Add npc structures to spawn menu

Richard Karcher shared this feedback 4 years ago
Not Enough Votes

Allowing players to spawn in npc trading outposts, pirate bases, and encounter wreckages would be a way for less advanced space engineers to design basic worlds and challenges as the scripting for these objects cannot be recreating on console.

Replies (2)


We will consider this feature. Keep voting.

Thank you for your feedback!


Being able to spawn at npc bases seems like easy, free, fast travel. Maybe only if you get your reputation up pretty high with that faction first.

But spawning at an encounter wreck should not be allowed imo, to easy to exploit that. Spawn at the wreck , loot, then fly away to your ship/station to deposit materials, die, then repeat.


What I meant by this post was that they should add the ability to spawn new npc bases through the in-game creative tools spawn menu. We are currently able to use the feature to spawn in asteroids, planets, and resources so I figured that npc structures could be added as well.


I dont no if this is the coret thred for xbox and two give feed back or no if this is the incoret sekchon pleas link me so i can playes it it corekt spot sorry for late feed bak it took a long time get two this forem sekshan

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