Update 1.205 - Contact

Keen Support shared this announcement 5 months ago

Hello, Engineers!

Prepare to engage like never before - our latest “Contact” Update is here!

With this release, we’re taking Space Engineers to new frontiers of challenge and discovery. For those of you craving thrilling PvE encounters and seeking to push the limits of your engineering prowess, this update is packed with everything you need.

"Contact" brings an array of PvE encounters designed to test your skills and strategies in high-stakes scenarios. But that’s not all! We’re introducing exclusive Prototech blocks - advanced technology you can only obtain through these intense encounters.

These blocks will add new dimensions to your endgame builds, giving you tools and capabilities that enhance your creativity and gameplay strategies. As always, we’re excited to see how you’ll use these new features to push the boundaries of what’s possible in Space Engineers.


  • PvE Encounters
    • Global Encounters - A new feature designed to bring players together on a server to engage large NPC encounters cooperatively or competitively. These encounters offer challenging, end-game content to enhance standard survival gameplay.
    • Planetary Encounters - Encounters now spawn on planets too! Derelict ships, outposts and more!
  • Faction Changes
    • The Factorum - A hostile Faction. The creators of Prototech. They’ve returned from the edge of known space to claim their rightful place.
    • Unknown - A perpetually neutral Faction. Space is vast. As humans push into the void of space, sometimes the void pushes back. Danger, mystery, or reward may lie ahead.
    • Faction filters show only discovered factions by default
  • Toolbar Actions 
    • All Action Blocks now have multiple Toolbars
    • Added separate On and Off actions to multiple Action Blocks
    • Added new "Set Value and Execute" actions for Pistons, Rotors and Hinges

Added new Components - Base Game

  • Prototech Frame
  • Prototech Panel
  • Prototech Capacitor
  • Prototech Propulsion Unit
  • Prototech Machinery
  • Prototech Circuitry
  • Prototech Cooling Unit
  • Prototech Scrap

Added new Blocks - Base Game

  • Prototech Blocks
    • Prototech Assembler (1 block, L grid)
    • Prototech Drill (1 block, L grid)
    • Prototech Refinery (1 blocks, L + S grid)
    • Prototech Jump Drive (1 block, L + S grid)
    • Prototech Thruster (1 block, L + S grid)
    • Prototech Gyroscope (1 block, L + S grid)
    • Prototech Battery (1 block, L + S grid)
  • Inset Connector (1 block, L grid + 2 block, S grid)

Gift for subscribing to Keen Newsletter

  • Flush Cockpit (1 block, S grid)

QoL Changes and Improvements

  • Added Small Grid Temporary Container
  • Ownership Changes
    • Can now transfer ownership to any other player
    • Ownership transfer must be accepted in new transfer screen
    • Removed transfer to "nobody" by non-admins
  • Improved NPC Loot Tables
    • Added option for loot pair groups (e.g.: Gun + Ammo)
  • Re-arranged G-Screen Menu, added PCU info
  • Grid AI - AI Basic - set home at grid position
  • Claim Timer Improvements
  • Reputation System Rework
  • Improved Door Highlights and Tooltips
  • Help Screen Improvements
  • Slightly reduced PCU cost of some blocks
  • Light Blocks Graphical Improvements
  • "New Game" screen now saves your previous selection
  • Custom label for the Programmable Block "Run" Action
  • Added Unified Block Limits for block variants
  • Added Railgun Charge Efficiency indicator
  • Greatly reduced Laser Antenna power requirements
  • Revised sounds for the Sound Block

Added Content to existing DLCs:

  • Added to Signal Pack
    • Additional Truss pieces (2 blocks, L grid)
    • Additional Bay Windows (4 blocks, L grid + 2 blocks, S grid)

Contact Pack

  • Gatling Turret Type II (1 block, L + S grid)
  • Rocket Turret Type II (1 block, L + S grid)
  • Small Gate Tall (1 block, L grid)
  • Small Gate Wide (1 block, L grid)
  • Modular Bridge Set (11 blocks, L grid) 
  • Captain's Desk (1 block, L grid)
  • Square Piston (1 block, L + S grid)
  • Flood Light Set (4 blocks, L grid + 6 blocks, S grid)
  • Parabolic Antenna (1 block, L + S grid)
  • Kitchen set (5 blocks, S grid)
  • First Aid Cabinet (1 block, S grid)
  • Bunk (1 block, S grid)
  • Modular Cargo Container (1 block, S grid)
  • Media Player (1 block, S grid)

