AI Recorder breaks when changing AI Flight Block Settings

erlgrey shared this bug 2 months ago

essentially copy of that topic, as i accidentially submitted a feedback instead.

when you change Collision Avoidance or Precision Mode settings it breaks AI Recorder functionality.


- if you have e.g. 4 waypoints and change Collision Avoidance and Precision Mode at waypoint 3, it won't continue to waypoint 4.

- if you manually control and change the Collision Avoidance or Precision Mode setting, then trigger AI Recorder (ai behavior + play on) - it breaks

- if it is broken it e.g. goes through waypoint 1-2-3-4 almost instantly without moving actually the grid, if you flip the settings of flight ai block "pre mode, collision avoidance" and trigger play again on the ai recorder block - it might work as intended again.

cut&pasting the grid fixes it, but just for a moment and not permanently, next change of said ai flight block settings breaks it again.

this worked perfectly fine with the same drones i used in signal update and appearently broke in contact.

grid: e.g. "redbroken"

i already tried many different settings, like where to change what setting, and the only way i can "reliably" use drones is keeping collision avoidance off and pre mode on, which is not really practical way as you essentially created suicide drones and it is just a matter of time when they gonna kill you or damage something.

Replies (2)


actually, not only ai recorder breaks but also ai basic block.

i set a patrol route with a few waypoints on the basic task, it fails to execute that task if i make changes like collision avoidance and precision mode.

it cycles through the gps waypoints almost instantly without even moving the ship.


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you. We have reproduced the issue and added it to our internal system. The thread will be updated once we have more information.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


is there an eta for the fix?


1.206 maybe?

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