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Buttons not working in Programmable Block

Nomad Gamer shared this bug 4 years ago
Won't Fix


In 1.194 while trying to load a script, the buttons on the programmble block didnt work. "OK" "HELP" "CHECK CODE" and so forth.

Also I couldnt exit the edit program.

I managed to find a work around: Spamming right-click, left-click for a few seconds activated the buttons.

I cound send the save game, but the file is too large.



Replies (21)


Hello, Engineer!

I wasn't able to reproduce your issue. Can you please make sure that you have "In-game scripts" enabled in Advanced options?

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


(Replying to you, hopefully you receive a notification, Katerina)

Check my comment


I can confirm I have had this problem for a couple of days. A player on steam put forward a temporary fix which is to right , left click and hit enter in quick succession to browse scripts.


I am experiencing the same bug, I compiled my code once, went to check if text on screens appear well, then came back to editing script, I can change any code, but neither one of the buttons work anymore, I can't even close the editor. I left the game multiple times, same thing. I tried pressing recompile and going back into editor, not a single button works. I even replaced programming block with another one, same thing.


Just tested out what All Mu said, temporary solution is to left click then right click then press enter on "Help" button. After we do it, we can compile the code and close the editor.


Same as the bug I think - but I confirm I'm also getting this.


I'm getting this complete with left click/right click/enter spam eventually allowing me to press buttons. I've tried restarting the game, disabling mods, a fresh save and validating game files. Another thread suggested updating GFX drivers, but mine are already up-to-date.


Hi -

I have the same problem on my Dell G5. Unfortunately, none of the published work around a work for me. They include doing multiple mouse clicks, alt key pressing, simultaneous mouse clicks, etc. My mouse pad seems to be enough different from a mouse that they don't work for me.

I did discover that I could hold the RMB down and press escape to get out of edit and save it.

The only thing that works for me is to reboot my computer. Then it works fine for a while. I thought the bug was caused by copying and pasting, but can't reproduce that. Just now, I did a bunch of fast keystrokes backspacing, typing, then down arrow and repeat. After this the buttons stopped working.

You can fix this whenever you can, but I sure would appreciate a workaround that doesn't require me to keep rebooting.

BTW, my MMB doesn't exist which makes it harder to use the build planner. I tried various workarounds for that including changing the windows two fingers tap to do it and Auto Hotkey without any luck. Need a substitute way to access all MMB functions.


Hello, Engineers!

Unfortunately we still weren't able to reproduce this issue. Can you please try to delete SpaceEngineers.cfg (it means your game configuration will be deleted) file and let me know if it helped you?

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hi --

I certainly will try to help you. I am starting to think it's closely related to pasting text into the edit window.

I found a workaround that stops me from having to reboot. This may give you a clue as to how the mouse cursor current location over one of the control buttons is being reported wrong or why the pointer focus stops indicating to the code that it's over the button or whatever the issue is about.

If I move the pointer over a button, press the RMB and hold it, then press the TAB key, then release the LMB, it selects the button and everything starts working again.

Thanks for your attention,



Oh, sorry, I forgot. I also changed Windows to open the window the mouse pointer is hovering over. That's an option in the mouse set up I think, or pointing devices. Somesuch option. That may or may not be what makes my workaround work.



I've just had the same issue too, and I may have noted something important:

- I did NOT have this issue UNTIL I used the Script Browser and pulled up one of my old scripts from it yesterday.

(the old script had been written a couple of years ago. I prefer to copy-paste to an external text editor as it has syntax highlighting and also lets me save my scripts outside of the game)

Until I did this, the buttons along the bottom worked perfectly. Now, they won't go until I do that left/right click thing. The bug is therefore probably related to the browse/workshop integration system.


I've attached some logs. The problem happened specifically right before I saved/exited, so should be towards the end of the log file.


Just had this, was working fine and now the buttons won't work properly. I can edit the script so far without problems but the buttons keep breaking.


This same problem exists with all buttons, in the antenna menu, the terminal, dialogs, I have even see this in the main menu. Whatever the cause the "click event is not always fired/handled".


same problem here. I can't edit, search etc scripts


My solution to this was to HOLD right click, and then casually press left click.. And release both. I hope this helps.