Official Servers

  • Official Steam servers upgraded with more RAM and more powerful CPUs
  • Canada: Added 1 more server (now 3 servers total)
  • Australia: Added 1 more server (now 3 servers total)
  • United States: Added a new location with 3 servers based in New York, providing a great meeting point for US and European players
  • North America (NA) servers renamed to United States (US) to align with EOS servers

Official Blueprints

Fixes & Improvements

  • Broadcast Controller message text is green when set to Faction target setting
  • Safezone settings are saved when copy/pasting the Safezone
  • Safezones no longer consume Safezone Chips in Creative Mode
  • Reputation with spiders & wolves can't be changed
  • Improved the particle effects when a wheel is driven over a voxel surface to be continuous and not just puffs of smoke
  • Fixed a crash when accessing a claimable grid through a remote connection
  • Fixed a crash when clicking Customize on a multi-mission Custom Community campaign in the New Game screen
  • Fixed a set of issues with the construction stages and textures of the Gate block
  • Fixed a set of issues with the construction stages of a Large Industrial Cargo Container
  • Fixed a set of issues with the models of the Antenna
  • Fixed a set of issues with Safe Zones; as a result, only contained blocks are protected, not whole grids, and the Enter/Left notification was removed
  • Fixed a set of issues with the LCDs of the Industrial cockpit not showing content when viewed from the outside
  • Fixed a set of issues with the Oxygen Tank LoDs
  • Fixed an issue where "Some components will be lost if removed" was still displayed after switching away from the Grinder
  • Fixed an issue where a lobby Host could force through an authorship transfer to Clients without consent
  • Fixed an issue where a strut was missing from the Beam Block End model, making it inconsistent with other blocks in the set
  • Fixed an issue where AI blocks would aim at the character's feet instead of the head, missing the target
  • Fixed an issue where changing the LCD App would not preserve the color settings
  • Fixed an issue where modded connectors had no way to specify which way is the connection side; added a ConnectDirection definition
  • Fixed an issue where other blocks were not able to trigger "Set Grid Position" on the AI Basic Task blocks
  • Fixed an issue where painting a block with RotatingSubpartComponent stopped the animation
  • Fixed an issue where RotatingSubpartComponent would prevent proper painting and skin application
  • Fixed an issue where shadows were cast incorrectly after changing the FoV
  • Fixed an issue where the Action Relay could be triggered with an Antenna that was turned off
  • Fixed an issue where the Air Vent played a sound whenever triggering an action
  • Fixed an issue where the alignment of Window blocks left gaps between models
  • Fixed an issue where the Aquarium block had a see-through gap
  • Fixed an issue where the Claim button would count the total grid PCU and not only the portion authored by NPCs
  • Fixed an issue where the damage particles of Colorable Solar Panels would be offset
  • Fixed an issue where the Event Controller would keep invisible references to blocks that did not exist in the world at the time; added a UI helper for the player so it can be managed in-game rather than through SBC editing
  • Fixed an issue where the flow of joining a friend's session would be interrupted when reaching the Main menu
  • Fixed an issue where the Frostbite scenario would be started as an Online lobby by default
  • Fixed an issue where the interact dummy of a Large grid Holo LCD was too large
  • Fixed an issue where the interact dummy of a Small Grid Holo LCD was too large
  • Fixed an issue where the Large grid Small Warfare reactor model would clip through other models outside its bounds
  • Fixed an issue where the LoDs of Window blocks were appearing invisible at relatively short distances
  • Fixed an issue where the Minimum world size [km] setting did not have limit checks
  • Fixed an issue where the now-stacking O2 or H2 bottles would be displayed as a single spare on the HUD
  • Fixed an issue where the Sci-fi armor skin could be applied to Blast door blocks
  • Fixed an issue where the Small grid Antenna required a different type of final components to fully weld than its large counterpart
  • Fixed an issue where the Spotlight was using an outdated icon
  • Fixed an issue where the SPRT could not participate in the economy as they had no funds to do so
  • Fixed an issue where the Start button tooltip would obscure the Customize button in the New Game screen; tooltip removed
  • Fixed an issue where the Target lead indicator would be too big on 4K resolution
  • Fixed an issue where the texture appeared black on the underside of blocks with grated parts, stairs, and catwalks
  • Fixed an issue where the Utility resource group was not defined for Corner Lights
  • Fixed an issue where the Utility resource group was not defined for Heat Vents
  • Fixed an issue where too many particles were produced when driving on the Moon's surface
  • Fixed an issue with a missing cargo port on lower LoDs of the Large grid Small Hydrogen Tank
  • Fixed an issue with an infinite loading screen after waking from Sleep/Rest Mode
  • Fixed an issue with blinking distant shadows on PS4 Pro
  • Fixed an issue with controller button mapping for Spectator speed and rotation
  • Fixed an issue with Half Bed Open collisions not allowing players to go/shoot through the gap
  • Fixed an issue with inconsistencies across the LoDs of the Large grid Large Reactor
  • Fixed an issue with Industrial Refinery textures
  • Fixed an issue with the alignment of the DLC icons list in the blueprint screen
  • Fixed an issue with the collisions of conveyor tubes being too large
  • Fixed an issue with the collisions of the Small grid Medium Conveyor sorter being too large
  • Fixed an issue with the collisions of the Small grid Small Conveyor Sorter being too large
  • Fixed an issue with the color of the texture of a Small grid Light Round Armor Panel Face
  • Fixed an issue with the consistency of the position of the status bar across LoDs on a Large grid Small Hydrogen Tank
  • Fixed an issue with the construction stage of an Interior Wall
  • Fixed an issue with the French localization of a loading screen Wikipedia entry
  • Fixed an issue with the incorrect tooltip of the "Keep original ownership on paste" Admin toggle
  • Fixed an issue with the low-resolution left/right navigation arrows in the New Game screen
  • Fixed an issue with the mount points on the Grated Half Stairs Mirrored block
  • Fixed an issue with the scaling of the world Customization screen on 5:4 and 4:3 ratio resolutions
  • Fixed an issue with the shading on the Construction Component floating object model
  • Fixed an issue with the shading on the Industrial Cockpit
  • Fixed an issue with the shading on the Large grid Rocket Turret
  • Fixed an issue with the shading on the Solar Panel
  • Fixed an issue with the transparency and clarity of the inside view of the Small grid Cryo Chamber
  • Fixed an issue with the UV texture on the Beam block
  • Fixed an issue with the UV texture on the Conveyor Pipe T Junction
  • Fixed an issue with the UV texture on the Corridor narrow stowage
  • Fixed an issue with the UV texture on the Corridor X Intersection
  • Fixed an issue with the UV texture on the Exhaust Pipe
  • Fixed an issue with the UV textures on Warfare Reactors
  • Fixed an issue with the Willis Duct collisions forcing the character's head through the ceiling when walking in 1st person

