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Becomes unresponsive, occurs quicker each time

Declan Kelly shared this bug 5 years ago

forces all load of game onto a single thread of base-clock ryzen7-3700x, makes the game become unresponsive. occasional crashes also happen(yet to figure out why) The times that it becomes unresponsive seem to lengthen in duration, but the time in between each shortens. eventually the game crashes. Happens in new frostbite patch and happened in the open beta too.

Replies (88)


I have noticed the same thread allocation behavior as OP. I'm on a Ryzen 9 3950x, wonder if its something to do with the Ryzen 3000 series cpu's [Edit] It is now happening to my friend on the FX-8350 as well.


[Further Edit] Have now confirmed the behavior on an FX-8320 processor build as well.

Dedicated server seems to still work correctly on a Ryzen 7 1700x processor build (No GPU in this build cant test client).

So as far as I can tell the issue affects AMD CPU's and is not affecting dedicated server, only client.

Hopefully any of this information is useful, Thank you for your time Keen.


Ryzen 3600 here, crashed after about 10 minutes in the Frostbite map. Tried again in a star system survival world, crashed after an hour.


i have a 1700x and after the update constant freezes, freezes the whole pc for 20 to 30 secs at a time, constant jerking and stuff jumping around rubber banding and even slightest turn freeze, its like cpu goes into a spike and jams whole pc up


I have this problem with a Ryzen 9 3900X. The game will lock up for 10-30 seconds every five or so minutes. I don't think it ever actually crashes - if you wait it out it will eventually come back - although it makes the game essentially unplayable.

First noticed it when hosting a game for friends but I have the same issue in single player.

Two other people with Ryzen CPUs reported this same issue. I don't have this issue on my Core i7 laptop, other people with Intel CPUs also don't seem to have this issue.


Ryzen 7 3800X here. I have similar crashes with the new version. Game becomes unresponsive after a time period (never really the same, sometimes 1-2 minutes of gameplay, sometimes 30 minutes) and if I click 1-2 times Windows asks me to end the game. Sometimes it stays unresponsive for a couple of seconds and then recovers for 10 more minutes or so.


Same exact issue as @T. Wombat. Freezes up ever so often. Windows prompts to end the game.

Tried changing graphics settings to see if that would alleviate the issue with no success. Freezes in single player and on my dedicated server.

Edit - Ryzen 7 3800X, 2070 Super, 32GB ram


8f47025bf46359d4f9cb8b5ac2a9d0d4i'm using AMD FX 8300 8 cores and getting "crrr" sounds as well. and freezes especially in the new frostbite scenario.


Same Problem, with Ryzen 9 3900X - 16Go Ram


The same problem continue to occur.

ver 1.194.080 default (No FROSTBITE DLC)

Rizen5 3600 / 32GB RAM / GTX1660


Same issue here

thought it was weather related but in the meantime I get that also on every other world.

Ryzen 7 3700X / 64GB RAM / GTX 1080ti

I trued to use The ModSDK SE build to profile in more detail what takes too long. But that one doesnt seem to have any issues.

But with the normal build Starting the game up freezes pretty often and occasional game freezes

added some profiling info to my issue above

however Ill just drop it here also


Ryzen 3700x, GTX 1070, freezes every 5 min or so on planets and the only time I crashed was when I bumped my tank into a hill side.

Please Keen Ryzen is getting more popular and this does affect our gameplay a lot.


i have a 1700x and after the update constant freezes, freezes the whole pc for 20 to 30 secs at a time, constant jerking and stuff jumping around rubber banding and even slightest turn freeze, its like cpu goes into a spike and jams whole pc up

1700x 16gb 3000mhz memory

gtx 2060 oc

even when playing offline it was the same issue


You guys can try running the Mod SDK version which runs fine for me at least no crashes

Heres a tutorial on how to do it

However this version has some debug thingies you better dont touch and I noticed some minor functionality differences like Dialogues from mods or plugins not showing up at all.

But at least you can play without crashes for now


After much "tinkering" I have found that the game is pretty much stable and full function after doing what you mentioned with a bit of a difference, I only copied (Overwrite/Replace) the "VRage.Library.dll" from the Mod SD "Bin64_Profile" folder to the Space Engineers "Bin64" folder.

Played for 12hrs (I missed it so much) no "thread allocation issues" or "not responding errors/crashes"

All mod dialogues and plugin extras working as intended.

Tested and working on:

Ryzen 9 3950x 12hr (Me) - Single Player, Frostbite, Dedicated MP Server With 178 mods

FX-8320 6hr (Other) - Dedicated MP Server With 178 mods

FX-8350 1.5hr (Other) - Dedicated MP Server With 178 mods

Hope this help anyone interested, Clang away happily fellow Space Engineers.


A champion among men. I will be trying this when I get off work. Will update.


Works like a charm, you absolute madlad, you


Can you Host the VRage.Library.dll somewhere?


This worked perfectly, thanks RyuSansoku. I didnt have any issues at all. (I normally crash right at startup when playing intro, and when im finally in the game, it will randomly freeze and crash).


@Ryu Confirmed Vrage works like a champ. I'm so incredibly pleased, thank you good sir for your contributions to humanity.


Yep works like a charm! Appreciate your service to your fellow engineers! :D @Keen LEARN


seems it worked for me as well =) thanks


worked for me as well THX @RyuSansoku


Little update the stutters and freezes are coming back after a few days since i copied the Dll's over from the modsdk build ,so it's a reaccuring problem over time, will switch them out again and see what happens


The SDK mod is working 100% for me so far and i was getting those issues pretty badly


Worked for me too! Thank you so much RyuSansoku and LordTylus!


I heard one report of someone having this issue with a Intel CPU.

Unclear if it's the same issue but it sounded similar from their description. It seems to otherwise just affect AMD users.

Also changing weather seems to have no effect on this - I get the lockups with or without weather effects.


same thing is happening for me since november already and the newest AMD GPU drivers (version 20.3.1) didnt fix it at all for me.

i havent been able to play this game at all since november 2019, since i got my new system.

Ryzen 3700 X

AMD RX 5700 XT

32GB 3600Mhz RAM

game is installed on a Samsung 860 EVO SSD


also, my game logs never registered a crash or the freezes in all my tries in getting the game to run since then, at least thats what one of keen testers said when looking at my log-files.


