~ 0 and other ~ values.

error 404 shared this bug 13 months ago
Won't Fix

Nothingh new, but with more production comes more items with ~ value.

Can somethingh be done to remove this "feature" or whatever it might be. It serves no purpose apart for beeing a major annoyance.


Replies (1)


Hello, error 404,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem.

Can you please share me more information?

Do you have any kind of information/steps to reproduce about how these tiny parts are created?

Is it from destroyed block with filled inventory, from a grid that collided with voxels (planets/asteroid)... ? Or any other approach that can lead to this state, please?

If there is, if would help if you can share a video of you reproducing this problem.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I have nor any specific grid nor any exact steps to reproduce them.

It does happen on any and all grids. They come from activity, by which i mean production, welding, grinding etc.

Btw there are no mods used, this is for example on steam EU2 server.



we're sorry for the long time since the last reply. Is the issue still happening in the current version of the game?

The production items and parts should not show the amount only if there is more in a stack and if there is only one it should just show the name only (whether they are placed from inventory or by grinding or otherwise). If it's still happening could you help us with reproduction steps? Was this a stack of 1 steel plate and it shows ~0 amount? Was this a part left from a grinding of some other block and no other actions were taken?

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


I wrote a reply, but after posting it and refreshing several times i do not see it.

Well anyway i do not know exactly how tro replicate it, they form if you grind and build grids with LG tools.

One was to replicate is to grind up a reactor which has uranium inside, than take out uranium from temporary cargo.

You are always left with <0.01


Hello Engineer,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

The issue with Uranium ingots that you mentioned has already been reported in this ticket and is currently in progress for bugfixing in the next update: https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/pc/topic/43056-temporary-container-unable-to-remove-ingots-under

Regarding the original issue raised in this thread, we regret to inform you that we have been unable to reproduce it and have not received similar reports from other users. As such, we will be closing this thread with the status "Won't fix."

We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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