Planetary Installations not spawning for different reasons

erlgrey shared this bug 4 months ago

initially we started with default spawn settings settings and GE was spawning, Planetary Installations not a single one. usually following error/info:

[INFO] Keen: Exhausted NPC PCUs. Installation will not spawn.

after tweaking pcu limits usually:

07:30:59.2887 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P6_OreProcessingFacility' at 'EarthLike'

07:30:59.2887 [DEBUG] Keen: Planet does not match

08:40:56.5960 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P11_VanguardOutpost_Moon' at 'Alien'

08:40:56.5960 [DEBUG] Keen: Player elevation is higher than desired spawn range

08:59:16.1648 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P12_MilitaryWatchtower' at 'EarthLike'

08:59:16.1648 [DEBUG] Keen: Spawn skipped due to area occupation (6)

09:04:19.4992 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P12_MilitaryWatchtower' at 'Alien'

09:04:19.4992 [DEBUG] Keen: Spawn skipped due to area occupation (8)

09:15:05.9677 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P26_HaulerWreck' at 'Alien'

09:15:05.9677 [DEBUG] Keen: Player elevation is higher than desired spawn range

09:20:45.5021 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P18_FrozenShuttle' at 'EarthLike'

09:20:45.5021 [DEBUG] Keen: Spawn skipped due to area occupation (8)

09:38:41.0519 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P18_FrozenShuttle' at 'Alien'

09:38:41.0519 [DEBUG] Keen: Player elevation is higher than desired spawn range

09:57:24.1535 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P6_OreProcessingFacility_Moon' at 'EarthLike'

09:57:24.1535 [DEBUG] Keen: Spawn skipped due to area occupation (8)

09:59:40.5995 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P4_ProcessingPlant_Moon' at 'Alien'

09:59:40.5995 [DEBUG] Keen: Player elevation is higher than desired spawn range

10:02:36.4156 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P27_TradeRunnerWreck' at 'EarthLike'

10:02:36.4156 [DEBUG] Keen: Spawn skipped due to area occupation (8)

10:15:35.3180 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P6_OreProcessingFacility_Moon' at 'Alien'

10:15:35.3180 [DEBUG] Keen: Player elevation is higher than desired spawn range

10:17:39.2852 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P4_ProcessingPlant' at 'EarthLike'

10:17:39.2852 [DEBUG] Keen: Spawn skipped due to area occupation (8)

10:23:59.3022 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P3_ManufacturingFacility' at 'EarthLike'

10:23:59.3022 [DEBUG] Keen: Spawn skipped due to area occupation (8)


Keen: SpawnPlanetaryInstallation failed: couldn't resolve ownership for spawn group 'P2_StorageDepot' Keen: SpawnPlanetaryInstallation failed: couldn't resolve ownership for spawn group 'P1_SupplyPost' Keen: SpawnPlanetaryInstallation failed: couldn't resolve ownership for spawn group 'P7_FieldResearchOutpost'

still not a single Planetary Installation spawned yet.

mostly due to these both errors

[DEBUG] Keen: Spawn skipped due to area occupation (8)


Keen: SpawnPlanetaryInstallation failed: couldn't resolve ownership for spawn group 'P2_StorageDepot' Keen: SpawnPlanetaryInstallation failed: couldn't resolve ownership for spawn


Torch DS


tried to tweak the PCU and encounter settings a bit while i tried to get it working properly, started with default settings initially.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<MyObjectBuilder_WorldConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Settings xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_SessionSettings">
      <dictionary />
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Relative Top Speed">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Windturbine Balance">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Welder no eye damage (remove/delete flashes/glare/strob)">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="UfoL's Bullet Trails (Tracers) - Orange">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Textured Build States">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Sneaky Sounds - Quieter Tools">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Skybox Gallente HD + Milky Way 16k">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Paint Gun - realistic painting for survival + special creative features">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Long Range Searchlight">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Improved Interior Turrets">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="HudLcd - Display your LCD text on your HUD!">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="High-power Spotlight">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="GV Inventory Sorter">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Edge Be Gone! (No armor edges)">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Easy Block Renaming">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Clean and Vibrant Post Processing">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Camera Panning - rotate camera view (+reset 1st person character view)">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Block Picker">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Text HUD API">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Autofill Bottles">
    <ModItem FriendlyName="Prospector 2">
  <SessionName>first contact</SessionName>

Replies (9)


funnily in the meanwhile i got one successful spawn.

i analysed todays server log.