Since the update I've noticed twice so far that the sim speed suddenly drops from solid 1 to roughly 0.1 for a couple minutes or so. Then it either crashes or recovers, or recovers sim speed and crashes a little later.


Since the update on the 19th, I get crashes nearly everytime I start the game during the opening video, if it makes it past the video, it might lock up when I hit "join server" (as the old saying goes, the screen goes black, and, in-fact, does not come back). Each time forcing me to manually close the game through the task manager. When I do get in the game, it will lock up randomly while playing. Sometimes in 10 mins, sometimes 15, or an hour, and so on. It all seems completely random once I get in to the game, but it happens most often when I first start it.

I have zero mods. I'm running vanilla with all of the official DLCs from the deluxe edition installed only. No steam workshop stuff, no mods, etc.

My computer specs are:

AMD Ryzen 3950x

2080 ti (latest drivers)

32gb of RAM

Windows 10 (latest build)


I can also confirm this issue. Mostly I can't even get past the opening video, but when I do the game freezes completely after around 30 minutes to an hour requiring me to kill it through the task manager. This is pretty frustrating since I just installed this game today after a few years of not playing. I was hoping performance had improved since then, but it looks like the old problems have just been replaced with new ones.

System specs:

Ryzen 3700x

RTX 2080 Super (latest driver)

16gb ram

Win 10 (latest update)


Can confirm that the new hotfix didn't fix those freezes, still getting them at pretty random intervals, even when just looking at some stone underground with only 30% thread load (per ingame monitor). Changing any setting has no effect at all on the freezes.


R7 3700x (watercooled)


16gb ram


Win 10 updated


Can also confirm after latest hotfix 1.194.081 issue is still present

however ModSDK build still works




Can also confirm, game still crashes with latest attempted fix


Can confirm this game is garbage in the hands of the these devs.



Ryzen 9 3950x

rtx 2080 super (diver version 442.19)

64gb of ddr4 3200mhz

asrock x570 creator

nvme drive

i have installed 5 different driver versions, reinstalled the game, turned down graphics setting including the grass in attempt to fix this to no avail.

I really hope this can get fixed, it crashes the same on both my rtx 2080 and my titan x 12gb. i am open to help out with solving this bug, ie testing fixes if needed. I am on lockdown due to the coronavirus anyways.

i have also attached an image of 2 of my threads going max during the crash whilst the others drop to zero


Gonna ADD My Two cents here!

Ryzen 9 3900x

32gb ram

GTX 1080ti (latest drivers)

Gigabyte X570 Elite (latest bios)

Same problem. I tried:

- Verifying files integrity

- Full reinstall of the game

- Deleted most of the folder of %appdata% (left only blueprints and saves)

- Tried all graphics presets.

- Run locally

- Run in a server

- Run in a local server (server keeps going but game freezes)

The game freezes randomly and sometimes full crash the game.


I got into the practice of deleting the shadercache folder inside %appdata% after every crash. Seems to help a little to keep playing for a little longer until its starts crashing again.

But the only reason I'm doing this is because I'm recording for youtube... Dont know if it will help much for long sessions of gameplay.


Yep after all the hotfixes, there is no change and still not fixed the performance issues for the AMD USERS


Hello everyone with AMD CPUs also having this problem.

I understand that the devs were unable to reproduce this problem on their AMD builds. I tried to reason out why, so I focused on the logic of local appdata files on the user's end that the devs would probably regularly rebuild, and I think I found a temporary solution:

Please try deleting your Space Engineers Shader Cache folder, it's in:


(Open the appdata folder by typing " %appdata% " in your Windows Start Search bar. Relaunch SE and it will rebuild this folder.)

For reference, my game also ran fine in 1.193 but began the stuttering problem without bottlenecking CPU, GPU, and RAM during the Open Beta and when 1.194 went live. My specs:

AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor



If you are sure that you are experiencing the AMD Ryzen CPU problem, please let me know if deleting shader cache2 folder works for you. This was a recurring problem from even two years ago, and rebuilding the shader cache folder worked then. It's only a temporary solution because eventually the shader cache starts starts to fill back up with whatever that doesn't play nice with AMD CPUs, but maybe the problem is rooted there. It's understandable to be angry, but I do not think it's productive. Let's work together to figure out if this fix works.


- Kamu


Hi thanks for the tip. This was the first thing I tried but didn't help me before hotfix. Will try again later.

But it doesn't explain why the ModSdk Build works perfectly with the same profile


Tried it just now, had less than 10 minutes in game before it became unresponsive again.


not possible. i recently installed windows 10 like 5 minutes ago. has nothing but steam , and space engineers installed. game moves at 5 fps/s or crashes. try building a custom rig that has the same specs as mine.. then play the game in the new scenario. you will find it impossible. and the fix didn't work at all.


Tried this after the two most recent patches with the no improvement.


Thanks for helping me test this. I disabled shader caching in my GPU settings in a custom profile just for this game as well and it improved the average time it took for it to start stuttering. It hasn't completely gone away but the game is much more playable. I am now only having a 5-second freeze every hour or so, versus every 5 minutes. Hoping you all can have a playable game soon, too.


@Ikuriro : Tried it, this tips doesn't change anything for me. Same random freezes.

Ryzen 9 3900x


I really hope this doesnt take 18 months like that other graphical crash bug with 300ish votes. I am starting to question if the devs even care. Might just charge back the dlc's i mistakenly bought if i am not going to be able to play for 18 months. here is another log for you... hopefully it helps.


Yeah the amount of time to fix this is insane already. I bought the DLC and can't play it, so that's really cool. Also the mods I'm trying to use don't work in 1.193 anymore because frostbite broke them all. So now that they've been updated I can't even use them in the version that works for my processor.

Please fix this Keen, I really want to be able to play the new update


Stay cool guys, all industries are very slowed or totally stopped because of Covid. Maybe they work at home i don't know but we need to be indulgent during this time.


I also have this Problem with my Server running an AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor


Hope they fix this soon.

Good health to all


58 days. I have lost all hope now.

This is what PC gamers get all the time when a game gets ported to console. XBox is more important than us, early supporters, who can't play their favorite game anymore.


