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Unable to join or find Lan Server since 1.197.180

Abisius shared this bug 4 years ago

the server shows in steams serverlist but i cant reach him from ingame to be more precise or call the joining process via the steam serverlist.

also the tries to join arent showing in the serverconsole as tries to join.

the server is managed via the keen servermanager and is running on my pc to play with the rest of the family in a lan setup.

rolling back to a version older that 1.197.180 doesnt seam to fix it, also the 1.197.181 didnt help either.

attached are the logs of the last try as well as the save where i first noticed it.

it happens for me with old and new modded and vanilla worlds.

Replies (11)


I'm having the same bug but it appears to only be happening when loading certain mods. Currently, users can log in fine when they click Join. If I try to add either of the following they install fine in the server and it loads, but then users can't connect:

Clicking the join button doesn't appear to do anything on the client, no error message or anything, and nothing is registered on the server console. Both of these mods are used in other servers without a problem. I have randomly tried installing 2 other mods and they installed and users were able to log in. When users can't connect to the server they see the "Error downloading server settings" message in the server details.


I replied to the original bug that this submission was made from due to being asked to submit as a separate bug - I'm basically having the exact same issue as the bug that today's hotfix supposedly fixed - with a slight difference of the joining popup thing appearing for like a tenth of a second before disappearing and then not showing up again, the join/continue button seems to still be broken. As I stated in my comment on the other post I do play with a very mod-heavy server, but I've removed over 50-60 mods and STILL my issue persists and I can't join. I did discover making a completely new world with those mods allows you to join - idk if others can manage to connect as my players aren't on to help me test atm - but I can get in and play, only to se that some of my mods - which I know for a fact are completely functional and are used on hundreds if not thousands of servers - don't appear to be functioning in the game though I can play as normal - but none of my build vision or build info mod things that they do appear to work, the mod that adds an alternate view for player HUD doesn't work, the minimap/radar mod doesn't show anything in the top right where it should and that's only what I found with a couple minutes of mucking about - thinking I'd test and see if I could at least play, then logged out, planning to join back in, only to have the join button no longer work again - even though the server was running PERFECTLY fine. Nothing I do allows me to join on ANY existing worlds that I have nor any backup saves or anything else. I am continuing to try and remove even more mods but I've reduced to less than 150 from my (yes I know insane) over 205 mods that I did have before this whole mess happened and it was working PERFECTLY if perhaps not as smoothly as it'd have run with less - but EVERYTHING fucntioned fully and worked, and I could leave and join at will and everything worked so idk why I can't rejoin worlds once I've joined once - and doesn't seem to matter if I actually load in/spawn in or even fully connect - once I do ANYTHING towards joining and have entered my server password the join/continue buttons no longer work and the direct connect fails to let me load either - they make the sound like they've been clicked on and you for a split second see the spinning joining wheel/dialogue box which immediately disappears without ever prompting for a password again and nothing.


Hello, Engineers,

we´re sorry you are still experiencing this issue.

It was successfully reproduced thanks to the save from Abisius - thanks!

Issue put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


seams the 1.197.180 gave birth to a bigger bug than your mobile infatry can deal with.

can we atleast get a way to roll back to the latest version before 1.197.180 in the meantime while your high command develops a new strategie to get the bug down.

youngest version before that is actually avaible is the 1.196 which is a bit far off for some of the mods in use and is even in vanila far more unstable.


If you could reverse the changes in in the 1.197.180 hotfix, that would be great. You see, I had an active server before this bug, and this has kept us from connecting at all. It's the simplest solution.


Is there an ETA on when this will be fixed. My server has been unusable for almost 3 weeks now. The only way I've made it work is rolling back to the 196 build and restoring from a very old backup. If there was at least a temporary way to roll back to 1.197.170, I should be able to at least function until this is resolved.