Support Site Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when deleting a grid with an AI Offensive block actively engaged in combat
  • Fixed a crash when renaming a blueprint item containing a dot in the name
  • Fixed a set of issues with the Large grid Solar Panel, including a misaligned model and loss of colorable material on lower LoDs
  • Fixed a set of issues with turret models not being centered, having holes in the geometry, and misaligned UVs
  • Fixed an issue when selecting block sizes in the Radial Menu
  • Fixed an issue where a block/grid without ownership would be detected as an Enemy by a Sensor; now detected as Neutral
  • Fixed an issue where a character would be sliding around after jumping without a Jetpack being allowed in the world
  • Fixed an issue where a NaN value would propagate from the wheel steering logic through the grid to the physics constraints, causing Clang
  • Fixed an issue where a Sensor would not be buildable near a voxel
  • Fixed an issue where accessing the Terminal through an attached Piston Top Part would not select the associated piston
  • Fixed an issue where Action Relay Set Channel and Send Signal actions were not working in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where an empty tree would still be rendered, causing the leaves in the wind to be spawned as a mysterious pulsating grey ball
  • Fixed an issue where an inaccurate message was displayed in Creative when trying to paste a grid in a world where copy/paste is disabled
  • Fixed an issue where connecting to a lobby or starting the game in a scenario through an argument would result in a black screen
  • Fixed an issue where Fireworks would not explode on planets as gravity would overcome their velocity too early, not reaching the trigger height; lowered the trigger height
  • Fixed an issue where highlighting text using a mouse drag and drop input in the Terminal could result in clicking on other UI elements
  • Fixed an issue where Hydrogen Thrusters did not require a connection to tanks to function
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to claim NPC grids when Block limit was disabled
  • Fixed an issue where overridden propulsion on wheels would not consume any power
  • Fixed an issue where Saberoids and Wolves could not be removed through the Entity list
  • Fixed an issue where the "Reloading..." text and circular indicator were desynchronized
  • Fixed an issue where the Action Relay would use the antenna range of an antenna that was turned off for its range checks
  • Fixed an issue where the actual percentage to which Auto Heal heals the character in a pressurised environment was missing
  • Fixed an issue where the AI Defensive block Flee behavior would happen at the end of an AI Recorder path regardless of the continual presence of danger
  • Fixed an issue where the AI Flight block behavior for Follow Player would happen only once and then stop because of other incompatible AI Flight blocks being present
  • Fixed an issue where the AI Offensive block would continue shooting at characters that were already dead
  • Fixed an issue where the AI Offensive block would lose reference to set-up weapons after being printed and split
  • Fixed an issue where the alignment of Large grid Connector models left gaps between the models
  • Fixed an issue where the Assembler production queue would report an incorrect count of remaining components
  • Fixed an issue where the available weapon ammo would not be displayed on the toolbar until the weapon was equipped
  • Fixed an issue where the Broadcast controller did not send messages through the grid itself when located on a subgrid with no antenna
  • Fixed an issue where the Camera consumed power while turned off
  • Fixed an issue where the Camera overlay would partially stay visible after accessing and leaving a turret control view
  • Fixed an issue where the Cargo Crate and other blocks with animated panels would not keep the same panels open through save/reload
  • Fixed an issue where the character health stat would get shown as 0 when the value was between 0 and 1
  • Fixed an issue where the character mass was not accounted for in total grid mass; introduced dry mass (no inventories + base character mass) and total mass (grid inventories + base character mass)
  • Fixed an issue where the Cockpit LCD contents were not persistent through save/reload
  • Fixed an issue where the Comms tab message history window would not scroll down to the latest message automatically