So this happens constantly every time I'm playing this amazing game. Sometimes the game reports the scene being too complex but I have no idea how to fix my scenario.

So with that I've noticed my game having the following stats:

FPS: 121

UPS: 60

Simulation Speed: 1.02

Server Simulation Speed: 1.02

Simulation CPU Load: 11% 1.99ms

Thread CPU Load: 115% 19.29ms

Render CPU Load: 26% 2.21ms

Render GPU Load: 61% 5.08ms

Server Simulation CPU Load: 8%

Server Thread CPU Load: 5%

Up: 7kB/s

Down: 9kB/s

Server Up: 0kB/s

Server Down: 0kB/s

Roundtrip: 77ms

To Describe what happens:

Game plays as normal, might report scene too complex issue now and again on a small base not too complex at all, just got passed using basic assemblers and still using the basic refinery. The game might freeze for a while and won't respond or sometimes crashes to the point I have to end the task on steam as space engineers hasn't got a process anymore.

PC seems to also suffer "Lag" during this freezing/Crashing time. Running no applications like chrome or things that could be the issue to my knowledge.

I'm seriously loving this game but if someone could help I'd really appreciate it.

I have tried reinstalling, Verifying Game files, Deleting App Data Cache, Slapping it, Tickling it, etc... You get the idea.

Halp! plez <3

UserBenchmarks: Game 142%, Desk 145%, Work 156%

CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X - 93.8%

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080-Ti - 180.6%

SSD: Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVMe PCIe M.2 500GB - 319.9%

SSD: Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVMe PCIe M.2 500GB - 316.5%

SSD: Samsung 860 Evo 500GB - 164.2%

USB: TOSHIBA External USB 3.0 1TB - 45.9%

RAM: Corsair CMW64GX4M4C3200C16 4x16GB - 111.4%



It's nothing you're doing, the broke the game for high core count AMD processors when they pushed the last update. I've got a 3950x and I'm experiencing the same thing. Nothing we can do but wait for them to maybe figure it out


Thanks Justin, my computer is almost the same as James, 3900X, Evo M2 x 2 1Tb chips, MSI Nvidia 1650 GameX 4Gb DDR5, Ripjaw 128Gb DDR4 Ram. I only have like 8 games on it the complete Myst series and STO, Stellerus, Sins of an Empire, Star Craft I & 2 so I’m not over tasking anything. I even put the video card in manual for the fans thinking maybe the card was getting too hot but it was only at 30c maxed in auto mode so they never came on, in manual mode it sits at 20c with the fans running. It is frustrating but as one person said we don’t need to get nasty. I worked in the public sector for 40 years when people get nasty we would just stop listening. It’s not that someone deliberately went out of their way to ruin the game for us. Yes someone goofed but not on purpose. So I loved your comment all we can do but wait. 👍


Agreed, As a game dev myself this happens so don't be nasty or mean. I just hope they fix it all I can ask :)


For us others with Intel CPUs, this same problem occurs. After seeing what monster of a rig this guy has im honestly surprised that it happens on a computer this powerful. Mine is many times worse and id atleast think that the performence difference has got something to do with it but nope. Also as it would seem, taken from the log(s) posted in this thread is that MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END invokes this process, as ive seen it in my own logs too.

Update: I've just realised that MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent is me alt-tabbing between the game and the log. Another thread ive seen explained (or so i hope) that whatever happens is not logged and will not exist in the log. This seems to tie in with reality as nothing 'abnormal' gets logged right before the freeze.


Ill also add that this can also be induced by network fluctuations. In a test i disabled net connection, started up the game and the world was running fine. Then ive reconnected and the game froze as described in this thread. Again, no sign in log of in-game shift f1.


I can't even get the main menu to load now without the game freezing. The SE process sits there using 6% CPU and will run for about 20-30 minutes before Windows finally kills it for being unresponsive. The running thread is always clr.dll!CoUninitialize (see attached screenshot). There's nothing significant in the log, it stops about the same time the game freezes.

The game works normally if I roll back to 1.193

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core (16 Thread)

Motherboard: As-Rock X570 Phantom TB3 - Chipset Driver

GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT - Driver 20.4.1

Ram: 16 GB Ram


Ive also had the game freeze up in the main menu. What else seems to cause the unresponsive-ness is when i plug in an external storage. The only reason i can see this happen is that the game freezes up when a larger CPU-load is required, such as loading in external data. How that causes the freezing in itself is another question.


With every hotfix it's getting worse, I'm now getting constant 1-2 second stutters in a brand new vanilla world with everything turned down to minimum settings.

I've now uninstalled the game, having spent well over a 100 hours the last couple of months trying to get this game to work and I've had enough now. I guess my PC just isn't powerful enough to run SE, I'll just have to go back to playing Doom Eternal at 4k on max settings.


Replacing the DLL's as mentioned elsewhere in this chain does still work (for me at-least). It just needs to be done after every little patch.


The DLL swap only delays the inevitable, the game still crashes to desktop with no errors every 30-40 minutes.


Hey Andrew, can you tell me how to rollback to 1.193. I would love to just getting back to playing while they figure out what’s wrong with 1.194


right click on the game in your library and go to properties then beta tab scroll down and find version number


Frost should been delayed till this bug was fixed. Now you have a game breaking DLC for AMD users these days there alot more of us. Should be taken out the store.


I agree. This update shouldn't have been pushed out until it was ready. Keen should also be acknowledging the problem and communicating that it's being worked on while providing an ETA for a fix. You guys charged people money for this and it doesn't work, and you're not providing paying customers any insight beyond the "investigating" tag.

As a server host this is especially frustrating. Several of my regular players are on Ryzen and experiencing crashes, but the consensus of the server is to stay on the latest build so they can all use the DLC that they bought.

I understand you're probably dealing with many or all employees working remotely, but as I said above it would be ideal to get some communication from the dev team on this issue after almost three weeks of nothing.


Agreed that we need more communication. Failing an ETA, at least telling us what's been tried so far and what is/isn't likely to be the problem.


This is the most infuriating thing. At least a total failure you can walk away from it with no regret. But this gives you just enough to want to play the hell out of frostbite before it strips away your Hope's and dreams.


Is there any possibility that this is at least part of the cause?

