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Frostbite Scenario going wannabe

Theo Hermel shared this bug 3 years ago
Won't Fix

There are multiple problem :

-Some Datapads are blank (Always one at CC),

-Not getting the achievement linked to it (I'm dying from the amount of time I tried)

-Some objectif not being validated will done (Respawn Point at CC is an always case)

-Hostile Drones staying in the air and not caring about the player (yes Bombers I speak of you)

-Weather going from clear to you can't see anything in a time laps of 1 seconds

-Grinder Drone not properly suiciding into the antenna when rebooted

-Most hostile drone will yeet themself into a building or terrain instead of correctly shooting on me (Go tell the ROS to put the Gatling AI in the Gatling drone and not the Missile AI into the Gatling drone !)

Replies (2)


Hello, Thoe!

Thanks for letting us know. However, I´m afraid there´s too much issues with no to little information.

- what do you exactly mean by CC? I´m not able to come up with anything out of this scenario that resembles the name

- about the achievement, it´s working just from v.197. There´s long conversation with exact reprosteps on the bottom of the thread here:

- from what I know, all quests are completed when appropriate, if you manage to do all the prerequisites - if you are having troubles with those two you mentioned, as I said before, please cover it with more information

- drones do attack player on scripted base so some will attack you when going to he mine, some when you are leaving it with data container on the trucks; can´t reckon of any drone not attacking me at all

- the weather conditions are by design like this, although I can say it´s somewhat annoying. There´s nothing easier than to wait until the storm is over

- and as it goes for last two problems, I unfortunately can´t clearly understand what you are speaking about. There´s some bullet scattering when shooting from large distance and/or height and player´s character is rather small in comparison with truck or a building so drones not hitting character in 100% seems rather appropriate

Anyway, I hope at least you will be able to get the achievement by following the instructions in above shared thread.

As for other issues... I would appreciate more help, more information, being more specific. Like this it would end up in me blindly running all over the place, sorry.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Thanks for the reply,

-CC is Command Center, the drone one,

-Most of the time a Medbay quest will just not complete, don't know why but yeah

-Bomber drone sometime are completly oblivious to my presence and just hover still, maybe I was just lucky they didn't detect me,

For drones they all just rush on me and crash on me instead of firing at me (and thus my clever joke of the AI)

hope you'll be a bit enlighten and hope to help further,

Cheers !


Okay so drone is not going moving, just standing there will it usually come to pound me, and the suicide welder drone is... well... uh, stuck and hugging the antenna, expect more.


Hello, Theo,

thanks for additional information. I manage to reproduce those two issues from drone command center - blank datapad and not finishing quest with medbay. Those are listed in our system, now, waiting to get fixed.

As for drones - I depends; sometimes, they are not targeting me as well, while they obviously should, and some other times, they come and fire on me from god knows where. I would leave it as it is, now. Guess it is not stopping you from finishing and/or a big problem form you (players); more like secret advantage.

For the suicide drone - while I did find the antenna as on image, I really don´t know from where that drone came. Can you maybe share a video of this broken behavior? Or send us save just before this happen - so we are able to tell what drone does it and when.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I doubt the game will resist the explosion and record,

but I've seen that before we could see their antenna and now we don't,

also the Gatling Drone still love to crash onto me like the missile drone instead of shooting me, this behavior is most observed and is a nearly always case at the base camp,

I've also seen that for odd reason, in this scenario trucks are more resistent to everything but not on normal world, perhaps we could have a similar resistance on normal world ?

I have a rover which is pretty much a giant piece of armor and 3 turret and nearly same size as scenario rover's, it tank like a boss in the scenario, get sherreded in normal world


Hello, Theo,

like I said there´s no reason for reporting again and again issues with those drones; they are just programmed this way and it most certainly won´t get fixed in near future.

For the trucks - this is actually by design. Their resistance is changed a bit for this scenario so players are able to get the data containers back at least somehow. It would be ridiculous if the truck get destroyed after couple of shots and you have no option whatsoever to get the containers on the landing site.

Can I ask you once more for the save and/or the video of the issue with the suicide drone? You haven´t provide it and thus I still don´t know how to reproduce it.

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Okay so back after some 2 weeks of irl work, I'll try to get a record of the SmartMissile drone as they are now someone concealed and perhaps gatling run suiciding


Foutage couldn't be uploaded because they are way too big even when compressed

Also I've seen that we can't modify settings anymore, is there anyway to unlock them so we can have some fun when we finish a scenario ?


Hello, Theo!

this issue you are mentioning is already being taken care of:

How about you record it and upload it to Youtube as unlisted video? Otherwise I´m not able to help you if I won´t see what is happening there.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineer,

as there is no new comment for more than 14 days, we´ll close this issue as outdated.

If you are still having any difficulties and/or come across any new issues, don´t hesitate to open new thread in Support forum. Please don´t forget to add all necessary information there.

We´ll be happy to help again.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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