  • Fixed an issue where the Conveyor Junction blocks had different PCU values for each size
  • Fixed an issue where the Corner Light Double mount points were inconsistent with the Corner Light
  • Fixed an issue where the Curved and Sloped LCD collisions would revert to a simple box
  • Fixed an issue where the Custom Turret Controller AI was not able to handle a case where the rotor had its base on the turret subgrid and top part on the main grid
  • Fixed an issue where the Custom Turret Controller would keep repeating the last rotation input when the player stopped controlling it
  • Fixed an issue where the Custom Turret Controller would not recognize a Camera reference being changed
  • Fixed an issue where the Custom Turret Controller would stop functioning when welded from projection
  • Fixed an issue where the decimal part of a Timer block's setting would get discarded on copy paste; the timer only accepts whole numbers now
  • Fixed an issue where the Direct Connect option in the Server browser failed to resolve a domain name
  • Fixed an issue where the displayed mass of the occupied grid was hard to read; added thousands separators
  • Fixed an issue where the Emotion Controller LCD text content would not be synchronized through DS
  • Fixed an issue where the Enable Scrap Drops world option functionality was inverted
  • Fixed an issue where the Event Controller lost reference to blocks that were split/merged to/from a subgrid but remained physically connected; the level of separation matters, tracked blocks at the ends of chains of subgrids may still exhibit the behavior before the fix
  • Fixed an issue where the Event Controller retained the last output when one of the watched blocks was damaged
  • Fixed an issue where the Event Controllers kept a reference of and acted upon changes on blocks that were no longer physically connected
  • Fixed an issue where the final Merge Block constraint would not be released on detach in advanced contraptions with multiple attachment points
  • Fixed an issue where the game would not recognize swapped mouse buttons
  • Fixed an issue where the Gatling Gun barrels were not updated after welding from projection, preventing shooting
  • Fixed an issue where the Gatling Gun orientation would not get updated with grid rotation, causing damage to unintended targets when shooting
  • Fixed an issue where the hazard sticker on the Large grid Small Hydrogen Tank was changing orientation on lower LoDs
  • Fixed an issue where the Hinge minimal angle could be overridden by a script
  • Fixed an issue where the Industrial Cockpit LCDs were shrunk
  • Fixed an issue where the Large grid Ship Welder had decreased reach
  • Fixed an issue where the Lobby Host could see the GPS locations of its Clients if the Clients turned them off and then back on
  • Fixed an issue where the Nickel Ore Russian translation had a typo
  • Fixed an issue where the Oxygen Tank port would not align with a connected conveyor tube
  • Fixed an issue where the Passage 3 lower LoD model was deformed
  • Fixed an issue where the Programmable script method GatlingTurret.SetTarget always made a turret aim at 0,0,0
  • Fixed an issue where the Railgun lost colorable material at lower LoDs
  • Fixed an issue where the reflection between Window 1x2 Face and Window 1x2 Face Inv. was inconsistent
  • Fixed an issue where the Remote Control Forward Direction setting order was changed by localisation, causing a grid in German to fly differently
  • Fixed an issue where the Remote Control was missing some of its settings as toolbar actions
  • Fixed an issue where the Remote Control would trigger actions assigned to a waypoint on the waypoint removal
  • Fixed an issue where the reputation changes would not be displayed while sitting in a cockpit
  • Fixed an issue where the Round Window blocks wouldn't be aligned when stacked
  • Fixed an issue where the Small grid Control Seat did not offer the ability to build from the cockpit with Ctrl + G
  • Fixed an issue where the Temporary container floating object would not fit into tight spaces; introduced a small version for those cases
  • Fixed an issue where the textures for armors and panels would not have the same shade of black upon painting
  • Fixed an issue where the Window Wall German translation had a typo
  • Fixed an issue where Thrusters contained in a Safe Zone were damaging the contained structures


