world not spawning trade stations

Cameron Weston shared this bug 4 months ago
Need More Information

We have a custom world on a Dedicated server (gas giant, surrounded by moons), and all players (15+) have not been able to find a single trading station. The Contact encounters spawn without issue, but no stations. Nothing shows up on entity list, nobody has found a datapad with a location, nothing. Is there a way to force them to spawn? I know they arent spawned traditionally, is it possible to transplant their locations on the save file? If so where can i find it? Thanks all for your time.

Steps taken

Global PCU has been set to 1B since launch, no limits

respawned over and over to try to get a coordinates datapad, nothing from all players

made sure settings were set properly for economy and spawns, only spawn not turned on is wolves

Dedicated Server is run on dedicated, owned hardware

Modlist is kept light, nothing that should interfere

Replies (5)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


I’m having the same issue with my worlds too. Can you help me with that?


I also have this issue, i use star system generator mod, with economy turned off, in creative.

i then remove SSG, turn on survival, and turn on economy, and nothing shows up, even if i dont use any other mods, its like economy is broken since contact


Can you also bring me to Q&A as well?


@Cameron Weston I'm also a Server owner myself but question for you.. When you created your world.. Did you turn off eco before adding planets to a new world and then turn the eco back on? If you haven't try it.. It will save you and the others many hours.


Just to make sure before i start

turn off eco -> save and run -> turn eco back on -> save run

Or should i turn off -> save run -> add new planet -> save run -> turn on eco -> save run


Create an empty world and turn off everything and go ahead spawn in your planets/moons and once you like the layout go ahead and save it. Then re+enable the features.


I believe i had it turned off prior when started, though i would hate to try and remake the entire system with players online and ruin their bases and ships. Ill remember that for next session


You can create a new world to test. It doesn't have to be as extensive as your server.

  1. Start a new game in the Empty Space start, make sure Economy is OFF before you load the game.
  2. Then load the game, place a planet somewhere, save and exit.
  3. Turn Economy on.
  4. Start the game, respawn, check for datapad.


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for reaching out to us with this problem.

Besides the advice above, you can check the locations of trade stations in Sanbox.sbc file in your save foulder.

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Saves. There should be a folder with your saves. In the Sandbox.sbc file you can find factions of your world and search for myobjectbuilder_station where should be information for the economy stations. The stations are generated on/near planets, that's why you need some planet already present when the economy is generated.

Please let us know if this helped.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department.



Upon searching this, we have no stations in the list. 5 Planets are present on the server currently.



Could you please try creating a new world with the same setup, but with the economy turned off initially? Then, create the planets and enable the economy to see if they spawn correctly. You can keep the old server, we just need to know if this could fix it.

Additionally, could you attach your save file? To locate it, type %appdata% in the Windows search bar, which will redirect you to the hidden Roaming folder. Then navigate to: \Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Saves. There you should find the save folder. Please zip the file and attach it here.

Thank you!


I can confirm there is a bug with this,. Patrick also confimed

"Keen managed to bork up this process with the Contact update. Waiting to see what their response is, if any. I've confirmed this problem exists even in games with no mods at all. If you turn Economy on after the game starts, the stations aren't spawned correctly."

You can open the sandbox.sbc file for the game and see there are positions for stations all over the game, and if you travel to those locations, you'll find the stations. But they aren't spawning near the player or on the planets like they should.

Keen also changed the spawn distances and frequencies, so you won't get as many as you used to. I'm not sure the exact details, but if you spawn on the moon, normally you could expect about 6 stations around it, now that number is closer to 2.

But this is only for games that start with Economy enabled. Hopefully Keen fixes this, as it makes it impossible to get Economy stations on any modded planets now (regardless if they are added by SSG or added by hand with admin / creative powers).


Even when following the correct procedures (new empty game with Economy off, add planet, save & exit, turn Economy on, restart game, respawn), players don't start with an initial datapad. This is because there are no stations nearby.

The station coordinates are created and added to the sandbox file, however the coordinates are EXTREMELY spread out, they no longer appear on or near planets. But if you copy the coordinates from the sandbox file and then fly to that location in the game, you'll find a station there.

So the problem isn't really with the datapads not spawning. It's the fact that there are no stations nearby (possibly because the Economy system isn't identifying the planets as places to put stations), so the game doesn't give you any datapads.

