Graphics device driver crashed

FleauxPaulo shared this bug 10 months ago
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Le jeux a tendance a beaucoup utilisé la Vram et ses derniers temps généralement au dessus de 13Go de Vram utiliser le jeux peux planter et nous sortir l'erreur Graphics device driver crashed, je n'es aucun Overclock et les pilotes GPU sont a jour je suis chez NVIDIA et j'utilise une RTX4090, la Vram et sur exploiter sur ce jeu, Il et déjà arrivé d'avoir 18Go de Vram utiliser par Space engineers. J'utilise aucun mods mise à part les DLC et je suis en graphisme élevé.


Replies (6)


Hello, FleauxPaulo,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem.

What can we help you with?

Support tickets are processed in English.

Please post your response in English.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House



Thanks for answering, translate

First question, I would like to know why the game can require a lot of video memory up to 18GB,

Second question, do you know if there are any compatibility problems between the game and the latest NVIDIA graphics drivers? "551.86"



Hello, FleauxPaulo,

thank you for your reply in English!

However, I am not sure I can answer your questions to your liking.

There is no set "cap" for memory to use, really. It is highly dependent on the world you are playing in; if you are playing in experimental mod, online/offline, using mods, scripts, having quite big grids in the game (or lot of small ones) with lots of blocks and actions, lots of flying objects in the vicinity... anything, really.

I would need to know more of your actual problem. Is the game crashing for you, lagging, not loading properly... ?

It would be best if you can share me a log file of any of your affected game sessions.

You can access your log files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.

That way I can investigate what is happening on your side when you play the game.

And to answer your second question; no. There should not be any issue with nVidia altogether, or with any particular drivers version.

Please send me the log as mentioned above, and also please specify more what is happening wrong with your game, so we have a starting point to work from here.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello translate

Thank you for the time you have devoted to me. Thank you for your answer on Vram management.

To come back to the subject of in-game Crash Drivers, I'm sending you the most recent report, as requested.I encountered this problem several times in the space of a week, and since then I've had no more problems. I would like to point out that I have no overclocking, apart from the xmp.

Best regards


Hello translate

In the meantime a Nvidia update has been released, so I've updated but the problem is still there, if necessary I'll attach the error report.

Best regards


Hello translate

Following our last discussion, I'd like to know if you've found any clues or directly the source of the problem, whether it's mine or the game's.

Best regards

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