Add "Medium" size armor blocks (1.25m) to reduce PCU count and long-term hotbar bloat

GenKnowledg shared this feedback 43 days ago
Under Consideration




The way armor blocks are implemented in SE2 will have an enormous effect on the design philosophies that players can adopt. It needs to be intuitive for new players, elegant and powerful for advanced designers and high performance for PvP and PvE players.

  • In SE2, >25cm blocks don't need to exclusively occupy the whole cubic volume they sit in. This new system isn't yet being exploited to its full potential for both new shape creation and old shape re-creation.
  • A lot of flexibility should be possible, allowing for 100s of shapes - including at the ergonomic levels of 2.5m and 0.5m that Keen have championed
  • Creative use of armor blocks should be "cheap" with respect to PCU. It's no good having interesting shapes if they take up 100's of PCU per square metre to build.
  • Creative use of armor shapes should be quick. It shouldn't take 10-15 minutes to make rudimentary 2.5m shapes just because the only compatible component blocks are a combination of 0.5-0.25m.
  • There shouldn't be too many blocks in the hotbar menu. Decisions baked in now will affect how "bloated" the hotbar menu may be in the future. Too many / poorly organised blocks will make it difficult to organise things efficiently, find desired blocks and experiment with different combinations.


  1. It will be possible to quickly and cheaply (PCU wise) create all 33x blocks from SE1 by using only 25 blocks, organised across 4 groups (see attached image). 6x SE1 blocks can be made by combining two "half" blocks; 2x further SE blocks can be made by using blocks from the next scale down
  2. There should be 4 scales of block: Large (2.5m), Medium (1.25m), Small (0.5m) and Tiny (0.25m).
  3. The player should be able to quickly switch between these four sizes
  4. The player should be able to quickly switch between the four groups of block and the 6-7 block shapes within each group
  5. The smallest size of armor block (tiny, 0.25m) should replace what are currently called "decor" blocks, so that it can be included in the size switching mechanic

Why Medium Blocks?

Medium blocks allow a compromise between having too many "large" blocks to fill every creative niche ("hotbar bloat") and players being required to spend 100's of PCU and building time to create shapes not included (low performance PvP/PvE). By standardising the shapes and sizes, a huge variety of designs can be made whilst still reusing the same handful of "elemental" assets.

Example: See attached image. Even when using a large half-block for each, it takes 201 and 256 PCU respectively to make these two familiar 2.5m blocks from SE1 in SE2 (and they look quite messy). It takes a similar amount of PCU to make new and novel shapes at this scale. With medium (1.25m) armor blocks - these examples (and more importantly - hundreds of *new* shapes) could be made with only 2-8 PCU per 2.5m cube volume. This should hopefully help eliminate common player questions like "what block goes in this space?"


Replies (20)


Shameless plug to my ticket, but I feel this could work together with your idea very well. Its relatively basic but I'm a bit out of it currently to make anything more plainly described. Feel free to work my idea into yours.


That previous idea I sent is now on a different topic Here


Another potential optimization is consolidating complex shapes into single objects. For example, if you need to build a large cylindrical section of a ship, instead of using multiple blocks and consuming a high PCU count, it could be a single, optimized piece.

The idea is based on the premise that not every ship requires intricate shapes. This would make shipbuilding easier for newcomers or players who prioritize combat over aesthetics, while also reducing PCU usage. Additionally, for balancing purposes, the pieces could be slightly weaker if the same shape is built block by block, rather than as a single object.

However, this raises a question for combat-oriented players: why use blocks that are weaker when building, instead of constructing them block by block? Well, this approach would encourage better ship designs based on PCU efficiency. For instance, if you want to make a ship full of guns, you'll need to sacrifice PCU for stronger blocks. Similarly, if you aim to create a heavily armored ship, you might not have enough PCU left for weapons.

Furthermore, the weaker sections of the ship could be more easily exploited by smaller fighters, which could bypass the main weapons and get close to the ship. This would give players more options and PCU to focus on armor in critical areas.

Personally, I’m the type of player who doesn’t like super strong shields on spaceships, or any shields, really. I think it's far more rewarding to create a well-designed ship that can take a beating and still come out on top, even if it loses 2/3 of its parts in the process.


