Suit/tools losing skin on respawn

Dorian Mac Rae shared this bug 4 years ago

Hey, the problem with suits suddenly losing the chosen skin is not new to me, but for some days now I loose it everytime I'm dying and even sometimes when leaving a cockpit/control seat. It's really annoying, playing in the fiber suit with green emissives but everytime I go to third person I'm wearing this neon green generic suit again. Same issue for the tools.

BTW playing in SP survival.

Replies (7)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


The exact same thing happens to me. In single player, offline survival. On death, my suit skin resets to lime green, and tools to their generic purple welder, etc. Also happens on leaving cockpit sometimes, and after major updates on occasion.


I am still having this. I keep setting my skins for tools and suit and lose it all the time. In where i am doing a survival series on Twitch and die alot, I keep losing my immersion/character when im having to change my suit skin back


Hello, engineers!

Thanks for sharing your issues with us. We manage to reproduce it so we put it into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


We're getting close to celebrating its one year anniversary, how is this still not fixed? It's been months and months, several paid dlcs and updates containing skins, yet they're still constantly lost and you have to reapply them over and over, eventually just not bothering because it's getting too tedious. This really needs to get fixed. If you're simply not able to fix it, then at least let us know, so we can stop bothering buying new skins.


Still happening with me. I use the Proper skins for both my suit and my tools, and the color is white. Whenever I die, the suit loses the skin, AND changes to red. The tools will also randomly lose the skins as well. Really wish this was fixed by now


Hello, Engineers!

This issue shall be already fixed with new game version (v199.020). Closing this thread, now as fixed - for the skins on the character. We also have separate ticket for rarely loosing skins on tools, than unfortunately didn´t make it to this update.

If you are still experiencing it even on the newest version, please let us know either by commenting here or opening completely new thread (that´s the better option for us).

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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