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Accessibility Needed for UI

William Chapman shared this feedback 18 months ago
Not Enough Votes

Keen Software House,

You have made an awesome game, and continue to update it. That is a very respectable accomplishment. When Automatons was released, one of the things that was mentioned is that you are looking for ways to improve "onboarding." Accessibility is one way to aid in this process. It also is a way to show your existing users some appreciation.

One simple thing that you can do that will go a really long distance with with accessibility is to implement a simple way for users to increase the font size/weight of text on the screen. Specifically, GPS markers on the screen. Even with "fully visible" selected, the text doesn't quite meet the needs of users with low vision. While I specifically mention this text, you should not limit your accessibility features to that text only. Giving users the ability to increase all text to suit their needs is a simple way of saying, "Thank you for playing our game. We want you to feel comfortable and welcome in our community."

I am fully aware that you have a "voting system" for features, but accessibility features should never be something voted on. They should be included as a matter of respect for individuals who require accessibility, especially if you are working on ways to make the game more appealing to individuals and improve your "onboarding."

You've brought AI to the game, brought new blocks to develop our worlds with, brought us a sandbox space game that is fun to play, and you deliver on continued updates. Don't you think it's time to bring a bit more accessibility to the game? Maybe a UI revamp, in general, that has accessibility in mind through the whole process is in order? There are so many things you could do that would be an awesome (and I believe well-received) update to the game by revamping the UI. Give it some color, provide better scaling options, embed font attribute change capabilities, and generally spruce things up a bit.

It's 2023, people should not have to come to you asking for accessibility to be a thing. You should be working on this with every aspect of your game development.

Replies (1)


Good luck with that.

Keen just don't give a crap. Can't possibly touch their precious watered-down blue GUI. Instead, they happily let players create new feedback threads again and again, knowing that this lethargic community won't ever manage to accrue their illusory vote count of fifty that would (hypothetically) move them to spare so much as a look at the request instead of just hiding behind their excuse of "Not enough votes" and letting the threads sink into the blissful unsortable oblivion they pretentiously named "Archive" where those requests effectively go to die. Out of sight, out of mind.

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