I tried replacing the VRage.Platform.Windows.dll in my game directory with the one from the Mod SDK and it seems to work a bit better for me. Has anyone else tried this?


After yesterdays update (1.194.082) I can now load a game but it's locking up within 30 seconds.


i Have the same problem with my Ryzen 9 3950X

Weird how nobody responds to all these bug reports with the same complaints.

judging by just looking at the forums and even known SE youtubers having the problem i'd guess its a pretty big issue affecting hundreds of players.


I have issues where the game randomly freezes sometimes after 2 minutes, sometimes after 30. If i wait it will unfreeze eventually, sometimes after 5 minutes sometimes 15. It usually freeze again quite quickly after that. I never had crashes before i upgraded my system. I also have a friend which updated to a Ryzen 9 and he has the same exact issue as me.

Specs are as follow.

AMD Ryzen 9 3950x

32gb ram TridentZ Neo CL16

2080ti founders edition

MSI Prestige Creation x570

Corsair Gen4 PCIE 2tb SSD

I run a custom water loop as such temps are very good and nothing get hot at any point during game play.

All drivers are updated to the latest versions and Windows is also fully updated.


AMD Ryzen 7 3700x

RX 5700 XT


Asus Rog Strix X570-I Gaming

All drivers are up to date.

I can run the game, for a while. New game on moon, graphics setting has no effect on freezing. Few minutes game is going well, then it starts randomly freezing for few seconds to a minute or more, until i run out of patience and kill process myself or game crash, sometimes along with Steam. Every single other game i play i have no problem with only Space Engineers.


Play was creative mode, moon station (which was deleted) "not responding" occurs periodically even when no objects are placed. No matter what the combinations of settings are (mods/no mods, low/high, experimental or not, multiplayer or single player, hosting or joining, auto-save on or off). Sometimes the "not responding" occurs right when I save the game manually.

x570 aorus master (chipset and bios are up to date)

Ryzen 9 3900x (not over clocked)

GTX 980 Ti (not overclocked and with a "clean install" via geforce experience)

32gb ram running at stock 2400

The image has the graph lines highlighted in yellow - representing activity during the crash


Same here

Modded /unmodded clean install low or high graphics preset nothing seems to solve it.

Game is completely unplayable for me @ the moment.


Ryzen 9 3950X (not overclocked)

32GB DDR4 3600 Mhz Ram


Since its probably a issue with relevance on how a AMD ryzen cpu handles the game : my mobo is the Aorus x570 Ultra.

Running latest Bios.

Also theres so many reports of this bug now al arround the forum with not a single answer from Keen , kinda dissapointed in the communication some reports have been up for over a week now and it's a game braking Bug....


I cant even start the game. it hangs during loading. have to Force close the app everytime.


Win 7

Ryzen 9 3900x

64GB DDR4 3200 MHZ Ram

AMD RX 590 8gb

MSI MPG Gaming Edge Wi-Fi


Hi guys, we probably won’t hear from Kean in the near future. So in the mean time there is a fix I have been following, so far everyone has praised it. I personally haven’t used it as I rolled back to 1.193 and am in the middle of a build. The fix involves replacing one file and it should resolve your issues. I am sorry don’t have it at my finger tips but should be easy to find.


If your talking about the VRageLibrary.dll, I did try that to copy the one from the developer SDK tool but it did not work for me. SE still wont load. But it has worked for others. I'm going to try reinstalling my video drivers to see if that helps.


Update: Reinstalling Video drivers did not help (they were already at the latest). Trying to run Mod SDK did not work (it error-ed and crashed immediately then complained it could not find the content folder. Perhaps i installed it wrong?) Installing latest .net did not help, Hiding the ShaderCache2 folder and SE.CFG file did not do anything either.

Back ground on system - I'm in an unusually odd position because I just upgraded my computer to better handle SE, so imagine my surprise that its not working. My old system was an AMD Phenom II 970 black edition on a Gigabyte 990x Gaming mobo with 12GB of, ram miss-matched ( I was unemployed and poor, and it was one time OK?? I...I just needed more memory...) and played SE with (ALMOST) no problems, All hail Klang. I have now upgraded to a AMD 3900x on a MSI MPG x570 Gaming edge WiFi mobo with correctly applied 64GB of Vengeance pro RGB ram (Why RGB? The RGB Makes it go faster like flame stickers, also it was on sale...). My build is in a weird state with its drivers because X570 mobos are not "officially" supported by AMD on Windows 7. But as i did not want to install Win-spy 10 unless i absolutely had too, i found there are drivers to make it work on win 7, and work it does for everything except SE. As the official chip set driers from AMD will install everything except support for the USB stack, and its only scary unsupported USB beta drivers that i needed to install to, you know, use my computer... I don't think its a driver related issue. As an IT worker i would really hate to have to install Win 10 just to play SE. I also don't want to sink money into that monstrosity just to find out that it still wont work and 10 had nothing to do with it. The same video card was working before on my older system (an AMD XFX RX 590 8GB. Me? No...I don't think I'm an AMD Fan boy... Why do you ask?) so in theory it should be fine here and other games play with little issue. I'm adding all of this in the hopes that it will help the Dev's sort this out. with 8,000+ hours in the game, i would like to see it flourish and get better and i have a ships to build, Planets to see, and people to destroy so ya know, sooner the better? If there is anything additional i can add let me know.

My Wife's "favorite" SE Quotes:

"Bed Time? OK. Just one more Block...."

"All of my designs are retched rotor free because the great Klang demands it."


Ok sorry I couldn’t at least point you in the right direction.


No worries, my friend, I appreciate all the help I can get. :)


I think i will have to go the same route you did and revert to 1.193

Its loaded. i haven't tried to run a map yet as I'm hunting down a sound issue. But you did direct me me to a work around to at least getting the game started to thanks! :)


Unfortunately, the problem has not been resolved.