  • Fixed a crash in New Game screen when a player made Custom Scenario was loaded
  • Fixed a crash related to modded NPCs when accessing MyIdentity
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to paste blueprints with mods not present on the server
  • Fixed an issue where the Factorum Outpost global encounter had typos in the Broadcasted messages
  • Fixed an issue where the Gatling Turret Type II had wider collision models than intended
  • Fixed an issue where the new Tag based block limits couldnt be used on existing world which used to use BlockPairName
  • Fixed an issue where the Prototech Drill would not produce particles while drilling certain materials
  • Fixed an issue where the Prototech Drill would start using lower LoDs way too fast
  • Fixed an issue where the Prototech Gyroscope had a small cube in the center of the model in block preview
  • Fixed an issue where the Prototech Gyroscope model had missing railing inside the inner ring
  • Fixed an issue where the Prototech Gyroscope was not defined in BlockPairName based block limits
  • Fixed an issue where the Prototech Thruster had wider collision models than intended
  • Fixed an issue where the Repeat button was missing in the Assembler's Disassembling tab
  • Fixed an issue where the Strong Unknown Signal colors were hard to read with colorblindedness
  • Fixed a crash during the loading of a world save
  • Fixed a crash in DSGUI
  • Fixed a crash in Safe Zones
  • Fixed a crash in target locking
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to use a ship welder on a projection on a server with Tag block limits
  • Fixed an issue where a drone name in a Global encounter had a typo
  • Fixed an issue where a Factorum drone did not have the proper color mask to receive the Factorum faction colors
  • Fixed an issue where a planetary encounter containing a drone would duplicate itself on despawn/respawn
  • Fixed an issue where the High Profile Escort Global encounter refused to fight small grids
  • Fixed an issue where the Inverted Round Window and Round Window were the same
  • Fixed an issue where the Listening Post Global encounter was targeting debris instead of enemies
  • Fixed an issue where the Prototech Jump Drive sounds were missing on consoles
  • Fixed an issue where the Prototech Thruster flame was damaging blocks outside of its visual range
  • Fixed an issue where the server was able to save after unsuccessfully loading the world
  • Fixed an issue where the small and medium Hinge heads couldn't be reattached to the Hinge base
  • Fixed an issue where the small grid Gatling Turret Type II had a bigger collision model than necessary
  • Fixed an issue where the small grid Rocket Turret Type II had a bigger collision model than necessary
  • Fixed an issue where only the first Wind Turbine worked
  • Fixed an issue where the Planetary encounter spawn system would retry a failed attempt without changing variables

