Update 197.1 - Community Crossplay

Keen Support shared this announcement 4 years ago

Hello, Engineers!

Ever since our initial release of Space Engineers on the Xbox platform, we have worked hard to provide the best Space Engineers experience for everyone, regardless of platform. Today’s release takes us one step closer to bridging the gap between PC and Xbox communities by ensuring that every Space Engineer can build, create, and imagine with friends on their platform of choice.

Update Features

  • Added crossplay between PC and Xbox players
  • Added Epic Online Services category into PC Join screen server browser (players can switch between steam and EOS there)
  • Added mod support to Xbox version (certain restrictions apply)
  • Added mod.io support for Dedicated server
  • Added mod.io support for PC Client
  • Added option to mute player voice across platforms
  • Added option to mute specific players in text chat as well
  • Added Piston head available as a separate block
  • Changed Campaign and scenario settings to once again be editable, but only in experimental
  • Optimized decals (wheel imprints have separate pool, bullet holes do not deplete pool for imprints for example)

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed a crash at SharpDX.DirectInput.Device.GetProperty
  • Fixed a crash when resuming Xbox game after suspending in lobby
  • Fixed a crash when spawning predefined asteroid small overhang
  • Fixed a crash when suspending Xbox game while inside a lobby
  • Fixed an Out of Memory crash which happened due to increased binary size on Xbox
  • Fixed blueprint screen not correctly managing newly subscribed items (freeze, not showing, not downloading)
  • Fixed a partially unresponsive state of the Xbox game when returning to main menu after being disconnected from a session after suspend
  • Fixed admin teleport not working with gamepad
  • Fixed inability to spawn blueprints which are close to the overall PCU limit (99,999 out of 100,000 in one BP for example)
  • Fixed Join game screen not showing relevant servers for EOS (Official servers are now always visible, servers can be searched for if not in the list)
  • Fixed problems with spawning planets in console compatible worlds (now up to 3 planets total of any type can be in the world and UI updates accordingly)
  • Fixed Sabiroids getting stuck under and in grids when emerging from voxel
  • Fixed the inability to focus search field with a controller in the in-game workshop screen
  • Fixed voxel always not reacting to one of the ship drills in a drill array
  • Fixed wheels twitching mid flight when external forces were applied (gyroscope for example)
  • Fixed Safe zone block having an old highlight on terminal interactive part
  • Fixed scrolling in New game->Workshop not being smooth
  • Fixed scrolling through Load game screen not being smooth
  • Fixed spawn points blinking due to unnecessary refresh on Xbox
  • Fixed streaming indicator to be shown for the whole duration of the streaming process, not just the beginning
  • Fixed UI scale affecting black shroud in respawn screen
  • Fixed unnecessary column label refresh when cycling through Join game screen tabs
  • Fixed a typo in Buggy cockpit block description (save to safe)
  • Fixed a typo in one of the error screens related to Mods

Support Site Fixes

  • Fixed Hydrogen tanks causing high network load
  • Fixed projected grids taking up more than 1 PCU per projected block
  • Fixed various types of voxel materials randomly appearing on Europa


Changelog – Hotfix - 1.197.170

  • Fixed simspeed drop for servers with large amount of unique players
  • Fixed a crash at Voxels.MyStorageBase.ResetCache
  • Fixed a crash when client server discovery found a modded world from 197.019
  • Fixed a crash at MyScreenDecals.DrawBatches
  • Fixed a crash when EOS server started updating before previous update was finished
  • Fixed a crash at MyPlanetMaterialProvider.GetLayeredMaterialForPosition
  • Fixed mods with dependencies getting duplicated after each save/reload/restart


Changelog – Hotfix - 1.197.180

  • Fixed blurry post processing
  • Fixed infinite joining to EOS with incorrect date
  • Fixed server list being empty after reconnecting to the internet on Xbox
  • Fixed a crash at Blocks.MyLightingBlock
  • Fixed a crash at MyCloudRenderer.Render
  • Fixed a crash at Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenAdminMenu.Cycle_Implementation
  • Fixed a crash at Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenAdminMenu.PrepareWeatherDefinitions
  • Fixed a crash at Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenJoinGame.RankedServerQueryComplete
  • Fixed a crash at Sandbox.Game.Screens.MyGuiScreenMods.OnOpenInWorkshopClick
  • Fixed a crash at System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.ReadEndOfCentralDirectory
  • Fixed a crash at VRage.EOS.MyEOSServerDiscovery
  • Fixed a crash at VRage.EOS.MyEOSServerDiscovery.GetFilters
  • Fixed a crash at VRage.EOS.MyEOSServerDiscovery.OnConnectDone
  • Fixed a crash at VRage.Mod.Io.MyModIoWorkshopQuery
  • Fixed a crash at VRage.Render11.Sprites.MySpritesRenderer
  • Fixed a crash at VRage.XIM.MyXIMLobbyDiscovery.OnLobbyCreated
  • Fixed a crash at VRageRender.MyVoxelMaterials.UpdateFoliage


Changelog – Hotfix - 1.197.181

  • Fixed an inability to connect to highly modded server
  • Fixed a rare crash on first join after starting game
  • Fixed a rare crash while browsing servers

Replies (1)


Hello, I have been experiencing multiple issues after the latest Update or Hotfix on Xbox One. The first issue that arose was when trying to enter into the games main menu. It would show a black screen and would not reach the loading stage to get to the main menu. Then on rare occasion that I would get to the main menu and into one previous save or new game I would be playing for 2 minutes my game would freeze and on some occasions would crash (For example: one of the freezes would occur when I would save in game) in which the first problem would then ensue and I won't be able to enter the game again. The third issue that occured was when I used the Modio Workshop Blueprint Screen in game which would hold my blueprints as well as should have blueprints from other creators which were downloaded but after the newest hotfix or update those "downloaded blueprints" became nonexistent and has stayed that way since. If you can fix these issues ASAP that would be amazing because this is my favorite game and I haven't been able to play it for the past 3 weeks and it has put a dent in my enjoyment of the games features I miss playing it in my down time and it would mean the world to me and the rest of the Xbox players experiencing these issues to have them fixed ASAP so that we could enjoy this awesome game again.


What happened to the 200,000 PCU limmit? So now it's back to a lame duck 100,000 YOU CAN'T BUIld JACK WITH THAT YOU IDIOTS! It was great then you FUCK US OVER LIKE THIS?? Hey everyone sorry to be so blunt but I am so completly fed up with ASSHOLES like this! All they care about is the PC players and FUCK ALL to us Xbox players? That is dirty and it's complete BULLSHIT! Well maybe are money will help get that skiny fucks teeth fixed he looks like he's been eating rocks,in other words FUCK YOU! If I do not get a refund I'm calling a Lawyer!


Before you make yourself look even more entitled did you happen to check your server settings and increase the pcu? That is something you have to do manually. All my worlds are at 200k no problems. (And I have a few as I enjoy building and don’t want to clog my blueprints with too many saves) also if your referring to the EXAMPLE in the patch notes it is exactly that and example

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