du not know why.


Hello, xXPredzioXx,

regarding the problem with voxels not being visible when set to extreme, this is a known bug. You can read through the thread here and let me know if it is the same problem:

Am I understanding it correctly that the only issue remaining is that you are experiencing freezing of the game? If so, can you please note when the freezing happened and share your log from that time? It is okay if there is no crash in the log, but having a log from the exact time of the freeze could help me to identify the issue.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


yes its the same problem with voxel and freezes happen when i change the voxel setting from high to extreem and while im loadin in extreem voxel seeting after giving it more time it actually unfreezes and lets me play again but the ram usage is crazy or strange on high voxel seting it uses around 9GB ram in 20km and 30km view range but on extrem in 20km view uses around 14BG ram (acceptrable) but when i set to 30km view range it jumps to around 30GB ram usage and it freezes for as long as its allocating ram space and loading voxel in to the game i gues and GPU vram is around 16GB usage from 24GB avaible.if you want i can make some screenshoots while it happens.


I am having the same issue but down on a planet. No crashes or anything tho just a bug with the lighting or shadows showing a texture map from something else and it changes every time I try to fix it.

My Specs

AMD and am currently on (Driver 23.7.2 of 7/20/2023) The newest one they have as of today-(8/16/2023)

(GPU) - PowerColor AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT Red Devil Overclocked 16GB GDDR6 PCIe 4.0

(CPU) - AMD Ryzen 9 7900X Raphael AM5 4.7GHz 12-Core

(RAM) G.Skill Flare X5 Series 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR5


Hello, xXPredzioXx,

using extreme settings and view distance of 30 km is very demanding on the game and ram usage. Extreme settings are usually only recommended for shooting videos or rendering. I would suggest you to switch to high settings or only 20 km view distance if you are not experiencing any freezing or problems.

However, we will test this on a similar setup to yours to unsure that the game is behaving as expected. Please, practice patience as we try to determine the cause of these issues.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, xXPredzioXx,

as there has been no reply to this thread in some time, we will close it. If you're still experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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