Replies (51)


Any updates for Xbox yet?


Xbox Update Pls🙏🙏


"I need it!"


Nothing yet 😕 how can you release the DLC and not have the update pass certification 😆😂 AHH Mondays


Love and appreciate for the constant effort and hard work you have put into this game. I'm excited to see the update on Xbox and have been planning and concepting ships for the new blocks for weeks now.


Constant effort my arse


I love Space Engineers and played it on the PC back then. Since I've been playing it on Xbox Series, I'm used to it taking a little longer for the features of a DLC to become available, but why does it always take so long? I ask you to communicate more with the community. Why don't we have a Star System on the console? I can only place 3 different types of planets but as often as I want? Why not just all planets once?

Translate with Google


They’ve already said about this, they said it’s easier to store multiple planets at the same time on the device’s memory than it is to store different planets in the same numbers :(


Waiting till it comes out before i buy it hope it releases soon


Why release the add on but not the update for it to work?


Updates should ideally introduce fresh and innovative content, many of the additions have simply replicated what modders have already provided in some way or form. This not only stifles the potential for genuinely new experiences but also feels like a missed opportunity to expand the game's horizons in meaningful ways (Like one example, fixing custom contract API, it's been almost two years c'mon or adding LCD live cam feeds, etc so many great suggestions mods can't easily tackle).

Also, this uneven rollout of 1.205 is frustrating beyond belief. This inconsistency in update deployment highlights a need for better coordination and communication with your platform providers/distributers. Players across all systems should feel equally valued and considered. The delayed release leaves Xbox players feeling sidelined and neglected, detracting from the overall player experience. Keen should strive for more balanced and timely updates to maintain the trust and enthusiasm of their entire player base.

The potential for Space Engineers is vast, but it requires a more pro-active and original development team to fully realize that potential, Keen ain't it.

Your loyal community deserves better responsiveness.


Woah put the brakes on there buddy. There are modders everywhere in video gaming, are you saying if a modder has come up with content then the developers can't put it in there game? What about console players?


It's not about developers being unable to use content similar to mods. The concern is that developers are focusing on adding content that modders can already provide, rather than innovating or introducing features that modders can't implement. Console players, who may not have access to mods, benefit from these additions, but it doesn't push the game forward in unique or groundbreaking ways.

For example, if a developer adds a new cosmetic or block that modders have already created in some way, it's not adding much value for PC players who can access those mods. Instead, developers could focus on improving the core game mechanics, enhancing performance, or introducing entirely new gameplay systems that modders can't achieve due to limitations.


Coding is like a rubix cube, if it works somewhere it may be wrong elsewhere. Also didn't they say in the live stream it was down to Microsoft certification and technicalities, keen have provided a dlc and my only preference blem with it is it didn't coming with the update to play it lol I'd rather show support then slander keen when it gets problematic.

If developers were to provide something that a modder already has created (or something similar) then it becomes part of the core game or dlc, something accessible by all, console players can't get access to mods let alone scripts. So as a console player I'm grateful to the developers, if I were a pc player I'd be too buried in mods to be complaining about updates. I mean no disrespect by the way. Any content they add to space engineers is great because it's safe too. Just a thought


It isn't that we console players can't use mods. The problem is the fact that almost all modders don't want to share their creations on Mod.io (there are a few exceptions like King who does upload on both platforms), or can't upload to Mod.io because their mod also uses client side scripts (like the Scrapyard mod made by Splitsie).


This is ridiculous. 8 days. 8 days we've been waiting with zero explanation as to why we're waiting 8 days to be able to play something we own. I know this is on Microsoft more than Keen but that's beside the point. 8 days. Pathetic.


Just so everyone knows this was a technicality and not really a malfunction. It's still coming, let them battle it out.


dnia 14.10.2024 kupiony dodatek contakt. Serwery wyłączone kilka dni wcześniej. Od 14-tego gra każdy oprócz platformy xbox. Czas leci, kasa też, czas wycofać wpłaty i gamepass. Dwa tygodnie w plecy.