I ONLY managed to get mine working again by knocking my modlist from 205 mods to 106 mods and even then I can't actually load up my main world for the server as I had to take out mods we used heavily to make our main base and ships and don't wanna risk breaking stuff - wish they'd give us an update - only been more than 3 weeks now - figured we'd have an actual fix for the not actual fix hotfix they put out after the first week but haven't heard anything since they re-opened the original bug submission - and now both this and that one are just showing awaiting fix as they have for 2-3 weeks now - really can't imagine how just re-enabling and xbox crossplay mucked up modded servers so badly but really hoping they'll get a fix soon - I'm really missing some of my mods :P


march 12/17 not 3erd not sure where my tired brain got the third from :P


Been two whole weeks and a day since the last time I commented? any ideas, hints, thoughts at all on when we're getting a fix for this? It's been like a whole month and change+ since the original hotfix that broke this and a week less that since the hotfix to fix the hotfix that didn't fix anything - would be nice just to let us all know that this is still being worked on or that you've got a fix but are holding it out till this coming thursday or next whichever week y'all are dropping the Warfare 1 DLC and all - just kinda frustrating it having been over a MONTH and no one's even checking in to let us know any info or guesstimate of when we might begin to hope for a fix or anything - I get you all have other things and all and not just this but like there's at least a couple dozen of us that like heavily modding our games/servers and can't run with any more than about a hundred give or take at most.


It's been another 2 weeks and no further updates have been given. Any progress on a fix? Will this be fixed in the Warfare update later this month? or sooner?


I tested with the new build 1.198.024 and the issue has still not been addressed. Is there any update for this issue?


Hello, All!

I appreciate there was a comment about the issue and the latest update. The issue has not yet been fixed but will be addressed in upcoming releases.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Is it possible to get some kind of timeframe for this fix? It's been over a month now for this problem. Dedicated servers cost people money. Should we cancel our hosting agreements and tell our users to (hopefully) come back at a later time this year or can we get a hotfix for this in the upcoming week(s)? If I click Join in game and look at Server Details for games over 50 mods there are plenty with the "Error downloading server settings!" that we can't join.


Can we get some super basic, rough guesstimate of when they might finally have a fix? It's been over a month since the devs introduced this bug and every freaking update/hotfix they've put out to address it only makes it worse - I went from over 200 mods (which I know is a LOT) to just over 100 - less than 110, and now with warfare 1 had to cut to under 100 and don't know what else I can really cut without starting to muck up builds and grids or my world on my server. We don't need a concrete set in stone legally binding exact timestamp but just a rough guess - next week, warfare 2, somewhere in between, etc - like its been more than a month - do we have to wait till the end of June when warfare 2 is likely to drop, somewhere in between? longer?


Hello, everyone!

This issue should be hot-fixed in a version 198.027. Can you please update your game and retest?

This issue was caused by servers running a very large number of mods. We have created a fix to address this issue on heavily modded servers. This was fixed by not counting mod dependencies toward the listed mod count.

If you have this issue, you can also try these steps as a server admin:

1) Make a mod on the workshop. This can be an empty mod with no function.

2) Add all (or part) of your server mod list as dependencies to this mod.

3) Use this mod on your DS in place of the mods you added as dependencies.

Players will not be able to use the advanced mod filter and will not see what mods your server needs in server details. They will, however, be able to join. If you still have this issue even after taking the above steps, check that your server description is not too long. Server descriptions should be 200 characters or less. We may add this limit to the server description field in the future.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


I tested with 198.027 this evening and this is still not fixed for my server. In the in-game server list I can see my server, but no details about the server can be retrieved nor can it be joined. I have not tried the alternative workaround as of yet.


