wont people join my game because of wrong version glitch

jonathan farrell shared this bug 2 months ago
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i invited my friend to join my game but he got the message saying he needs the series x/s version of space engineers but when we looked in the store this version of the game does not exist. I would assume its a glitch of some sort from the most recent update but id like to see it fixed thanks

Replies (9)


we just found a work around and found out that it only happens when i invite him through xbox not when he joins through join game menu but it only occurs on space engineers as invites work on other games


Hello, Engineers.

Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.

Could you please tell us which version of the game do you currently have and which version does your friend? You should see the number in the bottom right corner in the Main Menu.

Is it 1.203.630 b3 RETAIL for both?

Would it be possible to share a picture of the error message you're seeing?

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


hi yes we are both on the same version



Hello, Engineer.

Could you tell us which consoles are you and your friend using? You might also want to check your privacy settings on both consoles and check if you're not restricted for cross-platform play. It is located in Settings/Account/Privacy/Xbox privacy/View details and customize.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


I use both the series x and the series s as I travel back and forth between home and university my friend only uses the s and I experienced the bug on both consoles I also tried it with a different friend who is on the series x and had the same issue.


our privacy settings are all good, we can play other cross platform games like war thunder a lot with non problems


Hello, Engineer,

Could you please send us logs? Please send from both devices, one attempting to join and one hosting.

To send logs, you can follow those steps:

  1. Reproduce the issue by attempting to join a game or have your game be joined
  2. Press Y on gamepad or F1 on keyboard in the Main Menu or Pause Menu to open Help screen
  3. Open section Report issue
  4. Fill up email address (required) and description (optional)
  5. Press ‘Send report’ to send it
  6. Update this thread with details filled in the report for us to be able to identify it. Please don't forget this step as we cannot find your logs without it.

Thank you for your patience,

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


hi sorry for taking a while to respond I've been really busy but I have just uploaded the log now from my series x if it is needed i can do another on my series s when I return to university. thanks.


Hello, Engineer,

Could you please tell us what details you've put into the submission form? We've been unable to find any logs associated with the email you are registered on this website under.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


i just put the same details as i did on this panel


Hello, Engineer,

Unfortunately we've been unable to find any logs associated with the email or username you're registered on this website under.

In the meantime, could you please tell us if the issue is only present when a Series S console is involved as host or client or does it also happen on Series X host and client?

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineer,

Just to clarify, you said the issue only happens when you invite via Xbox. We assume that means via the Xbox overlay after pressing the X button. What happens if you invite your friend via the Player screen for example?

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


hi the glitch still occurs when i send an invite through the player screen when i used the player screen it just send a regular Xbox invite.

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