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Tool skins reverting to default after entering and leaving a cockpit

Kaiechi shared this bug 6 years ago

Tool skins reverting to default after entering and leaving a cockpitsteps to reproduce:

1. Select a tool skin in the med bay

2. Enter a cockpit

3. Leave cockpit

4. Tool has reverted to default skin

Replies (10)


Not only that, but it happens when I switch tools in my hands, or remove my tool and equip it again. It's random, whether or not it uses my custom skin.

I reported this bug a few months ago, around the time they stopped doing weekly updates.. I hadn't played SE since, because I play the game for the skins. xD

For real, I paid real money for them; I want them to work flawlessly.


... and is still happening.

I've been waiting for a fix, and concerned about paying for something and not having it work correctly, and, not have it fixed for all this time. Yet new DLC; will this also not be working correctly now that I've paid.

Get a new DLC yet a few irritating problems like this are not fixed after months.

Not looking too good there Keen.


Can confirm this is still happening, and suit skins also revert on death.


Hello Kaiechi!

I appreciate this thread is quite old. I have just tested this and my tool skin does not revert back once entering and leaving a cockpit on the latest version. Could you confirm if this is no longer an issue with you too and I will close this for you? :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


I just tested this last night, and haven't personally found any issues. Can't say I've been playing much, though, so it may still be an issue for others.


The issue has actually gotten worse. not only tools keep loosing there skins, so now on loading game the suit skins aren't correct and when you check character menu area there are more than one choices picked. (multiple check marks for suit choices etc.)

Sometimes everything works correctly, and after awhile skins disappear.

Checking the character menu almost always has no checkmarks shown on tool skins after they revert to default skins in game.

Game and drivers etc. are up to date, files verified on steam.

I'm not a new player, over 3k hrs in game.


Hello All!

Thank you for the updates and information! We are currently investigating the tool resetting issue and appreciate that you've let us know you were also experiencing it still. We are also investigating the character skins resetting after a respawn. Timothy, with your issue on the multiple checkmarks, are you able to create a separate ticket for this with some steps to recreate it and/or a video/screenshot of this? This can be investigated and hopefully reproduced.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


(some how got my name "Timothy" instead of nickname "runlykhel" changed it.)

Character skins seem to happen randomly upon loading into game, in/out of cockpit/flightseat, but almost always when respawned.

Tool skins just stop showing up and upon checking character settings the check marks have disappeared from my selections.

Having multiple check marks on same item seems to happen when loading into game or changing colors, or putting back checkmarks that have disappeared; it's random and I can't make it repeat, it's not often, but I will take screenshot next time it happens.

Oh by the way all of this happens with or with out mods, even in a new game start.


Hello, Engineers!

I appreciate this thread is quite old. Do you still experience the same behavior or, has this since been resolved? I appreciate it was an issue last time but wanted to check if there has been an improvement.

If it is resolved, I will close this thread for you :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hi Laura,

I can't say one way or another right now - as I haven't played Space Engineers in quite a while - but would appreciate if you keep the thread open until you get several responses in the affirmative. (Unless threads can easily be reopened, in which case I don't mind it closing sooner.)




Hello, AJman14!

Thank you for letting me know. I will leave this open a few more days then close it if now replies. A new thread can be re-opened with further information if it crops up again :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hey Laura

I'ts been a while since I've played SE, however, last time I played the issue was defo there.

It happened almost (ca. 70%) every time I switched tools or took out a tool.


Hello, Mike!

Thank you for letting me know. If anyone is still having this issue. If they could please provide a log file from when this happens (from an un-modded world) a save file, if it is happening in a particular world, and possibly a video. We need to reproduce the issue to report it internally so as much infrmation to help us do that would be great :)

You can access your log files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.

  • You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.
  • Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Can confirm there is still an issue. I just launched the game, went to Character, and started selecting my tool skins.

Watch the attached GIF to see how the "Proper" welder skin doesn't initially equip. Perhaps the previous skin didn't unequip properly? There were 2 checkmarks for a sec when reselecting the (already equipped) Pharaoh welder near the end.


Hello, AJman14!

Thank you for the GIF, that shows it perfectly. I have tried to reproduce the issue with the use of the 'Proper' welder skin. Unfortunately, mine is changing as expected. I can't ask for a save file as it's clearly in the main menu. This makes it quite difficult.

Would you be able to try the following to see if this makes a difference at all? These are quite general tips but we always suggest them just to make sure.

  • Verify your game files in Steam

  • Right click on Space Engineers in Steam Library → Properties → Local Files → Verify Integrity of Game Files


  • Delete SpaceEngineers.cfg file

  • It means your game configuration will be deleted
  • You can access your SpaceEngineers.cfg by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.

  • Delete ShaderCache folder

  • Back up your whole Space Engineers Roaming folder and delete it
  • Restart Steam
  • Update graphic drivers
  • Reinstall the game
  • Make sure your operating system is fully updated

Please let me know how you get on :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hi Laura,

Remember, this bug seems really random*. It's never the same skin, so don't focus too much on the "Proper" skin. Sometimes I had to select different tool skins 20 times before the issue occurred, other times it happened within 1-5 selections.