Well just spent ages re-adding in all my mods to my server and what do you know - STILL can't join the damn game - I don't have that many mod dependencies and actually have most included WITH my modlist to make sure that isn't an issue - the game was working PERFECTLY fine before the xbox hotfix that broke all this mess - still having the SAME damn issue - starting to get really REALLY tired of this shit - I've been playing with 1-200+ mods for YEARS in this game on dedicated servers and this is the first time that I can't play with that many - I'd pared it down to just 93 mods or so and that works just fine but when I re-add everything else to just over 200 mods the rejoin/continue button is AGAIN not working - click on it repeated and NOTHING at all happens - the server itself is running absolutely fine - I just cannot connect to it - idk what y'all did but it's clearly some issue between the game itself and Steam services/servers or something because the support team and all indications in my control panel for my server show it is running perfectly normally - can you PLEASE fix your shit already KSH?! it's been over 50 fucking days and I've lost my patience - this is now the at least 2nd hotfix I'm aware of that was supposed to fix this and it still hasn't - ffs - you can't claim your hotfix fixes something and then not have that something be fixed lol

I'm gonna test around some I guess since I've wasted most of the day getting that done and all only for it to fail again and see if I can at least get more than 100 mods loaded as my cut off between the button working and me being able to join and not was somewhere in the 93 to 112 range and I've heard at least several different numbers that people have found so it's clearly NOT anything to do with the actual number.

I have NO idea what your actual source code looks like or what y'all did in the first place to break this but I'm just gonna ask - is there any hard limit that the Xbox code puts on the Xbox version for stability's sake or something as far as mods go that might've somehow been made a constant or applied to all versions incorrectly? cause it makes NO sense to me at all that somehow turning on cross play and compatibility should have ANY impact on mods much less cause anything over a given number to just break the damn game - my theory is that a size limitation - like one you might need to ensure stability on the Xbox One say - however - TOTALLY could cause that sort of an issue - though why it would be being applied to the PC version and bricking the PC version IDK - that's the ONLY idea I have with ZERO knowledge of the game code itself that makes any sense to me.

Either way the game still does not allow me to join and while I haven't tested yet I guarantee you me and my friend will be able to join if I bring it back down to the 93 I was at (which by the way last weeks' hotfix forced me to reduce from 106 for THE EXACT same reason) - and the hotfix that was supposed to have fixed it a week after it got broke and prior to that allowed me to get up to 87 I think it was so like what the fuck? - what keeps changing how many mods I can have and breaking the game if I have more than that - heck I even had one thing where I could join RIGHT after the server restarted but no one else could and if I left then I couldn't rejoin without restarting the server and if I didn't try and join close enough to it being back up then it wouldn't let me in.

Not trying to overwhelm with language/cursing or anger or word walls but ffs it's been almost 2 damn months - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE fix your shit already - I freaking love the game but not being able to have all my mods is killing me.


Have no idea at all if this will help but if you go to the server lists and find my server and go to server details the ONLY thing that shows that there even *might* be any issues is that it shows "Error downloading server settings!" in the world settings field - but the server itself is running PERFECTLY fine - and the support team that I've contacted just to make sure EVERY time y'all supposedly have fixed this have confirmed repeatedly that it is functional but for whatever reason the game just won't connect since the button is broke or whatever - but when I take it down to whatever the current weeks' hotfix has arbitrarily limited the mod count to (which again seems to be totally unique for literally every server - some get cut off hard limit at 50, some like me got to the 60-95 range, and others somewhere in between) - it works PERFECTLY fine and lets me join - but I can't have ONE mod over that random ass mod limit - why?!


I now have it down to 180 mods and while it's not actually letting me join I am at least now getting the joining game spinning wheel dialogue box pop up thing but not being prompted to enter my password after sitting here for a couple minutes so still not working - gonna keep testing/remove more mods and see where the new cutoff is fml


Ok - now at 176 mods added and apparently 3 dependencies (2 of which I know for a fact aren't actually required but were listed as such by mod authors - and that's a mod author thing not a game issue) after a minute of waiting I got the password dialogue option - no idea if I will be able to rejoin/if friends can join or not yet - will update as I find that out.


for the record i only have 117 mods and it still doesn't work, so you still have a lot more to reduce if it is strictly a number of mods issue.

Also, the steps for the workaround need more work. Asking me to create a mod when its not a trivial task to create an empty mod needs more detailed steps. It's a bad assumption that just because we use mods, that we know how to create them. I'll probably figure it out eventually but its not a quick and easy item to do if you've never done it. Guides I'm finding for doing this aren't written for this use case so I am having to read a lot and pick apart the appropriate steps and still hope I don't mess something up. If this doesn't work then its unknown whether the issue at hand is at fault or I messed something up with creating and publishing the mod.