The problem is continuing on my machine.

ver1.194.082 default (No FROSTBITE DLC)

Rizen5 3600 / 32GB RAM / GTX1660


Sorry guys but yah I rolled it back. Once I figured that out I was happy done a few 12 hour days since and not a single burp or hiccup and I get to run with my sky high graphics. I spent a fortune on this machine as it maybe my last build in my life. My last computer lasted 15 years with the newest component the video card was 10 years old and I’m 61 this year so this scream machine could be my last chance. My youngest son (27) tells everyone what I have and that all he does is play Myst, SE, and Flight SIM 🤣


Same Problem Also (on local saves, trying server as we speak). I recently upgraded to a Ryzen 7 3800x on a AM4 socket MSI B450 and local saves are nigh on unplayable.

I updated the chipset from the AMD website today following examples on the Keen forum and Steam User Groups.


Following the advice from Stephen below; My game is far better. Still some stuttering here and there, but NOWHERE near as bad as previously.

  1. Download 'Space Engineers - Mod SDK' from your Steam "Tools" library.
  2. Locate the following file in the Mod SDK installation.
  3. Copy the Files into your Space Engineers Bin64 folder:
  4. Overwrite the existing files when prompted.

Thank you to all that worked on this workaround!

NB:- As everyone else has said, you will need to do this after every time the game updates (until the issue is fixed by Keen)


I have successfully gotten this to work by replacing both the VRage.Library.dll and VRage.Platform.Windows.dll in my game directory with the ones from the modsdk.

These are solving 2 different issues, VRage.Library.dll seems to solve a threading issue and VRage.Platform.Windows.dll solves a RAM allocation issue which can be seen in more detail in the link below.

I also uninstalled windows update KB4541335 as that one apparently causes instability under high workloads. I have not tested with this update installed again since replacing both dlls but it is an optional update so it should be fine anyways.

When I start up the game it does stutter a bit at first but I think that may be because of a sub optimal hard drive setup I have. (loading the game from a laptop platter drive) If I wait for the system to catch up before clicking on anything though the game actually seems to preform better than it did before frostbite.

My firmware may not be completely up to date so I will look into that and see if a new patch from AMD is causing the issue and post my findings on that later.

If someone else can test this as well and let everyone know if this works that would be great.

My system is a Ryzen 5 2600X with 16Gb RAM and a GTX1070.


I tried copying over the dlls and it seems mostly successful but didn't uninstall KB4541335 that Stephen suggested. A bit of stutter here and there (mostly in the few minutes after loading) but a significant improvement from before.

Ryzen 9 3900X with 32 GB ram and a GTX 2070 Super


Only me? I feel that the frequency of freezes has greatly increased with this version upgrade.

ver1.194.083 default (No FROSTBITE DLC)

Rizen5 3600 / 32GB RAM / GTX1660 / Windows10


I too have had success with copying both files over. I can now actually start the game and load my old saves. I have only had on Freeze Since coping both dll files. Copying just the library dll did not work for me. I did not to the KB update as its a Win 10 update and I'm on Win7.


Only one mod running, nanobot build and repair but happens with or without it.

No modded blocks were present in the world yet when the hangs start.

Ryzen 3700x

32 Gigs Ram

X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming

g1 gaming 1080

The log files are on a fresh world, gameplay until a crash happens that it does not recover from.


i have a ryzen 3800X and i get the game freezing problem, more often lately, if i leave it be and wait, it un-freezes sometimes a few seconds, usually a minute or two, sometimes a little longer, it seems to be the thread #8/16 for me every times, kinda strange, the ryzen 3800x is 8 core 16 thread, i tried to run the game, (close the thread 8) and it moved the problem to thread #9, really strange

what is more strange is that usually i can play for an hour or two before the freezes starts happening, rarely it starts within 20 minutes of gameplay, very rarely... and when the freezing starts, its often hard to start the game on the first try afterwards, i have to start it, end task, start it, end task, and then start it and then its usually fine for a short while

its also telling me that i am getting a graphic overload a lot, even with minimal graphic settings, so i left it on medium since it doesnt really do any different, i have a small feeling the graphic is trying to send processing to cpu instead?

i have a asus geforce 1660 tuf gaming OC 6gb ddr5

16gb ram g.skill neo 2x8gb

asus x570 tuf gaming plus

view the 3 pictures that shows thread usage


To confirm. I have 3800x and same issues. I had a semi-fix using the SDK .dll file that made the freezes mini stutters instead which was bareably. However since the recent update couple days ago, I am unable to use this file, as when I do I cannot join a server.

Please fix..


Same here. Now they've manage to break the community fix after they couldn't fix it. It's been almost a month and a half and i am still unable to play for longer than a few minutes.


I have the same issue, the SDK 'fix' is no longer working for me since SE updated in the last day. They really are knocking this out the park.


is this important at all for this thread glitch on amd?


райзен 3700x 1070 ti 16gb ram такая же прогблема, фризы по 15-30 секунд , не играбельно , заметил с предпосленего патча , переустанавливал виндус обновлял драйвера не помогает , KEEN исправте уже пожалуйста эту проблему!


AMD Ryzen 7 3700x 8-Core Processor 3.59 GHz, 32 GB Ram, Radeon RX580 GDDR5 2000MHz graphics card, Windows 10 Home, all drivers up to date and checked 4 times.

Having the same issue. My card will jump to 300 w power usage and GPU 0% drops to zero.

im attaching the windows evenloh if anyone would like to see it

when running normally it will stay mid 20% cpu and gpu and 28 -29w

my fps will run at 114 but after a freeze it drops to 31, i have tried many many fixes and have none yet seems problem still persists.


Seems to be an issue to do with threading (or hyperthreading) on AMD processors. Would love to play the game but can’t with all this freezing!


same here and I just bought the game expecting to build a destroyer and many more ships, guess I`ll have to wait. I really look forward to play it


Leo V and Arabel, have you tried the DLL replacement suggested on many posts here?

I've having too do it after every little update, but so far the game has been playable at least.


I tried it and it was fixed, but now since the new update I think the problem has been fixed... I hope


Same here on a Ryzen 7 3600x


First thing after last update game crash with me

And problem still exists

amd phenom II x4


16gb ram



This issue has become far worse in the recent updates (1.194.2xx). The pauses can last for ~5 seconds and the cpu usage doubles from about 10% to 20% in that period.

Ryzen 3800X, X570 mb, GTX 1080, 64GB DDR4 3200. Latest windows 10 updates with avira running.