43 PI Spawn Attempts total:

11x Player elevation is higher than desired spawn range (legit maybe?)

13x Spawn skipped due to area occupation

18x SpawnPlanetaryInstallation failed: couldn't resolve ownership for spawn group


ONE(!!!!!!1) successful spawn

15:23:30.3698 [DEBUG] Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P27_TradeRunnerWreck' at 'Alien'

15:23:30.3698 [DEBUG] Keen: Planet does not match

15:23:30.3698 [DEBUG] Keen: Constraints failed for the current prefab, resampling

15:23:30.3698 [DEBUG] Keen: Planet does not match

15:23:30.3708 [DEBUG] Keen: Voxel material 'AlienGreenGrass' is not allowed

15:23:30.3708 [DEBUG] Keen: Constraints failed for the current prefab, resampling

15:23:30.3708 [INFO] Keen: Prefab spawn scheduled for surface position: X:71801.81640625 Y:145682.103515625 Z:5732308.59155273

15:23:30.9238 [INFO] Keen: Installation 'P26_HaulerWreck' spawned, remaining PCU: 193431

3 players on the server over 3 days triggered one succesful spawn, i guess there is some room for improvement.


By default settings, do you mean the PCU settings from a game save created after the Contact update? I'm on a hosted server and they still had the pre-Contact default PCU settings with larger numbers for pirates and Economy stations. I copied over the new values from Contact. We had 4 players and two planetary spawns in 2-3 days, roughly similar than you.


i created a new save locally, set it up, copied it over to my server.

from the generated sandbox_config.sbc and this is what i started with initially:




changed the settings quite drastically in the meanwhile, also trying out if helps. not sure about that, still many errors like

12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Attempting to spawn planetary installation 'P12_MilitaryWatchtower_Moon' at 'Alien'
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Planet does not match
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Voxel material 'AlienGreenGrass' is not allowed
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Constraints failed for the current prefab, resampling
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Planet does not match
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Voxel material 'AlienGreenGrass' is not allowed
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Constraints failed for the current prefab, resampling
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Voxel material 'AlienGreenGrass' is not allowed
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Constraints failed for the current prefab, resampling
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Voxel material 'AlienGreenGrass' is not allowed
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Constraints failed for the current prefab, resampling
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Planet does not match
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Voxel material 'Rock' is not allowed
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Constraints failed for the current prefab, resampling
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Planet does not match
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Voxel material 'Sand' is not allowed
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Constraints failed for the current prefab, resampling
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Planet does not match
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Voxel material 'AlienGreenGrass' is not allowed
12:01:31.6209 [DEBUG]  Keen: Constraints failed for the current prefab, resampling
12:01:31.6209 [ERROR]  Keen: SpawnPlanetaryInstallation failed: couldn't resolve ownership for spawn group 'P4_ProcessingPlant'


    <GlobalEncounterTimer>15</GlobalEncounterTimer>    <GlobalEncounterCap>1</GlobalEncounterCap>    <GlobalEncounterEnableRemovalTimer>true</GlobalEncounterEnableRemovalTimer>    <GlobalEncounterMinRemovalTimer>90</GlobalEncounterMinRemovalTimer>    <GlobalEncounterMaxRemovalTimer>180</GlobalEncounterMaxRemovalTimer>    <GlobalEncounterRemovalTimeClock>30</GlobalEncounterRemovalTimeClock>    <EncounterDensity>0.35</EncounterDensity>    <EncounterGeneratorVersion>6</EncounterGeneratorVersion>    <EnablePlanetaryEncounters>true</EnablePlanetaryEncounters>    <PlanetaryEncounterTimerMin>5</PlanetaryEncounterTimerMin>    <PlanetaryEncounterTimerMax>15</PlanetaryEncounterTimerMax>    <PlanetaryEncounterExistingStructuresRange>2000</PlanetaryEncounterExistingStructuresRange>    <PlanetaryEncounterAreaLockdownRange>2000</PlanetaryEncounterAreaLockdownRange>    <PlanetaryEncounterDesiredSpawnRange>20000</PlanetaryEncounterDesiredSpawnRange>    <PlanetaryEncounterPresenceRange>70000</PlanetaryEncounterPresenceRange>    <PlanetaryEncounterDespawnTimeout>120</PlanetaryEncounterDespawnTimeout>

