Construction Collisions being too small.

Vas Vadum shared this bug 3 years ago
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In several instances in the game, construction collisions end up being too small to construct. You have to wander all around trying to find the -exact- required angle to construct something often times with these small things. Cameras, Lights, anything along that size. Small grid suffers the most, large grid has some issues too.



Replies (1)


Hello, Vas Vadum,

thanks for contacting us and sharing your issue with us.

I have a strong feeling that this thread is about the same issue. Would you agree?

Do you thing as well that the grinding/welding is hard because you are not able to find the block´s hitbox comfortably as the aiming is slightly offset from the cross-hair center? Or do you thing something different?

Thanks in advance for either confirming or disproving this.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Its possible this may be the issue indeed, however I have tried many angles for small objects like the interior light, but none of the offsets seem to work. It always targets the block behind it. I think you should increase the weld area for the welder or make the build collisions a little thicker, I dunno. I guess I can wait and see after that other thing is fixed, before I continue with this thread of some objects being too small.


Hello, Vas Vadum,

thanks for coming back and partly confirming :)

I appreciate your approach - wait until that one issue is fixed and see if this was really part of it, or whether it is still the same and therefor some other issue :) That´s great! Thank you.

I try to check myself as well, once the mentioned issue is fixed. Hope we will speak soon (in positive way :) ).

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Interestingly, I discovered this collision issue again yesterday, also on the small ship grid with the new flat armor blocks. I couldn't grind or weld the flat armor block unless at an exact specific angle, and even in some cases I just couldn't. I had to weld all of the blocks around or behind it to get it. In fact, I destroyed the block behind it, trying to get to the flat armor block.

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