Update 1.203.5 - 10 Year Anniversary

Keen Support shared this announcement 9 months ago

Hello, Engineers!

How time flies when you are having fun.

Ten years ago we began this incredible journey through the stars, laying the foundation for everything that has come to pass. 10 years, 5 million copies, hundreds of updates, and a half million workshop mods and creations later, Space Engineers is still thriving!

In celebration of this incredible moment, we have prepared a surprise update for you to commemorate 10 years of engineering, planning, grinding, welding, battles, and exploration!

To every Space Engineer out in the vastness of space, those of you that have been with us from the beginning, to those that became a Space Engineers only now, thank you for being a part of this journey. Your creativity and passion for Space Engineers inspires us to our very best.


Added new Blocks - Base Game

  • Engineer Statue (1 block, L grid)
  • Fireworks Block (1 block, S + L grid) & Color Variant Ammo
  • Flare Gun & Ammo
  • Tuxedo Suit Character Skin

10 Year Anniversary Pack - Available until January 5th, 5PM UTC

  • Party Tuxedo Suit Character Skin
  • Ghost Character Skin
  • Veteran Character Skin

Official Blueprints

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed an issue with clients connecting to EOS dedicated server
  • Fixed an issue which would revert voxel changes for the asteroid bases in Asteroid Armory and Space Standoff
  • Fixed a crash in MyAchievement_DeathWish.SessionLoad
  • Fixed a crash in MyCharacterDetectorComponent.CheckNeedsUpdates
  • Fixed a crash in MyLcdSurfaceComponent.UpdateHideableScreenVisibility
  • Fixed a crash in MyTerminalControlOnOffSwitch.CreateGui
  • Fixed an issue where grid would start to roll on its own after initial input from player

Update 1.203.505 b1

  • Fixed an issue where MyExplosionFlags was not whitelisted for ModAPI 

Replies (7)


Great work guys! Here's to another 10 years!


Here's to 10 more!


Haven't been here too long, but congratulations!


I hope there is another 10 years to come!


Long life to Space Engineers !!


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That's fantastic news! The 10-year anniversary update for Space Engineers looks incredibly promising. I'm particularly excited about the improvements in multiplayer stability and the new blocks and scenarios. It seems like Keen Software House has really listened to the community's feedback. For those looking to celebrate this milestone with a bit of extra joy, I found this great nursing essay writing services where you can get custom nursing papers. It's not directly related to Space Engineers, but it's been super helpful for me as a nursing student balancing studies with gaming. Can't wait to dive into the update and see how it enhances the gameplay experience. Cheers to Keen for keeping the game fresh after all these years!

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