Missing "Toolbar action" on "Remote Control Block"

EDGE shared this bug 3 years ago

Waypoint "Reset" is missing as a possible toolbar action and some of the actions like "Main Cockpit On/Off" don't make a lot of sense as it's not a cockpit..

Replies (2)


"Main Cockpit" is a IMyShipController value, and remote blocks inherit that. So thats why that exists (it can be used to determine which is supposed to be the Main controller of a ship).

Although having Waypoint Reset missing from the list of toolbar actions is odd. Maybe it was removed for fear if accidental pressing would clear all waypoints (a bad thing to happen by accident).


Given the fact that you already have an action called "Main Remote Control" On/Off I dont see the how having a "Main Cockpit" On/Off on the "Remote Control" makes any sense. Also "Resetting" the "Way points" doesn't clear or erase them but resets the ship to start from the first waypoint. So there is no reason to fear that you would accidentally hit something that you purposely want to have on you toolbar.


Oh, Reset isnt the "Clear All Waypoints" style action? Hmm. Yeah, then it makes sense to have "Go Back To Start" as an action indeed.

As for the "Main" differences, I'm sure theres a reason. Being a main remote doesnt necessarily mean its allowing full main cockpit rules. It could just be the main remote used when you remote in (in case there are multiple remotes). Being the main cockpit as well would mean that anyone who remotes in, could override someone who may happen to be sitting in a non-main cockpit (who was once flying the ship). So, a main remote + main cockpit means whomever remotes in, gains entire full control over any other cockpits/remotes on that grid.

Too many options can lead to too much nonsense though!


Hello, Engineers!

I checked the option(s) that you are mentioning here and indeed there is Reset waypoint missing and it could be definitely used in some cases. So I did put it into the bug that is in our internal system.

As for the "Main cockpit" I have to side here with Frigidman as it has to be there in order to be able to control other functions related to cockpit like thrusters, wheels, hand break and such. Also if you have more cockpits on the grid, and still want to use the side cockpits/left them usable for other players.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

We’re pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved in version 205.

As such, we’ll be closing this thread.

If you encounter any other issues with the game, please don’t hesitate to start a new thread here on the forum—we’re always happy to assist!

Happy engineering!

Kind regards,

Keen Software House - QA Department

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