~ 0 and other ~ values.

error 404 shared this bug 11 months ago
Need More Information

Nothingh new, but with more production comes more items with ~ value.

Can somethingh be done to remove this "feature" or whatever it might be. It serves no purpose apart for beeing a major annoyance.


Replies (1)


Hello, error 404,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem.

Can you please share me more information?

Do you have any kind of information/steps to reproduce about how these tiny parts are created?

Is it from destroyed block with filled inventory, from a grid that collided with voxels (planets/asteroid)... ? Or any other approach that can lead to this state, please?

If there is, if would help if you can share a video of you reproducing this problem.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I have nor any specific grid nor any exact steps to reproduce them.

It does happen on any and all grids. They come from activity, by which i mean production, welding, grinding etc.

Btw there are no mods used, this is for example on steam EU2 server.

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