Even if it does work it is a hack of a workaround at best and not a fix. This should not allow this ticket to close until an actual fix is found and completed. Or are you stating that this is now a permanent limitation for Dedicated Servers and no fix is coming?


Just as another things - while I seem to be able to play - still don't know if I can rejoin or not as I've just been enjoying playing but I now no longer have the share inertial tensor block checklist in the control menu for a piston I just built - have absolutely NO clue if that is related or not but I literally had said option 12 hours ago when I was playing before getting kicked out of the game for a game update for the hotfix when it went live and got pushed out to my client - figured I'd mention.

And what John said - granted I could figure it out and make it work cause I am good with tech but not everyone that is a gamer is tech savy enough or wants to bother figuring out how to do such and as he said - that's just a user-side workaround not an actual fix to the game and the fact that y'all had even that much in the way of a copy/paste thing (which you - the QA person/account who posted here quite LITERALLY copied/pasted from the patch notch - literally those EXACT steps verbatim are in the patch notes - means that your QA team/devs/whoever realized their so-called 'fix' didn't exactly fix it in at least some use cases but doing that somehow made it work - if they hadn't why would they have found a workaround proceedure to send out in support/QA facing things like here and all? - they KNEW they hadn't fixed the problem - yet you publish it as a 'fix' for the at least third time and yet shockingly it's still not fucking fixed! - that's NOT very good QA - just cause you find something that kinda maybe sorta fixes it, but only under this number of mods or in this specific case but it still fails on these fifteen other cases, then you SHOULD NOT be calling it a fix cause it's at best maybe a partial patch and even then it isn't one that holds - granted I am not a programmer(yet) but I've had like 6 or 7 programming classes and coded at least some basic games - granted SE likely has 1000s to 10s of 1000s of lines of code to 100s of 1000s even more than anything I've ever coded - but HOW do you break mods loading/being able to join a server - the servers which can start up and run just fine - its just the game and steam that for some reason can't connect cause your join button somehow breaks - when the hotfix that caused that had to do with allowing crossplay servers and mod support/compatibility? I mean, I know there was some EOS stuff in there too but there was NOTHING at all - at least not in the full patch notes that are publicly viewable - that should have had ANYTHING to do with how Steam and the PC version and DS on PC are connected to or that would limit mods - be it by some random memory limit or mod number cut off or whatever. We love the game, but like come on please figure this out.

If I could access the source code and mess about I'd happily dive in and see if I could find anything - problem with that is the inability to then actually test it since I can't load up a dev build of SE that would have any changes in it since I don't work for y'all lol :P - as many hours as I've spent trying to reduce mods one by one to find where the cut off that given week is so I could get back into my damn game and all :P


And can now confirm cannot rejoin once I've unloaded from the game - ffs - so gonna reduce mods even more and try again I guess.


Also in reference to the world setting errors finding my server in the actual server list shows the 179 mods but in server details under mods shows that is has NO mods - like what?


I created a mod and set dependencies for every mod in my server. Removed all mods from server and newly published mod. This appears to work and Server can be joined and all server details can be seen aside from the mods on the server which you indicated as a known issue. I do have some issues with this process after going through it:

1. I have a published mod on the workshop that has to remain public. If I set to private or friends only, the server ends up in an infinite shutdown/reboot loop because it cannot download the mod from steam. I have to kill the DS process in task manager just to stop the loop since I can't interrupt because the stop button is greyed out. Very annoying. I'm not thrilled with having a public mod out there anyone can find.

2. How do I change the mod load order with this method? Without being able to adjust the load order, I can't control conflicts and which mod I want to take precedence when multiple mods alter the same thing.

