Falling off ship while jumping on a moving grid

Tristan Sullivan shared this bug 43 days ago

When jumping on a moving grid it acts as if the jetpack and inertial dampeners are on global then my player slows and the jetpack turns on keeping me up to speed with the ship. This is not congruent with general relativity. This is the exact thing Einstein's thought experiment was made to solve in "Einstein's train". Not to be rude but this is elementary like seriously not trying to troll.

The players Frame of Reference should be linked to the current "gravity well" If not some sort of local space defined by the grid. it would allow for higher speeds with less instability.

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Harvard Natural Sciences Relativity Train

Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstration

I get these might not be exactly what describes this phenomenon.

Is there Wind resistance in space, is my player being acted on by any of the relativistic laws, is E=MC2 being acknowledged, where is the energy counteracting my players motion.

Please this sucks to watch happen, my OCD is I guess triggered. but still.....

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