Bug event controller unable to handle any friction on grids, and copy paste select wipe

Paul Thompson shared this bug 23 months ago

Hi peeps

2 bugs on this one friction collision and copy paste regarding event con

Link to copy paste report as another example: 7.47 on vid below https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/xbox/topic/28047-event-block-settings-wipe-after-paste#comment-72140

Xbox series x

Experimental mode on

Max pcu block count and grid size

Block destruction off

voxel destruction off.

New world new build in latest release

Event cons can not move grids with any friction involved.

Vid of issue : https://youtu.be/JAC3cSwZxRo

World save: https://spaceengineers.old.mod.io/earth-planet-2023-04-17-1115/edit

Replies (5)


Hello Engineer,

We've addressed the copy-paste issue in the other ticket. We will focus on the friction issue in this ticket.

Thank you for providing the world, we will update this thread when we've reproduced the issue.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

Regarding the world you've provided. Does the red grid lock up after certain actions or just when running all by itself? We've been unable to reproduce that part so far.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hi. yes in the vid it was locking up, if its not for you it may be because its been running a while and unstuck itself, try turning off the event blocks and turning them back on. It appears to sort itself out if just left running, but on grids that require an on off action it does present an issue. Let me know if no joy though ill have a look on the world save.


Hi ive tested it again after hotfix. The piston now locks up when set to 4 so much better, but mech still locks up on step 1 0r 2


Hello Engineer,

After setting the piston speed to above 4, we've been able to reproduce it on our side. We've linked your report to our internal system. We will update this ticket when we know more.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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