Graphic driver error crash

HighLigerBimBam shared this bug 3 months ago
Won't Fix

Hi i keep getting a game crash with the messaage graphic driver error or overheating. I can confirm that my GPU is not overheating at 50 degree. It also only does happen, when the world became bigger. I have not issues in other more demanding games.

Attached the Log and the dmg file.

Replies (3)


Hello engineer,

Thank you for writing to us.

Upon reviewing the shared log file, we noticed that multiple MODs/Scripts were active in the world save where you experienced the crash. Crashes in modded worlds can occur for various reasons, for instance, the MODs active in your world may be broken, obsolete, or incompatible with the latest game version.

As a workaround, please ensure that your GPU drivers and operating system are up to date. Additionally, try lowering the game's graphics quality by following these steps;

From the game's main menu, go to Options > Graphics > select Low or Medium from the Quality Presets dropdown > click OK to confirm. Then, load the modded world where you initially encountered the crash.

If the crash persists in the modded world, please create a new vanilla (unmodded) world and check if the crash still occurs. If it does not, it’s likely that one or more MODs/Scripts are causing the issue in the modded world (please note, that we do not provide support for MODs, as its MOD creator's responsibility to keep their MODs compatible with the game's latest version).

However, if the crash still occurs in the vanilla world (while being in the Low or Medium graphics quality preset), please send us the latest log from when the crash occurred.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello engineer,

as there has been no reply to this thread in some time, we will close it. If you're experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Bonjour j'ai peut être la solution qui ne nécessite aucune contrepartie au niveau des graphismes

il suffit de rajouter une clé registre TdrDelay : 10

  1. Accédez simplement à votre registre : Démarrer --> Exécuter --> Tapez "Regedit".
  2. Accédez à "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers " et créez une clé de type "DWORD (32 bits)" et nommez " TdrDelay " avec une valeur de * 10 . * comme valeur décimale.
    ça évite que Windows redémarre le pilote graphique ou quelque chose comme ca
    ca l'air de marcher pour le moment mais si mes crash revienne je le signalerai en attendant j'espère que ca pourra aider d'autre personne


Merci beaucoup, c'est peut-être une solution


ne marche pas. ce que j'ai remarquer c'est que quand je joue a space.e la Vram de ma carte graphique ne se libère pas elle monte en continu j'jusqu'au point de rupture qui mène a ce code d'erreur, le jeu doit surement accumuler les texture et ne les décharge pas ce qui fait que quand les graphisme sont élevé ca crash beaucoup plus vite

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