I have replicated this problem 10/10 in purely vanilla games with no mods at all.


Same experience as Patrick. Custom solar system, followed the correct procedure for spawning trade stations. Thought at first there weren't any because nobody got a datapad on spawn and all the planets seemed to be empty. But on further investigation, there are trade stations, they're just scattered randomly throughout the map. None of them are anywhere near planets.


What information is still missing to replicate this bug and start fixing it? Would really like to get playing a more interesting solar system.


Here's some new information:

I was trying to create an unmodded save file to illustrate the problem and I noticed something very interesting. I created a new Empty World with Economy disabled, then checked the save file to ensure there were no stations. I was rather surprised to discover that there were stations listed in the save file even with Economy turned off. When I went to the GPS location of one of the stations, there was nothing there, but after enabling Economy in a copy of the save, a station appeared in that exact spot. It's no wonder custom-spawned planets aren't getting stations if the station locations are being chosen on the empty map before Economy is enabled.

I've attached a copy of the save file, with economy disabled, and station locations already listed.


Talked to some people about this in the Keen Discord and someone did some testing to provide more data. I am sharing it with their permission.

so... a test I did just now
vanilla star system, eco enabled after world generation:
26 planetary outpost stations
16 orbital stations
21 space stations
5 mining stations
for a total of 68 trade stations
10 of which are deep space stations
modded star system with a stack of planets generated by starsystemgenerator:
0 planetary outposts
0 orbital stations
57 space stations
5 mining stations
for a total of 62 trade stations
11 of which are deep space stations

however...  the spawn pod doesnt have a datapad in the seat
They even took the time to dig out all the GPS coordinates from the SBC file and compare them:

I put all the positions in a spreadsheet and did some maths on their distance from origin. all values in km
as you can see there wasnt really any difference, I imagine the greater minimum distance from 0 in the modded one was because there wasnt a planet at 0,0,0 like in the star system start
vanilla star system
average:    3445.4
std dev:    2467.6
minimum:    59.5
maximum:    9979.5

modded world
average:    4812.6
std dev:    2096.5
minimum:    1342.1
maximum:    9827.5

No idea if this helps or not, but I'm just trying to throw data out there since the bug is still listed as "Needs more information."


Hi, everyone,

Thank you for all the information provided.

Following the Contact Update (205), there are new steps for adding economy stations to a custom world. If you want to create your own world and later add economy stations, you must follow these updated instructions:

  1. Start a new Empty World with the following settings disabled: Economy, Cargo Ships, Planetary Encounters, Random Encounters. Also, set the Global Encounters Cap to 0 to disable global encounters.
  2. In the world, place planets and any other objects you want.
  3. Save the world.
  4. Exit to the main menu (or stop the server). Then, go to Load Game - Advanced Settings (or Server Manager) and enable the economy and encounters.
  5. Join the game again. Economy stations should now spawn. You may need to move closer to a planet, but NPC stations should appear.
  • When creating your world, check the Sandbox.sbc file in your save. There should be no <MyObjectBuilder_Station> entry. If it’s present, some encounter settings were not fully disabled.
  • The entries will be added after you enable the stations and restart the game (it may take a moment to appear in the file).

Unfortunately, adding economy stations to a custom world is impossible if the settings weren’t disabled as described above. Previously, you could just turn off the economy, but that's no longer sufficient due to recent changes to NPCs.

Hopefully this helps! If the issue persists even after following these steps, please let us know.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department.


This is very helpful! Thank you very much.


After some further testing, it turns out you can still add stations to an existing world where they were generated incorrectly:

1. Open your save file and delete the entire <Factions> block (the outer one!)

2. Find the line "<GenerateFactionsOnStart>false</GenerateFactionsOnStart>", and set it to "true"

Upon reloading the game, new stations will spawn, and respect your planets.

In the screenshot:

  • Orange = Space
  • Yellow = Orbital
  • Green = Outpost
  • Red = Mining

So it seems stations are now in the right places. I visited several to confirm.

My request to the devs: simplify this process by simply adding a "refresh economy" button to the admin panel.


Ooh! Nice! I've had a few people ask how to do this (and have had a few accidents where I needed to do it myself), and the standard answer has always been "can't do it." So, this is really awesome. Thank James!

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