3. After loading my world 1 or more mod blocks were completely removed from all grids on the server like the mod wasn't present at all. This has broken many Grids. The mods in question are clearly loaded during server boot and the blocks even show in the G-menu. Maybe this is an artifact of mod load order or something else. I need to play with some older backups to see if they are affected as well. Maybe this is related to mod load ordering? I don't immediately see how yet.


So as an update - while I can get in at 170+ mods myself if I join RIGHT after the server shows as running, if I try to join more than a few minutes after it is up again or ANYONE else tries to join we cannot - also if I leave my game at any time - which I've been playing in for a day or two now - didn't have anyone else that I play with able to hop on and try until today - they aren't able. Additionally, if I leave the game or even just cancel the loading before it takes me to the loading screens then I can't rejoin at all without restarting the whole server again and same limits apply. I am now down to under 150 mods and STILL can't get anyone else in. Keen you need to mark this back to awaiting fix because it's CLEARLY not fixed - shown by the fact that your team literally had a workaround IN THE PATCH NOTES - that tells me they had enough use cases to come up with a workaround - which by the way publishing 100+ mods as your own mod can EASILY result in the original modders having your mod taken down for violating their fair use terms or whatever copyrights they've marked theirs as if you don't have their permission to do so. It'd be one thing if you could make a collection and load that but your advice is to make a whole unique mod with all the mods in it and publish if PUBLICLY which again due to those issues is NOT a long term fix because there's a LOT of modders that wouldn't appreciate that or wouldn't know that that was why we might be doing that with their mod and would request it taken down.


Even below 130 mods I still couldn't get friends in/be able to join more than once - finally gave up and reverted my list back to my 93 mods that I'd had beforehand and now friends can join again - so somewhere between 93 and 100-something is the apparent arbitrary cut-off - so STILL not fixed just saying. Y'all need to change the damn status cause it's not fixed.


Yep - so LITERALLY can not get any world new or existing to allow joining if the mod count is greater than OR equal to 100 - 99 works just fine, 100 no go, 101, no go, anything OVER 100 DOES NOT WORK/breaks the joining button.


Haven't gotten any RESPONSES at all from y'all yet and it's been a week JUST since the last official comment on this thread and there's at least two of us having this issue - so not really expecting much at this point - been like 2 freaking months already and at least 3 hotfixes with specific so-called 'fixes' for this issue and it's STILL very much an issue and hasn't been fixed at all, and in fact this last one made me have to half my mod count AGAIN - I'd had over 140 working and now can't get anything over 99 no matter what mods I do or don't have. Frankly getting irritated is an understatement - we are potentially having to pay for servers we CAN'T FUCKING use because you keep breaking the game or that we can't play our normal worlds on because we can't load up all our mods and don't wanna break everything in pieces cause of missing blocks - can we at LEAST get an update/acknowledgement that this issues still isn't fixed/change this back to awaiting fix/let us know you're still working on it? On the other thread related to this issues - - y'alls last update/official comment/reply was 13 DAYS ago js.


Hello, Matthew,

please, did you try to follow the provided steps?

1. Download empty mod in attachment here (or make one yourself)

2. Publish it on Workshop

3. Remove all your mods from your game / server

4. In Workshop, locate your newly added empty mod

5. Add all other mods you want to use (the number is not capped here, as dependencies are not taken into account as mods by the temporary fix) as dependencies to this mod

6. Load just this one empty mod with dependencies to your world settings

7. Run the game with whatever number of mods you want

Hope this helps.

