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Edit world settings button disabled in load screen

Space Ork shared this bug 4 years ago

Since Wasteland update, scripted worlds have Edit Settings button disabled (Publish button too) in load screen. You can't start Frostbite scenario or Never surrender offline now and later change it to multiplayer, so you can play with friends. You can't add helpful mods (like BuildInfo and Build Vision 2.5) that your game is quite dependent on to be bearable. Since the game is looking for scenario scripts in the save file on selection, load screen is even more laggy. Would you mind not making the game worse than it is, please?

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Replies (19)



Thank you for contacting us. I reported your issue, we will address it as soon as possible.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I'm having the same problems with Never Surrender (I don't have other scenarios in my list), but customs are working fine. I'm also having long delays between choices on the Load screen.


waiting for a fix aswell


Yup, my never surrender is bugged as well. Can't edit the world anymore and we wanted to add a few mods.

Option is grayed out.


Same here. Did anyone find some workaround?


Я наоборот, поставил мод на пробу, а теперь не могу удалить :(


Same Here! Can't edit any options in my saves.


Looks like the game is saving in the wrong file. my save wasn't even in the usual save folder. i started a new world and saved it, ran a search and found it here -> C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\CustomWorlds\Mars Planet\test save.


i would suggest making a new bug report for that issue (if one does not already exist), since it is a different issue to the settings menu being disabled


Hi - just wanted to say that this is a pretty significant feature for me, and is one of the issues preventing me from using the new update or getting the Wasteland DLC (since the DLC requires 1.197) - i am sure that you guys are planning to reinstate the feature soon, but of course i understand there is a priority (with more game breaking issue higher up) - so i just wanted to add my support for this issue being important.

Kind Regards


We are not really gonna play nor propose our friends to join in until you fix this issue.

Without many mods the game is dull, empty and well - bugged.

The lack of Enchanced Encounters, Build Vision or small connectors pack is unbearable, not mentioning the great number of fantastic blocks and fixes you did not included in the game. Players fixed and filled your plain game with their fantastic content and you cut us away from it.


Hi - Could you please confirm if you intend to reinstate the ability to edit settings and use mods with scenario saves?

Your QA representative in their reply to the following ticket stated that it is intentional behaviour:

could you please confirm whether they were referring to not being able to modify settings or load mods when initially starting a scenario (behaviour which has been in place for a long time and is understood as the default), or if they were referring to editing settings (and adding mods) for scenario saves, which is a feature which was removed in the 1.197 update

please confirm either way since for many people this is significant, and a feature which may have prevented many from purchasing previous content (e.g. Frostbite) if they knew it would be removed, since many people have impairments (e.g. control or visual) which require mods or settings changes to enjoy the game (or in some case just to be able to play it), above and beyond the other reasons that players may have for modifying settings or using mods

please confirm if you are not intending to reinstate this feature, or if the QA representative simply misunderstood what the poster was asking

Kind Regards


I have just noticed that the status of this ticket has been changed from "Reproduced - Awaiting Fix" to "Submitted"

Is this an indication that you are now not planning to reinstate the feature? I assumed since it was a significant feature that was removed without being included in the patch notes that it was a mistake.

If it was in fact deliberate then please consider instead to simply require experimental mode to be activated in order for the Edit Settings button to be enabled for scenario saves, instead of arbitrarily removing such a significant feature

Kind Regards


We are currently evaluating the impact of this change and will provide more information as it becomes available.


Thanks for the update. And further to my suggestion to require experimental mode, i think it would not be unreasonable to go further and have a separate checkbox with a warning to reenable these features for scenario saves (since i understand the desire to prevent users from accidentally making changes which will change the default experience)

Kind Regards


If you want to keep it in some way, move the indicator in save file to sandbox_config so the load screen lag is gone at least and people who want to get rid of it have easier time deleting it.


Also, I think those of us who choose not to play on Nitrados laggy servers, as well as paying for it, should have access to the modded blocks that others are getting to enjoy. At LEAST in the form of paid willing to pay as long as we can get them. I dont play on Nitrado servers bc of the extreme instability and bugged to the max servers....just the standard multiplayer that came with the game, it's absolutely more stable.


For anyone looking for a fix for the Edit Settings issue - see this post on the Steam Forum:


Спасибо !!! :)


This restriction not to be allowed to edit the world/save settings from within the game is too severe! You already have the "experimental" option that people have to acknowledge to be able to expand the game beyond normal/tested/reliable levels. Why be so restrictive all of a sudden now? At the very least allow this "<IsVanilla>true</IsVanilla>" config option to be changed in the menu (with a disclaimer of potentially unreliable experiences if need be) and open up the possibility of tweaking the save as it was.

If I am unable to edit these settings from within the game I will not buy any (new) DLC in the future that have a new mission as part of it's features.


Bring back the option to edit setting in scenarios


Is now an experimental feature in latest release - thanks Keen! :-)


unfortunately i must temper my thanks based on the unfortunate additional new feature you saw fit to add in this update

there's no need to go into details since it is well covered across all the forums

but it is saddening


to clarify i have unfortunately had to take the decision to stop playing the game following the latest update, since there is not even the option to keep the game locked at a version of 1.197 prior to crossplay since this update was for some reason decided to be 1.197.1 instead of 1.198 (which would make far more sense since it is a major feature)

really the fixes for the PC related bugs from 1.197 should have been 1.197.076 and crossplay and related features (and any bug fixes specific to XBox since i assume they have no choice in their version) should have been 1.198 to allow PC users to opt out of crossplay but still retain access to the Wasteland update (and DLC which they may have purchased)

so someone else will need to confirm if this hotfix worked



this should be fixed on currently released version (197.168). Could you confirm if it's working for you? Player should be able to edit settings in the experimental mode.

Thank you!

Keen Software House: QA Department

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