    <TotalPCU>0</TotalPCU>    <PiratePCU>200000</PiratePCU>    <GlobalEncounterPCU>100000</GlobalEncounterPCU>


= 51 PI spawn attempts today so far,

5 successful!



on a scrapyard server i solved the ownership issue forcing each planetary encounter grid to join SpacePirates faction.

for all the grids that were designed to join a FactionType that seem to cause issues.

you have to modify the SpawnGroups_PlanetaryEncounters.sbc file, in the game file of the server.

There is a little guide in this file explaining how to force faction.

This is also the file that let you tweak all sort of things relative to planetary encounters.

hope this will help you.


made something like that and immediately got 4 spawns.

lets see.


still one failed then..

so gonna try that: now.


Hello, Engineer!

Thanks for reaching out to us with this issue.

- Is the issue still occurring? There were recent changes to encounters in update 1.205.026, as well as fixes related to Torch.

- The message indicating that a planetary encounter was skipped isn’t necessarily an issue. It’s just an informational notice, meaning the encounter didn’t meet certain requirements (such as mismatched planet or voxel material, the player being too high above the surface, or another grid occupying the spawn area).

Here are some general troubleshooting steps for addressing issues with Planetary Encounters (PEs) that may prevent them from appearing:

- Explore the surrounding area – PEs do not spawn near your base or other existing stations. Try moving around the area, as the default spawn range is about 6 km from the player and up to 10 km from static grids. Also, if you're too high above the planet's surface, encounters won’t spawn. If you want a new PE, you can delete an existing one to allow a new one to spawn nearby.

- Reduce the number of NPC factions – Doing so will result in fewer Economy stations being generated, which can help reduce restrictions on the minimum distance required from other static grids.

- Check for corresponding factions – PEs will not spawn if the world lacks the required factions. Ensure that the world includes factions from categories like miners, traders, builders, military, and pirates. By default, worlds should include factions from each of these categories.

Please let us know if anything helped and if the issue is still present. Thank you very much.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department.


you might improved with latest update but still an issue.

i still use my mod which assigns everything to SPRT, to get around the faction ownership issue, and use tweaked spawn settings in sandbox_config.sbc to get something spawned.

it is really hard to find a balance between no spawns and "way too many spawns" though.

we had yesterday 77 spawn attempts and 3 successfull, all on triton for another player, we had not a single successful one on earth around our base."Spawn skipped due to area occupation"

our base is in a mountain/snow region, maybe that is not very spawn-friendly as well.


I'm sorry to hear about the issue still being present. Yes, the encounters might have a problem with spawning in areas around mountains, as they generally need to have a more flat surface and are spawned at the altitude of the player (so it would be a problem if there was only a valley there). The problem with factions might be with the old world save, and it might be necessary to have a new world so the factions are set up correctly.

However, would it be possible to provide us with the save of the world where the issue is happening, so we can look deeper into it? You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves (or SpaceEngineersDedicated\Saves). Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive and make the shared linked downloadable by anyone.

Thank you!

Kind regard,

Keen Software House: QA Department


the save is not old, has been created when contact update has been released.

it is essentially the save attached to the other ticket there, our start location is currently earthbase.

with vanilla PI spawn settings we barely see any spawns at all, with tweaked settings and mod which fixes mainly the faction issue, more than enough spawns.


I'm facing the same problem on my dedicated server, definitely seems like there's an issue going on.

I've realized there's no Planetary Encounters for months, when inspecting the logs, spawn fails every time in every log file I've checked.

For example, in the latest 5h session we had 13 spawn attempts and every single attempt fails with “Spawn skipped due to area occupation (8)”.

This is a 2 player server btw and our base is in a grassy / flattish area, so lack of suitable space around seems like a weird issue to have.

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