Also please keep in mind that server descriptions should be 200 characters or less.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Well now there's a NEW issue - I did exactly that and managed to get 199 total mods - if you include any additional dependencies and we can make and load into a world just fine and play for the majority of about one day and then for reasons yet to be determined the game decides that it can no longer get world settings - according to server details page - EVEN if I or another are still loaded in the world and playing, server is still running, etc - and if I am connected when it stops being able to detect world settings, NO one can join at all, and if I leave and try to rejoin I cannot, restarting the server does not fix anything even though I was LITERALLY just in and playing - and the "server details" page mod tab shows that the server has no mods, even though the join game listing correctly detects the 199 mods and the server shows that it is running with no issues. So while this workaround works kinda, it only does so for less than two days, maybe a full 24 hour, maybe a bit more - not sure if there is a specific cut off timewise - ie that it happens at exactly 12.5 hours vs 24 or is just an arbitrary amount of time that it no longer works. Also, as a side note - while this workaround at least lets us start a world with as many mods as we want, it takes ENTIRELY too long to find all your mods in your subscribed list - if it even has them all and you don't have to waste extra time going one by one, favoriting, etc because your subscribed to list stops somewhere in the Fs or wherever - literally spent like 2-3 hours getting the empty mod filled with "dependencies" to make this workaround and we don't even get 2 full days, maybe not even one before we can no longer join. Really starting to get tired of this issue from 2 months ago STILL making this game unplayable - or at the very least only playable for VERY limited time before it breaks again which is essentially the same as far as I am concerned - my friends and I are getting sick and tired of having to start over from scratch every couple days to weeks because y'all can't find an actual solution to this issue - I've been running well over 150+ mods for over a year on my server before this whole mess and never once had this kind of issue - it's been 2 months+ and I've had to completely start over at least 5 times and I've lost players wanting to play because they got tired of losing all their stuff every 4 days or week or whatever and I'm personally tired of it as well - like JUST as we get anywhere the game breaks or the fix makes things worse, etc and it just sucks.


Also as another side note - if I watch and tab back over as soon as I see the control panel for my server go from starting to running I can join in just fine, enter the password and connect and play - but as before if I exit to menu at any point I cannot rejoin - restarting the game doesn't change that, and I've yet to be able to get anyone else to join right at start with me - again the server shows as running just fine, the logs don't indicate any errors I can find, and if I hadn't left prior, as long as the server is running, my character will still be in game, able to play because the server has nothing wrong with it - it's the joining from in game having some issue connecting to the server just like it has been for 2 months now.


To me the weirdest part is how I could have left to sleep or eat dinner or whatever, not quit the world or game, and still be able to play, even while NO one else can join or play. and then if I do leave to see for myself, I can't get back in to the same world I JUST left and was playing just fine in.


Hello, Matthew,

glad that this provided solution worked. Please note that this thread is related to servers with mods not loading/starting at all. This has been - for now temporary - fixed by this solution. The thread is marked as Solved, which is correct in connection to the thread origin.

If you are experiencing any other issues (even it possible might, but might not as well be) connected to this thread, please open new thread and try to provide as much information as possible.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


It only works to start a new world and ONLY is viable for less than 24 hours and then the joining button breaks again in EXACTLY the same way - how is that 'fixed'? - the issue was LITERALLY never that servers wouldn't start it was that you couldn't connect to them UNLESS you loaded 99 mods or less. This fix allows the server to start with more but that was never the issue - my server itself can start up with whatever number of mods I wanted - but I could only ever reliably connect/have others connect to it with the sub 100 mod limit. Now if I want to get anyone into the server - myself included - I have to restart the ENTIRE server and basically the SECOND it is up get anyone trying to join to try and join - there's a like 10-15ish second window - don't even think it's 20-30 seconds where past that point the game refuses to join and shows that it can't get server details - and if I'm already in - say because I didn't quit and exit before passing out or just had to run out somewhere and get back someone else can't get in while I am STILL able to move and build and everything else - ie NOTHING is wrong with the server itself. It's JUST the JoinGame function - as indicated by the initial post for this bug as WELL as this thread which hasn't been updated or responded to in like 2 weeks+-

I just don't see how it's a 'fix' when the fix is only good for not even a full day after starting an entire world fresh - I don't know about you or if you play much of SE yourself but NO one I know plays on a world for less than 24 hours and is ready to move on to a new world every freaking day or two. And I've already had to start new worlds like 4 or 5 times if not more since this issue started because of things continuing to get broken. Not trying to be difficult or anything just trying to point out that the so-called fix really doesn't change anything BEYOND allowing people to join and that join button working for the first 16-24 hours or whatever it is - haven't bothered staying up for 24 hours multiple times to see if there's a specific time that it stops letting one join at and all.