My solution to this was to HOLD right mouse, and then casually press left mouse.. And release both. No rushing, or trying to press Enter as stated above.. Can be done in a leisurely speed.

[Right Mouse Down], [Left Mouse Down], [Release Both]


This worked for me. Don't know why, but this is definitely some kind of input issue. Not sure it's entirely SE's problem either. I've been experiencing weird input issues in other places in widnows.


This is so ancient I can't believe they haven't fixed it yet. I haven't played in a long while, so I don't know.



Same problem here. Today my script editors buttons refuse to work!

I only tried to load a script to a new Programable block (there are four already running) and the buttons when pressed they just change color and nothing ales happens.

I tried all the above and also completely uninstall/reinstall the game which I thought would solve the issue.

It didn't!

I also removed the appdata\roaming\SpaceEngineers folder and let the game start thus recreating the folder and subfolders and started a new game! I thought that this maybe eradicate any issues from third party mods or corrupted files within the folder.

Still the same... It didn't work!


Hello, Engineer!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. We still can't seem to replicate the issue. Do you think this is script based? What I mean by that is, is it that specific script that is causing the issue or, does it now happen with every one? Is it possible to provide the script or link to see if I can reproduce the issue?

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hello Laura P,

I can state it is NOT script based, because this was happening on the first programming block I had ever used. So it was loaded with the "default" script. You could see the script, scroll up/down the text window, but you could not click "check" or "close" or "okay".. it was just dead. You had to Esc Esc to get out of the window.

Holding down the right mouse button before you press the left mouse button, and then release the right mouse button seems to make it work on any of the buttons.


Hello, Collin!

Thank you for the further information. I just can't seem to reproduce the issue. Is this happening in the single world or is this now affecting every save you now have?/New world you create?

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


I only have the 1 save. Survival Single player, local. Started off on "Earth like" planet. Progression turned on. Scripts on.

Originally no mods... I was having the problem. I have since added mods.. problem persisted.


I am all of a sudden having this problem as well. And if I recall its the 2nd time its happened to me! It was literally years ago when it happened. I don't remember what exactly I did but seem to think I re-installed the whole game to fix it.

I can't believe Keen has not fixed this yet or even re-create it. There are at least 2 other bug threads in this support site on this bug. I up voted them both just now.

The issue has nothing to do with world saves. It has nothing to do with key bindings a user has set. What is happening is the code window is taking the focus of the mouse click far outside its bounds. It takes it instead of the buttons. Please use this knowledge to find root cause of this.



Hi, I just wanted to let you know, this is real in 2022-03-23 in the most updated version as well.

- Creative

- Earth planet scenario (maybe this is the reason?)

- Local


Can confirm for me too. Yesterday it worked flawlessly, today it started happening for me. The workaround to keep the right mousebutton pressed while left-clicking on the button fortunately worked for me as well.


Great to know the workaround still works. Glad I could help


Hello, Engineers!

I have just reproduced the issue here which is while holding down the tilde key at the same time as changing the language to Japanese. I noticed when trying to get out of the 'stuck' situation that clicking the tilde key once more whilst out of the game, got me to where the buttons worked again. I wonder if this would help you at all?

Unfortunately, I am unable to find myself in the scenario where the buttons do not work (unless doing the steps in the Japanese language issue) to test this. It would be interesting to hear if this helps any of you at all or if it does not make a difference.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


I haven't suffered this issue for a few months, although it used to be frequent. In the #programmable-block channel on Discord we've had a few players with the issue, so it hasn't gone away by itself. None of the regulars there can currently reproduce this with any intent.


Hello, Brian!

Thank you for the information. I have had a look at the channel. Hopefully, others will respond to see if the above help at all or is not any form of help in this instance :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


I was experiencing this particular issue and after attempting the tilde correction suggested above, it did, for me at least correct the fault and return functionality to the programming block interface.


Hello, Deapri!

Thank you so much for letting us know. Do you know if you pressed this or anything before this happened?

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hello, Engineers!

Because there is no new comment from you, and we are unable to reproduce the issue on our own, I will close this thread now as outdated.

If you or any other player will experience this issue again, please make a new thread and provide all needed info there.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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