Updating graphic as one block was incorrectly classified as "Not possible" (sloped corner base - small + large grid).

It is of course possible to make in SE2 using "half light armor" (ref 2.1) and "half sloped corner base" (ref 4.1)



This is honestly organizational magic brilliant work.


You will end up with a halfblock on the 0,25m block size, where the blocks from the "Obsolete" category can't be build.


Some block profiles would also work well in a 1x1x5 format where the single block is repeated 5x in a row.

In SE1 I find that using the truss pillar small grid to create construction frames is a fast way to build small grid large ships in survival. With 1x1x5 profiles, I could build some of the skin details quickly as well.


Yeah, beam blocks would also help in reducing PCU cost, perhaps beams and plates, so you're not using hundreds of 1x1 slopes for the sloped side of your craft.


Where is Keen on this we have over 70 upvotes here.


im going to laugh if this get s to 200 without consideration


70 are too less votes in general.


I like that idea, I noticed quickly that when you use a half 2,5m block, that you can't fill 1,25m with smaller 50cm blocks (obviously), you need 2x 50cm and use a detail block of 25cm or better 50cm half blocks for the rest if it is a large area you need to fill. A 1,25m block would close this gap. Also right now I exchanged a 2,5m slop block to have a slop on both sides inside that 2,5m³ area, for that I need a lot of 50cm blocks, where 1,25m would safe a lot of time and block counts.

So a clear "yes" for me to that idea.


I'm all for more Armor Block variants, because the new possibilities can really be dampened by the PCU requirements, if you want to build a large ship that utilizes all of the detailing opportunities. Something simple like 250x250x50 and 250x250x25 Armor Blocks could go a long way. But more unique shapes would also be really useful.


I would go and not just say add med sized blocks, but also go for the lowhanging fruits of adding all the armor block shapes that are still missing to match the ones SE1 has, and which are not already possible by the simplified parts of them, like the 2*1*1 ramps.

My most prominent example would be the missing quarter diagonal shape. so that the half block slaps can construct a proper arch. The 50cm grid can not be used to complete it as the block is off by 25cm and decor blocks are just not armor.

Armor blocks should be the easiest production task, as they do not require much functionality other than grouping and procedural UV mapping.



I do not know if I heard this right, but was there a mention in one of the Keen streams of in game customisable blocks.

Would this be fully mod created blocks and/or, for want of the correct terminology, a re-bake of smaller block assemblies into a single larger block with the PCU re-evaluted?


Followed most of the streams, but not all of them and not at full time, but didn't hear anything like that.

But procedural blocks would be a doubled edged sword; sharing a creation would require that the custom blocks are also transmitted. Mod dependency looks a bit easier to me.


this is a no brainer maybe not the ideas of a combined block system but consideration for the need for all the essential building shapes and specifically a full roster for 2 long slopes. This may not be specifically what's needed but an attention to the ease of use and the gaps in blocks supplemented by armor ramp mods that were essential to download unless you were ok working with the base 2 long slopes back in SE1. Not asking for 3 long or 4 long slopes outside of maybe road slopes but there were a few shapes missing that some mods added in, like some slope transitions or the half block slopes, which shouldnt be a problem.

Did some exploring to give a second opinion on simply the missing blocks.


That it with the visuals but this is defiantly not something worth overlooking. I don't want to see Keen making the same mistake that a lot of developers do where they make a passion project for themselves and forget they are also making a game for player base despite their strenuant efforts to not forget. Keen is not doing this so far but for something so be overlooked this early in regards to their own ticketing system, it at least warrants acknowledgement of public desire.

that's enough from me. Trying to hold back my hype to keep some critical nature about me its required for, well calling out issue. keep up the good work Keen.


There will come more votes over time. Between 2,5m and 50cm is a too huge gap.

And we already have 1,25m blocks in the game, when we want to be exactly. Use the second block of the 1x2 slop block collection, it is a 1,25 x 1,25 x 2,5m block. And with that you directly have a problem, because only 1,25 + 0,5 + 0,5 + 0,25 can reach 2,5m and for that you need a lot of blocks to fill it up if you only need a little bit shape in a 2,5m block. With 1,25 you can fill up a lot.