I can start another thread but that would literally be the third thing for this EXACT same issue - just seems redundant to me.


Hi, Matthew,

well, that seems really strange. No other player is mentioning similar behavior so far.

You mean that the server is running 24+ hours straight? You do not save and close it after the session is done? You don´t try to restart it after you experience this issue is happening again? I don´t thing you actually need to run completely new server; the save, quit and start it again, or server restart should do the trick as well.

You´re sure after this given time, server is not trying to load all the mods again one by one?

If you try save/quit/run again and server restart and the issue would still persist, can I please have the save file of this world? It might be something in the world itself or in server settings.

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Big help would be also if you can share the link leading to the Workshop page with the head mod, you use in the game for adding mods through dependencies, so I can add it manually again into the server settings if needed.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


I ten to leave the server itself up 24/7 due to having players that I game with in different times zones and all, but I do restart fairly regularly - usually every couple days at most, and try for once a day at least. The issue I am having now is that if I restart it and basically have everyone waiting in a discord vc to tell to go and try to join the SECOND the control panel changes from starting to running and quickly cntrl+tab over myself to join, at least me and one other have been able to get in after the JoinGame function stops working within 24 hours.

The whole workaround thing only worked in that it let me get the server actually running AND be joinable at over 99 mods - but as I mentioned the issue is that it ONLY seems to fix it for so long before the joining no longer works - even if I am still in and playing at the time, others can't join past whatever point it stops working again, and if I leave and try to immediately rejoin I can't get in myself EVEN though I JUST unloaded from it. Whenever the join game function stops working is when we see the world settings not be able to be loaded in server details and it shows no mods in the server details, EVEN though in the server listing it clearly shows that it has 199 mods.

With the testing me and a few friends have done if the game isn't seeing the world settings - which seems to be triggered by - at least before trying this fix - by going over 99 mods - now we have no idea what is causing it to not be able to get the world settings but we've found if it can't get those - EVEN though you download those when you connect to a server anyway - the join buttons/continue/any way to connect even direct IP doesn't work.

And if I don't manage to get in or a friend doesn't get in within that 15-25ish second window after it's running again then the button stops working again.

Not really sure what you mean by it's not trying to load them one by one - I cleared my entire mod list in the server settings, put in the one basically shell mod to hold all the others as dependencies - which ServerBlends' servers then download and add into the mod list - and if I remove the mods that have been added into the mod id list then it corrupts the world and I'm back to having to start an ENTIRELY new start once more - and it works - until it doesn't any more - at which point I have to stop anything I or anyone else is doing to do a whole restart - to have less than 20 seconds or so to maybe get anyone in - so far only succeeded with 2 at once haven't gotten to try three or more so I am not sure if there's some limit ultimately to how many even that will work for and if you miss that window you can't get in without another restart - which I would assume is understandably frustrating having to restart the ENTIRE server just to load in one other person lol.

Restarting the server doesn't change anything - if I make a new world and literally change NOTHING else about any configs or settings the servers starts up, runs, and we can join up until that point where we can't anymore. Restarting multiple times changes nothing and as far as ServerBlend and the server itself are concerned the server is running just fine - it's some issue within the game allowing the join button to actually connect.

Also - I run off a rented server through ServerBlend - not sure if that might have any potential fixes but their support team and devs spent like a full week off and on with me at at least 7 or 8 other users who had the same issue with the joining button not working when the crossplay hotfix dropped like 2 months back and didn't seem to think it was anything on their end that they could do as it seemed to be an issue between SE actually connecting the player to the server. - that is the link the the mod I added all the others to as dependencies - which the game informs me every time when I do load in that it couldn't be loaded and some blocks might be missing - not really a big deal since it's not actually a mod and thus doesn't actually have anything in it to be loaded just figured I might as well mention it.

Also have attached the current world I am playing on.


