Signal update bricks scrap race scenario

Ripps shared this bug 9 months ago

has anyone else noticed that the new update completly wrecked scrap race scenario? and all other scenarios where jetpack is disabled can anyone else confirm this and its not just me?

issue being, when exiting a tight cockpit (aka one of the cars) you get exited in a state of falling despite being in contact with the ground.

and unable to exit the falling state the game softlocks for that player.

Replies (7)


Hello, engineer!

Thank you for writing to us and we sincerely apologize for the issue you have been experiencing.

Though we are already aware of the issue where in the scenarios like Earth Planet or Scrap Race where jetpacks are not allowed by default, on jumping and then pressing X (default button for enabling jetpack), soft locks the character. However, could you kindly share the reproduction steps and a screen recording/video showing the issue where exiting the car's seat/cockpit also causes a soft lock in the Scrap Race scenario?

Any additional information concerning this issue will be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


So yes, sorry for being a douche about this....

exact steps are as follows:

  1. start a scrap race game
  2. spawn a car
  3. get into a car from a confined space, say crouched near it.
  4. alternatively jump and then enter while in mid air
  5. exit the car and then the game tries to put you back in exact relative location you entered from
  6. and if there is not enough space you get placed into the falling state and pushed into open space.
    or in the case you entered from mid air - you will again enter the falling state but when you hit the floor you wont enter the walking state again.

Another situation is that when you entered there might have been enough space, but your car has moved location since then and the new exit point is in a bad spot.


Hello, engineer!

Thank you for sharing a video and steps to reproduce this issue.

Following your repro steps, we have successfully reproduced the issue on our side and reported into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


this consistently happens to me whenever entering or leaving a cockpit (happens at least 50% of the time) on the lost colony and frostbite scenario. entering and leaving again has no effect and just puts me in the broken state. the only way I've found that fixes it is respawning


have you tryed saving and rejoining works for me atleast


Is there any update on this, I'm experiencing the same issue and it makes the game unplayable it happens that often.

Linked here:


Hello Engineer,

We’re pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved in version 205.

As such, we’ll be closing this thread.

If you encounter any other issues with the game, please don’t hesitate to start a new thread here on the forum—we’re always happy to assist!

Happy engineering!

Kind regards,

Keen Software House - QA Department

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