Ryzen 9 3950x and nvidia 2080 super STILL FUCKING USELESS, WHAT THE LIMEY FUCK KEEN


Imagine pushing a major update and SELLING it to people, despite these issues being present in the beta and leaving it broken with no communication.

May 19th this will be broken for two months with no word from Keen.


i know, THEY DONT DO SHIT. FUCK THEM AND THEIR UPDATE. my grandpa could write a game better with his fucking nut sack



And if his update wasn't ready, he probably wouldn't push it out until he fixed game-breaking bugs.


exactly. my pc could BUY A FUCKIN CAR. meanwhile KEEN OVER HERE, SUCKING MICROSOFT DICK, acting like they done did it, but the only thing they done gonna fuckin do is wake up to me BURNING THEIR FUCKING HOUSE DOWN, and driving away in that car i bought having SOLD MY PC SINCE SPACE ENGINEERS IS FUCKING USELESS


Have you guys tried the SDK solution from Lord Tylus up in this thread? I for sure was going nucking futs with this issue and then managed to fix it. Have to keep fixing It every update but it works for me.


im not wiping keens ass for them, nor am i spending ANYMORE time just to BE FUCKING DISAPPOINTED again. so no, i will never do someones job FOR THEM when I FUCKING PAY THEM TO DO THEIR FUCKING JOB THEM SELF


I have the same setup, i feel your pain. its def cpu related tho. i have tried a maxwell titan x and a radeon 7 in addition to my 2080 super and i get the same problem on all of them. i have a 3950x


Because all they care about is XBox now. This happens literally with every game that gets a console port.


Mister Chris W. Take a prozac and calm down already. It's just a game, don't get your panty hose all messed up dude.


I mean he's got a point. The game isn't in early access anymore, and this update has been broken for a month and a half now, even longer if you consider that they knew about this bug in the closed beta, but didn't fix it and pushed the update out anyway. We've also got no acknowledgement from Keen that they even know about the community fix for it, which also becomes unstable with updates. It's frustrating, especially if you paid for the DLC. I host multiple servers for this game, on a completely separate machine running Server 2019 and high end desktop hardware to keep up with the game's requirements. Do you know how annoying it was not even being able to join the boys as they explored Triton for the first time? And even after the community fix not knowing how much longer it's going to be stable? Like three mini updates ago it didn't work anymore and now I'm feeling lucky that they managed to unbreak that.

They're supposed to push updates that work, and not until they're ready. What's even the point of having beta testers for your major updates if you're going to ignore issues and push them out anyway? Over-the-top expression of discontent aside, Chris and the rest of us have a very good reason to be upset. "It's just a game" is only relevant if the game works and you have the opportunity to play it. Keen's lax approach to providing a good experience for paid content has soured the game for some time now. I'd be a bit more patient if they at least gave us progress updates and demonstrated they're actively working on it. As I said before, they don't have the early access excuse anymore; the game needs to get better when you update it, not more difficult to coax into working.


I think part of the problem is the relative silence on this issue from the Developers. I have seen a number of posts in various places where they say "We are investigating" Or "we are working on it." and that may be true, that they are diligently working on resolving the issue, but they are not providing any additional feed back to there customer base which can give the perception that they don't care or that this issue is not a priority. While i don't feel that this is the case, I do think they should provide an update on the issue to at least ease any tensions, the silence is obviously brewing. Is the whole development team is working on it, or is it one or two engineers? If the issue is primarily a multi core AMD only issue, how many of those types of systems are being used for testing and resolving this problem? If they don't have access to enough systems to resolve this adequately, why not ask the community to assist and provide feed back? As an IT Support tech, i have to constantly remind the engineers on our network team, that "it will be fixed when its fixed" is not going to ease the concerns of the Executive who's multi-billion dollar deal depends on the office network connection working at this specific time. Some feed back is needed. Even if its just a dedicated POC who provides modest updates but cant give any ETAs or any deep technical in-site into the issue beyond what the community have figured out. Ugh, where is Xoc when you need him? Also lets do keep in mind that Graphic artists and Designers are not Programmers and engineers. my biggest pet-peeve when an issue like this comes around is when people get pissed because they release additional content while issues like this are floating around. Just because they provide additional DLC for us to argue over does not mean they are not working on the issue with a dedicated sub team.

Technical Update: the latest update to SE allows me to boot the game, so that's a step in the right direction, but now i'm getting the freezing issues too.


Runs perfectly with the java prefix configuration under linux, far better then windows with much lower thread latency in complex scenes and no crashing.

Even though this is no longer the issue for myself I really want to know the technical reason behind these ryzen specific issues on windows because some other small indie devs are having similar issues.


Same here, even 'hangs' in a new world with no mods, sometimes even before moving an inch ingame. Like others say it seems to be getting worse as time passes.

System specs:

AMD Ryzen 9 3900X Boxed

Gigabyte X570 Aorus PRO

Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK32GX4M2B320

GPU: 1080

Game files on SSD.


First test looks possitve (fix with files from SDK). Got the game from low to high settings again with no freezing issues for the moment.


For me it has deteriorated since. It would appear that either time or some random variable plays a role because the freezing started occuring, even with the sdk files replaced. And like the topic originally suggests, it takes longer and occurs more frequently with every encounter.


Sent from my iPhone

On May 27, 2020, at 04:10, "" <> wrote:

I agree with Lagman. They do need to at least give us updates so we know they are actively working on it. Although I have been playing since close to the beginning (start) there had always been problems every time they or we added something. It was us the users that came up with mods and if they were good mods they would add it to the base game. It was only when they changed to DX10-11 that I couldn’t play until I built my new computer my 15 year old mobo and 10 year old video card just couldn’t cut it anymore. After having problems with the Titan update I had reverted back to the 6th Anniversary 1.193 and have been playing happily ever since. If people are as ticked as they sound then revert back and post do not upgrade until they get it fixed. Believe me if I stayed with the frost upgrade I would have quit playing. I am retired I do not need frustration in my life, I paid for the upgrade but until it gets fixed I do not spend another penny on this game. In the mean time the Anniversary version works just fine, on a AMD 3900x, 128Gb ram, Crosshair Formula VIII, MSI video 4Gb VRAM. So yes I have a very powerful computer and I can’t run the Frost upgrade and I did see someone post once that they have Intel and have the same problem. It just seems us AMD owners are more vocal. If they don’t fix it well then either work with what you have or move on for that would mean they have abandoned the game and us. 