I totally get btw that if I'm literally the only person making a deal about it that it definitely isn't going to be the top priority or anything - just is frustrating as there doesn't seem to be any reason that we shouldn't be able to connect when the server itself is running perfectly fine - hopefully all the above might offer some ideas or present something I can try - cause me and my friends are kinda just tired of mucking about with this for hours every time something breaks to maybe find a workaround only to have that workaround break in a day lol




please dont pretend that something is fixed when it is clearly not fixed

i have started it in local/console mode and it is not findable from ingame but over the steam serverlist, also i am unable to join via the steam serverlist or direct connect.

i would have written this earlier but i didnt have time for testing the last days.

i also did ru nanother testwith a full vanilla world and just basic settings, same result.

no worlds that i used for testing are reachable in a local/console enviroment.

i can go with nearly every major update breaking my private and server worlds (as it just happened with the warfare 1 update), but beeing unable to play together over a local/console hosted server so that the host can go do other wtuff while the rest of the group keeps playing is a major kill for long time multiplayer.

so in short:

you put a fixed tag on a clearly unfixed problem only to pretend that it is fixed in hope no one finds out it isn fixed.


just also taken a note that your so called "fix" now makes it unable to close ther server manager without doing a taskmanager based "hardkill".


So no response at all - been 18 days since I last replied and never heard ANY responses - also the other thread I keep mentioning has had 3 separate people other than myself with the same issue - which is literally the issue that THIS thread claims is solved and you have at LEAST 5 people telling you is not - and the other thread is marked as still awaiting a fix EVEN though it the SAME DAMN ISSUE as this thread - just saying.

That thread.


and this thread only exist cause i was asked to open a seperate one because i use a lan based server


And then they told me I should make ANOTHER as you'll see above - like why the fuck do they want or think there's a need to have 2 much less THREE separate bug threads for what is ULTIMATELY the SAME DAMN BUG lol? makes absolutely ZERO sense to me lol



so nearly 2 week after i stated myself that teh problem isnt fixed it is still marked as solved, seams like you arent even interestet in fixing it


@Alisius - yet the other reply STILL shows as "awaiting fix" even though it's the EXACT same issue fml




Hello, Engineers!

The thing is, that the original issue was hotfixed - I totally understand that you might not like the way how it was fixed. But that was the best we could do in that short period of time to make it work at least somehow. The "bigger"/proper fix should come with the version 199 of the game.

The proper fix simply needed more time and more work to be done, which we didn´t want to introduce in the hotfix for two main reasons - the hotfix would be delayed and when that amount of work would be done in this short period of time, it might break some more things that we would not be able to spot/test properly. So please, stay patient.

I might change the status of this thread, if that will please you, that´s not problem at all. The main reason for keeping this one as "Solved" was that we already have it connected to the original bug in our internal system, that was fixed by the hotfix solution. And after that we made a new bug in our system for proper fix in the upcoming version. That bug is connected to the other thread. We just wanted to avoid false miss-matching of threads vs our bugs. That´s all. Please do believe me that there is no dirty game from our side, we do not try to hide any bugs, or avoid communication with players. The situation that we are now in - having the two "same" threads with different statuses - is because we have two bugs for this issue as well in our internal system.

I will change back this one to "Awaiting fix".

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


in the hotfix you refered to modded servers only, still i have probs with not only modded worlds but also full vanilla ones not findable.

also putting a solved on something that isnt fixed in the versio nof the game that is avaible for the people is very confusing and can create heavy misunderstandings


I loaded my last usable backup from just before 1.197.180 was released and upgraded to 1.199.020. It looks like the upgrade was successful and server shows up correctly in the server list indicating correct number of mods loaded. Thank you for finally resolving this issue!! My group has been looking forward to playing again. I was worried at first that this still wasn't addressed since I did not see an obvious note in the change log regarding a fix for this particular issue.


Hello, Engineers!

As this issue is rather old, and our both bugs in internal system was fixed and tested properly, I will close this thread and mark it as solved.

If any of our are still experiencing this issue, please do not hesitate to open new thread with providng information about current state of the bug.

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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