Base was deleted after drone moved a specific distance away.

Bruce shared this bug 3 months ago

As specified in the title, once moving a drone more than a certain distance away (~20km) my base would randomly become deleted. Note that not all of my owned bases were deleted, just one that I had converted from a planetary encounter (the supply depot). This is shown in the attached video.

This occurred on both a modded save (See mod list below, primarily QOL mods), but also occurring on a copy of the save with all mods removed and scripts turned off (Experimental mode still on).

I am completely lost as to why this was happening, and why it happened to only one base.

I have also provided the save file for testing. To mimic the behaviour, control the "Drone" from the supply depot base (I was sitting in the corner console chair if that makes a difference) and fly it towards the friendly outpost. At around 20km away the base will be deleted.

(Edit: Added log file)

Mod List:



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Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for reporting this issue. We were able to reproduce it and it will be forwarded to our dev team for investigation. The thread will be updated once we have more information.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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