I've got the same bug, got a safe which I haven't played for long and I get massive freezes every 10 minutes or so.

The freezes last around 4-6 minutes, then the game continues to run as if nothing happened.

In the logfile I see nothing, just the timestamp increasing:



2020-06-02 13:40:20.358 - Thread: 1 -> GC Memory: 1853.686 MB
2020-06-02 13:40:37.603 - Thread: 1 -> STATISTICS LEGEND,time,ReceivedPerSecond,SentPerSecond,PeakReceivedPerSecond,PeakSentPerSecond,OverallReceived,OverallSent,CPULoadSmooth,ThreadLoadSmooth,GetOnlinePlayerCount,Ping,GCMemory,ProcessMemory,PCUBuilt,PCU,GridsCount,RenderCPULoadSmooth,RenderGPULoadSmooth,HardwareCPULoad,HardwareAvailableMemory,FrameTime,LowSimQuality,FrameTimeLimit,FrameTimeCPU,FrameTimeGPU,CPULoadLimit,TrackedMemory
2020-06-02 13:40:37.603 - Thread: 1 -> STATISTICS,2569.05,0,0,0,0,0,0,30.29042,95.17513,1,0,1861.2,10874.61,54623,-54623,16,23.61683,96.89283,0.2250366,51438,8.41107,0,41.71708,1.986428,8.149723,100,6776507072
2020-06-02 13:40:48.541 - Thread: 1 -> GUI Stats: Update 1.75458777777778, Draw 0.3585915
2020-06-02 13:40:50.373 - Thread: 1 -> GC Memory: 1865.747 MB
2020-06-02 13:46:45.220 - Thread: 1 -> GC Memory: 1873.024 MB
2020-06-02 13:46:45.230 - Thread: 1 -> Autosave initiated
2020-06-02 13:46:45.230 - Thread: 1 -> Character state: True


Please fix, kthxbai


Some problem,Game stutters a few times and then just stops responding. sometimes it starts working again after 10 minutes and alt tabbing a few times but 99% I have to hard reset my whole pc.

attached is my log file where I don't see any error.


Yesterday I had tested out the public test version where no community fix is available yet. I noticed it got even worse as I needed more than 8 tries to get past a black screen. Before finally seeing a main menu.

However i have spoken to one of the devs over on discord yesterday. I was told this issue is known and being worked on. However all they know is that it's something in their parallelization code but they don't know yet what exactly it may be.

So its hard to get an ETA. I hope they find cause and solution before the next major release drops on our doorsteps.

Otherwise this will not be fun at all


Good to hear that the Devs commented about this issue on there discord. I stopped playing SE outright due to this bug. if they can get it fixed and keep it fixed after the next major update, that would be great. though i wish they would have the fix soon... have not played the game in a couple months... I have a pretty powerful system though a Ryzen 7 3700X with 32GB RAM and a RTX 2070 Super. the game is also on a SATA SSD. just a shame i can't enjoy this game till the issue is resolved...


This is the downside of paying in full for a program once rather than monthy. Developers aren't motivated to fix your problem once you're past the refund/charge back period. As long as they can keep convincing new members that they are working on it long enough to get them beyond the refund period their good. After that they figure they can override any bad reviews with forum bans, blocks and misinformation. Then Hype new "updates" as "fixing the problem", which of course doesn't because......there is no motivation to. (Back to Top)


Yep, this stinks. I bought the game when it was in early access and finally picked it up again a couple of months ago. Put about thirty hours into a new Star System game before everything started locking up randomly. Tried the .DLL work-around mentioned here and on Steam Forums with no luck.

I am hugely impressed with the game and even bought all the DLC - hope this is fixed soon!

- AMD Ryzen 3800X

- Radeon 5700XT

- 32GB RAM

- Windows 10 Pro Build 18363


I'm having what's probably the same issue. I started another support ticket before I found this thread. I'm also on a Ryzen 3700X with a MSI RTX2060 Super. All the rest of my info and fix attempts is on:


Wow website gives me error but actually posted my comment this whole time.


Wow website gives me error but actually posted my comment this whole time.


Basically this game has turned unplayable. If you have an AMD CPU, you're fucked because the game will just stop responding randomly for no reason. If you have an Intel CPU, the game will play for about 10 minutes and then you'll get a graphics driver crash.

Useless incompetent developers.

Even the website gives me an SQL error when I try to post a comment. Like holy shit they can't even develop a website properly and here they are making a game. It's no surprise their game code is so fucked when they can't even code a website properly.


I am experiencing this issue too. Random hangs and freezes. Mostly if I turn over to large objects (visible and not visible but behind a wall/hill)

Tabbing out and back in shortens the effect.

Due to some other errors I have reinstalled my Windows 10 Pro. I also update all my drivers through the SDI Tool with also installed the newest ChipsetDrivers for my MSI MPG X570 Mainboard ( ). I also found some comments in the steam community that also mentioning, that updating the chipset driver might solve the issue. I have attached my DxDiag file for more details.

Here a short overview:

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X


32GB 3200 RAM XMP

Zotac GeForce RTX 2080ti

I previously saw that SE is capping RAM and not growing above 7GB usage in my task manager. If it was hitting 7GB it started freezing and dropped about 400-500MB and recovered. It felt a little bit like the system has an issue with garbage collection which I also saw on Minecraft if it rans into MemoryCap.

If you need any further information about it, just let me know. If it becomes reappearing after the sparks release I will let you know.

best wishes



Had no real issues with previous version except for a little stuttering but this bug seems to be in full force with Sparks, I had freezes last night of 3+ minutes with CPU/GPU under 5% and VRAM 100%, after 30-40 minutes on a new world.

Will try Mod SDK tonight, but cleaning shader cache did nothing.

All drivers up to date, Windows 2004

R9 3900X , Radeon 5700XT, 32G Ram



Unfortunately, AMD users weren't saved this time either.

I'll buy a DLC that I didn't buy. If this bug was fixed....(bool deathFlg = TRUE;)


hello there,

Same for me since the 1.195 ....

I never understand why the devs did not fix this issue BEFORE the dlc ...