Hi so we payed for the dlc but no update it's crazy over 8 days


Concordo comprei também na hora de jogar todo entusiasmado quando vejo cadê fiquei até desanimado


I have to wonder how many others have been duped into buying the dlc thinking it was the update. The lack of info on why the Xbox update has not been released or any eta when it will be available is strange, i happened upon this thread by accident but like no real words on main page or YouTube where where many are asking for what’s going on for the Xbox update in the live stream comments from a week ago, or in the game news box. The whole update, pc,PlayStation and Xbox should have been delayed until all were ready. I love the game but feel like the Xbox community are being treated like second class citizens.


Apparently we are second class citizens, according to like, everyone who isn’t on xbox


Right on. Cant stand when pc users dump on us for what we enjoy using. It’s like what we should all use what you use because you say so? No I enjoy my console relaxing in my living room in my free time, very little free time I have as it is.





io cambio console una volta x tutte


Any update at all on this? I know it isn't exactly Keens fault, but to a point it is on keeping us updated. What is the hold up? Has it been changed, recompiled, and resubmitted? What are the current guestamations on release? hours? days? weeks still? Let us know something at least. Being completely silent doesn't look good.


I would also like to know whats happening now its been a few days even a update saying your still working on it would suffice.


Another day, Another Painstaking Minute With out any news ......


Can we get at least a Ruth time on the update? it's really starting to feel like Xbox players have been left in the void here


We all know that you worked hard to give us new content. Please communicate with us, your xbox community. Why did must wait so long for this Update. Don't communicate so cryptic. I know that the xbox community is small but we are your community and we loved this game.


It's been more than a week since the release, Microsoft needs to hurry up with the validation stage.


I think what makes it worse is that Xbox user can pay for the Contact DLC (which I did) only to find that you can't use it until the update comes out, and to add insult, they can't even give us a rough estimate of how long I'm going to have to wait!


Yeah same here. I bought the update when it dropped. It would be super cool if I could just the blocks from the dlc I’m ok waiting for the update for the factotum stuff.


last time it took them 2 weeks, now they are breaking the record. and I'm angry and I blame keen, not ms, they could have predicted the authorization on ms' side, probably the same mistake was made as last time, but they didn't get anything out of it. I am angry at their attitude and illegitimate way of working. dlc is not free, someone gets some money, so the results should be more professional, they are behaving like amateurs now. they could at least write another update on the situation, maybe this time more honest: what they screwed up and when they will fix it


a G A T E S : Spero che da domani defecherete sangue te e tutta la microsoft


Can we please have some information on the update. You are leaving a lot of fans in the dark.we will even take bad news at this stage.


If I get any form of “Bad News” I’m throwing my xbox out of the window.


Wanna throw em in lava with me instead?


Can we have an update atleast?I'm paying monthly for a cross play server and it's been out of commission for 2 weeks as most our players are xbox users.


Nothing? It’s been 2 weeks and nothing. There’s been no updates and no communication with a part of the SE community who love to play this game and we’ve been forgotten and left for Microsoft to maybe sometime within the month pass the certification.


Yeah Keen dropped the ball on this.


I am so outrageously furious, I had this whole vision of playing with the update the entire holidays; but no. Absolutely killed any enthusiasm from xbox. I know it’s Microsoft’s fault, but how the hell am I not meant to be upset?


This is ridiculous. 15 days and counting. At this point I don't care who's to blame. Just fix it.


It so unfair Xbox pay but don't get what they pay plus server and all thing combine we Xbox player should get compasated free dlc with one of a kind content that only Xbox player get if PC and ps want they pay for it that it I am done waiting plenty of game to go on and play and spend money on Im not wanting no more for this bullshit


And say it all Microsoft fault hard to believe keen should be on here every day telling that it's getting work on but nooooooo nothing they know that Microsoft that time to certifi but no $$$$$$is more important then the Xbox player base pathetic


At this point they should've postponed the release, I wouldn't have cared. I was planning on playing with a couple of my buddies the week it was released but I guess not.