Making a normal 1,25 block with actual existing blocks you need:

8x 50cm cubes

12x 50cm half cubes

13x 25cm detailed cubes

That are 33 blocks in total against 1 block and if you only two to have a half half block because you need some shape on one edge of a 2,5m block (half is filled with a half 2,5m block already), then you need two of them. 66 blocks against 2 blocks.

So, yeah, I see clearly a need for a 1,25m block. Why not 1m? Because you end up too often that you need 0,25cm and that it the detail cube size that you shouldn't use that often. But maybe it would also be a good idea of 1,25 x 1,25 x 0,25m and 2,5 x 2,5 x 0,25m armor blocks, 0,5 x 0,5 x 0,25m already exists as half 0,5m block and are used heavily by me because a 1,25m block is missing, because I don't like holes in the structure of the outer walls of my ships. Interior walls are not so important but also not 2,5m thick.


its a mess.... blocks are a nightmare... lets go for 200 votes


And to bring something other up: We already have blocks in the game that adds 1,25m (see pic). So we should have at least the basic shapes that comes with the 0,25m detail blocks for 1,25m block and with the top right one is already there. Because making one 1,25x1,25x1,25m block needs 33 blocks in total (8x 0,5m + 12x half 0,5m and 13x 0,25m).


With adding this 3 detail block as 1,25m blocks a huge gap would already be closed.



In proposal group 3 I would cut the lower half (it is a full half block) of the first and the two last block to open more possibilities. Because I struggled exactly on that (first block) in my actual build, if you want to only build at half height.


The thing I don't like about this idea is that the thick block of the 2x1 slope would now cost 2 PCU, but I appreciate that it would keep the block count to a minimum. What if half blocks cost 0.5 PCU? (lol) What I like the most about this idea is the elimination of the concept of block sizes as different blocks and being able to just change block size after selecting a shape.


I want every block to have a scale option, that would be amazing, but like separate X Y Z scaling, which with the slopes could be a way to change shape from a 1x1x1 slope to a 2x1x1 slope then to a 2x2x1 to a 2x2x2 slope and so on.


Of its up to me, the 2,50 blocks dont have a place in space engineers at all


They exist because of you character, you need 2,5m to the ceiling so you can walk under them, when you put a light on the ceiling or using a 2,5m floor block. 2m is too small for that.


3 meters would have been better, that way with the .5 meters being 2 x 2 Detail units, it would line up and not mismatch in the mid size. then a medium block could be made at 2 meters for like Jefferies Tubes or something.


How can this not have enough votes???? The document is super detailed and explains it grteatly.


I know. I wonder how long it would take for them to put this in the game?


You gotta keep in mind that we are still only talking about a few hundred votes. That's literally nothing compared to the millions of players that this game is supposed to get. I mean if you were a game developer, making the sequel to a game that sold several million copies, would you change some fundamental aspect of it because 200 people upvoted a suggestion in a forum?


Atlas, 24hr-peak on steam player charts isn't vibing with that "Millions" Answer. This is dev testing numbers.


Alex, Its at the point they need to acknowledge the difficulty getting it all in game, there may be some difficulties with the suggestion of the multi shape blocks idea.


Tristan, I was referring to the total player numbers that the studio is aiming for over the lifetime of the game. This Forum is still only a tiny fraction of the player base, consisting of the most invested players. In the grand scheme of things we barely matter. This is just a place for Keen to maybe get a feel for what parts of the community want.


Ok and that's not realistic for initial development, we are talking about immediate problems with the base games building blocks at launch that should be solved by VS 1.1. When there is as seen an overall peak of 1,000 players/devtesters the ratio is 1:8 vs your 1:6993. Future numbers don't matter if even the dev testers are getting bored. Seeing as the peak has dropped to twice the amount of votes this topic has, the statement still doesn't add up. Right now we are the, well, entire "Active" community.

reguardless of how many people are actually unique players in the numbers of actual play testers there are, it is currently low and is reflected in the voting numbers so there should be a reason for even a denial of this idea.


Marek mentioned that there is a overhauled version , of the building Mechanik, ready what didn't make it in VS1. so maybe that's why.