Now we can just hope an official fix.

config :

R9 3900


16go ram

ssd nvme pny

rtx 2080


I have the same issue. The mod sdk workaround was fine since the last update, but since that is no longer an option I am stuck.

My intention is only to buy any more DLC's AFTER this issue is fixed. The game is damn near unplayable on a Ryzen.

My Specs:

  • AMD R9 3900X
  • Asus PRIME X570-P ATX AM4 Motherboard
  • 32 GB 3600mhz ram
  • Samsung 970 Evo Plus 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive (Windows)
  • Crucial BX500 960 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (Space Engineers install)

FYI due to an unrelated RMA I can confirm I experienced the issue with both Nvidia and AMD graphics

  • Gigabyte Radeon RX 5700 XT 8 GB AORUS Video Card
  • Nvidia GTX 1060 Founders Edition

I'm currently using the Nvidia.

More info:


Hm I found another hint for a possible resolve.

Windows > Settings > System > Powermanagement > Additional Settings:

Red marked was default. I changed it to High Performance (green) and I am now playing like 12h without any freeze or crash



Whoa, I was going to say I'm already using that, but I looked at my plans and the AMD Ryzen plans are gone! I think Windows Update must have pulled a fast one. I'll reinstall them and try the high performance plans and see what happens!


Here is the URL for the chipset drivers (which include the power plan):


oh thank you for adding the link, forgot about that xD


BTW, It didn't work for me :(

Still experiencing freezes every few minutes.


Didn't work for me.


Ryzen 3900Z

X570 mobo

32gig ram



Etc, etc. Drivers are all up to date, power plan is maxed out, No mods etc etc Freezing constantly.


So I have had this problem for months now, but on one of the streams for the new update someone in the chat said he fixed it with an update of the chipset drivers.

I have kept my drivers up to date but only used the manufacturers drivers, not the drivers directly from AMD. So I've updated with the latest AMD chipset drivers and the problem seems to be fixed. Just played for 90 minutes without a studder or a freeze, CPUID HW Monitor showed that SE was no longer only using one core but all of them evenly.

So this might be an angle worth investigating :)


False alarm unfortunately, it came back after a while :(


after I've changed Intel for AMD 3900x game crashes every few min with or without mods... damn even while sitting in menu


FPS: 112

Simulation speed: 100-102

Server Simulation Speed: 100-102

Server Simulation CPU Load: 9%

Ryzen 5 3600

X470 MSI Gaming Plus Max

MSI Geforce RTX 2060 Super

16Gb RAM

M.2 550 WD

2T WD Black


Cores: 63c MAX

GPU: 46c MAX

Drivers and game up to date.

No Mods, with Mods, High Performance, or High Quality settings NONE make any difference. This build is under 3 weeks old with NOTHING else on it but Geforce Experience, EVGA Precision X1 & Driver Easy on Windows 10 Pro 64.

I see this issue has been all over the internet for literally YEARS on this game and keen has done Nothing including even acknowledging it. It's completely unacceptable! No Excuse.


Heads up Peeps the latest version of the SDK on steam has a vRage.Library,DLL that seems to fix the issue. Me and a buddy have been playing for hours now without issue.


Can confirm, the instructions for using the Mod SDK linked here resolved the issue for me:


I using this fix with SDK in 1.194 and no problem with it. And now in 1.195 it seem to be worked too. But after i load/create game, SE has problem with some mods.These mods aren't loaded corectly. For example it's weapon core based or shield mod.


broken garbage. cant play game with this


Just switched from Intel-based system to AMD and have the same issue. Kept the Graphics card from the old system. Will Try the VRage DLL to see if it fixes it.


GPU Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti


Tried the VrageDLL fix but it did not help me. Ryzen CPU and nVidia GPU


Interesting, that lockup seems to be related to autosave (autosave either causes it or stops it)


I have the same issue, this is very annoying. I deactivated autosaves and it reduced the problem but there are still freezes when I place blueprints and with others inteactions. I tried to switch to lower graphics but it doesn't seems to do anything.

CPU : Ryzen 7 3700X

GPU : GTX 1060 6GB


I have the same issue, this is very annoying. I deactivated autosaves and it reduced the problem but there are still freezes when I place blueprints and with others inteactions. I tried to switch to lower graphics but it doesn't seems to do anything.

CPU : Ryzen 7 3700X

GPU : GTX 1060 6GB


I have the same issue, this is very annoying. I deactivated autosaves and it reduced the problem but there are still freezes when I place blueprints and with others inteactions. I tried to switch to lower graphics but it doesn't seems to do anything.

CPU : Ryzen 7 3700X

GPU : GTX 1060 6GB


Just registered 2 leave the like here.

Hope itill get fixed soon unfortunatly just bought a new pc 2 play this game with better performance...

Disapointed amd user


Just bought the game and really enjoy it except for this infuriating bug!

CPU Ryzen 3900X



Frequency is pretty random, sometimes failes to play into video, other times it can go over 2 hours.


I check in once in a while, but Ive been having this very issue since frostbite. It has all but killed the game for me, resulting in a cascade of friends no longer playing the game because I cannot play. I really hope that the issue can be resolved soon.


Same issue here on an AMD Ryzen 5 3600, This didn't happen until the latest update (1.195) but I also bought the frostbite DLC right before which maybe the problem apparently, and only makes me regret buying the DLC, any way to remove it?


fixed in 195.024, please test it and let us know



It's seems to be fixed for me. I play one hour and no freeze.

R7 3700X

4x8GB G.Skill FlareX 3200MHz CL14



Ryzen 3700X (No OC) / 3200mhz CL14 2x8GB (XMP Mode) / GTX 1070 (No OC) / X570 Motherboard.

Seems the shipyard world I froze a lot in hasn't had any freezes or hard locks in the time I've played today, weaving through multiple large shipwrecks that are powered and sitting on the ground and nothing. I'll post if anything pops up again.


I had this issue and had to manually move the vrage library dll file over from the mod kit to fix it after every update. Since 195.024 I've not had to do this and it's working normally, no long freezes anymore. (Ryzen 9 3900x)


Late to the Party, but i can confirm that the game appears to be more stable on my Ryzen processor. \

Thanks to KSW for resolving this.

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