What are you (keen) playing at not even bothered to keep us up to date with what's going on or why, how is possible at you update playstation but not Xbox it really feels like you just don't care well maybe no Xbox players should play space engineers ever again. Thanks for nothing


I call for a strike so that keen push Microsoft to be faster strike strike strike everyone


Strike strike strike


Keen don’t care, they got your money when you bought the game and any dlc after that. Like any sleazy dealer they are your best friend till u drive it off the lot. If it were pc users, their key clientele their would be more communication but like all games that got their origin on pc then console we are ignored and considered bottom of the barrel. Sadly it is what it is , they know we can’t do anything that would make any difference.


Alr I am sad to announce we must raid the Xbox forums


Surely it is illegal for them to sell us a dlc that we can not use and for not being able to use cross play servers that some of us pay for. any lawyers here so we can all sue keen?


I play the game mainly on my Xbox and anticipated this happening, due to Microsoft being late with the updates for this and other games I play(like No Mans Sky). As soon as I saw that Keen wasn't ready with the update, I decided not to buy the DLC until the update was actually out. That turned out to be the right call in this matter.

I also play mostly modded games in SE (Experimental Mode enables mod support and features not present in Vanilla gameplay), and I've seen evidence of the build menu revamping and new block placeholders within the game itself, live. As such I don't doubt that the new features are in fact being worked on, and will be released in the next update release, which will probably include some hotfix update to address known bugs, that were present in the initial update.

I know for a fact that Microsoft has a very stringent verification and certification process for their online store, much more so than Steam and Sony do, and this complicates the matter of releasing content on their platform. Therefore I can't fault Keen for wanting to take their time to make sure that the update is very much ready for release.

As I stated, I will wait until the update is released, before I buy the DLC. I love the game, and will continue playing for sure when the update finally drops. I place my faith on both Keen and Microsoft, to work it out and make the update happen ASAP, so that I can go back to playing the game and enjoying the new content.


Il nostro tempo ha meno valore di un DLC. Neppure una risposta.


I'm not mad at keen for the update being late. I'm mad that there's no communication apart from one message in all this time, I think someone should giving us updates on what's going on daily how long would take for them to write something like "we are still waiting on Microsoft won't be long now" or "update is 80% done hope to release it next week" anything really. By not do this it makes seem like they don't give a s##t.


This is extremely unprofessional to have no response for nearly 3 weeks now. I'm getting KSP2 vibes, not that Keen is going under but very bad news is being kept secret, like they are dropping xbox support entirely. #WTF


!!!!!! L A D R I !! Ci dovrebbero gli interessi di un mese


Just rented a nitrado server to play the new update and found out that Microsoft is holding it all up. Any rough idea when the version mismatch will be resolved?


I have a similar issue - have a nitrado server but obviously cant access it at the moment. Heres hoping its resolved soon


Time to move on they can't even be bothered to update us so no more SE for me thanks for nothing


Worst thing about this is - The Keen account has been online recently, they likely have seen all of these comments yet still refuse to inform us despite us telling them we do want to know what is going on. Keen is so lucky most players are this loyal we’re still waiting after a significant portion of the month.


I don’t know what to say at this point. Other than and I think I speak for all Xbox SE player when I say we are really disappointed in you, were disappointed and lots more are angry. With 3 weeks late on the update which I can certainly say drove more hype for the game than any other update us Xbox players have been loyal quite possibly the most loyal community of any game and we’re all losing interest in the update and the game itself all because you ,Keen Software House, have refused to give us anything in the way of an update on contact and we’re tired of it and we give up and we simply don’t care anymore. I don’t know if I’ll play SE again anytime soon, probably not for a long while but I know I’m done with what was my absolute favourite game.


I'm really happy that you're trying your best to get this sorted out for Xbox I know it mostly Xbox that's tacking a long time and not doing anything to help you guys are doing an amazing job with making this wonderful game that I fell in love with thank you for making this game I'm probably going to be focusing on making the switch from Xbox to PC


Thank you for the update Keen. That's all we ask, weekly communication. See how a few weeks of dark comms causes everyone to GO CRAZY!!


I think alot of you need to chill out and go outside and stop play video games if yall get your pantie in a bunch over something keen didn't have control over and how many other games are there on xbox to play quit crying you absolute children


We know Keen had no control over this. You know what they do have control over? Keeping us informed as to what's happening. Unless you think it's appropriate for them to keep radio silence for 2 weeks?


Update is out now and I was able to find my server. Thanks Keen for the hard work


Releases update 3 weeks late.

Breaks mod.io.

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