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Higher PCU count for games

Brandon Carrell shared this feedback 5 years ago

I would like to see way more PCU added so I can enjoy some large battles between friends. There are some ships I cant even spawn because it breaks PCU.

Replies (21)


To add to this a higher max block count per ship as well


Thank you for your feedback! We will consider adding experimental mode to Xbox.


Experimental mode would be fantastic, I concur :)


Isnt experimental mode already in the beta as we have had access to the new block currently in testing such as the small grid small hydroden tank? Also making the PCU amount per armored block the same as pc and as it was beginning of the beta would help with pcu limits effecting build size

Adding the mod that adds more larger ramp blocks like the 6:1:1 thats also used in the loading screen for the game would also reduce this as bigger blocks same PCU costing less to build more. Cant wait till this game releases i want the decorative blocks so bad but keep up the good work.


Experimental would be fantastic as some creations and world's require experimental mode to be used so they can be spawned.


I would completely be ok with having to have small load times every 25km or whatever would be needed to help accomplish a higher pcu limit. Please! 😁


100% agree.

I have nothing but great things to say about the Beta, even so far as to say it works better than most full release games of the last few years.

However, the pcu limit does seems a little low. I was in the early stages of framing out a design when I encountered the limit which was a bit disappointing but I understand why it's there but my game was still running super smooth at the limit.

It also hit a bit harder as all my experience with creative building with games usually comes to an end due to limitations of design (such as lack of block variety) rather than hardware issues. SE has such a great amount block variety that I have been able to do pretty much whatever my heart desires with the only limitiation being scale due to the pcu limit.

So yeah, I fully agree with the limit either being increased or potentially an option to disable it completely on console.


Yeah limiting us is ridiculous. No other games that I've played like this have limits. I have around 9 hours on my 5th attempt at building a huge carrier and this time everything was working fine with it. Im about half done with it and I hit the PCU limit? So a game where I can finally build the way I want to build finally comes along and I still can't build the way I want? If the limit is just for the beta and it will be unlimited for release then I apologize for the rant. But if its a permament limit then I don't want this game anymore.


I was also building my home design ship in 1:1 ratio, the gull is about 95% complete but ocu limit has striked


We will consider this feature. Keep voting.

Thank you for your feedback!


Thank you for considering if it does happen us players will be super happy and excited


I also added my vote. Experimental mode would be greatly appreciated for the higher end consoles.


With you on this!


In a basic survival starting on Earth in the solar system. Starts by building a Rover and a main Earth base. Then making an atmospheric miner Ship. Then making a hydroShip to get into space, then making a JumpBase on an astroid, then making a IonAstroid Mining ship, then making a large JumpShip, then making a Mars Base, then making a Mars Rover, then a moon base, moon Rover. All of these things were made in very small scale, And I hit the PCU limit....I still haven't made a Freighter...still haven't made a moon,Mars mining ship, still haven't made stationary miners, still haven't made my battleships.... Now you see my point of view through a survival experience. And now imagine having multiple people that want to build there own things but want to play with others still.... Impossible...


Please consider adding this soon. I've got a few buddies that have been waiting to play this game with me but the current PCU limits don't allow for hardly anything to be built, especially when running a 4 player world. Please make this a priority.


I just hit the pcu limit early today in creative after making a few, albeit large, mining ships. Please make it larger or have the option to disable a pcu limit.


can I expect a respond before the 15?


Hello, sorry it has nothing to do with your question but I play on Xbox and I have a problem on a game in cooperation with a friend, he can not save or join the game when I am not connected. Do you have the solution? thank you in advance


the creator of the save is the host if you are not in the game he can't play that save


what you can do is upload the save on the workshop when you leave so he can download it and play and he can do the same when he is done so you can always play even if the other isn't there


Very true. The players should be given the option to test the limits of their own console. I managed to host a 4 player session on the first gen Xbox one, reached the pcu Limit and had 4 people on and the game was just fine. I don’t think you need to restrict the player from these option since it’s a waste of potential


We are investigating multiple possibilities of having more PCUs in Xbox version:

- using the dedicated servers (coming to Xbox in future months)

- extending PCUs in experimental mode (soon available in Beta)

- optimizing the game to allow more PCUs (in future months)

We will keep you posted on the progress.


Thank you


Thank you so much for looking into this.


i agree


It is sad . Unfortunately, I stopped playing the game. I played it for 4 days and I don't play it anymore. So the wasted money 😡 ... She stopped amusing me because I can't really put anything build up😓


Out of interest what was the limit of PCU on the Xbox One X when you tested it?


The highest limit seems to be 100,000 right now.


And 100,000 is only for an offline world. Max for any world made for multiplayer (basically anything other than offline) is 50,000.


When the Beta Started the limit was 100,000 with an online server and small grid armour blocks were 1 PCU each but soon after it was dropped to 50,000 for online server and small grids blocks became 2 PCU which all Armour clocks on PC are 1 PCU small or large grids


More PCU block no because if you play on Star system and how much you need PCU block you would need each planets and space stations and asteroid station. I’m will rather say easy answer Unlimited PCU blocks so we can more make easy for us or still have PCU they will still never be easy like go back planets grinder all and travel back build. Seem it bad if have PCU blocks limits


Would love you see more weapon both large and small grid and hand weapons! Also increased enemy activity with larger more powerful ships


Also remove pcu option should be placed in multiplayer.


Hi guys,

higher PCU count is available on Xbox in Experimental mode in the Beta.

100k for MP and 200k for SP.

Here are the Beta instructions:

Thank you for your feedback!


Thank you for the higher PCU count! Are you by chance planning to eventually give us the option to remove the limit in Experimental Mode?


How do I activate the experimental mode?


The game still has heavy limitations even though it is 100000 PCU. I can only build one ship. Please remove PCU limits.


@Keen Support, a quick question, why is PCU limit on Xbox One/S, vs Xbox One X, the same. Given differents in performance between Standard/S an X version?

Any Global limit is a problem, unless you make ships/rovers Storable!! So players can manage there PCU limit a bit more, even in survival game.

I put some of my thoughts here > ( A Idea to Unload/Mobile Grid Storage Container for a Local Dynamic PCU limit )

ps, Max per player limit even in (Experimental Mode) is 100k max, so you cant use that 200k if your offline!!


We have just released an update with the experimental mode and increased limits.

To address your questions:

- the limit can not be removed because of memory limitation

- the raised limits are in experimental mode because the game may not run sim speed 1.0 in all cases

- we are still optimizing the memory consumption to be able to increase limits in the future

- Dedicated servers should help us to increase the limits much more

- We don't want to have different limits for original Xbox and X, because the worlds would not be transferable between the console variants, thus separating the community

Hope you understand our reasons. Thank you for your feedback!


Can you guys add larger ships for enimies do if your in a big ship you can battle with ai's but in larger ships, kinda like the story/survival game were your on mars and a huge ship comes to attack you from entering the drone facilities 😋


Open another feedback topic, this one is about PCU limits.


Doesn't matter whether or not i ask something, it isnt jus for pcu, people can ask questions ffs an stop acting like you work here🤦‍♀

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