Finally someone who knows something thank you T. Sattler,


since its not possible in a 25 cm grid, only in an 12,5 cm grid


Near about exactly what I came to the boards to suggest today. Burning north of 300 pcu on a single 2.5m block's worth of space to get something a touch more detailed than a standard 2.5m block that we'll then be repeating a hundred times can't be an efficient use of game resources, and I'd hate to see the load required to check air/water-tightness when that gets implemented if I accidentally poke a hole from a crew-space in to a decorative hollow shell made from only .5m and .25m blocks... d5bd29f9ff350d43eeb8b7a03f341043

On a related note, I might suggest one more set of blocks in the form of SE1's armor-panels, the ability to use a panel to effectively paint just once face of a block (or just part of one face) was extremely helpful in detailing both large and small grids.


This. Some way of using the armour blocks to create a "hull" and then creating a much less resource intensive shell around it. This can sort of kind of be done with the Detailing blocks I've found, but its very tedious when it comes to angles. Being able to drag detail blocks on a diagonal instead of only the X/Y/Z planes might be able to mitigate this a bit.


Definitely need those medium blocks. The pic is the inside of an angled hull-shell section, 31.5m x 8m x 11.25m (roughly 3x4x13 large-grid), it is 1383pcu by itself and would cost almost twice as much if I hadn't opted to re-work the shape to conform to existing "half-large" blocks...


My head hurts looking at this. I can imagine spending several days jigsaw puzzling this together.


It took some doing, and its only one angled-armor section just a bit larger than SE1's space-respawn-pod on a large grid I'm looking to make an updated version of in SE2. If we had 1.25m blocks, and the 2x1x1 slope either in detail size or buildable via half-versions of the .5m blocks then it would take a lot less time to build and probably only around a tenth the pcu.


Not sure if 1m or 1.25m would work best for an 'intermediate' size block.

1m would be able to be stacked to make 2m tall corridors, allowing a more compact interior than the 2.5m height corridors we have currently. 1.25m blocks don't provide that advantage.

Though personally, I'd prefer the entire system to be 0.25m, 0.5m, 1m, and 2m. The 0.5m/2.5m combo is such a weird design decision.


Odd, I posted a reply yesterday, but it didn't stick...

To be sure, 1.25m blocks wont allow for compact things as easily as 1m blocks, and 1m blocks would trim that screenshotted mess down almost as much as 1.25m blocks would, but if we're going to have 2.5m blocks then having a way to put points/edges in the center of them with only 4 blocks instead of 25-40 (assuming no fill) would be very helpful for both speed and pcu.


I think all those proposed blocks should be in the game, even the ones stated as obsolete. I found needing every one of those blocks at some point in the several hours of building basic shapes. ..though if we had flexible,?,, stretchable blocks


The obsolete ones are just blocks you would already be able to replicate using two other blocks, though I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to adding the others to cut down on pcu once the rest of the game was properly polished up.


I agree on more block types.

But the 1,25 m Block is not possible since a half 1,25 m Block would be 62,5 cm wide. Therfore you would need a grid with a granularity of 12,5 cm otherwise you would have gaps (62,5 cm = 50 cm + 12,5 cm)


The post isn't asking for 62.5cm blocks, just 1.25m blocks so we can split 2.5m block shapes in half without burning 20+pcu (just to make a hollow shell) and a lot of time on each block we'd want to split.


We probably wouldn't have half blocks for the 1.25m blocks. They are meant to build 2.5m blocks, not an individual system to build with, similar to how the current tiny block size are meant to build on the 0.5m blocks, and aren't to build with on their own


I agree bloat can occur with the use of many small parts to make up one big part, using up valuable PCU.

  • I also would rather use thin plates instead of fat blocks as they reduce the ship mass, however plates are obviously not as strong as THICC armor blocks.
  • I am constantly adding more slopes and blocks to my Mod list, especially when making naval ships and boats.
  • The sleek transitions make the realism pop and makes better immersion.
  • I would suggest making WAY more plate types of better quality than chunky block types that support a less chunky approach because we could use various slope angles and with a large variety of folds and angle types.

I use these DEP and More Armor panels mods explicitly 100% all the time for the angles, and variety.



This concept should also apply to all Plates, Beams & Glass as well. All with extended angles for sleeker design possibilities but without all the extra mass from a block.

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