I seem to notice the bug most when I select skins in the something like following pattern: (1), (2), (1), (3), (1), (4), etc.

(1) works fine, but sometimes (3), (4), etc. won't load until I go back to (1) and again select the skin that had the issue.

Notice the pattern in the previously posted GIF - (1) Pharaoh, (2) Miner, (1) Pharaoh, (3) Proper [Issue], (1) Pharaoh, (3) Proper [Fixed]

* Using Pharaoh or Golden skins as the "central" skin (1) in the pattern seems to cause it to happen more often - perhaps a more complex skin causes a caching issue?

Steps I've taken per your suggestion:

  • Verify your game files in Steam
    All 32,612 files validated successfully. No files were patched.
  • Delete SpaceEngineers.cfg file
    No change
  • Delete ShaderCache folder
    Doesn't exist, and ShaderCache2 is empty
  • Back up your whole Space Engineers Roaming folder and delete it
    No change, although I noticed a HUGE speed increase in loading the game and Character screen. (I probably have too many saves... or the game menu needs optimization.)
  • Restart Steam
    No change
  • Update graphic drivers
    Updated several times since I first encountered the issue, including 1 month ago (to the day). That should be recent enough. (I don't like to update unless there's a glaring bug I need to fix - but I don't play SE anymore, so it's not worth updating again after just 1 month.)
  • Reinstall the game
    No change, except maybe even worse now. (Also, oof - 15.29 GB download size)
  • Make sure your operating system is fully updated
    I had the issue on 2 different installs of Windows 10, including what would've been a fresh and fully updated one since the issue first occurred.

Thank you so much for looking into this, Laura!

- Aaron

P.S. You can use Shift+Enter to make a line-break in a list without creating a new bullet point. Useful for instructions.


  • Delete ShaderCache folder
    Same access as SpaceEngineers.cfg


Hello, AJman14!

I really appreciate the response. I also note that yours not in line with entering and leaving a cockpit. Does this happen at all in his instance?

I have tried with your steps and managed to reproduce it only once. This was after changing my character skin too to golden. Unfortunately, this was a one-off and after a large amount of time, have only managed it once.

Does this happen when you start the game or, are you coming off of an extended play session? I'm trying to think of other things that could factor in! Your first comment was just after launch I notice.

Kind Regards,

Laura, QA Department


Hi Laura!

Thanks for continuing to test this. The fact that you were able to reproduce the bug - even once - shows that it is a common issue. That's good to know.

The reason I was testing this in the Character screen instead of a cockpit is because it takes a lot less time for me. The bugs were happening at the same time and it's always related to displaying an equipped skin, so I assume it's the same issue.

It was previously also happening when switching tools in-hand. I didn't get that to happen in my testing just now, but I also didn't try for very long.

Anyway, yes. I just tested it with a cockpit. The Pharaoh Welder skin was set to default upon exiting the cockpit on around the 5th attempt.

I tested it 5 or so minutes after loading the save. I seem to recall it was happening just the same during long sessions. (That's also probably why I was initially so frustrated at the issue. If it only happened on load-in and cleared up after 10 or so minutes, I wouldn't have really cared.)

Thanks again,

- Aaron


Hello, Engineers,

as this issue is rather old now, as well as last comments from your side, can I please ask if any of you are still experiencing this issue?

If yes, is it still the very same as written above; jsut hopping in and out of the cockpit?

Thanks for any additional information.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Did this issue get addressed in any recent updates? If not, it's probably still a problem.

I helped test this with Laura K from the QA Department 3 months ago, and never heard if it was looked into beyond that.

In those tests, you'll notice that it is not only related to the cockpit, and also happens in the main menu character screen.

Please don't close this thread until the issue is absolutely 100% fixed and mentioned as such in an update.


- Aaron


Hello, AJman14!

We greatly appreciate your kind contribution to this thread and your sharing all the prominent information here.

Since few skins (including Tool skins like Lava, Pharaoh) have been removed, could you kindly confirm if you are still experiencing the issue with the currently available skins?

Concerning the issue related to the tool skin reverting to default on entering & leaving the cockpit, does it usually happen on Single Player / Lobby / DS, and at which graphic setting (Low/Mid/High)?

It would be a great help if you could share the screen recording/video when experiencing this issue.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello! I wasn't able to trigger the issue just now, although I didn't try very extensively. I'm also on a new system.

Could you clarify what you mean by skins being removed? I was able to equip them in my character editor. (I'd be pretty upset if I couldn't, as I spent money on some of them.) Were they removed from the drop pool? If so, why? When were they removed?

Either way, though, if the bug were to trigger on those skins, it would still need to be patched.

Is it possible to reopen this issue if the bug remains in-game? If so, I personally wouldn't mine you closing it for now. It's over 4 years old.


- Aaron


Hello, AJman14,

thanks for your reply.

This issue shall indeed be fixed as you can see here1 and here2.

I will close this thread now, as the issue is already fixed.

But if you encounter it again, please do not hesitate to open new thread with providing all the needed information.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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