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Update 1.197 Turrets are not fire at Targets

Lord Anubis shared this bug 3 years ago
Won't Fix

Dear KSH Devs,

I have starting a new Star System on Earth and as I setup my automatic defence against the Wolves, the Interior Turrets aren't firing on any Target. Neither the other Turrets too.

Will you fix it in the next days or weeks? Combat doesn't make sense without working Weapons



Replies (8)


Are you running on a dedicated server? If so, might be the same as:

[1.196] Turrets on DS not targetting automatically | Space Engineers PC Support (


Hello, Lord Anubis!

Thanks for letting us know. However, I´m not able to reproduce issue you are mentioning. Tried on Earth, wolves enabled, built base with turret and interior turret and both of them fire to approaching wolves correctly.

My setting for turret is: Aiming radius - 600 m, Target neutrals/characters on, all other options off, Use conveyor system on. Can you please check whether you have same/similar setting? Also, this might seem like a silly question, but... are you sure you are using right ammunition for turrets? Every type is taking different ammo.

Tested on v1.197.072. Can you please try as well and let me know? If you issue will persist, can you please attach to you response a save of your game, please? So we can check it more thoroughly.

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I can confirm this behaviour and have some more information which most people don't seem to add

The bug seems to be impacting Dedicated Servers (DS) in particular. Regardless of whether you're running a modded game or not.

To truly see whether it is an issue on DS I've done the following:

I've moved the exact same folder from my DS to my local machine and ran it directly as a public server. All turrets would show Idle movement and engage on targets. So this concludes that it works fine when you host it locally.

I saved my game and moved the exact same folder back from local to the DS. After booting up the DS, the problem immediately was there. The turrets were in their default position, no idle movement and no engagement.

In my particular case, I can only conclude that the problem seems to persist purely when it is run as a DS. Hope this helps with the bug analysis.


Still not firing. only on meteors

can not attach. file to big.


Hello, Engineers!

I´m terribly sorry, but it is just working on my side. Working fine in SP, now just confirmed on DS as well. While I´m not saying I´m not believing all of you, I can´t list it as an issue while it´s working on my side.

Only thing that is not working for me is the idle movement on DS.

Can any of you please share his/hers save of the world/server? Or have it recorded on video and share the video.

Also printscreens of settings of the turrets ingame and settings of the server, might me a good idea. Any additional info would be great help. Share anything you can come up with, please.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineers,

I have new info from devs on turrets idle movement. It was removed on purpose in order to achieve better performance on DS.

Still not sure how to achieve turrets not firing, tho.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineers,

still no luck with reproduction of turrets not firing on targets/enemies on the DS. Are you still experiencing it in the same manner?

If yes, are you able to send me unmodded vanilla world save where it is already broken, and preferable also do a video of how it is (not) working?


Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineers!

Because there is no new comment from you, and we are unable to reproduce the issue on our own, I will close this thread now as outdated.

If you or any other player will experience this issue again, please make a new thread and provide all needed info there.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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